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1 Polar coordinates

1.1 Conversion from Cartesian to Polar Coordinates

−1 y
r= x2 + y2 and θ = tan (1)

1.2 Conversion from Polar to Cartesian Coordinates

x = r cos θ and y = r sin θ (2)

2 Angle between Radius Vector and Tangent

ψ is the angle made by the tangent with the positive direction of the x-axis. θ
is the vectorial angle of point P (r, θ). ϕ is the angle between the radius vector
and tangent.

ψ =ϕ+θ (3)
Slope = = tan ψ (4)

tan ϕ = r (5)

3 Angle of Intersection of Two Curves

The angle of intersection of two curves is the angle between their tangents at
that point.
Let ϕ1 and ϕ2 be the angles made by the tangents with the common radius
vector. Angle between the tangents is equal to ϕ1 − ϕ2 .
Acute angle of intersection of two curves is |ϕ1 − ϕ2 |.
Two curves are orthogonal if |ϕ1 − ϕ2 | = π2 or equivalently, tan ϕ1 · tan ϕ2 = −1.
Direction in which θ increases is taken as the positive direction of the tangent.

4 Derivative of Arc
Therorem: If P and Q are any two points on a curve, then
arcP Q
lim =1 (6)
Q→P chordP Q

For Cartesian curve:

s  2
ds dy
= 1+ (7)
dx dx

If x = f (y), then
s  2
ds dx
= 1+ (8)
dy dy

For parametric curve x = f (t), y = g(t):

2  2
ds dx dy
= + (9)
dt dt dt

For polar curve r = f (θ):

s  2
ds dr
= r2 + (10)
dθ dθ
Another formula:
s  2
ds dθ
= 1+ r2 (11)
dr dr
Alternate forms:
= r2 + r12 (12)
ds r
= 1+ (13)
dr r1

5 Curvature

κ= (14)

6 Radius of Curvature
Radius of curvature ρ is reciprocal of curvature κ.
ρ= (15)

Radius of curvature is +ve when y2 is +ve and -ve whe y2 is -ve.

6.1 Cartesian Form

(1 + y12 ) 2
ρ= , y2 ̸= 0 (16)
If y1 → ∞, then,
(1 + x21 ) 2
ρ= , x2 ̸= 0 (17)

6.2 Parametric Form
{(ẋ)2 + (ẏ)2 } 2
ρ= , ẋÿ − ẍẏ ̸= 0 (18)
ẋÿ − ẍẏ

6.3 Polar Form

(r2 + r12 ) 2
ρ= (19)
r2 + 2r12 − rr2

7 Centre of Curvature and Circle of Curvature

Coordinates of centre of curvature:
y1 (1 + y12 ) 1 + y12
x̄ = x − , ȳ = y = (20)
y2 y2

Equation of circle of curvature (with centre at centre of curvature and radius


(x − x̄)2 + (y − ȳ)2 = ρ2 (21)

8 Finding Evolute of a Curve

Let y = f (x) be the given curve. Then,
1. Find x̄ and ȳ.

2. Eliminate parameters x and y to get the relation between x̄ and ȳ.

3. Finally, generalise x̄ and ȳ to x and y and get the required equation of the
The equation of the evolute is obtained by eliminating x and y from the equation
with the help of curve equation.

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