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Final Paper Rubric

**Please note: Herein, I,T,P refers to Ideological, Theoretical, Philosophical.

A+/A A-/B+ B/B- C+
Proficient Adequate Limited
Conceptual Response applies Skilfully and Thoughtfully and Methodically and Unevenly and x3
analysis I,T,P insights in a extensively applies substantially applies partially applies I,T,P incompletely applies
clear and focused I,T,P insights I,T,P insights insights. Throughout I,T,P insights
manner. throughout paper. throughout paper. paper. throughout paper.

Connection Response draws Connections between Connections between Connections between Connections between x2
to course together connections course content and course content and course content and course content and
themes and from both course readings is readings is thoughtful readings is adequate readings is
readings readings and themes. perceptive and and focused. and consistent. superficial and
coherent. unorganized.

Argument Arguments Arguments are clearly Arguments are often Arguments are Arguments are invalid, x4
construction addressing the and accurately clearly and accurately present; they are unsound and
question-at-issue are developed; they are developed; they are appropriate and ineffective.
developed. powerful and sound. sound. straightforward.

Polish Organization, Paper is skilfully Paper is logically Paper is methodically Paper is unorganized x 1
citation, and polish. organized and highly organized and organized and and unpolished with
polished in polished in conformity moderately respect to APA
conformity with APA with APA guidelines. unpolished with guidelines.
guidelines. respect to APA

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