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Mastery of Sleep
Week 1 Workbook
Your Quest on Becoming a Sleep Expert
Table of Contents

Table of Contents 2
Week 1 Overview 3
What is Your Learning Type? 4
Day 1 - The Benefits of Sleep 6
Day 2 - The Science of Sleep 9
Day 3 - Common Myths About Sleep 11
Day 4 - Your Power Down Hour 14
Day 5 - Your Daily Routine 17
Day 6 - Your Medicine Cabinet 19
Day 7 - Review Day 21
Week 1 Overview

“Almost everybody is going to wonder why you’ve got so much energy and why
you are feeling so great during the day.”

Congratulations on starting your journey towards becoming a sleep champion.

Below you can find an overview of what you are going to learn this week. We
will start week 1 with diving deeper into the science of sleep, an
understanding of what’s happening in your body when you are sleeping
well - or the contrary - when you are sleep deprived. Mid-week you will start
developing a few super important habits for a better night’s sleep.
This week will be a foundational week not only because it handles the big WHY
of sleep but also because you will learn to track your sleep with a sleep
tracker and understand the underlying tendencies affecting your sleep.

What is Your Learning Type?
Is seeing a picture or a visualization worth more to you than a thousand words?

Or do you remember much more of last week’s podcast than the article you
read this morning?

Do you feel that you can only understand something deeply when you have
done it with your own hands?

Individual differences in learning have been researched by scientist since the
70s. There are several theories with different numbers of learning styles. They
all state that learning comes easier when the student uses his preferred
learning style for processing new information.

For the first time, we are introducing learning style-compliant homework tasks
at Mindvalley. These extra tasks are for visual, auditory and tactical learner
and 100% voluntary. This means you have the opportunity to try something
different to let the course content sink in deeper.

To gain insights on this extra level find out your dominant learning style at

Direct link to the quiz:


The Visual Learner

You learn primarily through your sense of sight. You need to see things. A
drawing, a sketch, a visualization of some sort facilitates your learning
immensely. You also benefit from your imagination and inner visualization
ability. You struggle with material that doesn’t have any images.

The Auditory Learner
You learn primarily through your auditory senses. You need to hear it or say out
loud what you learn to understand it better. This is why you prefer podcasts
over books and verbal instructions rather than written.

The Tactical Learner

You learn primarily through your sense of touch and movement. You are a
hands-on learner who wants to experience and do what you learn. You love
practical exercises and get impatient if people only talk instead of doing things.

Learning Type Bonus

Now you know your learning type! 

For several days within this quest you will find the “Learning Type Bonus”.
Choose the tasks fitting your primary learning type and use them as an
opportunity to dive deeper. Again, those tasks are voluntary and for those who
want a little more. You can complete the quest without this bonus material.

Day 1 - The Benefits of Sleep
“Believe it or not, but sleep effects every area of you life.”


Reflect and write down what impact bad sleep has on your life. What would
your life look like if you don’t fix it?

Areas of My Life How Bad Sleep Impacts This Area

My Career Make me tired even more, especially if I have to learn on a

long lecture. I may not perform a task in my most cognitive
function that I have.

My Relationships It worsens my relationship with others, especially my

family and those around me. If someone do something
upsets me, chances are I will be irritable to them as a
result of that. (In contrary to my goal of compassion)

My Physical & Emotions fluctuating throughout the day, mostly

overwhelming with negative feelings because I need sleep
Mental Health

My Dreams & Goals I won't function well on my task, so this is the reason why I
may fail on the exam, the tasks, the activities I perform
throughout the days => fails my goals, my dream, ruin any
relationships I have.

My top 3 biggest pain points of bad sleep are:

1. Unstable emotions

Poor cognitive performance

3. Significant amount of tiredness



If you haven’t done so, take a few minutes to find out your learning type
through the quiz provided above. Doing exercises that are coherent with your
learning style lead to a better understanding of what you learn. You will also
find that it is easier for you to recall the course content when you involve your
dominant sense.

If you are primarily a

Visual Learner:
Find a red, orange and yellow marker. Use these 3 markers to color code the
pain points you gathered in today’s table above. Use red for the worst impact
bad sleep has on you and orange on points with a midrange impact. Use yellow
for pain points that are annoying, but don’t have a strong impact. You can color
code the whole sentence or just the most important word.

Auditory Learner:
Record yourself a voice message on your phone summarising the impact bad
sleep has on you and how your life is compromised by this. Listen to that audio
when you feel you don’t have enough time to come back to this quest or if you
need extra motivation to continue your Sleep Mastery Journey.

Tactical Learner:
Gather some magazines, flyers and photos and create a little collage about how
your lack of great sleep is impacting you. You can also include how your life
would look like if great sleep would support all areas of your life.
Put that collage on your wall and use it as daily reminder why you are
committed to this quest.


If you haven’t yet, join the online Tribe now and share what you might need to
make this quest an amazing and life-changing journey for you.

You can also share your top 3 pain points with the Tribe. If you have done a
bonus task show the Tribe your results and share your process.


Now is the time to find yourself an accountability partner. Use the online Tribe
to find a motivated person who will support you in coming back every day and
in making a life-long change in your sleep quality.

Day 2 - The Science of Sleep
”The sleep tracker turns out to be one of the most critical aspects of the
course, this is where the magic is going to happen.”


Download the sleep tracker and measure your sleep markers. From today
onwards filling in the sleep tracker and measuring your sleep will be the most
important task of every Quest day. 

Fill out the tracker by first indicating today’s date. Continue with answering the
questions in the same row. Some numbers you will have to estimate, like when
you fell asleep, others you can easily count like the naps you took during the
day. For sleep quality and quantity use your gut feeling and rate depending on
what you know about your sleep so far. This is not exact science.


Reflect on how you have tracked your sleep until now. Have you ever used a
technique to track you sleep? What were the results?


Share with the Tribe what kinds of sleep tracking you have tried so far and find
out what others have experienced. Tell the Tribe about your ups and downs you
had with sleep tracking in the past.

Day 3 - Common Myths About Sleep
”When you think about sleep in a limiting way, data shows that you will
actually have troubles falling asleep or staying asleep.”


What limiting beliefs associated with sleep do you hold? Be honest and write
down all your thoughts and opinions that create the kind of sleep quality you
currently experience. What fears can you detect behind them?

Example: I believe that my anxiety is the result of my poor sleep. I am afraid

because of this I won’t get a promotion and fail my career.

1. My Limiting Beliefs About Sleep 2. My new empowering Beliefs

and Fears Behind Them About Sleep

Take a moment to review those limiting beliefs. Make a conscious decision that
these beliefs no longer serve you and that you are ready to let them go now.
Next to your limiting beliefs, write down new, empowering beliefs to replace

Example: I am a sleep champion and mesmerise everybody at work with my high
levels of energy.

My most powerful empowering belief about sleep is:



If you are primarily a

Visual Learner:
Find a picture online that represents your most powerful belief about sleep.
Print it out, write your belief next to it and put it somewhere you look often.
This might be on your refrigerator door or your bathroom mirror. Alternatively,
you can use the picture as a desktop background.

Auditory Learner:
Tell a friend or family member the amazing things you learned about sleep so
far. Let them ask you what shifts you made concerning your beliefs about
sleep. Do this in a call or in person, so your auditory system is involved.

Tactical Learner:
Get sticky notes (post-its) and write your new empowering beliefs on them. One
belief per sticky note. Write in big letters and use a thick marker, so you can
read the note from further away. Now walk through your living space and
distribute your sticky notes creatively.


Share with your Tribe one of your past limiting beliefs about sleep and the
empowering belief you replaced it with.

You can use this format:

I used to believe that either you have naturally good sleep or you don’t. Now I
know that I am the creator my own sleep quality.

If you have done a bonus task, show the Tribe your results and share your


Complete your sleep tracker for today.

Day 4 - Your Power Down Hour
“Sleep has no “on-and-off-switch”. It is more like slowly putting your foot
off the gas and slowly putting your foot on the break.”


Set an alarm clock one hour before you want to go to bed to remind you to
start your Power Down Hour.


Design your ideal Power Down Hour. Plan and decide what you will do in each
20 minute section. Remember, this hour is screen-free time (no TV, no phone,
no tablet or laptop)!

1. 20 min to get things done. Do all the things now that will create stress in
the morning. Get your keys and wallet ready so you don’t have to look for
them in the morning. Make some notes on what you still have to do this
week. Write down what you don’t want to forget. Do what you have to do to
let go of the day and prepare what you can, so you don’t have to do it in the

2. 20 min for your personal hygiene. Now it’s the time for a hot bath,
brushing your teeth, removing make-up and snuggling into your pyjamas.

3. 20 min just relaxing. Do nothing that requires mental power. This is the
ideal time to meditate, pray and slow breathing exercises.

Fill in the table below to create your Power Down Hour. Remember, less is

1) Getting Things Done 2) Personal Hygiene 3) Relax


If you are primarily a

Visual Learner:
Take a moment to close your eyes and visualize yourself going through the
3x20 min Power Down Hour. What do you see yourself doing and how do you
feel? Note what you saw in your visualization in the table above and try it

Auditory Learner:
Create a playlist for your Power Down Hour. Try to find fitting songs for what
you do in the 3 different 20 minutes sections. Avoid music that activates or
irritates you. Choose only music that puts you in a relaxed state. To listen to the
audio ideally use an mp3 player or similar, so you don’t need to look at a

Tactical Learner:
Skip this exercise until tonight. When your Power Down Hour starts, you follow
the 20 minutes instructions and document everything you do. This way you fill
the table above while you do it. You can use your filled table for your Power
Down Hour tomorrow. Adjust it when needed.


Once you established your Power Down Hour, approach your partner or the
person sharing the living space with you. Tell them about your new evening
routine. Maybe you can even find ways on how they can support you in this.
They could hold you accountable and help you not to fall back into unhealthy

Day 5 - Your Daily Routine
“Once you are sleeping well, you will probably no longer need caffeine.”


1. Stop your caffeine intake after 2 PM, start only 90 min after you wake up.

2. Stop alcohol 2-3 hours before bed.

3. Complete your sleep tracker for today.


If you are primarily a

Visual Learner:
Create a reminder in your online or offline calendar for both the coffee and
alcohol cut-off times.

Auditory Learner:
Come up with a rhyme that helps you to remember the cut-off times for
caffeine and alcohol.

Example: Coffee for 2 with you. One hour per glass, so that my sleep may last.

Tactical Learner:
If you have a physical clock at home, place a little coffee symbol under 2 o’clock.
If you drink alcohol regularly, think about how many glasses you usually drink.
Put a sticker of your favorite alcoholic beverage under the according hour. For
example, if you usually have 3 drinks and you go to bed at 11PM, your alcohol
sticker would be under 8 o’clock.


Share your thoughts on today’s lesson with the Tribe. How do you feel about
timing your caffeine and alcohol intake? What are your worries and hopes? If
you have done a bonus task, show the Tribe your results with a picture or a
short video. Find the answers and support you need and let others be inspired
by your process.


Don’t forget your Power Down Hour today.

Day 6 - Your Medicine Cabinet

“Insomnia in general is called a door handle diagnosis.”


1. Discuss/review your prescription with your doctor. Can it be altered, so you

have the chance to get better sleep? Make an appointment with your doctor
today to discuss this.

2. Review your medicine cabinet. Count the total milligrams of caffeine

contained in your medication. Make a list of all the medications and
supplements you take:

3. Complete your sleep tracker.


If you are primarily a

Visual Learner:
Get 2 colors of sticky dots. Preferably red and green. Go through your medicine
cabinet and mark all the caffeine-free items with a green dot and the medicine
containing caffeine with a red dot. You can also use permanent markers for the
color coding.

Auditory Learner:
While you go through your medicine cabinet involve your auditory system by
shaking each bottle of pills and saying loud YES to medication without caffeine
and say aloud NO to medicine with caffeine you no longer want to use. You can
replace yes and no with other words, if that suits you better.

Tactical Learner:
Prepare a table where you can pile all medicines and supplements from your
households. Gather everything you have and go through them one by one.
Check if they contain any form of caffeine. Create 2 piles, one for medicine with
caffeine and one for caffeine-free drugs. Store the 2 piles in different labeled
boxes and put them in different places.


Today share something with the Tribe that was new to you. What was your
biggest learning from today’s lesson? What will you ask your pharmacist? 

Also share results if you completed a bonus task. Being part of the Tribe is a big
part of your learning experience. Engaging in discussions and conversations
deepens your learning and sharing your thoughts and process is fun and
creates inspiration for others. 

Day 7 - Review Day
“You really learned a ton about sleep by now.”


1. Complete any task or video you missed this week. Try to stay on track and
go through the entire quest with your Tribe.

2. Continue measuring your sleep with the sleep tracker.


It’s time to look at your sleep tracker from week 1. How was your sleep?

Step 1: Look at your bedtimes. How consistent are they?


My new bedtime is: _ _ : _ _

Step 2: Look at the number of awakenings you had. On average, was it more
than 2 times per night? If yes, on which nights did it happen?


How long were your awakenings?


Any more than 30 min? If yes, ask yourself:

1. Was this an unusual situation? Was there a sudden noise or similar?


2. Was the situation normal? Do you have a tendency to wake up at a
certain time each night?  


Step 3: Look at your wake-up times. How consistent were those?


Did you get out of bed right away or do you hit the snooze button? If yes, how
many times?


My new wake-up time is: _ _ : _ _

Step 4: Look at one day in your tracker that went well. What can you learn form





Review this week’s lessons and reflect what you’ve learned about yourself and
your habits.

What were your 3 main take-aways?

1. _________________________________________________

2. _________________________________________________

3. ____________________________________________


Share your 3 main take-aways with the Tribe and check-out what other’s
learned. If you have any questions, post them in the group and get the
discussion going.



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