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Good morning

The topic of the debte is

And I stand against the motion

The sedition law has been a point of discussion

ever since it was brought into force in 1860s. It
has managed to survive in multifaceted free
democratic India as well. In order to create a
balance in the most diversified and dynamic
society of the world sedition law is required.

In a Country , especially a developing country

like ours, free passage has to be given to the
government to function in a proper way. You can
protest against the government and criticize its
policies but you cannot jeopardize the
functioning of the government. No citizen should
be allowed to spread unnecessary hatred among
the masses and incite violence against the
Government especially in a country founded on
the principles of non-violence. Running a
government smoothly in a democracy is also a
constitutional obligation. Which means Sedition
law must be put into use if someone is trying to
de stabilize a democratically elected government

Maintenance of the “Unity and Integrity” of the

nation is a duty of every citizen of this country.
Unfortunately some of the citizens think about
only their rights and ignore duties completely.
Freedom of Speech and Expression” is twisted
according to Political and social biases. Unlawful
association, hateful speech, promotion of
enimity, teachings to invoke terrorism, exploiting
the youths to indulge in unlawful activities,
disrespect towards National anthem or national
flag , Mob lynching or killing people in name of
gau raksha , etc. are attempts to disintegrate the
society and demeaning the government ,and
therefore must be addressed and thus the need
for sedition law.

Proper interpretation of the law must be

provided and Guidelines must be set out so that
the law meets its legal purpose.

The main concern against the law was it’s

misuse and to clarify that
A total of 326 cases were registered under the
sedition law between 2014 and 2019 in India. Of
these only six were convicted. It is applied only
in rare instances where the security and
sovereignty of the country is threatened. 
The judiciary has the highest responsibility to
define and to judge each and every case of
sedition accurately and impart appropriate
justice and we as citizens must show faith in our

Sedition law is used not to suppress or oppress

but to guide the citizens.. It makes our country a
progressive and a better democracy and
strengthens our great nation as well.

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