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Rosas Altamirano Luis Angel

FECHA: 28/10/21

The day of the Dead

The celebration of the Day of the Dead has a pre-Hispanic origin, with the cult by
Mesoamerican cultures towards the god Mictlantecuhtli, the god of death, owner
and lord of the dead and of the underworld, they offered offerings to that god as
sacrifices, too. They had the habit of putting altars with corn, water, pulquee,
cocoa, etc. After the Spanish conquest in Mesomarcan lands this would change,
now he worshiped God and celebrated the day of all the saints who had died in the
name of Christ. Shortly after the church included in the calendar the celebration of
the faithful deceased one day after the feast of all saints, this, with the purpose of
remembering those who died from some pandemic such as the plague, eh from
there that Currently the day of the dead is celebrated on November 1 and 2, just on
these dates the constmbre of putting an altar with candles or tapers was resumed,
so the relatives could pray for the soul of the deceased, with this a traditional
custom became the visit the cemeteries during this time and today.

How we Mexicans
celebrate it
We Mexicans, on the day of the dead, usually put offerings in our houses for our
deceased, putting their favorite foods and drinks, we also usually go to cemeteries
to visit our deceased to decorate their graves with flowers where they rest, there
are also parties of day of the dead sometimes with costumes or simply family
gatherings to commemorate this day.
As family members see

-I think we see the Day of the Dead as a colorful, very beautiful holiday, we see it
as the days where our loved ones who have passed away and return to us in soul
to nourish themselves with the offerings that we leave for them.

-I think that the day of the dead is a beautiful tradition because there is bread of the
dead that is very rich, fruit and drink and this is quite good.

-It is a super fun holiday because we drink with the whole family and we eat and
we all get together

-It's the best because there are many Day of the Dead parties and we go out to
have fun and have some drinks and there are no classes.

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