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Enrico Shavez, an 80-year-old man, is admitted to the emergency room with severe

pain in his chest and shoulder, which is radiating down his left arm. Enrico appears
extremely apprehensive. He tells his health care provider that he has experienced
similar episodes of chest pain in the past, which were apparently triggered by stress.
Based on his symptoms, the care provider tells Enrico that he is experiencing an attack
of angina pectoris. She treats his condition, and then instructs Enrico to see his primary
health care provider as soon as possible. Meanwhile, Enrico is advised to avoid stressful
situations and take a small dose of aspirin daily.
With the assessment and evaluation taken by the health care provider of Mr.
Enrico Shavez, there is a distinct health condition he is currently enduring. Conforming
with the found symptoms, it is indeed irrefutable that the ailment is incorporated with
heart disease. Chest pain is intertwined with heart, when an individual experience pain
nearly in his chest potentially, it is caused by heart failure. As what conducted health
studies imply, whenever a person experiences diseases or disorders especially a failure
in circulatory system, further monitoring is advised, and urgent treatment ought to take
The chest pain that Mr. Enrico Shavez endures is called Angina or Angina
Pectoris. Due to the insufficient flow of blood and need of oxygen in heart muscles, it
inclines to result into a series of chest pain. There is an imbalance supply of oxygen-rich
blood that keeps the arteries started to falter and malfunction. If the coronary arteries
are tapering, heart muscle only receives a lesser amount of oxygen. The common cause
why arteries become narrow is because of the condition called atherosclerosis – it is a
special condition that is characterized in which blubbery plaques that eventually develop
within the artery walls.
Most people are predisposed to a misconception that angina is a similar condition
with heart attack. Repeatedly engraving, it is only a condition that diminishes the supply
of blood and if treated right away, it does bot inflict any malfunctions to the heart.
Angina has several types. In accordance with medical practitioners, the common
type of angina that people are diagnosed is the unstable and stable angina. Stable
angina is a kind of angina brought by the disparity of the need of oxygen-rich blood and
the amount existing. It is a gateway of more severe complications that will eventually
and gradually lead to heart diseases and heart attack. By resting and taking oral
medications, stable angina can be treated. When a person with stable angina got
different pattern of symptoms, consulting a doctor must take place.
Stable angina once progresses it can lead to unstable angina – a type of angina
that is considered as an acute coronary syndrome. The chest pain that Mr. Enrico
Shavez is feeling might last longer and can be more severe and often if not given an
attention. Unlike with stable angina, this type of angina usually needs more extreme
medical aid or medical procedures subsequently, it must be handled as an urgent
Untreated anginal illness of Mr. Enrico Shavez may by some means, it could lead
to life-endangering complications and disease. One of such is severe arrhythmias or
irregular heartbeat. An arrhythmia is a problem regarding with rate of an individual’s’
heartbeat. A person’s heart has irregularities in beating, the heart can beat too slow
(bradycardia) or too fast (tachycardia). In some cases, the heartbeat rhythm is
Additional life-threatening impediment is heart attack. Again, angina is different
from heart attack but if it is not treated, it can result to heart attack. This occurs when
an artery blocked because of fatty fluids. The fine line between angina and heart attack
is the term blocked and narrowed. Blocked is for heart and narrowed is for angina.
Angina can likewise lead to cardiac arrest. Cardiac arrest is known as the unanticipated
loss of function of the heart. With all the symptoms and irregularities that ensued from
angina evidently, it can cause the heart to fail.
Lastly, atrioventricular block is prevalently one of the outcomes of angina. The
process and communication (electrical signal) between atria down to the ventricles is
being compromised. To minimize the risks of angina, it is advisable to everyone who is
undergoing angina or chest pain to have a proper diet. Knowing what to eat is very
essential to lessen the threat. Good nutrition is imperative to the health of your heart,
Mr. Enrico Shavez need to follow a healthy diet. Eating plenty of whole grains, fruits,
lean proteins such as fish and beans, and vegetables while avoiding dairy products and
foods which are rich in sodium is a very prolific response in minimizing the danger of
angina. People should be mindful as well, reading food labels is pivotal because the
nutrient content of the food is being monitored.
In line with healthy diet, proper exercise is also needed. The goals of the
exercise program must improve and enhance the cardiovascular fitness of the patient as
well as muscular strength and endurance. Low-impact program exercise is the best
exercise for angina patients. Walking, cycling and even water exercises are good
examples of the low-impact exercises. However, the patient should consult his doctor
for safety. Exercising with caution is a consideration that must be taken into account.
Knowing the intensity of the exercise and the weather condition must be noted for it
triggers your angina.
If an angina is stable, through oral medications it can be treated and aided. Oral
medications include nitrates, aspirin, beta blockers, statins, calcium channel blockers,
and Ranexa. However, if it develops and diagnosed to be unstable, the need of urgent
surgical operations and treatment should be done. According to healthcare practitioners
and surgeons, there are two procedure that a patient can undergo. Angioplasty – it is a
surgical procedure that is done to open the blocked or narrowed coronary arteries. This
process is done by threading a small, deflated balloon and attached to a medical tube
inside a narrowed artery and then inflates to widen the artery. The doctor inserts a little
metal tube or also known as stent to make the coronary arteries remain open. This
surgery last from 30 mins to couple of hours. When angina did not improve by those
mentioned treatment, therapy is recommended. Enhanced external counter pulsation
(EECP) therapy involves large cuffs (positioned across your legs) to inflate and deflate
in accord with your heartbeat that is instigated by air pressure. This is done five times a
week with a maximum of one hour treatment to last for almost two months.
Healthy lifestyle seems to be petty and trivial but, it is the most efficient and
effective response to certain disease. Changing lifestyle is part of medications. Once
diagnosed to have an angina, stop smoking. Smoking will aggravate your health
condition. Healthy diet as stated above is unquestionably beneficial and valuable.
Lastly, freeing yourself from stress is necessary. Seek stress-reduction techniques and
find serenity. When there is enough, thrive for a healthy way of living.

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