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Chapter 3: 1D unsteady non-linear flows

Ferry Schrijer

Luis Laguarda Sanchez

Aerodynamics Section
Faculty of Aerospace Engineering
Delft University of Technology

September 1, 2020

One-dimensional unsteady non-linear flows
Characteristic equations
Simple waves, non-linear
Simple wave created by a moving piston
Centered expansion wave
Riemann problem, non-linear
Method of characteristics for 1D unsteady flow
Simple compression waves
Wave interactions

Chapter 3:
One-dimensional unsteady
non-linear flows

One-dimensional unsteady non-linear flows
Characteristic equations

I Start with 1D time dependent Euler equations

I Reversibility → entropy is constant when moving with a
fluid particle
I Entropy may change from one particle to the other

ρt + uρx + ρux = 0 (1)

ut + uux + px = 0 (2)
st + usx = 0 (3)

One-dimensional unsteady non-linear flows
Characteristic equations
ds ∝ (dp − a2 dρ):

pt − a2 ρt + u(px − a2 ρx ) = 0,

pt + upx − a2 (ρt + uρx ) = 0. (4)
Eliminate the ρ-derivatives:

pt + upx + a2 ρux = 0. (5)

Make combinations of this equation with (2) → divide (5) by ρa:

pt px
+u + aux = 0,
ρa ρa
ut + uux + a =0 (2)
One-dimensional unsteady non-linear flows
Characteristic equations
adding and subtracting these equations yields:
pt px
ut + + (u + a) ux + =0 (6)
ρa ρa
pt px
ut − + (u − a) ux − =0 (7)
ρa ρa
Introducing the Riemann invariants: J + and J −
dJ + = du + (8)
dJ − = du − (9)
then (6) and (7) become
∂J + ∂J +
+ (u + a) =0, (10)
∂t ∂x
∂J − ∂J −
+ (u − a) =0. (11)
∂t ∂x
One-dimensional unsteady non-linear flows
Characteristic equations

I Two quantities J + and J − are transported unchanged

along the characteristics Γ+ and Γ−
I Characteristic speeds are now (u + a) and (u − a)
I signals travel with speeds ±a w.r.t the gas at speed u
J + and J − are the Riemann invariants:
I In general cannot be given in integrated form
I J + and J − are functions of the independent variables x
and t
I J + and J − are determined by differential relations such as
equations (8) and (9)

One-dimensional unsteady non-linear flows
Characteristic equations

The characteristics Γ+ and Γ− are defined by:

Γ± : = u ± a. (12)
The characteristic speeds are no longer constant and depend
on the solution → characteristics are generally curved

One-dimensional unsteady non-linear flows
Characteristic equations

The entropy equation (3) has the same form as the equations
for the Rieman invariants: characteristic equation
The particle path is a charcteristic Γ0
The total set of characteristic equations now becomes:
∂ ∂
+ (u − a) J − = 0, (13)
∂t ∂x
∂ ∂
+ (u) s = 0, (14)
∂t ∂x
∂ ∂
+ (u + a) J + = 0, (15)
∂t ∂x

One-dimensional unsteady non-linear flows
Characteristic equations

dJ − = 0 along Γ− with = u − a, (16)
0 dx
ds = 0 along Γ with = u, (17)
− + dx
dJ = 0 along Γ with = u + a. (18)

One-dimensional unsteady non-linear flows
Characteristic equations

Homentropic case: relation between pressure and density is

given by:
p = Cργ
Now ρa becomes:
dp 2 da
= .
ρa γ−1
and equations (8) and (9) can be integrated:

J± = u ± a (19)

One-dimensional unsteady non-linear flows
Characteristic equations

Domain of influence

One-dimensional unsteady non-linear flows
Characteristic equations

Domain of dependance

One-dimensional unsteady non-linear flows
Simple waves, non-linear
Like in linear theory: simple wave occurs when one of the J + or
J − is constant
Examine simple wave properties by assuming:
I J − = constant
I homentropic flow
J− = u − = J0− = const. (20)
Linear relation between u and a. The invariant J + becomes:
2a 4a
J+ = u + = 2u − J0− = + J0− (21)
γ−1 γ−1
In a simple wave along Γ+ both u and a must be constant, so
u + a is constant as well:
∂ ∂
(u + a) + (u + a) (u + a) = 0 (22)
∂t ∂x
One-dimensional unsteady non-linear flows
Simple waves, non-linear

So in a simple wave having J − = constant the state variable

(u + a) is constant along curves: Γ+ : dx
dt = u + a.
→ the characteristic Γ itself must be a straight line
I Simple wave with J − constant → Γ+ characteristics are
straight lines
I Simple wave with J + constant → Γ− characteristics are
straight lines

One-dimensional unsteady non-linear flows
Simple waves, non-linear

’J − = constant’ simple wave → forward running wave

The flow variables in the simple wave are governed by:

∂ ∂
(u + a) + (u + a) (u + a) = 0 (eq3.22)
∂t ∂x
Replace the state quantity v = u + a (characteristic speed of
Γ+ ) → inviscid form of the Burgers equation:

vt + vvx = νvxx (23)

Forward simple wave (J + is the only variable) the 1-D Euler

equations reduce to a single equation having the form:

vt + vvx = 0. (24)

One-dimensional unsteady non-linear flows
Simple waves, non-linear

The same equation with w = u − a is obtained for a backward

running simple wave (J − is variable and J + is constant):

wt + wwx = 0 (25)

In this case the Γ− characteristics are straight lines in the

(t, x)-plane.

For γ = 3, equations (13) and (15) become two decoupled
inviscid Burgers equations because J ± = u ± a in that case.
The Γ+ and Γ− characteristics are all straight lines (Useful test
case for numerical gas dynamics)

One-dimensional unsteady non-linear flows
Simple wave created by a moving piston
Semi-infinite constant area tube with gas at rest (condition 0)
Piston at x = 0:
I 0 < t < T : piston smoothly accelerated backwards
I t > T : piston has a constant negative speed UT

One-dimensional unsteady non-linear flows
Simple wave created by a moving piston

First signal → piston moves: Γ+ -characteristic with x = a0 t.

The last signal → piston stops accelerating: Γ+ through point A
with slope dx
dt = UT + aT .
The flow between the first and the last signal is a simple wave
because J − is constant.
All Γ+ are straight lines, after the last there are constant
conditions: u = UT , a = aT
The value of aT follows from
2a 2aT 2a0
J− = u − = UT − =− ,
γ−1 γ−1 γ−1

so that
aT = a0 + UT . (26)

One-dimensional unsteady non-linear flows
Simple wave created by a moving piston
Slope of Γ+ in the uniform domain is dx
dt = UT + aT :
dx γ+1
= UT + aT = a0 + UT (27)
dt Γ+ 2
The solution in the simple region is found by:
I take arbitrary point À
I point  is intersection Γ+ through À and piston path
I velocity piston is given up (t)
I if t3 is known, also u3 = up (t3 ) is known

u and a are constant along Γ+ :

u1 = u3 = up (t3 ) (28)
a1 = a3 = a0 + up (t3 ) (29)
The solution of these equations depends on the value of t3
One-dimensional unsteady non-linear flows
Simple wave created by a moving piston

How to find t3 for a given point À?

 is intersection between piston path and Γ+ through À

The piston path is given by:
Z t
xp (t) = up (τ ) dτ (30)

And Γ+ (1) characteristic:

xp − x1 = (up + a3 )(t3 − t1 ) (31)

Knowing up (t) and obtaining a3 from (29) the above equations

can be solved to find t3 .

One-dimensional unsteady non-linear flows
Simple wave created by a moving piston

If up (t) is linear in t, for 0 ≤ t ≤ T , then xp (t) is quadratic in t so

a quadratic equation must be solved to find t3 .
In general a numerical root-finder is needed to solve the
equations. In the case t3 ≥ T :

u3 =up (t ≥ T ) = UT , (32)
a3 =aT = a0 + UT . (33)
Interesting observation:

UT = a0 (34)
we get a3 = 0 and also p3 = 0 and ρ3 = 0, what happens here?

One-dimensional unsteady non-linear flows
Simple wave created by a moving piston

The piston is pulled so fast that the gas is expanded to the limit
of vacuum. Pulling even faster will create a vacuum between
the piston and the gas.

So the maximum speed that a gas particle from its rest state
(u = 0, a = a0 ) can reach is γ−1 a0 .
For air (γ = 1.4) this is umax = 5a0 .

One-dimensional unsteady non-linear flows
Simple wave created by a moving piston
I Piston withdrawal creates an expansion which is a simple
wave. A compression simple waves can also be created by
moving the piston into the gas. Such a wave would not last
for ever since a shock is formed which violates constant
entropy and J − .
I A simple wave-region always borders at least a uniform
region where the boundary is a straight characteristic.
Current example: simple wave is bordered by: undisturbed
region u = 0, a = a0 and the region beyond the last signal
u = uT , a = aT = a0 + γ−12 UT .
I Uniform regions can be distinguished by the Mach number:
M = u/a and its influence on the slope of the Γ±
characteristics: dx
dt = u ± a. The various possibilities that
can appear in the (t, x)-plane are shown in the following
One-dimensional unsteady non-linear flows
Simple wave created by a moving piston

Type of flow u u+a u−a Characteristics

Supersonic flow to
u>a >0 >0
the right

Sonic flow to the

u=a >0 =0

Subsonic flow −a < u < a >0 <0

Sonic flow to the u = −a =0 <0


Supersonic flow to u < −a <0 <0

the left 25/92
Centered expansion wave
Flow variables
Centered expansion wave: piston is withdrawn instantaneously
to speed uT .
May be considered as the limit case for the previous example.

Center of the wave O is a singularity: since J + is constant on

the Γ+ characteristics, it must be multi-valued in O and
therefore also the flow variables u, a, p, ρ.
Centered expansion wave
Flow variables

The flow solution in the centered wave is found by considering

a Γ− going through point ’1’ in domain À:

2 2a0
(1) : u1 − a1 = constant = − . (35)
γ−1 γ−1

Point ’1’ is on a Γ+ with slope:

dx x1
= u1 + a1 = . (36)
dt t1

Combining these equation yields u1 :

2 x1
u1 = − a0 . (37)
γ + 1 t1

u is linear in x for constant t, the same is found for a.

Centered expansion wave
Flow variables

Centered expansion wave
Flow variables
Arbitrary point in domain À, omit subscript 1:
2 x 
u= − a0 (38)
γ+1 t
γ−1x 2
a= + a0 (39)
γ+1 t γ+1
u+a= (slope of Γ+ ) (40)
3−γx 4
u−a= − a0 (slope of Γ− ) (41)
γ+1 t γ+1
From equation (39) and constant entropy:
ρ(x, t) a γ−1
= (42)
ρ0 a0
p(x, t) a γ−1
= (43)
p0 a0
Centered expansion wave
Flow variables

The Mach number in the simple wave is now:

2 x 
γ+1 t − a0 2 t − 2a0

M = γ−1 x = (44)
+ 2
(γ − 1) xt + 2a0
γ+1 t γ+1

From this, it is evident that:

= a0 ⇒ M=0
=0 ⇒ M=1
≤0 ⇒ M≥1

Centered expansion wave
Particle path
A gas particle at x0 is hit by the first wave when t = t0 with
t0 = x0 /a0

At that time instant the particle starts to move. The particle path
in the expansion wave follows from:
dX 2 X
=u= − a0 (45)
dt γ+1 t
with initial condition: X = x0 at t = a0 = t0
Centered expansion wave
Particle path

The solution is a linear combination of linear terms in t (from

the constant in the right hand side term) and a t 2/(γ+1) term
(caused by the x/t term).
Introduce the dimensionless quantities:

X t
ξ= = X /(a0 t0 ), τ= ; (46)
x0 t0
The particle path equation can now be written as:

dξ 2 ξ
= ( − 1). (47)
dτ γ+1 τ
Try the following solution:
ξ = ατ γ+1 + βτ

Centered expansion wave
Particle path

Verify that α = γ+1 2

γ−1 and β = − γ−1 satisfy the initial conditions,
ξ = 1 and τ = 1.
Hence the particle that starts moving at t = t0 from its position
x0 follows the path:
X (t) γ+1 t γ+1 2 t
= − . (48)
a0 t0 γ−1 t0 γ − 1 t0

This path is followed as long as the Γ+ -characteristic with slope

uT + aT is not crossed:
UT + a0 t ≤ X (t) ≤ x0 (49)
After this the particle path is a straight line with slope dt = UT .

Riemann problem, non-linear

The non-linear Riemann problem is similar to the linear case

and it is formulated in the same way.
Find the solution of the 1D unsteady non-linear flow eqs with
constant initial conditions and a jump discontinuity.
Initial conditions:
u1 for x < 0 p1 for x < 0
u(x, 0) = , p(x, 0) =
u4 for x > 0 p4 for x > 0

Riemann problem, non-linear
The solution of the Riemann problem in the full non-linear case
differs from the linear case in three aspects:
1. There is an extra entropy wave carrying an entropy jump.
This wave travels with characteristic speed u so that its
path is a characteristic Γ0 . There are four domains: the
pre-state domains À and à and the post-state domains Á
and Â. The entropy wave separates Á and Â. Frequently
these domains are also labelled:

L ≡ À, L∗ ≡ Á, R∗ ≡ Â, R ≡ Ã.

The entropy wave appears as a contact discontinuity.

2. The two acoustic waves are now non-linear, meaning that
they appear either as a shock (discontinuity) or as an
3. The expansion is a fan occupying some domain in
space-time, so it is not a discontinuity.
Riemann problem, non-linear

I Solution techniques for linear and non-linear Riemann

problems are similar.
I In linear theory the (M, S̃)-plane is used, in the non-linear
case this is the (u, p)-plane.
I The choice for u and p follows from the observation that
the post-states Á and  are separated by a contact
discontinuity over which u and p must be continuous.
In preparation first consider a shock and expansion running into
a prescribed "pre-state" À or Ã

Riemann problem, non-linear
Shock moving into a gas: Hugoniot curve

I Consider a shock wave that moves

into a gas with "pre-state" Ã (p4 and
a4 ).
I Gas in "pre-state" Ã is at rest:
u4 = 0.
I Due to moving shock, pressure
increases and gas starts moving:
∆p = p3 − p4 > 0 and u3 > 0
I How is ∆p related to ∆u?
Consider process in a shock frame and apply the
Rankine-Hugoniot relations for mass and momentum:

mass: ρpre cs = ρpost (cs − u3 ) = m;

momentum: ppre + ρpre cs2 = ppost + ρpost (cs − u3 )2 .

Riemann problem, non-linear
Shock moving into a gas: Hugoniot curve
Insert continuity into momentum:
ppre + mcs = ppost + m(cs − u3 ),
∆p = ±m∆u (50)

+ sign: shock moving to the right

− sign: shock moving to the left
Recalling the equation for the shock velocity, we can now write:
γ + 1 ∆p
|cs | = apre 1 + (51)
2γ ppre
and the mass flux m is determined as
γ + 1 ∆p
m = ρpre |cs | = ρpre apre 1+ (52)
2γ ppre

Riemann problem, non-linear
Shock moving into a gas: Hugoniot curve

The previous two equations describe the relation between ∆p

and ∆u for a shock moving with speed cs . For a shock that
moves to the right with mass flux mR :

p3 − p4 = mR (u3 − u4 ) (53)
γ + 1 p3 − p4
mR = ρ4 a4 1 + . (54)
2γ p4

These relations give all possible ‘post shock’ states  that are
obtainable from the ‘pre-shock’ state à by passing through a
The curve p3 = f (u3 ; u4 , p4 ) in the (p, u)-plane is called the
Hugoniot curve.
Contrary to linear theory only the part of the curve with p3 > p4
can be used.

Riemann problem, non-linear
Shock moving into a gas: Hugoniot curve
Consider the Hugoniot curve in the weak shock limit,
(p3 − p4 )  p4 then mR ≈ ρ4 a4 :
∆p = ρ4 a4 ∆u → ∆u − =0 (55)
ρ4 a4
Notice that this is a discretisation of the characteristic equation
along a Γ− characteristic that would cross the shock:
∆u ∆ρ ∆p
M= and S̃ = =
a4 ρ4 ρ4 a42
Reducing (55) to
ρ4 a42 S̃
a4 M − =0 or M − S̃ = 0.
ρ4 a4
Weak shock limit: the shock jump reduces to the condition that
the Riemann invariant J − in the linear theory must be constant
crossing the shock.
Riemann problem, non-linear
Expansion moving into a gas: Poisson curve

I Consider an expansion wave that

moves into a gas with "pre-state" Ã
(p4 and a4 )
I Gas in "pre-state" Ã is at rest:
u4 = 0.
I Process is homentropic, entropy is
constant (no shocks) and equal to s4
I Due to the expansion, pressure
decreases: ∆p = p3 − p4 < 0 and
flow starts to the left
I How is ∆p related to ∆u?

Riemann problem, non-linear
Expansion moving into a gas: Poisson curve
Along a Γ− connecting domain à to Â:
2 2
u3 − a3 = u4 − a4 ,
γ−1 γ−1
or, using the isentropic relations:
(  γ−1 )
2 p3 2γ
u3 − u4 = − 1 a4 . (56)
γ−1 p4

This relation can also be brought into the same form as for the
Hugoniot relation:
∆p = ±m∆u (57)
with p
γ−1 1 − ppost
m = ρpre apre  γ−1 (58)
p 2γ
1 − ppost

Riemann problem, non-linear
Expansion moving into a gas: Poisson curve

I Again the + sign is for a right running wave and the − sign
for a left running wave.
I The Equations describe the relation between ∆p and ∆u
over an expansion fan.
I All possible ‘post-expansion’ states that are obtainable
from the ‘pre-state’ using an expansion process are
described by this relation.
I The curve ppost = f (upost ; ppre , upre ) in the (p, u)-plane is
called the Poisson curve.
I The mass flux must be regarded as some average over the
expansion wave.

Riemann problem, non-linear
Example of a Riemann problem

Consider initial conditions: uL = uR = 0 ,pL > pR

This results in a solution having a left moving expansion and a

right moving shock

Riemann problem, non-linear
Properties of Hugoniot and Poisson curves
The Hugoniot curve (H) describes shocks and the Poisson
curve (P) describes expansions.
The ‘H-curve’ and the ‘P-curve’ are described by the relation:
∆p = m∆u,
where the mass flux m differs for shocks and expansions.
Formula for an ‘H-curve’ and a ‘P-curve’ describing all possible
‘post-states’ Â obtainable from a prescribed ‘pre-state’ Ã.
Consider right running shocks (H-curve) and right running
expansions (P-curve):
γ + 1 p3 − p4
H : p3 − p4 = ρ4 a4 1 + (u3 − u4 ), (59)
2γ p4
p3 2γ γ − 1 u3 − u4
P: =1+ . (60)
p4 2 a4

Riemann problem, non-linear
Properties of Hugoniot and Poisson curves

Riemann problem, non-linear
Properties of Hugoniot and Poisson curves
Some observations:
1. The Poisson curve lies above the Hugoniot curve. For the
same ∆u, isentropic compression is more effective than
compression by a shock.
2. In the limit p3 → ∞ there results for:
H :p3 ∝ (u3 − u4 )2 (61)

P :p3 ∝ (u3 − u4 ) γ−1 (62)
Hugoniot curve goes less fast to ∞ than Poisson curve.
3. Vacuum conditions: p3 = 0 leads to
H :u3 = u4 − a4 (63)
γ(γ − 1)
P :u3 = u4 − a4 (64)
γ > 1: the H-curve intersects the level p3 = 0 at higher
values of u than the P-curve. 47/92
Riemann problem, non-linear
Properties of Hugoniot and Poisson curves

4. In the reference point à the H-curve and the P-curve have

equal slope and equal curvature:
dp dp
= = ρ4 a4 (65a)
du H du P

d 2p d 2p
= = ρ4 (65b)
du 2 H du 2 P 2
The third derivative of the H- and P-curve differ in the
reference point which shows that the entropy rise due to a
shock is a third-order effect.

Riemann problem, non-linear
Properties of Hugoniot and Poisson curves
5. Linear theory: ∆p ∝ ∆u, no distinction between expansion and
Non-linear theory: large difference, P- and H-curve share only
the slope with the linear graph; so the deviation of the pressure
from linear theory is O(∆u 2 ).
The difference in pressure between Poisson and Hugoniot is
O(∆u 3 ), this reflects the influence of the entropy rise in the
Hugoniot case.

For an O(∆u 2 ) accuracy it is still acceptable to use the

Poisson-curve for compressions. 49/92
Riemann problem, non-linear
Properties of Hugoniot and Poisson curves
6. Expansion branch of the H-curve is not physically valid
(expansions are isentropic). If an expansion appears, the
P-curve gives a valid description. Since shocks are not
isentropic, P-curves only give an approximate description;
for an exact description of shocks, the H-curve must be
7. From the jump equation ∆p = ±m∆u it follows that m is
represented in the (p, u)-graph as the chord between pre-
and post-wave states.

Riemann problem, non-linear
Properties of Hugoniot and Poisson curves

(a) Right running waves (b) Left runnig waves

Solving Riemann problems with a (p, u)-graph
Example 1: two shocks

The states À and Ã, or (L) and (R) respectively, are prescribed

as shown in the (p, u)-plane given in the figure.

The solution is found as the intersections of two H-curves, one

going through à and one going through À.

Solving Riemann problems with a (p, u)-graph
Example 1: two shocks

The intersection point (2,3) represents the states Á and  in

the (t, x)-plane having equal pressure p2 = p3 and equal
velocity u2 = u3 .
States Á and  are separated by a contact discontinuity (c.d.)
which is parallel to the particle paths in Á and Â.
States Á and  have different values for the entropy, density
and internal energy and are separated by the contact
In this example the particle paths in the (t, x)-plane have a
positive slope.
Solving Riemann problems with a (p, u)-graph
Example 2: shock and expansion
The states À and à are given in the (p, u)-plane as shown in
the figure.

Solution is found by intersecting the H-curve through à with the

P-curve through À.
The ‘pre-states’ À and à are gases at rest but p1 > p4 . An
expansion wave travels into Á and a shock wave travels into Ã.
The states Á and  have equal pressure and equal velocity.
The densities, entropy values and internal energy levels are
different in Á and Â. This example resembles the flow in a
shock tube.
Solving Riemann problems with a (p, u)-graph
Example 3: two expansions

The ‘pre-states’ À and à are now given in such a way that two
expansion waves appear.

Solution is found as the intersection of two P-curves.

Flow in the expansion fans is a part of the solution and
determined by the P-curves.

Solving Riemann problems with a (p, u)-graph
Example 3: two expansions

Since expansions are isentropic, the entropy jump over the

contact discontinuity is equal to the entropy difference between
the ‘pre-states’ À and Ã.
It can happen that the ‘pre-states’ À and à are chosen so that
the P-curves intersect at a negative value of the pressure. This
is physically impossible: the flow expands to vacuum conditions
and cavitation occurs.

Method of characteristics for 1D unsteady flow

Same method that was used to obtain the analytical

simple-wave solution:
I General use to obtain solutions numerically on a discrete
I Grid is built up from characteristics (grid points are
characteristics intersections)
In homentropic flow the entropy is uniform and the Riemann
invariants are written as:
J± = u ± a. (66)

J + and J − are constant along characteristic curves Γ+ and Γ− .

Method of characteristics for 1D unsteady flow

The solution in P follows from the known solution in A and B if

P lies at the intersection of Γ+ going through A and Γ− going
through B:
2 2
along Γ+ (A) :JA+ = uA + aA = uP + ap (67)
γ−1 γ−1
2 2
along Γ− (B) :JB− = uB − aB = uP − aP (68)
γ−1 γ−1
Method of characteristics for 1D unsteady flow
Solving for uP and aP :

1 +
JA + JB−

uP = (69)
γ−1 +
JA − JB−

aP = (70)
This is the solution, now we need the location of P.
Use the average direction of Γ+ between A and P and average
direction Γ− between B and P.
The approximate location (tP , xP ) of P follows from:
xP − xA = (tP − tA ), (71a)
dt AP
xP − xB = (tP − tB ), (71b)
dt BP

Method of characteristics for 1D unsteady flow

Where the slopes are given by:

dx uA + aA + uP + aP
= ,
dt AP 2
dx uB − aB + uP − aP
= .
dt BP 2

I flow variables in P are exactly known

I location of P is not exact
I numerical implementation of the M.O.C. an approximate

Method of characteristics for 1D unsteady flow
Non-homentropic case:
I Flow without shocks: entropy s remains constant when
following a particle
I s may differ for different fluid particles → s not necessarily
uniform in the (x, t)-domain
I Riemann invariants can not be integrated and must be
approximated from their differential form

pP − pA
along Γ+
A : uP − uA + 1
=0 (72)
2 (ρP aP + ρA aA )
pP − pB
along Γ+
B : uP − uB − 1
=0 (73)
2 (ρP aP + ρB aB )

Two equations for the three unknowns: uP , pP and ρP .

Method of characteristics for 1D unsteady flow

Particle path through P and assume that this path also goes
through C being the intersection of Γ− +
A and ΓB . Entropy in P
has the same value as the entropy in C:
sP = sC ,
pP ργC = pC ργP (74)
Simple compression waves

non-linear Riemann problem: instantaneous movement of a

piston into a gas at rest:
I a shock is created moving into a gas
I the shock speed cs is related to the pressure rise
I piston had infinite acceleration to final speed up = u3 : the
shock starts immediately at (x, t) = (0, 0)
Now consider a finite rate acceleration of the piston until it
reaches its maximum velocity umax at t = T .

Simple compression waves

In this was a simple compression wave will be created:

I Characteristics emanating from the piston path are
converging forward in time
I At some point a fan of neighbouring characteristics will
I The solution gradient has become infinite at that point → a
shock must be introduced
I The shock is building up in strength by characteristics
intersecting the shock from behind 64/92
Simple compression waves

As long as the shock is absent, the flow is isentropic

All particles emanate from the rest state 0 the entropy is

How long does it take before the compression waves start

Assume that the piston has a constant acceleration, u̇p :

u̇p = ,
so that
up = u̇p t, xp = (u̇p ) t 2 . (75)

Simple compression waves
Take a short excursion of the piston to point A with:
xA = ∆x and tA = ∆t

Point I is the intersection of two Γ+ characteristics coming from

origin and from A:
first characteristic: xi = a0 ti
characteristic through A: (xi − ∆x) = (uA + aA )(ti − ∆t)
Simple compression waves
Characteristic speed uA + aA follows from the Γ− through A
starting in the domain where the gas is at rest
Along Γ−A:
2 2a0
uA − aA = − ,
γ−1 γ−1
aA = a0 + uA ,
so that
γ+1 γ+1
uA + aA = uA + a0 = u̇p ∆t + a0 . (76)
2 2
Then the equation for the characteristic through A becomes
xi − ∆x = u̇p ∆t + a0 (ti − ∆t) (77)

Simple compression waves
Inserting the equation for the piston path and the first
characteristic yields
1 γ+1
a0 ti − u̇p (∆t)2 = u̇p ∆t + a0 (ti − ∆t).
2 2

solve for ti
a0 γ
ti = γ+1
+ ∆t
2 u̇p
When ∆t → 0, the first signal and its neighboring characteristic
intersect at:
ti = γ+1 . (78)
2 u̇p
The faster the piston accelerates the sooner the characteristics

Simple compression waves
To interpret the equation we generalize the nominator and
Since a0 is constant, the denominator may be written as:
γ+1 d γ+1 d
u̇p = up + a0 = (up + ap )
2 dt 2 dt 0

Since u0 = 0, the nominator may be written as:

a0 = u0 + a0 ,


u0 + a0 initial characteristic speed

ti = d
 = d
dt (up + ap ) 0 initial dt characteristic speed

Simple compression waves
Typical example: all characteristics Γ+ intersect in one focal
Such a compression wave is well known as a centered
compression wave.

Simple compression waves
Let us consider in more detail the various domains that can be
distinguished in the (t, x)-plane for an accelerating piston
causing the development of a shock wave.

Domain A represents the fluid at rest. The domains B, C, D, E

and F lie left from the particle path Γ0 going through the starting
point of the shock; the domains G, H and I are to the right of
this particle path. 71/92
Simple compression waves

Simple compression waves
Domain A: uniform conditions; the gas is at rest.
Domain B: simple wave; all Γ− originate from t = 0 and have the
same JB− = JA− . All particles have the same entropy, so
the entropy is uniform and Riemann invariants are
integrable. The Riemann invariant J + varies form
2a0 2ap
J + = γ−1 on the first signal to J + = up + γ−1 on the Γ+
characteristic going through P.
Domain C: All particles in C start in A, the entropy is uniform (not
crossed a shock) and the Riemann invariants are
integrable. All Γ− characteristics issue from t = 0 and
do not cross a shock, so JC− = JA− = constant.
2a 2
On each Γ+ through C u + γ−1 = up + γ−1 ap is

satisfied. Since JC = constant there is a linear relation
between up and ap and since up is constant in C, ap is
constant as well. However, up and ap constant implies
that JC± is constant and so u and a are constant in
domain C, therefore domain C is uniform.

Simple compression waves
Domain D: All particles in D arrive from A without having crossed a
shock → entropy is uniform, and the Riemann
invariants J + and J − are integrable. However, JD+ = JB+
which varies. Also JD− varies because the Γ− have
crossed a shock with varying strength, so domain D is
a non-simple domain.
Domain E: All particles in E arrive from A without having crossed a
shock, therefore J + and J − are integrable. JE+ = JC+ is
constant. JE− varies because the Γ− characteristics
have crossed a shock wave with varying strength. E is
a simple wave region.
Domain F: All gas particles in F start in A and have not crossed a
shock, therefore J + and J − are integrable. Since Γ−
crosses a shock of varying strength, JF− varies. ap (on
the piston path) also varies and therefore JF+ varies. F
is a non-simple region.

Simple compression waves

Domain G: Particles in G have crossed the shock → entropy is not

uniform and the Riemann invariants are not integrable.
JG+ is equal to JB+ which both vary; JG− also varies since
the Γ− characteristics have crossed the shock. G is a
non-simple domain.
Domain H: Particles in H have crossed a shock, so the entropy is
not uniform and J + and J − are not-integrable.
Furthermore, JH+ = JC+ is constant; JH− varies, so
domain H is non-simple.
Domain I: Particles in I have crossed a shock, therefore the
entropy is not uniform. Furthermore, JI+ = JF+ which
varies, and also JI− varies. So domain I is a
non-uniform, non-simple region.

Simple compression waves

Domain J+ J− S comment
A u u u uniform, i
B v u u simple wave, i
C u u u uniform, i
D v v u non-simple, i
E u v u simple(!), i
F v v u non-simple
G v v v non-simple
H u v v non-simple
I v v v non-simple

key: u: uniform, v: varies, i: integrable

Wave interactions
Two right running shocks
Consider a semi-infinite constant area tube closed off by a piston at
its left end and filled with a gas at rest:
I at t = 0 the piston instantaneously has the speed up1
I at t = t1 it instantaneously switches to the speed up2 with
up2 > up1
I in this way two shock waves are created that intersect at time t2 .
At t2 a Riemann problem between Á and 0 appears.

Wave interactions
Two right running shocks
Question: do shocks really intersect?
To answer this, we go to the shock frame and view the first
moving shock.
The first moving shock viewed in the shock frame shows the
following picture:

The entropy condition II states (a + u)0 < cs1 < (a + u)1 . The
second moving shock in the shock frame:

The entropy condition II states (a + u)1 < cs2 < (a + u)2 .

Wave interactions
Two right running shocks

Combining the two inequalities gives cs1 < cs2 → the second
shock moves faster and reaches the first shock at t = t2 .
Entropy condition II also states that the Γ+ cannot cross the
right running shock:
I the shock is hit by characteristics from both sides
I a shock is a barrier for characteristics
I on the shock the characteristic speed is double valued
I can be said that the right running shock belongs to the “+”
family. In a similar way one can say that a left running shock
belongs to the “-” family implying that a Γ− cannot cross
left-running shocks.
Remaining question: how to solve the Riemann problem
appearing at t2 .

Wave interactions
Two right running shocks
Sketch the interaction process in the (p, u)-plane:

I State À lies on the Hugoniot curve H0 going through the

point 0 . The slope in 0 of the H0 -curve is ρ0 a0 .
I State Á lies on the H1 curve going through À; the slope of
the H1 curvce À is ρ1 a1 .
Wave interactions
Two right running shocks

I State Á is found where u2 has the prescribed velocity up2 .

I State à also has to lie on the H0 curve because the
merged shock transfers the gas from the ‘pre-state’ 0 to
the ‘post-state’ Ã.
I Since H1 lies above H0 a Poisson-curve is needed to find a
valid solution for state Â.
Therefore an expansion fan appears between states Á and Â.
Furthermore, a contact discontinuity with characteristic speed
ucd > up2 separates Á and Â.

Wave interactions
Two right running shocks

Comparison to a corresponding 2D steady supersonic flow.

The weak wave between  and à can be either an expansion

or a shock depending on the free stream Mach number and the
two ramp angles δ1 and δ2 .

Wave interactions
Two right running expansion waves
Consider again the same semi-infinite constant area tube:
I at t = 0 the piston is instantaneously withdrawn with a speed up1
(< 0)
I at t = T it instantaneously switches to the speed up2 < up1 < 0
I two expansion waves are created

Wave interactions
Two right running expansion waves

The whole process in the (t, x) domain is mapped onto a single

graph in the (p, u) plane: the Poisson curve for the right running
waves that starts in the state 0 .
Compare this to two subsequent expansions in 2-D steady
supersonic flow:

Wave interactions
Expansion interacts with shock
I piston moves with a constant speed up > 0 into a gas at
I at time ti the piston is instantaneously stopped
I this creates the interaction of a shock wave and an
expansion wave both of the same family

Wave interactions
Expansion interacts with shock

I interaction starts at (xi , ti )

I due to interaction the shock slows down
I both the strength and entropy jump decreases
The particle path going through the point i separates two
domains in the expansion fan:
I on the left the entropy is uniform
I on the right of the particle path the entropy changes
There is no analytical solution available for this fully non-linear
A first non-linear approximation can be made using the inviscid
Burgers’ equation (see chapter 4).

Wave interactions
Expansion interacts with shock

Compare this interaction with 2-D steady supersonic flow:

Wave interactions
Shock interacts with expansion
I piston is instantaneously withdrawn with speed up < 0
I at time ti the piston is instantaneously stopped
I initial withdrawal creates an expansion fan, the acceleration to
standstill creates a shock wave
I Both waves interact at (xi , ti )

Due to interaction the shock accelerates, “Behind” the shock the

entropy is non-uniform.
Wave interactions
Shock interacts with expansion

Compare this interaction to the 2D steady supersonic


Wave interactions
Interaction of shocks of different family

Interaction of two shocks: one left running and the other right
Interaction happens at (xi , ti ). At t = ti a Riemann problem has
to be solved between states À and Ã.
From the (p, u) plane one concludes that after the interaction
two shocks appear.
This interaction problem can be solved easily by a numerical
Riemann solver.

Wave interactions
Interaction of shocks of different family

Wave interactions
Interaction of two expansions of different family

Interaction of two expansions: one left running and the other

right running.
The interaction can be calculated with analytical methods.
The interaction pattern displays a non-simple region; both J +
and J − vary.


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