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Hotel Management System

 Project Description:

The project “Hotel Management system” is a desktop base application platform in which we use
java language. This system basically preforms different functionalities and allow hotel manager
to handle all hotel activities on desktop. With the help of this system manager keeps the record of
customer information, rooms details, food details, and payment information of the customer.
This system is really about supervise some specific operation of the hotel system. This system
must require knowledge of distribution strategy, finance, customer service, marketing.

Hotel management project provides room booking, staff management and other necessary hotel
management features. The system allows the manager to post available rooms in the system. The
system is hence useful for both customers and managers to portable manage the hotel activities.

 Line of Code:

Total line of code in hotel management system is 1559.

 Range of the classes:

The classes that are use in hotel management project are 19 classes. In which include 9 classes
of all functions, 8 classes of database and 2 class of table model.

 Classes Name:

1. Booking Class 11. Customer DB Class

2. Extra Orders Class 12. Data Base Connection Class
3. Food Class 13. Data Base Operation Class
4. Item Class 14. Food DB Class
5. Order Class 15. Item DB Class
6. Payment Class 16. Order DB Class
7. Room Class 17. Room DB Class
8. Room Fare Class 18. Booking Table Model Class
9. User Info Class 19. Custom Cell Renderer Class
10. Booking DB Class
 Tool and Technologies:

The tool and technologies that are used in this project are:

1. Java language is used for front end and back end.

2. NetBeans is the tool.
3. For Database MySQL is used.

 Stakeholders:

There are three stakeholders in this project.

1. Admin/Manager
2. Customer
3. Hotels

 Project Scope:

The main scope of this project is when hotels use this management system, they will increase the
revenue of the hotel in business point of view and reduce the effort on management because of
automation of the system. This system saves manager and customer time. It helps to perform
different function and collecting perfect information in details. In very short period of time, the
collection of data will be obvious, simple and sensible. It will help a person to know the
management of passed year with the help of database perfectly and vividly. Because of previous
year data manager can generate a report and take different decision for the betterment and
improvement of the hotel services.

This system will reduce the cost or expense of hotel and all management activities will go on
smoothly. With the help of this system hotels manager can marketing our hotel and provide
different offers due to this customer can prefer that hotel and hotels manager can increase the
total revenue of the hotel. To utilize resources in an efficient manner by increasing their
productivity through automation. The system generates types of information that can be used for
various purposes.
 Features of Project:

These are the following features that are use in this project and that are the given below:

1. Manager can add the customer information into the system.

2. Manager can edit the customer information into the system.
3. Manager can delete the customer information into the system.
4. Manager can view the details information of customer into the database.
5. Manager can add the room information into the system.
6. Manager can edit the room information into the system.
7. Manager can delete the room information into the system.
8. Manager can view the details information of room into the database.
9. Manager can book the dairy product and save into the database.
10. Manager can add the food information into the system.
11. Manager can edit the food information into the system.
12. Manager can delete the food information into the system.
13. Manager can view the details information of food into the database.
14. Manager can add the other items information into the system.
15. Manager can edit the other items information into the system.
16. Manager can delete the other items information into the system.
17. Manager can view the details information of other items into the database.
18. Manager can check out the payment of the customer.
19. Manager can generate the bill of customer.
20. Manager can print the bill of customer.

 Reference:

source-code/, last assessed on November 13, 2021.

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