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Departament Sanitari professor: Julio Miralles

NOM I COGNOMS: .................................................................................................. _______ / 50:

EX 1. Write the correct word next to the correct definitions. (11 marks).
1. A person who prepare drugs and medicine.
2. A person who uses imaging technology
3. A heart specialist
4. A person who cuts open the body in operations
5. A person who prevents patients from feeling pain.
6. A person who welcomes visitors and answers phones.
7. A container shaped like a tube that is used to draw or push liquid out of or into something
8. A mattress that helps to prevent sores by keeping pressure off certain areas of the body.
9. A special container that stores harmful biological substances.
10. Gloves made of a flexible material doctors often wear.
11. A container that holds pure oxygen.

EX 2. Say if the following sentences are TRUE or FALSE. If they are FALSE, CORRECT them.(12 marks)

1. A capillary is a structure that opens and closes.

2. An arrhythmia can make your heart beat abnormally.

3. Doctors in the pathology department respond to emergencies.

4. Doctors who work in the dermatology department only care for children.

5. Francesca is going to the surgery department to pick up her prescription.

6. Ralph is at the cardiology department because his heart is beating abnormally.

7. The aorta sends blood from the heart to the rest of the body.

8. The paediatrics department is where the doctors inspect organs to diagnose diseases.

9. The pregnant woman is in obstetrics department.

10. Wendy has broken her leg so she is going to orthopaedics.

11. You heart pumps blood and keeps you alive.

12. Your arteries carry blood back from the heart from the body.

Codi: Exàmens Data del Format: 02-09-2013 Pàgina 1 de 3

C/ Ferrer i Busquets, 17 25230-Mollerussa E-mail:
Tel. 973 600 270 Fax 973 710 599

Departament Sanitari professor: Julio Miralles

Ex 4. Write the words defined. (5 marks)

1. The body parts located below the waist that people stand on. L _ _ S
2. Relating to bones in the back and the neck. S_ _ _ _ L
3. Parts of the body furthest from the centre. E _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ S
4. The body parts extending from the shoulders. A _ _ S
5. The body part that connects the hand to the arm. W _ _ _ T
6. The sacs that bring oxygen into the bloodstream. A _ _ _ _ _ I
7. The passage that carries air from the windpipe to the lungs. B_ _ _ _ _ _ _ L T__E
8. A condition in which cells in the lungs grow uncontrollably. L _ _ _ C _ _ _ _ R
9. A condition that prevents the body from properly absorbing and expelling gases. A _ _ _ _ A
10. The gas that we breathe. O _ _ _ _ N

Ex 5. Complete the sentences with the following words. (6 marks)

Platelets – clots – universal donor – bleeding – plasma – red blood cells

1. Brent always donates his ……………..….. because the laboratory pays him for it.
2. Hannah is a ………………………………… because she has a Type O blood.
3. Sam is ...................................................... a lot. She need to accept someone’s blood.
4. The ............................................................ circulating in my blood help me to stop bleeding.
5. When people are injured, ...........................form to stop the bleeding.
6. Your ........................................................... allow oxygen to circulate throughout your body.

Ex 6. Translate the following sentences. (5 marks)

1. Approach the patient to assess the injury

2. Feel around the patient’s body for external injuries

3. Elevate the legs above the heart in case of leg swelling

4. Discard used hospital gowns and restock bedside table.

5. Empty and clean biohazard waste container.

Codi: Exàmens Data del Format: 02-09-2013 Pàgina 2 de 3

C/ Ferrer i Busquets, 17 25230-Mollerussa E-mail:
Tel. 973 600 270 Fax 973 710 599

Departament Sanitari professor: Julio Miralles

Ex 7. Write the names of the circulatory and digestive system. (8 marks)

Ex 8. Explain with your words the following concepts (5 marks)






Codi: Exàmens Data del Format: 02-09-2013 Pàgina 3 de 3

C/ Ferrer i Busquets, 17 25230-Mollerussa E-mail:
Tel. 973 600 270 Fax 973 710 599

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