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Workplace Assessment

Assessment Task 2: Workplace project 1 You are required to review sustainable practices at your
workplace and collaborate with staff to review current
sustainable practices.

Assessment Task 3: Workplace project 2 You are required to develop appropriate strategies to
support sustainable practices and experiences for children
in your workplace. Strategies will be reviewed by other
staff members or colleagues who will provide their

Assessment Task 4: Observation You will be observed demonstrating sustainable practices

with children and staff in their workplace.

Assessment Task Cover Sheet – Assessment Task 2

Students: Please fill out this cover sheet clearly and accurately. Make sure you have kept a copy
of your work.


Date of submission:


 Error: Reference source not found

Assessor to complete

Satisfactory/ Was this a re-

Not submission?
Assessment Task Satisfactory Date Y/N

Workplace project 1


I ____________________________________________ declare that these tasks are my own

þ None of this work has been completed by any other person.
þ I have not cheated or plagiarised the work or colluded with any other student/s.
þ I have correctly referenced all resources and reference texts throughout these assessment
þ I understand that if I am found to be in breach of policy, disciplinary action may be taken
against me.

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Workplace Assessment – CHCECE025 Embed sustainable practices in service operations Page 1
Student signature: ______________________________________________________________

Student name: _________________________________________________________________

Assessors: Please return this cover sheet to the student with assessment results and feedback.
A copy must be supplied to the office and kept in the student’s file with the evidence.














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Assessor name: ________________________________________________________________

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Date: _______________________________________________________________________

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Workplace Assessment – CHCECE025 Embed sustainable practices in service operations Page 3
Assessment Task 2: Workplace project 1


There are two parts to this task:

 Part A: Review sustainable practices in the workplace
 Part B: Collaborate with staff to review current sustainable practices.


 Access to a work placement

 Access to workplace resources
 Access to workplace policies and procedures
 Workplace supervisor
 Sustainability assessment (template provided)
 Sustainability policy
 Outcome report (template provided).


 This task may be done in your workplace (work placement where applicable)
Write in the due date as advised by your assessor: _______________________________


 Part A: A completed sustainability assessment report

 Part B: Three completed survey/questionnaires and a completed outcome report.


If your assessor sees that you have not completed both parts of this task satisfactorily, you will
need to redo the parts that are not correct. The details of resubmission will be discussed with
your directly.


 For this task you are required to conduct an assessment of sustainable practices at your
workplace. Areas for review include water, waste, energy and chemical use. Look around your
workplace to analyse and safely assess the physical environment.
 For each area, describe the area of sustainability including any implemented practices, the
type of resources in place to support sustainable practices, the impacts/outcomes of current
practices etc. Sample questions have been provided for you to consider when completing
your assessment.
 Ask your supervisor or workplace staff to assist you with this task where needed.
 Use the template provided to complete your audit. Space has been provided for you to
provide your response. Add more space where required.

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Workplace Assessment – CHCECE025 Embed sustainable practices in service operations Page 4
Part A – Workplace sustainability assessment
Student name Assessment Assessment Task 2, Part A
Supervisor Unit/Topic Policy and sustainability
Workplace Date of audit

Consider types of technology and equipment that require energy. What equipment uses the
most/least energy? Are switches left on overnight/weekend? Is the sleep mode/screen saver
used? What practices are currently in place to help minimise energy wastage? Is there an
existing policy and procedure for sustainable energy practices?
On this bistro lights and ice chests are the gear's that utilization the vast majority of the
energy. They generally switch off the lights around evening time yet the utilization during the
day is a great deal. They don't save any energy on the screens, which are on the entire day,
and now and then PCs are left on during the night as well. They possibly limit energy winding
down the lights and AC when they leave, and they don't have any arrangement or strategy

Consider the levels of water usage. How is water used on a daily basis? What things/tasks use
up the most water? Are staff using water sensibly? What practices or policies are in place to
support effective water use?
The a large portion of the water is utilized for cleaning. They have clothes washers for glasses
and hardware, yet espresso denotes the cups a great deal so they need to go trow a manual
wash previously the machine. The water isn't utilized reasonably in light of the fact that they
need it essentially constantly, for the cleaning and the espresso making. They don't have any
sort of guideline concurring with this movement


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What is considered waste at the workplace? Describe the types of things which are classified
as wastage. Explain whether there are some areas of the workplace which accumulate more
waste than others. Are staff conscious of waste management practices?
They have two unique canisters, one with wastage, or garbage, and other one with reusing
material. They reuse jugs and papers, boxes, and tops or plastic compartments, and the rest
is think about garbage. Where they amass more wastage is the kitchen furthermore, the bar,
and you can see that staff isn't prepared with regards to what can be truly reuse and so forth,
cause they differ between one another, for instance, in on the off chance that they can reuse
papers that can get filthy after for the removal of utilized jugs

Describe products used in the workplace that consist of chemical substances. What are they
used for? Is there an existing policy or procedure for management of chemicals? Are staff
responsible with the handling of chemicals?
They use synthetic substances just for cleaning. The soups for the clothes washers, and for the
cleaning of the foundation. They either have techniques for this, main they instruct each other
how to perfect, in an exceptionally casual way, they even say that most likely not utilized
something similar amounts of items each time, it relies upon the eyes of the client.

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Workplace Assessment – CHCECE025 Embed sustainable practices in service operations Page 6
Describe your overall thoughts on the types of sustainability practices currently in place.
Overall, is the workplace environmentally friendly? Why/Why not? What sustainable practice
strategies could you recommend to improve each area?
The spot is a little bistro, that is the reason they never care a lot about being maintainable.
They just ordered the waste and turn on the light, partially on the grounds that they are
utilized too as
in their homes, and furthermore in light of the fact that the public authority allows the
opportunity of having unique
assortments of materials in recyclable and non-recyclable.
It would be useful for them to build up specific standards and methodology fix to all the
staff. They ought to learn better how to isolate the waste, the manners in which that they
can work on the cleaning of the neighborhood and the materials.
Energy could be work on basically changing the lights bulbs, that look old style and not
harmless to the ecosystem. The equivalent with the screens of the clerks, they could be off
assuming no
one requirements them. Also, the water could be diminish redesigning the machines for the
cutlery and materials, it
could cost some cash toward the beginning, yet it will be save money on schedule and
costs on the long term.


 For this task, you are required to conduct a review of one existing policy and procedure on
sustainable practices at your workplace.
 Develop a short survey or questionnaire you could use for staff to complete. The purpose of
this survey will be to assess and evaluate the effectiveness of your selected policy. Your
questionnaire could be a mixture of open/closed ended questions. Survey at least three
people at your workplace. Your supervisor can be included in this review.
 Ensure you explain the purpose of this task to each person you wish to participate in your
survey when asking for their permission. The intention should be included on the
questionnaire. Suggestions of areas to assess could include: the benefits and challenges of
each practice, whether they believe they are effective/followed correctly in the workplace and
what aspects of the practice and policy could be improved. Refer to the outcome report
template as a guide to developing your own questionnaire.
 You must submit your completed surveys you developed as evidence for this task.
 After you have gathered feedback from staff, complete the questions in this section reporting
on the outcome of the assessment. Send a copy of your report recommendations to your

Part B – Outcome report

Student name Assessment Assessment Task 2, Part B

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Workplace Assessment – CHCECE025 Embed sustainable practices in service operations Page 7
Supervisor Unit/Topic Policy and sustainability
Workplace Date of review

Policy scope and objective

What is this policy for? Who uses this policy? What sustainable practice does this relate to?
This approach applies to every one of the workers to the TINY OPERA CAFÉ, however it tends
to be utilized as well for their providers and clients overall if pertinent. Is connected overall to
power and energy, however contains suggestion on water and wastage too when is fitting and
impact the utilization of the energy and power

What were the overall benefits identified in your questionnaires?
There are representatives on the organization worry about manageability. They know which
establishments on the grounds that the most burn-through of energy, similar to forced air
systems and lights, and they are making an honest effort on their potential outcomes to be
harmless to the ecosystem.

What were the overall challenges or barriers identified in the results of your questionnaire?
The absence of standard strategies, and assessments about bills, meters and preparing on
manageability. Being a little bistro, they feel that their strategies don't should be so formal
and that their effect isn't simply enormous

What suggestions have been made for improvements to the practice, process or policy?
Has being propose, as a matter of first importance, to set up proper strategies for preparing
and assessment. After it, the execution of lights more moderns will be significant, and the
decrease of energy on screen and clothes washer, putting in new ones forward-thinking.
The system of the cleaning is likewise done not proficiently, and it very well may be finished
saving more energy and time.

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Overall effectiveness
Do the results obtained indicate an effective sustainable practice and policy? Why/Why not.
After the arrangement, the individual overall treated the subject exceptionally in a serious
way, more for the reality that these days individuals is more worry about the climate, so the
new arrangements were applied, yet they are as yet not formal, so there is far to go until this
bistro learns the advantages of more genuine and standard arrangements.

Communicating new/updated policies

Describe your approach in communicating updates or changes to workplace policies and
practices to staff, parents and local community.
Aside from meeting, that are key in this sort of theme, is additionally a decent approach to
convey this progressions by bulletins or fliers. They arrive at a gigantic measure of
individuals in a brief time frame, with makes them more helpful assuming we need to speak
with the local area. Additionally, banners or little signs on the café are not difficult to make
and they arrive at all our clients.

Next steps/recommendations
Now that results and feedback have been received, explain your recommendations and next
steps to improve this policy.
I would recommend to go trow this strategy at regular intervals to assess in case it's being
follow, learn also, complete, and modificated anything that they will feel isn't working
adequate or can be improve.

What do I need to hand in for this task? Have I completed this?

Part A – A completed sustainability assessment

Part B – 3 x completed survey/questionnaires

and a completed outcome report

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Assessment Task Cover Sheet – Assessment Task 3

Students: Please fill out this cover sheet clearly and accurately. Make sure you have kept a copy
of your work.


Date of submission:


 Error: Reference source not found

Assessor to complete

Satisfactory/ Was this a re-

Not submission?
Assessment Task Satisfactory Date Y/N

Workplace project 2


I ____________________________________________ declare that these tasks are my own

þ None of this work has been completed by any other person.
þ I have not cheated or plagiarised the work or colluded with any other student/s.
þ I have correctly referenced all resources and reference texts throughout these assessment
þ I understand that if I am found to be in breach of policy, disciplinary action may be taken
against me.

Student signature: ______________________________________________________________

Student name: _________________________________________________________________

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Assessors: Please return this cover sheet to the student with assessment results and feedback.
A copy must be supplied to the office and kept in the student’s file with the evidence.

















Assessor signature: _____________________________________________________________

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Assessor name: ________________________________________________________________

Date: _______________________________________________________________________

Assessment Task 3: Workplace project 2


There are two parts to this task.

 Part A: Develop a sustainability practice program
 Part B: Review sustainability practice program.


 Access to a work placement

 Access to workplace resources
 Workplace supervisor
 Sustainability program (template provided)
 Review and feedback report (template provided).


 You will do this task in your workplace (this will be during your work placement, where
Write in the due date as advised by your assessor: _______________________________


 Part A: Sustainable practice strategies for children

 Part B: Two completed sustainability review reports.


If your assessor sees that you have not completed both parts of this task satisfactorily, you will
need to redo the parts that are not correct. The details of resubmission will be discussed with
your directly.



 For this task you are required to develop strategies on sustainable practices for children to
learn and follow in the workplace. Strategies must include a variety of experiential learning
activities suitable for the children at your workplace.
 Confirm with your workplace supervisor if there are existing resources available for you to
complete this task. Use the template provided to develop your strategies.

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Part A – Strategies for sustainable practice
Student name Assessment Assessment Task 3, Part A
Supervisor Unit/Topic Sustainability
Workplace Date of review
Children (level/age)

The outdoor environment

Taking the kids outside and investigate the climate.We will hope to sky and mists then, at that
point, will talk about the warm climate . Talk about the existence cycles and the progressions
of occasional climate

Natural materials
We can gather materials like shakes, blossoms and shells

Then, at that point, we will ask the youngsters how to utilize them and where to utilize them

The youngsters could contact ,smell and play with various assets

Recycling practices
We could use bucket full of water to teach the children about water saving. We can tell the children we can
use this much of water for the whole day only.

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Resource use
We can apportion crates and tub for compartments for youngsters to put their paper after they
have completed , this paper can be reused for different exercises or encounters.

Food preparation and wastage

For the supper time we can utilize a compartment apportioned for food scraps and waste.

The youngsters can discharge their plates into the piece compartment and use it in the

This would underscore the idea of developing and really focusing on regular and natural


 After you have developed a lesson or program on sustainable practice, you are required to
discuss your strategies with two other people in your workplace.
 Invite staff members or colleagues to review some of your suggestions you provided in Part A
to gather their feedback on the program. Explain the purpose of this task and what they need
to do.
 You may choose to arrange a time to discuss your strategy with them, or each member might
prefer to complete the feedback report in their own time. You must remember to provide
them with a copy of your sustainability program developed in Part A for them to review.
 Each member should provide feedback on the effectiveness of your strategies, feasibility and
appropriateness to the nature of a workplace in the childcare industry. You should also gather
alternative suggestions or strategies they think could be more appropriate.
 All feedback captured must be legible and clearly labelled.

Part B – Review sustainability program

Student name Assessment Assessment Task 3, Part B
Supervisor Unit/Topic Policy and sustainability

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Workplace Date of review
Review participant

Overall feedback
It was a decent and pleasant experience as the children appreciated it and find out with
regards to the climate

Suggestions for improvement

Keep drilling and find another relative practices

What do I need to hand in for this task? Have I completed this?

Part A – Sustainable practice strategies for children 
Part B – Two completed sustainability review reports. 

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Assessment Task 4: Observation


The purpose of this task is for you to demonstrate how you support sustainable practices in
your workplace with students and staff.


 Access to a work placement

 Access to workplace resources, material and equipment
 Access to workplace policies and procedures on sustainable practice.


 You will do this task when your assessor visits the workplace (this will be during your work
placement, where applicable).
Write in the due date as advised by your assessor: _______________________________


 You do not need to submit anything for this task.


If your assessor sees that you have not demonstrated the required skills/techniques; your
assessor will discuss with you what you will need to do to demonstrate competency.

 Your assessor will be observing you supporting and promoting sustainable work practices
with children and staff during your work placement. These should be practices that are
already followed in your daily activities with children.
 Refer to the box below to ensure you are familiar with what your assessor is looking to
observe you doing in your workplace. Your assessor will ask you verbal questions as part of
this task.

Your assessor will be looking to see that you can:

1. Encourage children to follow sustainable practices
2. Engage with staff and children to promote sustainable practices
3. Implement appropriate sustainability practices with children
4. Role-model respect, care and appreciation for the natural and constructed
5. Talk to the children about the environment, natural resources and correct process and
6. Encourage children to openly discuss and share thoughts on sustainable practices or
material through instruction and activities
7. Create a supportive space for children to engage in sustainable learning experiences
8. Use a variety of natural resources for children to engage different senses – touch,

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taste, sound, smell and sight
9. Use sustainable resources in learning activities with children
10. Follow workplace protocol on sustainable practices including reporting and record
11. Use workplace resources appropriately
12. Correctly answer verbal questions.

What do I need to hand in for this task? Have I completed this?

You do not need to hand anything in for this task 

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