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Nombre: Matrícula:

Raúl Reyes Montesinos 2830049

Cristina Alejandra Díaz Caldera 2946016
Omar Alejandro Ramirez Guardiola 2852921
Nombre del curso: Nombre del profesor:
Effective presentations workshop Sergio Alberto Martínez Jaime
Módulo: Actividad:
Modulo 1 Activity 3
Fecha: 2 de septiembre del 2021
1. Analyze the marketing advertisements provided by your teacher.

2. Answer the practice, paying attention to the elements of communication

and the principles of graphic design presented in the advertisement.
Communication Process:
1. Who is the SENDER?
The company of McDonalds
2. Who is the potential RECEIVER (target market)?
People of all ages that like hamburgers or fast food
3. What is the MESSAGE?
Announce the new hamburgers they are selling, and a promotion that comes by visiting
their online page
4. Which is the CHANNEL used?
Visual. The ad that can be seen at the top
5. Which is the CODE used?
Images from the hamburgers, and writing

Discussion of principles of graphic design:

1. Figure-ground:
The main focus is on the hamburgers that is why there is a smooth background which
does not attract much attention The main focus is on the hamburgers that is why there
is a smooth background which does not attract much attention
2. Balance:
The balance edition was adequate since the hamburgers appear with a uniform size
and we can distinguish the sizes well without affecting the presentation
3. Contrast:
The contrast in this advertisement is widely used since the photo has colors that stand
out much more than in reality and its size is also very different
4. Cropping:
The advertisement focuses entirely on the hamburger that is why the background is one
color and without distracting figures
5. Hierarchy:
The company logo and one of its recognized phrases for customer attraction
6. Scale:
The scale is well used because the new hamburger is larger than the others and the
hamburger that advertises a promotion is smaller than the others.
7. Proportion:
The proportion made is very good since it makes us realize the new product and also
makes us believe by the comparison made in the same poster that it is quite large, it
also forces us to see that the hamburger is from McDonals because its logo occupies
half a poster
8. Pattern:
In general it is a very clean design and the only patterns that are seen are those that
pretend to be a coupon and are surrounding the promotion.
Which is your general opinion about the advertisement? Does it work or not?
From our point of view, the announcement is very well done since it takes care of
several of the aspects that are mentioned. In addition to fulfilling its objective, which is to
generate the sensation of hunger in the viewer so that in this way they consume their

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