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1. Defining a Target

How to be productive can start by setting your own goals or dreams. Targets allow you to focus on
the desired goal so that you know what to do to achieve that target. Remember, the characteristic of
a productive person is always knowing what to achieve and how to achieve it. So, get used to making
a to -do list before bed. The to -do list can include various activities that you will do the next day.

2. Set Priorities

Still related to the target, the next way to be productive is to focus on the things you want to achieve
first. Although there are many things to achieve in order to be a successful person, it is best to
prioritize the most important things first. Do not let you do everything at once so that you lose focus
as well as the spirit to achieve success.

3. Have a Hobby that Supports the Target

When you do positive activities that are done regularly, then you are able to release the negative
energy in the body. Therefore, it is very important to have a hobby that can support your target. For
example, your cooking hobby is in line with the desire to be a good chef. So, if you do cooking
activities regularly, you will also be able to hone your cooking skills while trying to achieve your
dream of becoming a chef.

4. Get up early

If you want to be a successful person, get used to getting up early and start moving to do activities.
These habits will help your mind and body to be more energetic and productive in the course of the

5. Don't Stay Away From People Close To You

Pursuing dreams does not mean you should simply focus on yourself and forget about the people
around you. Though the way to be productive you can get by getting closer to the closest people
such as family and friends. Being around pleasant people nearby can flow positive energy so that you
are more enthusiastic and productive. They may even inspire you to come up with even better ideas.
On the other hand, if you stay away from them and focus only on your target, you will be easily
6. Provide Me Time

No matter how busy you are in the pursuit of success, you must still provide me time. Schedule a
relaxing event for yourself with a variety of activities that will make you feel relaxed and better. For
example, reading a book, taking a walk outside, relaxing while watching a favorite show, etc. Being a
successful person is important, but providing me time is no less important so that you avoid stress.

7. Exercise

One way to be productive is to maintain good health by exercising regularly. This activity can also
increase your productivity in working or creating. So, set aside time to exercise at least two to three
times a week. That way you will be more productive and enthusiastic while staying healthy to pursue
your success goals.

8. Strive to the Maximum Accurately

A productive person usually knows when to give his maximum effort and when to rest. They will not
waste time and energy on unimportant things. So, you need to know what kind of limits need to be
applied to achieve the desired target. Try your best at the right time, especially in relation to the
target and do not spend energy on things that are not needed.

The above ways to be productive can help you become a successful person. Therefore, it is very
important to always be productive and active in your daily life. Like Rexona who encourages you to
actively move in the #GerakTakTerbatas movement. Through this movement, you will be motivated
to move more actively in order to achieve your goals as well as become a successful person.
Download the app for your Android device here.

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