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Tangerang, February 1 2021

Dear Sir I Madam ,

This recommendation letter was written at the request of Mr. Varaz Chaniago
to support his studies in the undergraduate program through a scholarship from the
Mr Varaz Chaniago is one of my students at SMA Negeri 9 Tangerang. He has been
active and has shown seriousness and commitment during his studies. He dedicated his
life to seizing this opportunity and never betrayed his own ambition . This is shown by
the academic achievement s of these students:
1. Grade XI semester II rank II
2. Grade XII Semester I rank V
3. Grade XII semester II rank III
He possesses not only the skills, but also the motivation for success and the flexibility
needed to perfonn well in a foreign educational setting. As a result, I feel he will be an
asset to your program and I highly recommend him. And hopefully the quality can be
put to good use, so that if Mr Varaz Chaniago has a lot of knowled ge, he can apply in
your country.
I really support his plan to participate in the ROMANIA GOVERNMENT
SCHOLARSHIP and I believe that his participation will greatly enhance his
professional quality as a thinker and academic.

. 19650 101 199403 t 010

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