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NIM : 20612116

Answer :
1. A. Larson and Smallery, According to Larson and Smalley view culture as a “blue
print” that guides the behavior of people in a community and is incubated in family
life. It regulates our behavior in the group, makes us sensitive to status issues, and
helps us know what our responsibilities are to the group. Different cultures are the
underlying structures that make round communities round and square communities

B. Condon, Culture is a context that directs the cognitive and affective behavior of
each individual in social life. Therefore, Condon (1973) explains that in human life
in society there is an integrated pattern system called culture.

C. Edward Taylor, EB Taylor, who is also a british anthropologist, defines culture as

something that is complex contained in the knowledge of beliefs, arts, morals, law,
customs and others obtained by humans as members of society.

2. Norms

Norms comes from the dutch language, namely ‘norm’ which means standard,
guideline, or basic rule. Meanwhile, according to the Big Indonesia dictionary
(KBBI), norms are rules or provisions that bind members of groups in society. The
norms that exist in society contain rules and regelations and standard instructions.
Then the norms that apply in society usually contain unwritten rules. Even though it is
not whitten, the existing norms or rules are consciously obeyed by the community. So,
norms are basically made to be implemented. There are various kinds of norms,
namely religious norms, norms oh decency, legal norms, and moral norms.


Values are everything that is considered good and bad in society. Values can be
used as a basic consideration for each individual in determining attitudes and making
decisions. According to clyde kluchohn, social values are influenced by the culture of
the community itself. This is what causes differences in values between community

Beliefs and trust are attitudes shown by humans when they feel they feel they
know enough and conclude that they have reached the truth. Since belief is an
attitude, one’s belief is not always true of belief alone is not a guarantee of truth.

3. Cross-cultural occurs when there is interaction between two different cultures

meet at common point. Cross-cultural is a term that is ofter used to describe
situations when a culture meets and interacts with other cultures, both of which can
have positive or negative impact on a person.
There are culturl differences because culture is dynamic and always evolving,
therefore it takes more that one approch to understand cross-culturally. Humans grow
and create a way of thinking tht is different from one another. This way of thinking
and behaving is the result of cultural conditioning or cultural controlling through a
long process of education and teaching that has been handed down from generation to
generation by parents, teachers, and the community.
Understanding other people’s cultures is veryimportant for us to avoid culture
shock which thinks that certai peooples culture is wrong according to us based on the
culture we understand (our own culture), say a person who works in a financialoffice
or a hospital that has many people. Thise who work and come from different ethnic
groups or countries across cultures include an understanding of values, beliefs,
attitudes, thinking patterns, customs, habits, language and ways of communicating.

4. Dealing with misunderstandings between cultures today, along with the

development of the times, humans can no longer avoid it that they are begenning to be
led to enter the era of globalization. The are of globalization is an era where there is
anincreasing need between a nation and nationother. This is what ultimately results in
it being no longer enough for human to communicate with others who have the same
cultural bacground. The era of globalization requires them to start communicationg
with humans others with different cultural backgrounds, or in other words, indiretly,
humans are required to start intercultural communication.
Intercultural communication is communication between two people who
‘different’. Two people who are different here means two peopel who come from
different cultures. Communication between two people who different is not as easy as
communicating with two similar people. This mateer because two people from
different cultures often bring with it the value of assumptions, expectations, verbal
and nonverbal habits and etiquette ways of interacting in accordance with the culture
from which they came when communicate. The differences brought by each
individual in it is this communication that ends up often leading to malentendu, or
5. a. Etnosentis
b. Universal
c. Alkuturasi
d. Adaptif
e. Dinamis (flexibel)
f. Integrtif

6. Custom Home

It seems we all must have often heard bout traditional houses. Traditional house is
form of Indonesia culture that ws born from the art of building or architecture and
usually has special characteristics depending on the area of origin. This form of
culture is used as a place of residence by a certain tribe s well as certain nation nd

Traditional Clothes

Traditional clothing or traditional clothing is also one of the many cultures that
exist in indonesia. In addition, because of the chaaracteristics of each region,
traditional clothing cn also represent the character and priciples of prticular tribe or
community. Indonesia has a lot of traditional clothes that exist in each region, there
are even some reas that have more that one type of traditional clothing.

Traditional weapon

This cultural product is closely related to one particular society. Besides being born as
a from of protection from enemy attacks, traditional weapons were also born to
support farming and hunting activities which were the livelihoods of ancient people.
Traditional weapons become the identity of a nation and participates in enriching
Indonesia culture. An example of atraditional weapon is the keris.

Local Language

Regional language is a language spoken in a region within a country or nation in a

small area, stste or province. The function of the regional language is as the identity
of a community group. The number of regional languages in Indonesia 652 languages.


Ethnicity is a reality of certain community groups in the area which is marked by the
area which is marked by the habits and life practices that exist in the community
group itself. The culture that exists in Indonesia really cannot be separeted from the
tribe itself. Examples of ethnic groups in Indonesia are javanese culture, Dayak
culture, Batak culture, Minangkabau culture, and Akit ethnic culture.

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