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Across time businesses have adopted the culture of using services to market and sell their

products effectivelyand efficiently. A serviceis a transaction in which no physical goods are

transferred from buyer to seller.Service encounter occurs when a customer interacts directly with
a service provider this is also called the moment of truth. The service encounter can be divided
into 3 categories which are the remote, face to face and phone encounter. The moment of truth
has various importance to businesses that include customersatisfaction,increasing revenue,
creating good reputation,fightimg competion ,and customer to customer interaction .

Customer satisfaction comes forward as a result when a customer goes through the process of
service encounter. This is the moment of truth where the customer actually comes face to face
with the product. For example if a customer goes to get her nails done being there for the service
to take place equips customers. Customers experience the whole process of how their nails are
done and interact with the service provider too. This then helps the customer to get perspective
on how the service is delivered and if delivered well leads to satisfaction of the customer.
Satisfaction allows customers to tell others about the service as well as retaining and capturing
loyalty of the already existing customers. Zeitham at al 2013.

However, in order to satisfy customers there has to be a display of efficiency,quality and being
organized to please them. Once a customer gets a bad image or service through an encounter it
can affect the whole image of a business which affects the businesses reputation completely. For
example a customer goes to buy food at chicken slice and the place is dirty, the food takes time
and the workers are ignoring her. Instantly the customer gains a perspective that chicken inn is
disorganized and no professionalism therefore through word of mouth they start spreading what
they experienced creating a bad image for the business.

Another importance of service encounter is that it increases revenue.One of the most important
goals of a company is to increase revenue so as to get higher profits. The service encounter
enables the customer to get acquainted with a service and as well as participate during the
process. Customers will feel happy and keen as they interact or participate .This is more suitable
with a remote counter. For example surfing on the internet this is an interaction that occurs
directly with a service and there is no direct humancontact. The quality of the service then
presents itself and reinforces the quality perception in the mind of the customer. Once the
customer is satisfied with the quality of the internet platform they can religiously purchase the
product from time to time and also referring others which therefore increases revenue as well as
a business’s profits.

However using the remote counter requires creating procedures or stages that are clear and easy
to follow.There should be simple language so that customers wont get confused and
frustrated.For example when using an ATM the processs should not have many difficulties and
even technical failures.The business should by all means try to avoid service failure when a
machine isbeing used by customer .For example if machines are slow customers will shun from
coming to your business and go to competitors.

A good image for a business for the success and continuity of a business is achieved with a good
service encounter.A business can create a good reputation for themselves,For example a phone
encounter,an econet service provider can call a customer informing them about how eco
cashworks.inorder to create a good perception in the mind of the customer the service provider
should be friendly in the way they talk.Also taking note of the various languages in Zimbabwe
and catering for them satisfies customers as they feel that they are valued by econetwireless.The
ability to handle the customers well and answering their questions determines quality in this
case. Also,econet constantly sends messages informing them about system upgrades as well as
rewards to mention a few which creates a good perception in the customers mind .

However ,a phone interaction is risky as customer can get the wrong impression as they
interact .the tone of the voice of the service provider may be misread and also the timing could
be wrong.For example a service provider could call someonewho just received death news which
would look as if econet callers are pestering them .The service provider has to find a balance
inorder to capture customers good perspective.Sending of messages from timeto time can also
irritate other customers which becomes difficult for the telecommunication company to satisfy
customers because they will be too many at the same so what one customer values another does
not .

A good service encounter gives a business an urge over their competitors.The quality of an
ecounter determines the success of a business to progress.Using face to face encounter if
customers are well taken of they feel happy to be identified with the business.For example when
a customer wants to open an account at NMB bank .the employees at NMB can exercise patience
in handling customers while assisting the customers throughout the stages.The business can
move on to offer refreshments to customers waiting in line as well as comfortable chairs thereby
creating a perception of high quality standards.When a company offers different aspects that
competitors forgo customers tend to go where they are more valued and appreciated .Therefore
ganing a competitive advantage over their rivals as they offer more than just banking services but
as well as luxuries for cutomers to enjoy.

However,creating an enviroment where a businesses offer what other businesses cant icurrs costs
that could hinder business profits .For example a business could make risks that could affect their
financial budgets which leads to overspending money they don’t really have.Hence it is
important for a business to first look at their revenue before venturing into creating a comfortable
and luxuries to satisfy customer needs.

Successful sales starts to begin with having the customers needs in mind inorder to create
goodwill.Creating a good feedback platform with customers enhances the quality of the business
as well as customers morale.For example in a lecture room a student interacts directly with the
service provider who is the lecturer.A fce to face interaction allows for students to ask questions
and get immediate feedback.Feedback allows customers to get answers and also have a good
perception of the service and how it is delivered.A good service should not only focus on making
a sale but also enhancing the customer experience as they go through the moment of truth.Also
training service providers to be gentle instead of coercive when responding to customers
complaints is equaly important.

However ,if feedback is slow customers can get frustrated.For examples a customer can lodge a
complain about how netone network service are always down.if the service provider answers
immediately custmers feel that they are being valued .So when the service provider takes times
to respond or does not respond at all to customer complaints their perception is immediately
tainted.They then have a view that the business does not value or prioritise customers needs and
wants.Then the spread of rumours affects the business as a whole and also bruise their image.

There is also an encounter that occurs between customer and customer .It enables customers to
exchange information with each other in an online enviroment.Since it ocurs online cutomers can
easily accessit and the business reach many customers st the same time .This helps the business
to gain a big market share as they can reach many customers at the same time.However online
platforms requires constant advertising as many business have ventured into selling many
products online so competition is quite stiff

Service encounter is of vital importance as it focuses on satisfying cutomers.For a business to

be successfl it should keep customers needs in mind as it is a catalyst in the success and
continuity of the business.Every business should consider and make sure that the quality of the
services they offer and the service itself is off high standards to capture the loyalty of customers.

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