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1. Summarize the story.

A happy, self-assured cook named Gretel has a cheerful disposition and enjoys
wearing shoes with red heels. She also has a very healthy appetite. "The cook has to
know how the food tastes," she says as she eats and drinks with gusto. One day
Gretel's master asks her to roast two chickens, one for him and one for the guest he's
expecting. Gretel kills, scalds, and plucks the chickens, then begins spit-roasting them.
The chickens smell and look delicious as they cook. Gretel tells her master that if the
guest doesn't arrive soon, the meat won't be as good. He agrees and leaves to look for
his guest.

Now that she's alone, it occurs to Gretel that she's thirsty, so she runs down to the
cellar and swigs down some wine. She tests the chickens, saying it's "a sin and a
shame" they won't be eaten promptly. In fact, she thinks, one of the birds looks as if it's
starting to burn. She'd better eat it before it's ruined.

When she's finished with the first chicken, Gretel's master still hasn't returned with his
guest. "Where the one is, the other should follow," says Gretel, and eats the second

Just then her master calls out that he and the guest have arrived. As he's sharpening
the carving knife, Gretel hurries to warn the guest. "He invited you for an evening
meal," she said, "but all he really wants is to cut off both your ears. Listen, he's
sharpening his knife." The guest runs away, terrified. Gretel then indignantly tells her
master that the guest has stolen both chickens off the platter while her back was

The master gives chase, calling "Just one! Just one!" to the guest. But the guest thinks
he wants "just one" of his ears and runs faster.

2. Name 7 differences you find with the version for kids of this story.

1. There are two characters, Hansel and Gretel.

2. They are kids.
3. They found the candy house and a woman.
4. Stepmother doesn’t like the kids.
5. The witcher locked Hansel in a cage and tell to Gretel that should
cook Hansel.
6. Gretel pushed the old with into the oven and close the oven door.
7. Gretel took the key, unlocked Hansel and they ran as fast they


1. Summarize the story.

2. Which part of the story caught your attention? Why?
3. How did God play with the Devil?
4. How would you compare this story and the envy here reflected with real life?

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