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Katie Howell EDUC 6336-Administrative Practicum II

Overview Table

Teacher Retention/Experience: approximately 41% of the teacher population on campus have 5 years or less teaching experience and only 10% have 20 years
or more teaching experience.

Area of Concern Needs Assessment Action Plan Evaluation
Leadership-School administrator(s) •teachers' relationships and •learn strengths and weaknesses of • Teacher SWOT Analysis C01
able to identify equity issues, and are support from administrators teachers • Town Hall Meeting C02
proficient at providing educational •deterioration of teacher morale •understand the value of teachers C05
leadership in the school setting and •low student achievement •surveys twice a year to solicit teacher C08
in developing all teachers. •consistent and clear feedback regarding their needs C10
communication •focus group discussions based on
•high teacher turnover every year survey results
•student behavior and •re-examine leadership structure to
consequences determine if it is the most effective
and efficient structure to meet the
needs of teachers and students
Professional Development-Teachers •SPED student population is 6% • only hire teachers that are ESL certified • Review teacher C03
receive training in cross-cultural •8 of 60 teachers SPED certified • provide incentive for more teachers to certifications C04
communication and group learning •18 of 60 are ESL certified become SPED certified • Sheltered Instructional C05
preferences to increase their effectiveness • provide all teachers with the SIOP Strategies Worksheet for C06
in working with diverse populations. model training every English Language
• implement a plan for setting goals and Learner
progress monitoring students
• provide regular training for teachers on
how to deliver effective instruction for
ELL students

Katie Howell EDUC 6336-Administrative Practicum II


Special Education Students STAAR Achievement scores: the special education student population under performed on the 2018-2019 STAAR test in all subject areas
with the exception of science.

Area of Concern Needs Assessment Action Plan Evaluation
Data-Driven Decision Making-Data •documentation of in class •SPED case managers will attend weekly • Compare previous year C02
is regularly collected, disaggregated, and accommodations PLCs to ensure all content areas are EOY with current year C03
analyzed in the following areas and by •implement Response to Intervention implementing and documenting BOY C04
different ethnic groups. process for SPED students accommodations for SPED students. • Create assessments for C05
•course levels (on level, Pre AP, GT) •use REN360 assessments to identify •training PDs facilitated by SPED to SPED students C09
•test scores (standardized, common gaps in learning and differentiate demonstrate effective instruction.
assessments, student discipline, instruction •Science teachers model
suspensions, attendance) •build master schedule to best practices.
accommodate smaller RTI classes
•hire more SPED certified teachers
Inclusive Curriculum-Curriculum •master schedule RTI sections •instruction is data-driven and research • SPED Co-Teachers attend C03
and instructional strategies are modified scheduled should reflect the needs of based/planned with content team/case content area PLCs and plan C04
as a result of data-driven decision making the SPED students. manager instruction lesson with C05
and teacher input. •case managers need to support the •hire co- teachers to and service SPED GenEd classroom Teacher C09
learning needs of their SPED students in classrooms with differentiation
students and pull-out for pre- •progress monitoring twice per grading strategies embedded for
teaching and re-teaching as needed cycle SPED students
•based on SPED failure rate, teachers
attend mandatory SPED best practices
PDs every grading cycle
•plan activities for parental involvement

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