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When I Set Out For Lyoneesse Grade -8

Read the extract given below and answer the questions that follows :

What would be chance at Lyonnesse While I should sojoura there,

No Prophet durst declare;
Nor did the wisest wizard guess What would be chance at Lyonnesse While I should sojourn there.


1. Name of the poem and the poet ?

Ans. : _____________________________________
2. What does the expression ‘No prophet durst declare’ mean?
Ans. : _____________________________________
3. What could the wisest wizard not guess?
Ans. : _____________________________________
4. Which word in the stanza means “to stay”?

5. How is the weather at there? _____________________________________


1. What is Lyonnesse?

2. What changes occur in poet after he returned from Lyonnesse?

3. Why did prophet and wizard not guess about the magic in the poet’s

4.Why did the poet visit a parish?

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