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Gedion Setiawan Toga Torop | 46121110004

Psychologist: A Job That I Really Want

Talking about a dream job is

always challenging and fun at the
same time for everyone, including
me. My name is Gedion Setiawan
Toga Torop. People usually call me
Dion or just Yon. I was born on
March 9th, 2000 and I live in
Cengkareng, Jakarta Barat. Many people do not believe it but my dream job is
actually to be a psychologist. Some of my friends think it is a joke since I am a man.
Men usually choose manly jobs to be, such as an athlete, a technician, an engineer,
and so on. However, I have been dreaming of becoming a psychologist since I was a
kid. I found it interesting to learn about mental health although at that time I did not
really understand what a psychologist meant and the job description of a
psychologist. According to Cambridge Dictionary, a psychologist is someone who
studies the human mind and human emotions and behavior, and how different
situations have an effect on people. Whereas, based on, the
main roles of a psychology are to provide assessment and therapy to clients, help
facilitate organizational or social change, conduct psychological research, or
administer psychological tests to individuals or groups.

When I was a kid, I never knew those

kinds of terms but still, a psychologist always
attracts me. For me, becoming a psychologist is
one of the ways to understand ourselves better
before we try to understand others. I always
keep in mind that we will not be able to fix
someone else if we have not fixed ourselves
yet. Through the knowledge from psychology,
such as dimensions of personality, we can
understand ourselves better. It can also motivate us to improve ourselves so that we
become the best version of ourselves. Then, if we have become the best version of
us, we will be able to help others to be the best version of them. Through
psychology, we can help others in many ways possible, such as improving their
motivation, improving their leaderships, helping them to communicate effectively and
express themselves, improving their emotional intelligence, helping them to cope
with sad or bad memories, and many more. Nowadays, especially in this pandemic
era, it is easier for people to stress over things in their life. They overthink about their
income, their job, their education, their kids, etc. This is why a psychologist is
needed; to help people.

Another reason why I really want to be a psychologist is because I do believe

that mental health plays a very important role in human life. No matter how high our
GPA or score is, no matter how beautiful you are or how rich you are, everyone can
be mentally unstable. They might
overthink about their appearance, their
job, their financial problems, even
about their relationships. We cannot
deny the fact that an unhealthy mental
will affect our daily lives. Therefore, a
psychologist will be needed, especially
in the near future where everything seems unpredictable and unsure. With the help
of a psychologist, people might reduce the possibility of being mentally unstable.
Moreover, a psychologist might reduce the number of suicide cases. However, it also
requires the honesty of people who are mentally unstable. They have to find
someone to talk to, in this case, an expert. They have to believe that it is okay to go
see a psychologist. I want other people to understand that going to a psychologist
does not mean that you are crazy or pathetic. Instead, going to a psychologist
means that you care about yourself and you take a good care of yourself.

Being a psychologist for me is not only a

way for living but it is more about I am being
helpful for others. It is how I show my empathy for
others. When I was a kid, my father always tells
me that whatever I do in the future, I have to make
sure that I am useful for people around me and I think being a psychologist is what I
choose. I once was a person who overthought everything. I thought too much and I
worried about my days, my problems, my assignments, my friends, etc. I knew very
well what it was like to be trapped in our own mind, thinking about this and that. It
was a lot of time consuming. It was so easy for me to be stressed out. Then, I went
to Youtube and tried to find some videos about psychology and how to cope with my
anxiety and stress. I found some videos that I liked to watch at night when I was
going to sleep, because I used to overthink at night. I did that for weeks and it really
worked. It helped me a lot and it ensured me about my dream job; to become a
psychologist. I really understand how it is like to stress over things and sometimes
we cannot even find someone to talk to, even watching a Youtube video is not
enough for some people. If so, then the only way is to find a help from the expert,
who is a psychologist. If someone thinks that the world left him behind, he has to
believe that a psychologist will never leave him.

By being a psychologist, I also

want to educate others that mental
health is important, not only physical
health. Nowadays, there are many
people who think that physical health is
the only thing that we need to concern
while in fact, mental health also matters.
People are not going to be happy if they
are physically healthy but mentally unhealthy. They will also not able to make the
right decisions in their life if they are mentally unstable. Our mental condition is like
the gasoline and our body is the car. If we are mentally healthy, we can get through
each day of our life happily and effectively. I really hope that I will be a psychologist
one day. I cannot wait to use my knowledge and help others because everyone does
not have to face their struggles alone.

Sources of pictures:

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