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Topic 3

Different Video Marketing Strategies

1. Educational Videos

One video marketing strategy focuses on teaching the audiences information. This
establishes trust between the market and its consumers as the market is
established as its expert on the said product/service.

Tutorial Videos are used as an opportunity to demonstrate the product to the

consumers. This form of video is commonly used with difficult contraptions such
as assembling furniture.

Industry Update Videos are videos to update the consumers that your product
follow the trend in the market. This is to show that your products corresponds
with the ongoing trend on the market. For example, an increase in cameras in a
smartphone was a trend that many smartphone company followed. By showing
that your product is in line with the trend, your brand will not be outdated by

Explainer Videos are videos that aims to explain the product in a simplified
manner that spans in a short duration.

2. Company Culture Videos

Company culture videos focuses on introducing the nature of a company. It

usually contains topics of the company’s mission and vision. This establishes
acquaintance with consumers with the goals of the company and could also help
with getting new employees acclimated to the company.

Event Videos are an example of a company culture videos. Posting videos

containing conferences and events in the company shows the consumers that the
company focuses with their set mission and vision.
3. Product Videos

Product Videos are used to showcase products produced by the company. This
ensures that products produced by the company will establish its foothold in the
market with making an impression to consumers.

Product demo videos are used to demonstrate the use of products and discusses
its features. This serves the consumers information about the product.

Product launch videos are used to generate hype for the consumers. Teaser
videos are an example of product launch videos and is used to entice excitement
and attract a lot of attention to the company’s launch.

4. Testimonial Videos

Testimonial videos are testimonies of a consumers/employers about the company

and its products which shows engagement and affection for the brand. This
boosts the company image to the public and establishes trust to the market.

Customer Testimonials are testimonies by the consumer about their satisfaction

on the product they bought from the brand. This stands as an example of
reviewing the product from the consumer perspective which also pushes other
potential consumers to buy the product.

Employee Testimonials are testimonies by the employees in the company about

their satisfaction working under the company. This will bolster the image of a
company having a work friendly atmosphere which will pull in job candidates in
the future. These testimonials will also introduce the company further.

8, J. B. on M. (2021, April 20). 4 major types of video marketing you can do on your own.
WebFX Blog. Retrieved October 14, 2021, from
Best Practices Adapted for Video Marketing
The following should be considered when planning for a video used of marketing.

1. Understand the audience

Defining the target audience, their interests, their pattern of surfing the web and
what contents will resonate with them are the things that should be taken in
consideration when creating a video.

2. Setting campaign goals

Determining the goal of the video is important to set a guide to what the
information the video will disseminate and what impression will it leave to the

3. Determine the type of Video

With the audience and goal taken into consideration, deciding on what kind the
video will be crucial for marketing a video for promotion.

4. Monitor its success

Using the platform’s analytics, monitoring the video’s success in the platform
could give information about its engagement in audiences. Using these, a
company can test its strengths and weaknesses of video’s engagement in the

5. Test again
From the information gained from the analytics, a company can produce a video
which optimizes the weaknesses of the previous video. With this cycle, the
company will improve its efficacy in video marketing to platforms they reside in.

Ho, B. (2021, July 2). How to build a video marketing strategy. Criteo. Retrieved October 14,
2021, from

What is the Best Video Marketing Strategy for social media? Campaign Monitor. (n.d.).
Retrieved October 14, 2021, from

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