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Landscape Ecology 18: 1–15, 2003.

© 2003 Kluwer Academic Publishers. Printed in the Netherlands.

The effect of short-term socio-economic and demographic change on

landuse dynamics and its corresponding geomorphic response with
relation to water erosion in a tropical mountainous catchment, Ecuador

Veerle Vanacker 1,2,*, Gerard Govers 2, Sandra Barros 3, Jean Poesen 2 and Jozef Deckers 4
Fund for Scientific Research–Flanders (F.W.O.), Belgium; 2Laboratory for Experimental Geomorphology,
Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Leuven, Belgium; 3Empresa Publica Municipal de Telecomunicaciones, Agua
Potable y Alcantarillado del Canton Cuenca, Dirección de Gestión Ambiental, Cuenca, Ecuador; 4Institute for
Land and Water Management, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Leuven, Belgium; *Author for correspondence
Received 18 October 2001; accepted in revised form 4 February 2002

Key words: Aerial image analysis, Andes, Cuenca, Geomorphic response, Land use change, Suspended sediment
concentration, Water erosion


The analysis of aerial photographs over a 33-year period (1962–1995) shows that land use in the study catch-
ment is highly dynamic as a response to the land reform programs of the 1960s and 1970s and a strong popu-
lation increase. The secondary forest is increasingly replaced by grassland while old grasslands are now used as
cultivated land. Despite the increased pressure on the land, the upward movement of agricultural activity and the
concurrent deforestation, the overall forest cover did not decline. The deforestation in the uplands is compen-
sated for by a regeneration of secondary forest on abandoned rangelands and afforestation with Eucalyptus trees
in the low-lying areas. The land use changes resulted in a strong decrease of the areas subject to intense soil
degradation: afforestation with Eucalyptus trees on degraded lands was successful in controlling soil erosion in
the lower parts of the catchment. The relationship between land use and sediment load in the river system is not
straightforward. Statistical analysis of a time series of suspended sediment concentrations, which were measured
at the outlet of three distinctive sub-catchments for a six-year period (1994 – 2000), revealed that the geomor-
phic response of the river system is not only dependent on the land use and the area affected by water erosion,
but also on the spatial connectivity between sediment producing areas and the river network.

Introduction dent on the landowner of the haciendas, disappeared

almost entirely from the 1960s onwards (Commander
In the Ecuadorian Andes, land use/cover is changing and Peek 1986; Vos 1988). Urban industry and man-
at an ever increasing rate (Gondard 1988; De Noni ufacturing became increasingly important, particu-
and Viennot 1993; De Koning et al. 1998). This larly since the end of the 1960s because of the accel-
change is largely driven by the radical socio-eco- erated urbanisation and industrialisation following the
nomic and demographic changes of the last few de- discovery and exploitation of crude oil in the Ama-
cades. zon in 1967. The current agro-pastoral production
Until the 1950s, arable lands were concentrated in system was an obstacle to economic growth since it
the more densely populated inter-Andean basins: was unable to produce sufficient wage goods for a
crops were produced on the fertile soils while exten- booming urban population, which grew from 0.9 mil-
sive cattle raising extended to the steeper slopes. This lion (28% of the total population) in 1950 to 8 mil-
feudalistic agrarian structure, whereby the peasant lion (65% of the total population) in 1999 (Dirección
population (huasipunguero) was completely depen-

General de Estadísticas y Censos 1960; World Bank very little quantitative information about the spatial
2000). dynamics in land use/cover exists on a regional scale.
The Land Reform Programs of the 1960s and Second, recent research has shown that the impact of
1970s were designed to commercialise the rural econ- land use/cover change on river sediment load is often
omy by reorganising the feudalistic system into a far from direct (e.g. Walling (1999) and Trimble
more productive communal or collective agrarian (1999), Evans et al. (2000)). Third, when changing
structure (Hess 1990). The actual consequences of the the spatial scale under study, the dominant erosion
agrarian reforms were not only a more capital-inten- process may also change (Poesen et al. 1996). The
sive production on the large- and middle-sized farms current study focuses on the geomorphic impact of
in the sub-sectors of agro-industry and cattle-breed- short-time environmental change in medium-sized
ing, but also a spatial redistribution of the small land- catchment areas (i.e. approx. 100 – 500 km 2): the
owners (minifundistas) towards the steep hillsides dominant water erosion processes on this aggregation
and the highlands (Commander and Peek 1986; Vos level are sheet- and rill erosion and gully erosion.
1988). In addition, the high population pressure on Thus, even when important land use changes are tak-
the countryside, caused by a booming population ing place, it is far from certain that a response can be
which increased from 3.2 to 12.4 million in hardly detected in the river system.
fifty years, forced a further subdivision of the mini- This study in the Andes Mountains in Ecuador
fundios in increasingly smaller farm units and an in- deals with the impact of short-term environmental
creasing migration towards the urban areas (Direc- changes, such as land use/cover changes on water
ción General de Estadísticas y Censos 1960; World erosion patterns and rates on a regional scale. More
Bank 2000). specifically, this study aims to (i) identify the major
The radical socio-economic and demographic factors controlling land use change on a decadal time
changes induced an accelerated land use/cover scale, (ii) assess the effects of land use changes on
change in the Andes Mountains, which can be sum- water erosion patterns using a spatial modelling ap-
marised as (i) an expansion of the urban areas, (ii) an proach and (iii) investigate to what extent differences
intensification of the agricultural land use, (iii) a frag- in land use and water erosion patterns affect the sedi-
mentation of the agricultural lands and (iv) a strong ment load in rivers.
upward movement of the agricultural frontier into the
primary and secondary native forests and bushlands
(Hess 1990; Wunder 1996). It is generally assumed Materials and methods
that these land use/cover changes have caused accel-
erated soil erosion and increased sediment yields in The Paute drainage basin
the rivers (White and Maldonado 1991; De Noni and
Viennot 1993; Morris 1997). This assessment is The Paute drainage basin is situated in the southern
mostly based on the results of research projects fo- part of the Ecuadorian Andes, between longitudes
cused on a large-scale approach involving measure- 79°36⬘ – 78°47⬘ W and latitudes 3°27⬘ – 2°29⬘ S, and
ments of net erosion rates on small experimental sites: is drained by the Paute River which transfers runoff
De Noni et al. (1989) measured net soil losses on via the Namangoza, Santiago and Maranon Rivers to
Wishmeier plots and experimental plots endowed the Amazon basin (Figure 1). Since 1983, the Paute
with traditional methods of soil conservation and River has been dammed in Amaluza at an altitude of
Harden (1993, 1996) measured soil detachment rates 1991 m a.s.l. as part of a hydro-electric project, that
by means of a portable rainfall simulator for different generates approximately 58% of Ecuador’s electricity
land use classes. Both authors indicate that the (INECEL (Instituto Ecuatoriano de Electrificación).
amount of soil loss on the experimental plots is highly 1982). The portion of the watershed upstream of the
dependent on the rainfall erosivity, the soil erodibility hydro-electric project in Amaluza covers approxi-
and the presence/absence of a protective soil cover. mately 5176 km 2. It is characterised by strong altitu-
There are at least three reasons why a direct ex- dinal gradients – varying between 1991 m a.s.l. and
trapolation of such detailed plot studies to larger ar- 4680 m a.s.l. – which results in a large variation in
eas should be treated with caution. First, the geomor- meteorological, hydrological and ecological condi-
phic response of large areas is strongly determined by tions over relatively short distances (White and Mal-
the spatial pattern of land use dynamics: however, donado 1991; Harden 1993; Morris 1997).

project and hamper the future production of electric

power (Harden (1993, 1996)).
Given the extent of the Paute catchment (5176
km 2), it is impossible to make an inventory of the
geomorphic response to land use changes based on
aerial photographs for the catchment as a whole.
Therefore, a medium-sized tributary catchment, the
catchment of the Machangara River, was selected
within the Paute River drainage basin (Figure 1). It
has a drainage area of approximately 330 km 2 and is
characterised by a strong elevational gradient: the al-
titude rises from 2440 m asl at the catchment outlet
to 4420 m asl at the water divide. As it covers the
prevailing ecosystems of the upper and middle parts
Figure 1. Regional setting of the Machangara catchment (330 of the Paute catchment, it can be considered as repre-
km 2) within the Paute River drainage basin (5176 km 2). The loca- sentative of this region. Climatic parameters are
tion of the meteorological stations of Ricaurte (1) and Labrado (2) closely related with elevation data: the mean annual
is indicated on the map. air temperature (1970 – 2000) varies between 14.1 °C
at the station of Ricaurte (2714 m a.s.l.) and 8 °C at
White and Maldonado (1991) pointed out that the station of Labrado (3260 m a.s.l.); the mean an-
most of the Southern Ecuatorian Andes has adequate nual precipitation (1970 – 2000) increases from 857
precipitation and temperature to support tree growth: mm at the station of Ricaurte to 1309mm at the sta-
it is likely that the catchment was forested before first tion of Labrado (Empresa Municipal de Telecomuni-
settling took place (i.e., ‘Formativo’ period, which is caciones, Agua Potable y Alcantarillado (ETAPA)
between 6000 – 2500 BP), with the only exception 2000). The discharge of the Machangara River is ar-
being the high-elevation grasslands (páramo), where tificially regulated through a network of ditches and
unfavourable climatic conditions would have ham- retention ponds: the network is fitted for a minimum
pered tree growth. Due to a long pre-colonial cultiva- water supply of 3.26 m 3 s −1 for a period of 7 succes-
tion history, with successive periods of land clearing sive days, the mean annual discharge (1970 – 2000)
and abandonment, over half of the primary native for- at the outlet of the catchment is ca 6.82 m 3 s −1 (Em-
est has been converted to agricultural land use (crop- presa Municipal de Telecomunicaciones, Agua Pota-
land and pasture) or has been replaced by secondary ble y Alcantarillado (ETAPA) 2000).
forest or, more recently, by exotic species, such as
Eucalyptus. Clearings and settlements have affected An inventory of landuse change and spatial
particularly the central part of the catchment, that is dynamics in the occurrence of water erosion
centred around the historic town of Cuenca (Fig-
ure 1). The lower part has been largely left untouched Land use change and the spatial dynamics of the oc-
and forested, but disturbance has been increasing over currence of water erosion processes were monitored
the last two decades as construction and utility roads using a set of archived aerial photographs, which
around the hydroelectric project have encouraged mi- were taken at dates more or less regularly spread in
gration (Morris 1997). Based on detailed sediment time from the 1960s onwards. Table 1 summarises
budgets of the hydro-electric reservoir over a time some important characteristics of the selected air-
period of 15 years, the average annual sediment ex- photo series and gives a rating of the image quality.
port is calculated to be ca. 6.5 ton ha −1 yr −1 (Jerves The photo-interpretation was done manually using
1999). Systematic changes in sediment export over a WILD mirror stereoscope and transparent overlays.
time could not be detected as annual and inter-annual The minimal mapping unit (MMU) was fixed at 150
fluctuations in the sediment export are high. It is clear by 150 m, according to the maximum degree of de-
that these severe erosion problems do not only affect tail that is visible on the smallest-scale photographs
the agricultural production, but they may also seri- of 1976. The corresponding minimal extent of the
ously shorten the life span of the Paute hydro-electric mapping polygons for each time series can be found
in Table 1. A field survey was carried out in July 2000

Table 1. Major characteristics of the selected series of aerial photographs (1962, 1976, 1989 and 1995). The airphoto series of 1976 is not
complete as stereo-photos of the high altitudes are lacking. This series is not used in the quantitative spatial analysis of landuse and geo-
morphic activity, but in the calculation of demographic growth (see Figure 5). The image quality varies from 1 (good) to 3 (bad). The rating
depends on the contrast in image tone and texture, and the presence of clouds or fog.

1962 1976 1989 1995

Flight date (dd/mm/yy) 12/11/’62 30/06/’76 25/08/’89 16/02/’95

Approximate scale 1:45 000 1:60 000 1:55 000 1:30 000
Focal length 151.41 mm 152.68 mm 153.03 mm 153.03 mm
Image Quality 2 2 3 1
Minimal Mapping Unit (150 m *150 m) (0.33 * 0.33) cm (0.25 * 0.25) cm (0.27 * 0.27) cm (0.5 * 0.5) cm

Figure 2. Hierarchical classification scheme for water erosion processes in the Machangara catchment. (VC (%) = vegetation cover of the
topsoil, Gd (m/100 ha) = gully density)

in order to draw up a feasible classification scheme eas were classified as affected by gully erosion. For
of landuse and geomorphic activity. Landuse was each classification, two intensity levels were distin-
classified into the following nine categories: at the guished (Figure 2).
high altitudes (> 3400 m a.s.l): (1) high alpine tundra Subsequently, this information was transferred into
vegetation (páramo), (2) primary native forest (Polyl- a digital form, whereby the aerial photographs and
epis forest) and (3) lakes; at the mid-altitudes (be- transparent overlays were ortho-rectified and georef-
tween 2800 m and 3400 m a.s.l.): (4) secondary na- erenced in ILWIS (International Institute for Aero-
tive forest and (5) rangelands; and in the lowlands (< space Survey & Earth Sciences 1999; Vanacker et al.
2800 m a.s.l.): (6) rural settlements mixed with (7) 2000).
small agricultural parcels, (8) Eucalyptus forest and
(9) wastelands with a very poor vegetation cover. Sediment concentration data
Geomorphic activity in relation to water erosion was
assessed by delineating areas with similar water ero- Some data on suspended sediment transport are avail-
sion processes. Three kinds of water erosion pro- able for the Machangara catchment (Empresa Munic-
cesses were recognised: (i) sheet- and rill erosion, (ii) ipal de Telecomunicaciones, Agua Potable y Alcanta-
active gully erosion and (iii) stabilised gully systems rillado (ETAPA) 2000). They consist of a time series
(Figure 2). Eroding areas were classified as affected of suspended sediment concentrations (SSC), which
by sheet- and rill erosion when no erosion scars were were measured at the outlet of three distinctive sub-
visible on the airphotos: if scars were visible, the ar- catchments for a seven-year period (1994 – 2000;

whereas the area covered by secondary forest in-

creased with 350 ha. Interesting changes took place
in the lower parts of the catchment: the areal extent
of Eucalyptus forest increased by 6.5 times, which is
a clear indication of a general introduction of Euca-
lyptus trees, and the rural centra expanded by 134 ha.
The land use pattern of 1962 reflects the feudalis-
tic agrarian structure of that time. The lack of parcel-
lization of the agricultural lands is a clear evidence
of the large-scale land ownership. A few large-sized
farms (haciendas) dominated the region completely.
These haciendas were located in the lower parts of the
catchment and concentrated most of the peasant pop-
ulation, who were dependent on the landowner. Con-
sequently, rural centres were limited to small popula-
tion concentrations in parishes. Both crop production
and cattle raising were the most important economic
Figure 3. Location and characteristics of the three sub-catchments: earnings for the landowners. Figure 4 shows that only
Chanlud (53 km 2), Ochoa Leon (36 km 2) and Compaña (20 km 2).
Note that the upper limit of the Ochoa Leon sub-catchment is ar-
the lower, fertile parts of the catchment were used as
tificially determined by a canal, which was constructed to transport arable lands, where crops were produced on large par-
water primarily used in a hydro-electric plant upslope for re-use in cels. The gently sloping areas of the middle parts of
a water purification plant and for irrigation. the catchment and the poorly drained soils along the
valley bottoms were often used for cattle grazing.
Figure 3), The Chanlud subcatchment is representa- Landuse changed profoundly between 1962 and
tive for the high-altitude areas (> 3400 m) in the 1995. This change was mainly driven by the land re-
Machangara catchment, which are until present en- form programs in the 1960s and 1970s and rapid de-
tirely occupied by páramo, Polylepis forest and lakes. mographic growth. The land reforms brought about a
The Ochoa Leon and Compaña subcatchments are lo- division of the agricultural lands into small units
cated in the lower part of the Machangara catchment aligned by vegetative boundaries and an intensifica-
and have a mixed land use (secondary woodland, pas- tion of the agricultural land use now dominated by
tures, arable land and housing). Suspended sediment crop production rather than extensive livestock hold-
was not continuously monitored but a single sample ing. The former can be observed from Figure 7; the
was taken every month. latter from Table 3 as the area of rangelands de-
The natural drainage system in the area is modi- creased by approx. 27%. There are no census data
fied by ditches which were constructed to transport available which would allow to estimate accurately
water to a hydro-electric plant. Therefore, drainage population growth in the Machangara catchment.
areas were determined by combining the digital ele- INEC (Instituto Nacional de Estadística y Censo)
vation data with information about the location of the (1990) reports an overall yearly population increase
ditches, which was obtained by means of a hand-held of 2.34 % for the period 1982 – 1990. The population
global positioning system (GPS) in the field. growth rate was even larger for rural areas like the
Machangara catchment (3.13 %). The overall increase
in population density resulted in (i) a rapid expansion
Results of the built-up rural centres at a mean rate of ca 5
ha yr −1 (Figure 5), (ii) afforestation with Eucalyptus
Landuse dynamics trees, used for firewood and/or timber, which resulted
in 6.5 fold increase of the areal extent of the Euca-
The analysis of aerial photographs over a 33-year pe- lyptus forest (Table 3) and (iii) an accelerated defor-
riod (1962–1995) showed that land use in the catch- estation in search of new arable lands, by which the
ment was dynamic (Figure 4, Tables 3 and 4). The secondary native forest was reduced by 2004 ha (41
area of high alpine tundra vegatation and the range- % of total forested area in 1962) over a period of 33
lands decreased with resp. 580 ha and 620 ha, years.

Table 2. Major characteristics of the Chanlud (53 km 2), Ochoa Leon (36 km 2) and Compaña (20 km 2) sub-catchment with relation to land
use (%) and the area affected by water erosion (% of the total area) in 1995. The median suspended sediment load (g/l) at the outlet of each
sub-catchment is also given.

Chanlud Compaña Ochoa Leon

Median suspended sediment load (g/l) 0.075 0.179 0.092

Area affected by water erosion (% of the total area) 0.00 1.90 1.60

Land use (%)

– Eucalyptus forest 0.0 12.0 13.5
– Polylepis forest 1.7 0.0 0.0
– Secondary native vegetation 0.0 24.8 20.9
– Arable lands 0.0 45.8 55.3
– Wastelands 0.1 1.3 0.5
– High alpine vegetation 97.3 8.5 3.8
– Rangelands 0.0 6.1 5.7
– Urbanisation 0.0 1.5 0.2

Figure 4. Land use maps of 1962 (map a) and 1995 (map b) of the Machangara catchment. Map c shows the changes in land use (1962 –
1995) for a small area located in the lower part of the Machangara catchment. The location of this area is indicated on map a and b by a
black frame.

Figure 4 shows the spatial pattern of landuse lands and ca. 620 ha of high alpine vegetation by a
change, which can be roughly summarised as a strong re-growth of secondary forest (Table 4). This results
upward movement of the prevailing ecosystems due in a net decrease of the high alpine tundra vegetation
to an increasing population pressure in the low-lying by 2.7% (Table 3).
agricultural lands: 20% of the former agricultural The landuse change manifests itself strongly along
lands are replaced by urban areas and commercial the agricultural frontier, where the secondary native
forest plantations, 32% of the rangelands by agricul- forest is increasingly removed and replaced by range-
tural lands and commercial forest plantations, 15% of lands. This leads to an accelerated fragmentation of
the secondary forest by rangelands and agricultural the secondary forests. However, Tables 3 and 4 show

Table 3. Rates of landuse change between 1962 and 1995. (Note that the surface area of lakes and reservoirs has increased by 61ha due to
the construction of new reservoirs).

Landuse Area 1962 Area 1989 Area 1995 Net land use change (’62–’95)

ha % ha % ha % ha %

High alpine vegetation 21321 65.6 20877 64.2 20741 63.8 −580 −2.7
Polylepsis forest 792 2.4 851 2.6 808 2.5 +16 +2.0
Lakes and reservoirs 150 0.5 220 0.7 211 0.7 +61 +40.7
Secondary native vegetation 4134 12.7 4186 12.9 4484 13.8 +350 +8.5
Rangelands 2323 7.2 1639 5.0 1703 5.2 −620 −26.7
Arable lands 3550 10.9 3759 11.6 3458 10.6 −92 −2.6
Wastelands 110 0.3 32 0.1 92 0.3 −18 −16.4
Eucalyptus forest 114 0.4 836 2.6 863 2.7 +749 +657.0
Rural centres 1 0.0 95 0.3 135 0.4 +134 +13400

TOTAL 32495 100 32495 100 32495 100 0 0

Figure 5. Evolution of the population density, assessed by measurements of the spatial extent of built-up rural centres on the aerial photo-
graphs of 1962, 1976, 1989 and 1995.

that the overall forest cover in the catchment does not Spatial dynamics in the occurrence of water erosion
decrease due to an intensification of the urban and
agrarian land use. As a result of a regeneration of The area affected by water erosion (i.e., area of ac-
secondary forest on abandoned rangelands and refor- tive gully erosion and of active sheet & rill erosion)
estation with Eucalyptus trees on degraded soils, the decreased at a mean annual rate of ca 11.3 ha from
areas covered by Polylepsis forest, secondary native 598.3 ha in 1962 to 293.6 ha in 1995. Table 5 is a
forest and Eucalyptus forest increased by 2.0%, 8.5% cross tabulation of the water erosion intensity of 1962
and 657% respectively over a period of 33 years. (rows) vs. 1995 (columns), whereby the water erosion
Also, no significant net increase in arable and/or classes are ordered in such a way that the cells above
wastelands could be observed, despite the large inter- the diagonal indicate the areas with a decrease of the
nal spatial dynamics. water erosion intensity and vice versa. From Table 5
it is clear that processes of both stabilisation and ini-
tiation of water erosion are found in the catchment,
but that stabilisation is the dominant process. Out of

Table 4. Land use transitions within the Machangara catchment for the period 1962 – 1995. The table is obtained by a cross tabulation
operation in GIS in which the landuse categories of 1962 are compared with those of 1995 and a tabulation is kept of the number of pixel
cells in each combination. The areal extent of each combination is then calculated by multiplying the number of pixels by the pixel resolution
(i.e. 30 m by 30 m)


High alpine Polylepsis Lakes and Secondary Rangelands Arable Wastelands Eucalyptus Rural centra
vegetation forest reservoirs native lands forest
1962 (20741 ha) (808 ha) (211 ha) (4484 ha) (1703 ha) (3458 ha) (92 ha) (863 ha) (135 ha)

High alpine 20361 163 58 621 105 / 13 / /

(21321 ha)
Polylepis 149 642 0 / / / 1 / /
forest (792
Lakes and 6 2 141 / 1 / 0 / /
(150 ha)
Secondary 216 1 / 3275 539 81 11 11 /
native veg-
(4134 ha)
Rangelands 8 / 12 496 1031 575 24 158 19
(2323 ha)
Arable / / / 89 25 2691 26 607 112
lands (3550
Wastelands 1 / / 2 2 64 17 24 /
(110 ha)
Eucalyptus / / / 1 0 47 0 63 3
forest (114
Rural centra / / / / / / / / 1
(1 ha)

the 598.3 ha that were affected by intense water ero- the initiation or re-activation of water erosion occurs
sion in 1962, 82.6% were completely stabilised in more in the central and upper parts of the catchment.
1995, 2.9% had a small reduction in the water ero- Field observations and aerial photo analysis (Figures
sion intensity and the remaining 14.5% were left un- 4 and 6) indicated that major changes in the intensity
changed. In the period between 1962 and 1995 there of water erosion are related to landuse dynamics. This
was also an initiation or re-activation of water erosion hypothesis is confirmed by the results of a Pearson
of approx. 42.9 ha (14.6% of the area affected by wa- correlation analysis where the changes in the inten-
ter erosion in 1995). sity of water erosion were cross-tabulated with the
Figure 6 shows the spatial dynamics in the occur- most important land use change categories (Table 6).
rence of water erosion during the period between The initiation or re-activation of water erosion pro-
1962 and 1995. The observed changes in water ero- cesses is negligible in spatial extent comparing to the
sion intensity are not homogeneous: stabilisation stabilisation of degraded areas (i.e., 69.5 ha vs. 546.7
seems to occur more on the low-lying areas, whereas ha) and is strongly correlated with recently deforested
Table 5. Cross tabulation of the water erosion intensity of 1962 vs. 1995.

(ha) i
1962 1995 (2669.7 ha)

Active gully erosion Active gully erosion Active sheet & rill Active sheet & rill Stabilised gully sys- Stabilised gully sys- No erosion features
-II -I erosion -II erosion -I tems -II tems -I observed
(3051.1 ha) (71.2 ha) (36.6 ha) (22 ha) (17 ha) (522.1 ha) (2000.8 ha)

Active gully erosion 69.8 16.4 / 0.8 12.2 38.2 127.6

-II (265 ha)
Active gully erosion / 4.4 / 0 / 24 96.1
-I (124.5 ha)
Active sheet & rill / / 2.4 / / 14.4 106.2
erosion -II (123 ha)
Active sheet & rill / / / 10.1 / / 75.7
erosion -I (85.8 ha)
Stabilised gully sys- / / / / 494.1 / 17.7
tems–II (511.8 ha)
Stabilised gully sys- 0.1 10.1 / / / 1913.4 17.4
tems -I (1941 ha)
No erosion features 1.3 5.7 19.6 6.1 15.8 10.8
A decrease of water erosion intensity has been marked with a light grey color, an increase of water erosion intensity with a dark grey color.

Figure 6. Spatial dynamics in the occurrence and intensity of water erosion between a) 1962 and b) 1995 in the Machangara catchment. As
the areas affected by water erosion are concentrated in the lower part of the Machangara catchment, the hatched area on maps a (water
erosion in 1962) and b (water erosion in 1995) was enlarged and is shown on maps c and d respectively.

areas. From the aerial photographs, it was clear that of an increasing population pressure on soil and wa-
the initiation of water erosion was not directly hu- ter resources through agricultural intensification and
man-induced, but rather a consequence of intense adoption of soil and water conservation techniques
slopewash on young landslide scars, which occur (SWC) on the arable lands (e.g., mulching, terracing
mainly on recently deforested slopes in the central of steep slopes). However, this case-study clearly in-
part of the catchments. The stabilisation of the areas dicates that, besides the application of on-site SWC
formerly affected by water erosion in the lower parts techniques, the diversification of the agricultural land
of the catchment was mainly due to (i) afforestation use due to changing demands in the regional market
or regeneration of secondary forest in the lower parts system can be a major factor reversing the natural re-
of the catchment and (ii) an increase of the protective source degradation.
vegetation cover on areas taken out of crop produc- In the case of the Machangara catchment, small-
tion (Figure 7). holders have decided to plant Eucalyptus trees in or-
der to meet the growing demand for timber and fuel-
wood. They have selected these areas for
Discussion afforestation, which are not suitable or economically
not profitable for agricultural production – such as
From the analysis of the aerial photographs, it is clear deeply intersected gullies or river valleys and bad-
that – despite the accelerated land use changes of the lands (Figure 7). Eucalyptus plantations have induced
last few decades – the area affected by water erosion major changes in the water balance of the degraded
is decreasing. Thus, the increased pressure on the land areas: evapotranspiration and infiltration have in-
did not lead to an increasing extent of the areas sub- creased due to the start of a protective vegetative and
ject to intense soil degradation. There are several dead leaf cover. This has resulted in a decrease of the
case-studies, most notably in Africa, illustrating such excess runoff flow, which has prevented further ex-
a situation (Turner et al. 1993; Tiffen et al. 1994; tension of the gully system.
Blench et al. 1999; Boyd and Slaymaker 2000). Most The spatial decrease of the area affected by water
of these studies have been directed toward the effect erosion does not necessarily imply that the overall

Table 6. Cross tabulation of the changes in water erosion intensity vs. the landuse changes for the period 1962–1995.

hectares Active gully erosion Active sheet & rill Stabilised gully Increase of water Decrease of water
erosion systems erosion erosion
(74.2 ha) (12.5 ha) (2407.5 ha) (69.5 ha) (546.7 ha)

No landuse change 14.5 5.8 1895 2 36.5

(28235 ha)
−0.04722 a −0.03242 0.04077 −0.03504 −0.09802
0.0001 b 0.0001 0.0001 0.0001 0.0001
Deforestation (1047 0.5 0.0 148.5 2.7 0.4
0.00797 / 0.02136 0.02162 −0.02336
0.2932 / 0.0049 0.0044 0.0021
Afforestation or re- 4.5 2.5 283.1 1.2 64
generation of woody
vegetation (2162 ha)
0.00290 0.01733 −0.00166 −0.0103 0.10271
0.7027 0.0224 0.8265 0.1746 0.0001
Decrease of vegeta- 15.9 3.6 5.9 0.0 20.9
tive cover (944 ha)
0.00283 −0.00695 −0.08807 / −0.00027
0.7095 0.3597 0.0001 / 0.9714
Increase of vegeta- 2.6 0.5 14.6 4.2 4.9
tive cover (107 ha)
0.21371 0.09784 −0.02506 −0.00258 0.13640
0.0001 0.0001 0.0010 0.7337 0.0001
Pearson correlation coefficient

sediment yield (i.e., the amount of sediment leaving measurements and the absence of concurrent dis-
the catchment) is also diminishing. In various envi- charge measurements, it is not possible to reliably es-
ronments, studies have been carried out showing that timate sediment budgets for each sub-basin. However,
the response of rivers to land use changes can be quite some insight can be gained by looking at the fre-
complex and is often characterised by an important quency distributions of the observed sediment con-
time lag. Furthermore, the spatial distribution of sedi- centrations.
ment sources and sinks within the catchment is im- For each catchment the observations of the SSC
portant: catchments with similar sediment production were sorted in ascending order and plotted against
rates can have rather different sediment yields be- their exceedance probability (Figure 8). A Student t-
cause the amount of eroded sediment that is again test reveals a significant difference in suspended sedi-
deposited within the catchment is controlled by the ment concentration between the Compaña River
spatial organisation of the land use and the connec- catchment on the one hand and the Ochoa Leon (p =
tivity between sediment sources and the river network 0.001) and Chanlud (p = 0.003) sub-catchments on
(e.g. Walling (1999) and Steegen et al. (2000), Van the other hand. Furthermore, the SSC distribution of
Oost et al. (2000), Van Rompaey et al. (2001)). River the Compaña catchments has a clearly higher stan-
processes such as bank erosion and bed incision or dard deviation and a higher skewness, which is due
aggradation may also have an important effect on the to the presence of high values (Table 7).
final sediment yield of a catchment (Walling 1999). The lower sediment concentration for the Ochoa
For our catchments only limited information on Leon catchment compared to the Compaña catchment
suspended sediment loads is available (Tables 2 and does not correspond with what was expected from the
7). Considering the low temporal resolution of the land use inventory: the percentage of arable land is

Figure 7. Aerial view of the changes in land use and water erosion activity 1962 (photo a) – 1989 (photo b) – 1995 (photo c). The location
of the area is shown on Figure 6 (i.e., area contoured by a black rectangle on map c and d). Photo d is taken in August 2000 and shows the
stabilisation of the gully systems after afforestation with Eucalyptus trees (view on point 1 on the airphotos a, b and c).

Table 7. Summary statistics of the suspended sediment concentration (g/l) measurements, which are taken at the outlet of the Machangara
catchment (330 km 2) and the three sub-catchments of Chanlud (53 km 2), Compaña (20 km 2) and Ochoa Leon (36 km 2) for the time period

Suspended Sediment Concentration (g/l) Machangara Chanlud Ochoa Leon Compaña

Mean 0.152 0.076 0.096 0.207

Median 0.141 0.075 0.092 0.178
Standard Deviation 0.045 0.016 0.027 0.072
Skewness 4.280 0.923 1.280 1.857

higher in Ochoa Leon than in Compaña while the concentration, it is worthwhile to investigate the role
percentage of land strongly affected by water erosion of the spatial distribution of sediment sources and
is similar for both catchments. Furthermore, both sinks with regard to the river system. The distance
catchments have a similar surface area and are situ- from the sediment generating lands (i.e., each cell af-
ated next to each other in the same climatic zone. fected by sheet- and rill erosion or by gully erosion)
Therefore, if land use would be the only control on to the nearest of a set of permanent channels was used
suspended sediment concentration, the Compaña and as a proxy for the spatial connectivity between sedi-
the Ochoa Leon catchments would be expected to be- ment sources and the river network. The analysis was
have similarly and different from the Chanlud catch- only carried out for the Ochoa Leon and the Compaña
ment. River catchment, as the Chanlud catchment lacks de-
As differences in land use inventories cannot ex- graded areas. From Figure 9 it is clear that the spatial
plain the different behaviour of the Ochoa Leon and connectivity between the areas of sediment produc-
Compaña catchments in terms of suspended sediment tion and sediment export is much higher in the Com-

Figure 8. Plot of the sorted suspended sediment concentrations against their respective exceedence probability for the Machangara catch-
ment (330 km 2) and the three sub-catchments of Chanlud (53 km 2), Compaña (20 km 2) and Ochoa Leon (36 km 2).

paña catchment than in the Ochoa Leon catchment: the agricultural lands into smaller land units and an
the sediment producing areas in the Compaña catch- intensification of the agricultural land use that became
ment are mostly very close to the river channels. In stressed on crop production. The high demographic
the Ochoa Leon catchment, areas with active gullies growth intensified the ongoing land use changes: the
are much farther from the rivers. Consequently, the rural centres expanded very quickly, 41% of the sec-
sediment delivery ratio (S.D.R.), i.e., the ratio be- ondary native woodland was cleared in less than 33
tween the total sediment export and the total sediment years, and considerable amounts of Eucalyptus forest
production, can be expected to be higher in the Com- was planted for timber and wood production. The
paña River basin. As sediment production in the landuse change manifests itself mainly along the ag-
Ochoa Leon and Compaña catchment is expected to ricultural frontier, where the secondary native forest
be similar based on the inventories of landuse and is increasingly removed and replaced by rangelands.
occurrence of water erosion, the anticipated differ- Despite the intensification of the agricultural landuse,
ences in S.D.R. explains why both catchments behave the overall forest cover did not decrease due to regen-
different in terms of suspended sediment concentra- eration of secondary forest on abandoned rangelands
tion. The fact that sediment load is also controlled by and afforestation with Eucalyptus trees on degraded
the spatial organisation of land use within a catch- soils in the low-lying areas.
ment implies that the effect of land use changes on Despite the accelerated land use changes of the last
sediment load can only correctly be assessed if the few decades, the area currently affected by water ero-
spatial distribution of the various land use classes is sion decreased from 598.3 ha in 1962 to 293.6 ha in
taken into account. 1995, at a mean annual rate of ca 11.3 ha. Stabilisa-
tion is due to the reforestation of highly degraded ar-
eas, driven by the increasing demand for commercial
Conclusions wood.
The decrease of the area affected by water erosion
Landuse in the Machangara catchment changed dra- does not necessarily imply that the overall specific
matically as a response to socio-economic, demo- sediment yield in the catchment is also declining, as
graphic and political changes. The land reform pro- the geomorphic response of the river system to envi-
grams of the 1960s and 1970s caused a division of ronmental changes is often quite complex. Statistical

Figure 9. Distance from the sediment sources (i.e. areas affected by sheet- & rill erosion and by gully erosion) to the nearest river network
for the Ochoa Leon and the Compaña River catchment

analysis on a time series of suspended sediment con- Cuenca) and PROMAS (Programa para el Manejo del
centrations, which were measured at the outlet of Agua y Suelo, Universidad de Cuenca). The financial
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