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Christmas in the UK

As a traditional Colombian man, I’m used to celebrate Christmas like any other local person,
surrounded of family and Friends, loud music, a lot of food and of course liters of Aguardiente and
Ron. last year I was in the middle of a trip for Europe, so for Christmas I got stuck in Birmingham, a
beautiful town from England, and things weren’t so different, for example the way they celebrate
Christmas, parties everywhere, great music and people in a nice mood. I honestly felt like home.
Some differences are the drinks and food. That was the first time that I celebrated Christmas with
whiskey and apple cider (I got wasted) and one detail is that in Colombia we celebrate the 24th
and for them the correct date of Christmas for celebrate is the 25th. Anyway, I loved the
experience and I hope to repeat it again next year in other country.

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