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Critical Reading Idham Syahputra , S. S., M.Ed




Sensia Miranda Alfasari(12010425325)

Tengku Hamidah (12010424265)



First of all, thanks to Allah SWT because of the help of Allah, writer finished writing the
paper entitled “Evaluating Ideas” right in the calculated time .

The purpose in writing this paper is to fulfill the assignment that given by Mr. Idham
Syahputra, S.S., M.Ed as lecturer in Critical Reading subject . 
in arranging this paper, the writer trully get lots challenges and obstructions but with help of
many indiviuals, those obstructions could passed. writer also realized there are still many
mistakes in process of writing this paper.

because of that, the writer says thank you to my partner who helps in the process of writing
this paper. hopefully allah replies your helps and bless you .the writer realized tha this paper
still imperfect in arrangment and the content.  then the writer hope the criticism from the
readers can help the writer in perfecting the next paper.last but not the least Hopefully, this
paper can helps the readers to gain more knowledge about Critical Reading subject .

Pekanbaru , 27 Oktober 2021

Daftar isi

1.1 Background

Evaluation is not only singular element when someone to creat and make something . Maybe
when designing a business , thinking about writing many things will to creat . any four
element oon creat something is research,ingridents , media and method and evaluating .
Evaluation should not be viewed as a collection of techniques alone but rather a process based on

Evaluation in a broad sense can be interpreted as a process planning, obtaining, and providing
information or data that needed as a basis for making alternative decisions. Therefore,Every
evaluation or assessment activity is a deliberate process planned to obtain information or data
(Purwanto, 1992). Information or the data collected must support the intended evaluation objectives

Many people make mistakes in their idea review processes that result in rejecting the most potentially
innovative ideas in favor of less innovative ones, warns Jeffrey Baumgartner. Here are some ways to
avoid this unfortunate fate.

personals innovation is not just about generating creative writing ideas. It is also about reviewing
ideas in order to identify those which are most likely to become successful innovations.
Unfortunately, many individuals make mistakes in their idea review processes that result in rejecting
the most potentially innovative ideas in favor of less innovative ones.

In some instances, the idea review process is a simple matter of a manager reading through a batch of
ideas and selecting those she believes will work best for her firm. This is most often the case in
smaller firms run by a single owner and manager.

1.2 Questions of the problems

1. What the definitions of Fact and Opinion ?
2. What are the Writer’s Technique
3. What the Techniques that Twist the Truth

1.3 Objectives
1. To know definitions of Fact and Opinion
2. To know The Writer’s Technique
3. To know Techniques that Twist the Truth


2.1 fact

Definitions of Fact

A fact is a statement that can be tested by experimentation, observation, or research

and shown to be true or untrue. Facts will be cometrue if get to search that true . A fact
generally refers to something that is true and can be verified as such. That is, a fact is
something that can be proven to be true. 
Facts are things, circumstances, or events that really exist or have actually happened
(Kosasih, 2007: 4). In addition, facts are everything that is caught by the human senses or
real state data that is proven and has become a reality. Facts can also mean what is there,
which can be seen, seen or felt an action carried out by an event that occurs. Facts are always
true because they state what they are. Therefore, everyone will have the same in fact
observation .

Characteristics fact

 something that actually exists; reality; truth: Your fears have no basis in fact.
 something known to exist or to have happened: Space travel is now a fact.
 a truth known by actual experience or observation; something known to be true:
Scientists gather facts about plant growth.

Example fact

 An example of a fact is that the world is round. An example of a fact is the detail
about a driver texting while driving that is told to the court and reported in a news

Example statement of fact

 Your heart pumps blood through your body.

 The leaves of growing plants are usually green.
 People use their legs to walk.
2.2 Opinion

Definition of opinion

The definition of opinion is if the object, event, situation really does not happen, it is
just wishful thinking or the opinion of someone's thoughts. An opinion or opinion is
something whose truth still needs to be tested, because the form is still in the form of an
opinion. Opinion is an estimate, thought, opinion, or assumption about something. People
have different opinions about things. Differences of opinion depend on the point of view and
background they have. Opinions can be in the form of suggestions, criticisms, responses,
hopes, advice, or invitations.

Characteristic opinion

a judgment, viewpoint, or statement that is not conclusive, rather than facts, which are true

Example opinion

For example, your friend says that all ice cream is tasty. This is their opinion, because
not everyone may think the same way, nor can it be proven to be true.

Example statement of opinion

 My history teacher hates me.

 The movie was boring.
 To solve traffic, it is better to invest in subways and trains than in road widening

2.3 The writer’s theqnique

A writing technique is a style an author uses to convey their message in a manner that
is effective and meaningful to their audience. Understanding the different types of writing
techniques is important to professionals because you will need to change your style of writing
to make a connection with your audience. For example, the writing method most effective for
selling products to consumers is different from what’s most effective at providing employee
feedback and coaching.

For the conclude our writing we would to creat a tips and trick there are :
 Think writing ideas

Thinking about good writing what a good title , good topic while When writing a writer
and explained the idea to the reader with the aim that every readers to catch , received ,
interested , and apply things being the brainchild the writer
Ideas could called as seed the literature and certainly affect your scrawl .She said idea that
will determine decision candidates readers to read the writing you further .Hence , every
writer should be able to find the idea in writing .

 Within a good condition

The mood am affect someone. productivity in the workThis can also experienced by you,
that might also work as a writer, or just has a hobby wrote.You must have felt how difficult
wrote when the mood in state of being less well.
And also stay away from other will be annoying you and make your mood broken

 Use sentences that can affect the reader's emotions

Readers and writings influence each other. Reader role as consumers who always try to
devour the meanings and values that contained in the essay. Written work presented by the
author in reading rooms carry a useful and entertaining mission. Function literature can be
entertaining, because it is able to touch the emotional aspect of the reader so that it can give
aesthetic meaning to the connoisseur of written works.

 Focus just for writing

dont think anything will make you unfocussed with your job , yes same with when writer
writing something , is it will be unfocussed if writer thinking about other on their mind.

 Revision after finished writing

This is the last , writer must to check what their write . where is their mistake on their
write . it is very important

2.4 Techniques that Twist the Truth

We have encountered various kinds of human characters in the association. One of the
human characteristics that is not free from sin is the person who often distorts the facts.
According to Islam, the act of distorting the facts is one of the actions that results in sin and
even punishment. People who like to twist the facts are usually easy to trick others. They also
always think they are right.

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