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Cavite Mutiny: A Debate

Moderator: Good day everyone! We are about to witness a debate
Motion: Cavite Munity: Whose side is more reliable, the Spanish or the Filipno?”
Before anything else, I would like to remind all the debaters that facts should be reliable, convincing and
last is you should be trustworthy. And now to introduce our debaters:
Representing the Proposition are its First Speaker Ms. Anna Escala, the Second Speaker Ms.
Janna Evora, and its Third Speaker Ms. Kaila Sandra Ilagan Garcia.
Representing the Opposition are its First Speaker Ms. Imee Dimaano, the Second Speaker Ms.
Shyla Marie Cruzado, and its Third Speaker Ms. Christine Esteban.
On behalf of the House, I would like to express a sincere welcome to our judges: Mr. John Philip
Dela Cruz, Ms. Kim Genilo, and Ms.Keith Ann Eguiron. They are responsible to pick the best debating
team. And now rules should also be considered to formally start.
And I, Jinel Maurice M. Gamboa am your Moderator.
Each speaker will deliver not more than 8 minute constructive speech. I will bang the desk after
the first minute, and again with one minute remaining, to signal the time during which Points of
information may be raised. For each speech, fifteen seconds grace will be allowed. After each speech, I
will immediately call upon the next debater to begin his or her address.
There will be no Points of Order or Points of Privilege. Heckling is not allowed. Are there any
questions regarding the rules?

I call upon the First Speaker to Introduce the Proposition case for eight minutes.
Prime Minister: Good morning everyone. To our judges and audience. The topic of this debate is about
who is more reliable: the Filipino or the Spanish Side. I am setting the parameter with the Philippines and
Spanish country only. To prove our side we will give arguments that will support our claim. First of, the
unfairly decision of the Spanish Gov’t which is lead by Governador- General Rafael Izquierdo threatens
those people to give taxes to the workers in that area but in the first place these taxes may be paid by
means of money or forced labor on the politician or the polo y servicio, other than that when the workers
had their salary it has already been reduced cause by the tax.
Dr. Trinidad Hermenigildo Pardo de Tavera, a Filipino scholar and researcher. In his
point of view, the incident was a mere mutiny by the native Filipino soldiers and laborers of the Cavite
arsenal who turned out to be dissatisfied with the abolition of their privileges. Indirectly, Tavera blamed
Gov. Izquierdo’s cold-blooded policies such as the abolition of privileges of the workers and native army
members of the arsenal and the prohibition of the founding of school of arts and trades for the Filipinos,
which the general believed as a cover-up for the organization of a political club.
Rebellion starts when Spanish Government sentenced unreasonable punishment to the
innocent priest namely Fr. Jose Burgos, Fr. Mariano Gomez, and Fr. Jacinto Zamora which is known as
GomBurZa. Sentencing Death to the innocent priest is a move of the Spanish Gov’t to increase their
power in the society.
Moderator: I thank the member for her remarks. We shall now hear the First speaker for the Opposition.
Deputy Leader: To be reliable means to be trustworthy, Hello everyone, this is the leader of the
opposition and this house believes that the Spanish side is more reliable. I would like to state 3 arguments
why I am in this side. First, yes, it was stated in both version that the primary reason of the uprising is
because of the abolishment of privileges enjoyed of the labours of Cavite arsenal but according to the
historian John Schumacher there is a written proof that governor-general Rafael himself wrote the
abolition of the privileges such as non-payment of tributes and exemption from forced labour were not the
main reason but the desire of the Filipinos to be free from the ruling system of the Spanish well it was
normal for the Filipinos to fight for their rights but initiating the uprising is not a good way to get the
freedom you wanted, Meanwhile, Gov. Gen. Rafael Izquierdo’s official report magnified the event and
made use of it to implicate the native clergy, which was then active in the call for secularization.
Moderator: Thank you deputy leader for your remarks, Now let’s proceed to the Second Speaker for the
Deputy: On 20 January 1872, about 200 men comprised of soldiers, laborers of the arsenal, and residents
of Cavite headed by Sergeant Lamadrid rose in arms and assassinated the commanding officer and
Spanish officers in sight. The insurgents were expecting support from the bulk of the army unfortunately,
that didn’t happen. The news about the mutiny reached authorities in Manila and Gen. Izquierdo
immediately ordered the reinforcement of Spanish troops in Cavite. After two days, the mutiny was
officially declared subdued.
It is believed that the Spanish friars and Izquierdo used the Cavite Mutiny as a powerful lever by
magnifying it as a full-blown conspiracy involving not only the native army but also included residents of
Cavite and Manila, and more importantly the native clergy to overthrow the Spanish government in the
Philippines. It is noteworthy that during the time, the Central Government in Madrid announced its
intention to deprive the friars of all the powers of intervention in matters of civil government and the
direction and management of educational institutions. This turnout of events was believed by Tavera,
prompted the friars to do something drastic in their dire sedire to maintain power in the Philippines.
The will of the Filipinos to fight for their freedom got stronger that they initiate an uprising rebellion may
be this way of fighting is not a good way to fight for what is right and just, but the Filipinos have no other
choice but to fight for their freedom. We think the Filipino swill openly accept the Spanish colonization
before the Spanish governed the Philippines equal on how they cover the country, accept it or not the
Philippines before is already at a weak state that even it’s own people could not govern our own country.
I believed that killing the GOMBURZA or the three priests (Mariano Gomez, Jose Burgos, Jacinto
Zamora) just spare the act of mutinity and only proves that the Spaniards only see the Filipino people as
labourers and never sees us as the same level as they were, The Spaniards only planned on how they
could take advantage of us Filipinos.
Moderator: Thank you for your remark. I now call upon the Second Speaker for the Opposition.
Deputy Opposition: The two accounts complimented and corroborated with one other, only that the
general’s report was more spiteful. Initially, both Montero and Izquierdo scored out that the abolition of
privileges enjoyed by the workers of Cavite arsenal such as non-payment of tributes and exemption from
force labor were the main reasons of the “revolution” as how they called it, however, other causes were
enumerated by them including the Spanish Revolution which overthrew the secular throne, dirty
propagandas proliferated by unrestrained press, democratic, liberal and republican books and pamphlets
reaching the Philippines, and most importantly, the presence of the native clergy who out of animosity
against the Spanish friars, “conspired and supported” the rebels and enemies of Spain.
Moderator: Thank you for your remarks. I now call upon the Third Speaker for the Proposition.
Whip: The friars, fearing that their influence in the Philippines would be a thing of the past, took
advantage of the incident and presented it to the Spanish Government as a vast conspiracy organized
throughout the archipelago with the object of destroying Spanish sovereignty.
Convicted educated men who participated in the mutiny were sentenced life imprisonment while
members of the native clergy headed by the GOMBURZA were tried and executed by garrote. This
episode leads to the awakening of nationalism and eventually to the outbreak of Philippine Revolution of
1896. The French writer Edmund Plauchut’s account complimented Tavera’s account by confirming that
the event happened due to discontentment of the arsenal workers and soldiers in Cavite fort. The
Frenchman, however, dwelt more on the execution of the three martyr priests which he actually
We were colonized by the Spaniards for three centuries and we all know that the people in that
timeline suffered a lot although they contributed a lot in this country, and influenced us in some ways but
it can never change the fact that we became their slaves. I believe that the Filipinos does not deserve the
treatment with the Spaniards had done and as your first speak I stand and believe to the version of my
own race, thank you.
Moderator: Thank you for your remarks. The Third Opposition Speaker will now deliver the last speech
opposing the case.
Opposition Whip: In particular, Izquierdo blamed the unruly Spanish Press for “stockpiling” malicious
propagandas grasped by the Filipinos. He reported to the King of Spain that the “rebels” wanted to
overthrow the Spanish government to install a new “hari” in the likes of Fathers Burgos and Zamora. The
general even added that the native clergy enticed other participants by giving them charismatic assurance
that their fight will not fail because God is with them coupled with handsome promises of rewards such as
employment, wealth, and ranks in the army. Izquierdo, in his report lambasted the Indios as gullible and
possessed an innate propensity for stealing and according to the facts I’ve stated I am here to say that the
Spanish version is more reliable than the Filipino version.
Moderator: Now the debate is about to end. Now, judges please complete your ballot. After doing so, you
are invited to make constructive comments, but I would like to remind you that you are not to indicate
which team has won.
Judge 1: good day everyone first I would like to congratulate both teams for successfully delivering your
arguments first thing that I’ve noticed the this team has more details than the other team I also observed
that both teams are struggling to deliver their arguments but is only team that for me is convincing for this
motion whose side is more reliable. Congratulations everyone.
Judge 2: Hello Good day everyone.
Points I take consider: the four accounts of the 1872 Mutiny, there were some basic facts that remained to
be unvarying: First, there was dissatisfaction among the workers of the arsenal as well as the members of
the native army after their privileges were drawn back by Gen. Izquierdo; Second, Gen. Izquierdo
introduced rigid and strict policies that made the Filipinos move and turn away from Spanish government
out of disgust; Third, the Central Government failed to conduct an investigation on what truly transpired
but relied on reports of Izquierdo and the friars and the opinion of the public; Fourth, the happy days of
the friars were already numbered in 1872 when the Central Government in Spain decided to deprive them
of the power to intervene in government affairs as well as in the direction and management of schools
prompting them to commit frantic moves to extend their stay and power; Fifth, the Filipino clergy
members actively participated in the secularization movement in order to allow Filipino priests to take
hold of the parishes in the country making them prey to the rage of the friars; Sixth, Filipinos during the
time were active participants, and responded to what they deemed as injustices; and Lastly, the execution
of GOMBURZA was a blunder on the part of the Spanish government, for the action severed the ill-
feelings of the Filipinos and the event inspired Filipino patriots to call for reforms and eventually
independence. There may be different versions of the event, but one thing is certain, the 1872 Cavite
Mutiny paved way for a momentous 1898.
Judge 3: The points given by (Judge 2) is also the points I consider and also I would like to add that the
road to independence was rough and tough to toddle, many patriots named and unnamed shed their bloods
to attain reforms and achieve independence. 12 June 1898 may be a glorious event for us, but we should
not forget that before we came across to victory, our forefathers suffered enough. As weenjoy our
freeedom, may we be more historically aware of our past to have a better future ahead of us. And just
like what Elias said in Noli me Tangere, may we “not forget those who fell during the night.”
Moderator: Thank you very much judges for the clear points summarized in this debate. Now, according
to the results having the most points, congratulations to Filipino Side having the strong evidences and
prove the best they can. Congratulations also to the Spanish side who put their best efforts for their stand.
Thank you everyone have a good day.

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