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app dev

It is the process of redirecting or remapping a controller class or method.


What functionality was added to PHP 5.1 as interface for accessing databases?

-PHP Data Objects

The function or ci code to load a view.

- $this->load->view

PHP is one of the most widely used and recognizable web technology used on the Internet.


Originally, PHP is known as "Personal Home Pages"


Year that PHP 3 was released


The third URI Segment


It is a URI Component that serve as persistent, location-independent identifiers


The function or ci code to show or call the client-side "non-existing page" error

The default file extension for PHP file is ".php"

-True is the official php resource.


PHP version that uses void return type, class constant visibility modifiers, null types.

- 7.1

Version of PHP that introduces the use of superglobals.

- 4.1.0

It is a URI Component that locates the path or address.

-Web Address

The first URI segment


It is the Presentation Layer of the MVC Architecture.


The page that displays a message that the requested page was not found.

-error 404

Who is the inventor of PHP?

-Rasmus Lerdorf
It is a configuration file that is used for configuration of site-access issues, such as URL redirect, URL
shortening, Access-security control.

-.htpaccess (wrong)

-httptaccess (wrong)


PHP version that enabled the filter extension by default Native JSON default

- 5.2.0

What year did PHP began its development?


PHP development began in 1995.


PDO stands for Personal Data Objects.


PHP runs on various platforms operating system such as apache and IIS.


URI stands for?

-Uniform Resources Identifier

PHP is one of the most widely used and recognizable web technology used on the Internet.


PHP version currently in use on most websites and included several new features such as support for
object-oriented programming.
-PHP 5.6

Version of PHP that uses namespace support late static binding.

-PHP 5.3.0

URN stands for?

-Uniform Resource Name

What is the meaning of URL?

-Uniform Resource Locator

Year that PHP was officially called Personal Home Page Tools.

-1994 (wrong)

try 1995 tama siguro

The second URI segment



Form Helper method or code to return an HTML radio input type


Symbol used to combine 2 sting values to create one string.

- ..

It is the Data Access Layer or Persistence Layer of the MVC Layered Architecture.

Select one:

CI method or code to set a rule in form validation.


A variable declared outside a function.


This allows us to collect data from the htm file and display to the php script.

- $_POST

These are functions which are passed to another function and takes this "other function" as a parameter.


Area that can be specified by the cols and rows attributes, or even better; through CSS' height and width


Form Helper method or code to return an HTML checkbox input type.


Form Helper method or code to return an HTML button.



variables are just like session variables except it is only available on the next request.


Controller is also knows as the data access layer.

HTML is a requirement in Code igniter


Segment is the process of redirecting or remapping a controller class or method.


These are functions which are passed to another function and takes this "other function" as a parameter.


PHP varianbles start with what symbol?


Form Helper method or code to return an HTML text input type.

- form_input()

Storage data in PHP


row_array() fetch the data as a single row and result_array() fetch the data as a multi-dimensional array.


Andi Gutmans was the inventor of PHP.


Defines a multi-line text input control.

- //< textarea > tag

Form Helper method or code to return an HTML password input type.

CI function code to load a Model class.

-$this -> load (wrong)

URI stands for Uniform Resource Identity


It is the Data Access Layer or Persistence Layer of the MVC Layered Architecture.


It is a line that is not read/executed as part of the program.


CI method or code that display/echo error messages when form_validation->run() returns false.


Database group configuration in CI is stored in a multi-dimensional array.


CI method or code to load the form validation library.


IDENTIFICATION: What do you call the 1st segment of the URI?


One of the main points of interaction between a user and a web site or application. They allow users to
send data to the website.

-HTML Forms
To load the view, the function is like this: $this->load->view('name');


CI file directory where the database configuration settings and database groups is found.


Define styles for your documents, including the design, layout and variations in display for different
devices and screen sizes.


Delimiter symbol for rules in form validation.

-"?" symbol (wrong)

functions to help you build your form easier and faster.

-Forms Helper (wrong)

Other term used for Option buttons?


URI is the historical name that serve as persistent, location-independent identifiers allowing the simple
mapping of namespaces into a single URN namespace


The function of ci code to return a URI segment



Method that accepts the email's body or content

-message ()
Account registration can be approved through activation link sent from user's email or by an admin


matches form validation rule checks 3 fields that should have an equal or same value.


Method that accepts the email's title or heading text

-subject () (wrong)




-bcc (wrong)

It is any process or technology that allows users who forgot their passwords authenticate and reset the
passwords of their account

-Forgot password

valid_email form validation rule is used to check if an e-mail is valid or not.


$this->db->insert_id() inserts an id in the database.


We should subject a user for approval on registration.


is_uniques form validation rule checks if the input is unique from the table.

Method that returns a string containing any server messages, email header and email message.


Method that triggers the sending of email


Form helper class helps us by returning formatted HTML form elements.


Method that accepts 'secondary recipients' that receives the mail just to keep them informed


Method that accepts the sender's email address


An input required to verify the user's record existence in order to reset his/her password.

-email address

Database Normalization is the process of organizing records to minimize redundancy.


is_unique requires table and field name as parameter.


Registration is an activity of deleting user information on the database.

Method that accepts the recipient's email address


Method that accepts recipients that are not visible to the other recipients



variables that store values but it can only contain strings and numbers


is the process of organizing the columns/records or attributes and tables of the database to minimize
data redundancy.


methods is very useful on getting pieces of data, one at a time particularly on multiple tables and

-Look Up

used as a function library that we can just load to the controller or view.


It is very useful on web forms security against online bots, crawlers and spammers.


are templates for reports


runs a back-end database query and displays the information in organized and informational manner

-single report page

SSPR stands for

-Self-service password reset

application to help the program perform small or simple task such as formatting a parameter,
computation or series of commands


functions that accepts input parameters and returns an HTML input form element.

-form helper class

function returns the auto incremented or last inserted id from the query


Name the configuration file needed to set helper

-autoload config

formatted result of database queries and contain useful data for decision making and analysis


returns a string containing any server messages, email header and the email message.


encrypted email as a key



Self-survey password reset (SSPR) is defined as any process or technology that allows users who forgot
their password authenticate their account and reset their passwords without calling the help desk.

bcc stands for Black Carbon Copy


Organization that sponsors CI


variables are session variables that expires with a given time limit.


Variables that can be accessed anywhere on the web application because it is stored on the browser


Method will execute codes once the class is created or instantiated.

- _construct

Function that fetch the data as a single row array


Function that fetch the data as a multi-dimentional array


What function can be used to access session variables on webpages?


File that will automatically route the index.php next to the Controller

It can be said as the entry point of application.


CodeIgniter allows us to send email in a neat and simple way. We can load the email class by Declaring


A Query is a formatted result of database queries and contain useful data for decision making and


SEARCH methods is very useful on getting pieces of data, one at a time particularly on multiple tables
and databases.


$that->db->insert_id() function returns the auto incremented or last inserted id from the query.



This command is used to create a sliding down transition within a given time on a selected element


A materializeCSS class that provides a 70% space of the browser's full width and allows you to center the
content horizontally.


This command is used to produce a fading out effect within a given time on a selected element

A materializeCSS class that extends up to 100% of the browser's width to hold page contents.


This command is used to toggle, switch or alternate the selected item's visibility: show and hide


A grid layout that is used for static website designs because it has fixed/distributed column sizes.


This command is used to get or set values from and to a non-input element like divs.


A structure made up of series of intersecting straight (vertical, horizontal and angular) or curved guide
lines used to structure content.


This command is used to produce a fading in effect within a given time on a selected element


It is the vertical dimension of the grid system that hold the actual page contents and is limited into 12s
per line.


This command is used to get or set values from and to an input element particularly textboxes.


This command is used to hide selected element(s)

It is the horizontal dimension of the grid system that separate page contents line after line.


MaterializeCSS class prefix for tablet devices.


MaterializeCSS class prefix for desktop or larger devices

- l (wrong)


This command is used to hide selected element(s)


This command is used to create a sliding to the left transition within a given time on a selected element


MaterializeCSS class prefix for mobile devices.


This command is used to show selected element(s)


This command is used creates a sliding up transition within a given time on a selected element


A grid layout that adapts or resize columns depending on the device screen size.


This command is used creates a sliding right transition within a given time on a selected element


jQuery is a java library that makes web scripting easier for us.


JQuery method used to creates a sliding to the left transition within a given time on a selected element


We used the base_url() function to return our domain or application path


AJAX engine is an XMLHttpRequest object and jQuery makes it a lot more easier for us because of its
AJAX development API.


AJAX stands for Asynchronous Java


is a design language or design convention for modern applications and website

-Material Design

IDENTIFICATION: Name the university that created MaterialDesign CSS

-Carnegie Mellon University

$(document).ready() function calls if the browser contents has properly loaded its contents and is


IDENTIFICATION: It is used to get or set values from and to an input element particularly textboxes.
- .val()

In jQuery the scr tag is use for linking.


simply a new method that we use to extend jQuery's prototype object

-jQuery plugin

DataTable jQuery plugin helps us enable sorting, pagination and search to our table data.


Successful - this will be triggered upon the AJAX request and usually accepts the parameter response
response contains the loaded content from the URL requested.


javascript library that makes web scripting easier for us


.text() is used to get or set values from and to a non-input element like divs.



-Cascading Style Sheets

Who first use the term AJAX?

-Jesse James Garret

IDENTIFICATION: It helps us enable sorting, pagination and search to our table data.

-DataTable jQuery
.vals() It is used to get or set values from and to an input element particularly textboxes.


IDENTIFICATION: JQuery method used to hide selected element(s)

- .hide()

DataTable jQuery plugin helps us enable sorting, pagination and search to our table data.



You cannot add a URL suffix in CodeIgniter.


This function will be called if the browser contents has properly loaded its contents and is ready.


This refers to the data access layer.


A configuration variables contain full URL to the controller class/function containing your pagination


This refers to the presentation layer


Constructors are useful if you need to set some default values, or run a default process when your class
is instantiated.

Function when showing errors in CI page


Function that redirect to other pages.


This Class provides a means to retrieve configuration preferences and it is automatically initialized by the


File upload directory should set its file permission to ____

- 777

It is an Application Development Framework - a toolkit - for people who build web sites using PHP


CodeIgniter's Pagination class is very easy to use, but it is not 100% customizable, either dynamically or
via stored preferences.


This method returns the number of rows in a particular table.


This is used to emphasize a quote or citation by putting a colored left border to the text


Returns a validation error message from the Form Validation Library, associated with the specified field

- form_error()
Web applications that use the WebForm approach commingle Program Code and Page Design Code only.


Each item form a shopping cart produce a unique ________

- rowed

Constructors do return a value and they can do some default work.


In CI what does URI stands for

-uniform resource identifier

A rule reference that returns FALSE if the form element is empty.


A rule reference that returns FALSE if the form element is not unique to the table and field name in the

- is_unique

A cart library method that permits you to destroy the cart.


How many parameters does CAPCHA requires


Given the URL

State the following


-data (ex. id)

This pattern allows information to be retrieved, inserted, and updated in your database with minimal

-Query Builder

It is a software framework that is designed to support the development of dynamic websites, web
applications, web services and web resources.

-Web Application Framework

This wildcard type use to match a segment containing only numbers.


This function retrieves the URL to your site, along with the "index" value you've specified in the config

- //$this->config->site_url();

CodeIgniter's Image Manipulation class lets you perform Image Watermaking.


Which is the right code for loading models


In file upload you'll need a destination directory for your uploaded images.


CodeIgniter's Image Manipulation class lets you perform Image Thumbnail Creation


A configuration variables that set number of items you intend to show per page.

This permits you to extend the validation class to meet your needs.


Which of the following is correct from the given statement below:


- Limits the number of rows to 10

An algorithm that is used in security hashing that transforms data into a 128 bit string


How do you get the value of a config file item named 'author'.

- //$this->config->load('author');

Permits you to set the value of an input form or textarea and used in form validation.

- set_value

It is used to produce a fading in effect within a given time on a selected element


You can manually remove the index.php in CodeIgniter by .htaccess file


This validation method permits you to set validation rules.

- set_rules

In CodeIgniter the Calendar class enables you to dynamically create calendars.

It is a function that overrides the normal behavior in which the URI determines which function is called,
allowing you to define your own function routing rules.


Which of the following do you think that is useful for searching?


A cart library method that displays the total number of items in the cart.


Elements from a config.php file are only locally accessible.


In file upload the maximum size are set in _________ that the file can be. Set to zero for no limit


A method under the calendar library that will display the calendar


When uploading file the form must be of type "file".


A rule reference that returns FALSE if the form element contains anything other than numeric characters.

- numeric

Which of the following is correct from the given statement below:

//$query = $this->db->get('mytable');
//return $query->result();

-Select all records and return as an array of objects

Using custom routing rules, you have the power to map any URI to any controller and method, and break
free from the normal convention.


Which of the following is correct from given the statement below:

//$this->db->select('title, content, date');

//$query = $this->db->get('mytable');

//return $query->result();

- It will return only the given fields title, content, and date of the records

Given the URL

State the following


Given the URL

State the following



In CodeIgniter the validation system supports callforward to your own validation methods.


Creator of CI

Is a type of challenge-response test used in computing to ensure that the response is not generated by a


A query method used to returns the query result as an array of objects, or an empty array on failure


This helper file contains functions that assist in working with forms.


It is used creates a sliding down transition within a given time on a selected element

-//.slideDown(interval) (wrong lol)

- //.slideUp(interval) (wrong)

- //.toggle() (wrong)

The person that introduce MVC.

-Trygve Reenskaug

CodeIgniter provides rich set of libraries for commonly needed tasks.


In order for the image class to be allowed to do any processing, the folder containing the image files be
write protected


Null keywords should be written in


What do you call common functions or small snippets of code used in every or most Information Systems

In shopping cart if the quantity is set to negative value, the item will be removed from the cart.


Similarly to the form_error() function, returns all validation error messages produced by the Form
Validation Library.


A configuration variables represents the total rows in the result set you are creating pagination for


A cart library method used to add item to the shopping cart.

-insert() (wrong)



CodeIgniter constants are defined in what folder


An email preference for mail sending protocol


Given the URL

State the following


-data (

The default controller assigned to CodeIgniter when first setup is set to ________.

Ajax engine uses what type of object


Which of the following refers to the business logic


MVC is a software architecture and architectural. pattern used in software engineering


A rule reference that returns FALSE if the form element does not match the one in the parameter.


A cart library method used to update the information of a specific cart item.


This method returns a single result row

- row()

This helper file contains functions that assist in working with URLs.


What file you need to edit so that a given config file are automatically loaded.


Which of the following has the correct syntax of active records.

If set to true, if a file with the same name as the one you are uploading exists, it will be overwritten. If
set to false, a number will be appended to the filename if another with the same name exists.


Most web application frameworks are based on the model-view-controller (MVC) pat tern.


Code Igniter Query Builders (Active Records) allows safer queries.


A cart library method that returns the total amount


The segment index value for the controller.


To make a function private, simply add an ________ as the name prefix and it will not be served via a
URL request.


Runs the selection query and returns the result.


An upload helper method that returns an array containing all of the data related to the file you


It refers to the horizontal dimension of the grid system

-row (wrong)
-grid_rows (wrong)

What do you call a structure made up of series of intersecting straight (vertical, horizontal and angular)
or curved guide lines used to structure content?


It's a javascript library that makes web scripting easier


Which of the following statements will create a form that points to your base URL plus the "x/y"


A cart library method used to add item to the shopping cart.


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