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Syarifah Kamalia Putri Ardhana (6411419008)
Tiffanny Octivianie Tobing (6411419029)
Sholeha Dwi Oktavia Ningsih (6411419067)

Kingdom : Animalia

Phylum : Chordates

Class : Mammals

Order : Rodentia

Family : Murinane

Genus : Rattus

Species : Mus Musculus

The characteristics of the house mouse or Mus Musculus, among others:
a. Has a body length of about 3 to 10 cm.
b. Has a tail that is longer than the roof rat but not longer than Rattus norvegicus.
c. Body color is light brown or gray with a lighter belly color
d. Has a larger ear size than Rattus rattus.
e. Having the feet and head size for adult Mus domesticus is smaller when compared to Rattushundred.
f. Has a nimble speed and good at climbing.
h. Has footprints that are smaller than Rattus rattus rats.
i. Prefers cereals and other types of flour or wheat based foods, such as bread
j. Can survive without water obtained from food eaten, such as fruits
k. When eating seeds they will peel the outer skin of the grain to be able to eat the white endosperm content
l. Tend to look for food in the same place
In addition to liking cereals, Mus muculus also likes grass seeds, insects and any food it encounters, which
has a grayish-brown body color with a body and tail length of up to 9 m with a body weight of 50-100 g
and has fine fur. Mus musculus has 20 haploid chromosomes whose genomes have been sequenced. From
these 20 chromosomes, there are 23,786 genes and has a nucleotide count of 3,000 Mb. The morphology
of mus muculus starts from the embryo because the embryo is an early stage of development, in organisms
that reproduce sexually, then when a sperm is fertilized by an egg, a zygote will be formed which will
divide and produce a multicellular organism, the result is called an embryo
Mus Musculus Morphology or Mice
Total body length = 153 mm
Tail length from body to head length = 79 mm
Rear leg size = 16 mm
Ear size = 12 mm
Skull size = 19 mm
Formula of nipple = 3 + 2
Body weight of adult mice = 30 – 40 gr.
Binomic of Mus musculus

1. Habits of Living or Making Nest

As a domestic rat, Mus musculus is found in settlements. These rats have a habit of climbing behavior or
commonly called arboreal mice. This is because they have a lamellar rear foot structure. With this climbing
ability, the potential for house mice to occupy the domestic area is greater because it allows them to enter the
2. Habits of Foraging (Look for Something to Eat)
House mice have a habit of foraging twice a day, one to two hours
after sunset and one to two hours before dawn. According to one
study, it was proven that rats search for food by entering people's
homes, even though the place is not their natural habitat. Food
sources that are difficult to find force this type of rat to get out of its
natural habit. (Priyanto & Raharjo, 2020)
Life Cycle
a. Mice resemble embryos; the stages are as follows: finger signs; protruding anterior footwear; fingers and toes
apart; skin wrinkles; long mustache.

b. Baby house mice were born blind and hairless. Hair will start growing after 3 days of birth, while the eyes will
start to open after 1-2 weeks after birth.
Factors that affect life:

a. Lighting
more active at dusk or at night than during bright days
b. Temperature
house mice are generally endothermic animals, where these endothermic animals must maintain their body
temperature to remain constant.
c. Season
In general, during the summer Mus musculus spends most of the day in the fields, and they will move to
houses in the fall/when the weather starts to get cooler.
a. Female musculus, reach sexual maturity at about 6 weeks, but are able to mate after 35 days. Female Musculus
has the natural ability to form a vaginal plug which is done to prevent copulation from occurring again, where this
vaginal plug will last for 24 hours. Female house rats (Mus musculus) will give birth to 4-13 tails (average 6-8)
with a gestation period of about 19-21 days. In one year, a female Mus musculus will give birth 5-10 times.
b. Mus musculus male, house mouse (Mus musculus) is a terrestrial animal where one dominant male usually
lives with several females. Mus musculus males reach sexual maturity at about 8 weeks but are able to mate after
35 days.
Role of Mus Musculus in Health

1. Leptospirosis
Leptospirosis is an infectious disease caused by pathogenic bacteria of the genus Leptospira. Transmission
occurs through contact of exfoliated skin, conjunctiva, or mucous membranes with urine contaminated by
infected rodents. Leptospirosis can be one of the most widespread zoonotic diseases, especially in tropical
countries where it can be endemic. In one of the studies conducted by (Dainanty, 2012) it was stated that there
was a significant relationship between the presence of rats and the incidence of leptospirosis.
Role of Mus Musculus in Health

2. Plague
Plague or commonly known as pestilence is an infection caused by the bacterium Yersinia pestis.
-This disease is transmitted through rat nail bites or direct contact with bodily fluids or tissues of
infected animals

3. Hemorrhagic Fever with Renal Syndrome (HFRS)

-Fever condition that appears accompanied by bleeding and is accompanied by kidney syndrome.
-This disease is caused by a group of viruses called Hantaviruses which are carried and spread by
rats and other rodents.

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