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English Language Class

Grace N. C. Sabandar
Plagiarism, why it is important

What paraphrasing is

Steps to do paraphrasing
- To take and use as one’s own the thoughts, writings, or
inventions of another (Oxford English Dictionary)
- To use another person’s idea or a part of their work
and pretend that it is your own (Cambridge Dictionary)

The act of plagiarizing – taking someone’s words or
ideas as if they were your own.
❖To obey copyright ❖To establish your own thoughts

❖To honor intellectual property ❖To respect academic honesty

❖To give credits to people

❖All words are quoted directly from another source

❖All ideas are paragraphed from a source

❖All ideas are borrowed from another source : statistics, graphs,


❖All ideas or materials are taken from the internet

What’s not counted à common knowledge and terms that are

commonly shared by people in that field.
Re-writing or re-phrasing
using your own words.
1. Change the structure or order of the sentence
(and / or paragraph)

Korean students seem to be under serious stress

because they have so much homework.

Because they have so much homework, Korean

students seem to be under serious stress.
2. Find appropriate synonyms
Students = learners / pupils Homework = assignment
Serious = severe Seem = appear

Korean students seem to be under serious stress

because they have so much homework.

Korean learners appear to be under severe stress

because they have so many assignments.
3. Change active voice to passive and vice versa

Korean students seem to be under serious stress

because they have so much homework.

Korean learners seems to be under serious stress

because so much homework is being given.
4. Change word forms

Korean students seem to be under serious stress

because they have so much homework.

Students from Korea feel seriously stressed because

they have so much homework.

Korean students seem to be under serious stress

because they have so much homework.

Because so many assignments are being given to

students from Korea, they appear to be seriously
❖Read the passage carefully

❖Decide the main ideas of the passage

❖Highlight important words or phrases

❖Put the main points in your own words

Ancient Egyptians believed that Osiris, a
good wise king, was the first pharaoh.
He spread knowledge to other parts of
the world, while his wife, Isis, ruled
Egypt in his place.
Ancient Egyptians believed that Osiris, a
good wise king, was the first pharaoh.
He spread knowledge to other parts of
the world, while his wife, Isis, ruled
Egypt in his place.
Ancient Egyptians believed that Osiris, a good wise king, was the first pharaoh. He spread
knowledge to other parts of the world, while his wife, Isis, ruled Egypt in his place.

King Osiris was the first pharaoh and

spread knowledge. Queen Isis ruled
Egypt when he was gone.
Paraphrasing Exercise
Group work

Choose the best paraphrase for the

sentences and passages.,,

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