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Atom Clash of Titans

1 Boltman believed that everything is made of .....................................................................................................

2 100 yrs ago arguing atoms were real was a ……………………………………………………………………………………… because


3 Why did the question of whether atoms exist or not become important?...........................................................


4 (5.00) What did Boltzmann think?.......................................................................................................................

5 These equations plunged B and his colleagues into controversy why?................................................................


6 Boltzmann took his life in 1906 not knowing that................................................................................................

7 In 1905 …………………………. published 4 papers The one that made all the difference was is paper on B_________
M______ Describe what it had to do with Pollen grains........................................................................................


8 Einstein saw the B.M. was all about ________

9 The water was made of tiny atom like particles which were jiggling the pollen

10 His paper used …………………………….to show the .................................................................................................

11 How big are atoms?............................................................................................................................................

12 Who were the two scientists who met in Manchester in 1911?

13 ( 13.30) What did the two scientists have in common?.....................................................................................


14 When were X rays discovered?...........................................................................................................................

15 When was the electron discovered ....................................................................................................................

16 In 1896 what else was discovered? ....................................................................................................................

17 What were the two questions that Bohr wanted to answer about Rutherford’s atom model


18 (25) Why were matter and light related?............................................................................................................

19 What experimental results was Bohr to use to explain the atom.......................................................................


20 What did Bohr use to explain the idea of the quantum Jump ...........................................................................

21 Each line in the spectrum of hydrogen represents……........................................................................................

22 Not being able to visualise the atom lead to conflict between...........................................................................

23 (30 min) France. Louis de Broglie described the electron orbits as ....................................................................

24 Who were the young physicists that met in Copenhagen...................................................................................

25 Pauli did what.....................................................................................................................................................

26 What is a better name for Paulis discovery?.......................................................................................................

27 What two elements are one electron different and very

28 Each floor can only accommodate a set number of electron

29 Paulis principle is the basis of the whole of chemistry and biology

30 Pauli didn’t explain why his principle worked he said it “…………………………..”

31 The two sides led by two physicists....................................................................................................................

32 Schrödingersaid that the electron WAS the wave around the atom

 His formula was…..

 It contained a new concept called the ___________________________

33 The problem of the quantum jump was addressed by ……………………………………….. The strangeness of the quantum
jump should not be explained by a picture. He was prepared to give up any ____________ of the atom. Instead he
would use only …………………………………………….

34 On Helgerland he realised he had to invent a new

35 The two crucial numbers were the

where an electron is how fast it is moving

when you multiply these quantities.

36 What is the uncertainty principle? (50 min)

37 Atoms are not just unimaginable they are self contradicitn

when you are not looking at them they behave like................................................................................................

when you are looking at them they behave like .....................................................................................................

They can only be understood by .............................................................................................................................

38 In 1927 The Solvay conference

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