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1. Answer the following questions

What is a blind spot?

Watch the first scene. What happened?

Who is Kurt Weller? Why was he called to check on Jane Doe?

Who is Jane Doe? Why do you think her body is like that when they found her?

2. What happens when they try to find out who Jane Doe is? Circle the correct options.
Scan DNA sample Check background information blood tests
fingerprints collection ID check up X-ray bones test for drugs

3. Complete these quotes while you watch the episode:

First scene:
Bomb Tech: No signs of ____________. _______________ manual inspection. Nothing anomalous on
the exterior. Okay, I'm gonna feel for wires, see what we're dealing with here.
Bomb Tech: [the bag moves, frightening the bomb tech to take a step back] Aah! There's
_________ in there!
[the bag unzips, as an arm reaches out, a female woman in the nude, covered in tattoos, steps
out into the lit street]
Bomb Tech: [the bomb tech screams] ________________! On your knees! __________________!
________________! On your knees! ___________________! Are you guys seeing this?
[the unidentified woman turns around, kneels down, with her hands on her head, scared]
Agent Weller holds a meeting for the FBI team to solve the questions surrounding Jane Doe]

[Agent Patterson holds down Jane Doe's hand for finger prints]
Patterson: [Patterson pushes down as Jane shudders] Does that hurt?
Jane Doe: Yes, they're - They're all a little ____________.
Patterson: Your tattoos?
Patterson: [Jane nods her head] I'm going to need to _____________ them.
Jane Doe: All of them?
[the scene cuts to Jane Doe holding her body open in the nude, being scanned for her tattoos]

[After they find her]

Kurt Weller: Who is Jane Doe? And why was she ____________ in Times Square for us to ______?
And why the hell is ______________ tattooed on ____________? All right, Reade, Zapata, you're on my
case histories. Now, you find out if anyone that I ______________ got out of prison recently. I don't
_________ any similar ________’s, but I could be __________ something. As for this Jane Doe, let's try to
squeeze some blood out of that stone.

[Agent Weller meets Jane Doe for the first time in questioning]
Kurt Weller: I'm ____________________ Kurt Weller. I'm the ________________ on your case.
Jane Doe: Please tell me you know what's going on. Who am I?
Kurt Weller: We don't know yet.
Jane Doe: All of these tests and you don't know anything?
Kurt Weller: We know that you're telling us the truth. We're certain of that now.
Jane Doe: Of course I am. Why would I...
Kurt Weller: Ma'am, there is no _____________ to your ____________. Or your ________. And
____________________ did not find you in any of our databases.

4. What do you think will happen now. Summarize it.

5. Now, based on what you saw on this episode, get the information you need and write a series review.

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