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HLP #1

Jamie Holforty

HLP 1 Collaborate with professionals to increase student success: When teachers are working
with other professionals in the school, they can get a better grasp on certain things that they
might be missing. It is also important that first year teachers have someone they can trust to help
them when they are lost and need a little push to keep them moving. When the teacher is
prepared and knows what they are doing, they have a better chance at helping their students to
succeed. Teachers can gain support from each other which will lead to success with both the
teachers and the students. For Special Education teachers, it is important that they talk to other
professionals to get opinions on certain needs that some students may need. There are so many
people who go to school to learn the important things that sped students may need to succeed.

If I, as the new teacher, am struggling with a student who cannot pay attention in my class. I
work really hard to gain his attention, yet his is elsewhere. When I confront him about the
problem, he gets mad and storms away from me. I decide that I should talk to the SPED teacher
at my school, to see if she has any insight of what I could do to help him do better in my

The SPED teacher gives me a sheet to fill out while teacher this student in class. This is a form to
help me determine if he has some sort of learning disability, or if he is possibly struggling with
something like ADHD.

After filling out the IEP sheet, we together determined that he is struggling with ADHD, and we
talked to his parents about possibly seeing a doctor. After a doctor visit, he is doing much better
with focusing on class and not having anger outbursts.

For part 3-something I create. I will upload a rubric that I can use to determine if there are other
classes that my students should be in to help them succeed.

I have uploaded the IEP form used on the next sheet.

Rubric Attention Engagement Activity Relationships
Student is not paying Student is not Student has no Student has little to
any attention in class engaged at all and activity and would no friends and would
0 and would benefit in a would benefit in a benefit in a SPED benefit in a SPED
points SPED classroom. SPED classroom. classroom. classroom.

Student pays slight Student is slightly Student does slight Student has some
attention but may need engaged but may activity but may friends but may need
3 extra help in the need extra help in need extra help in extra attention in the
points classroom. the classroom. the classroom. classroom.

Student is pay close Student is fully Student has lots of Student has lots of
attention and is engaged and works activity and works friends and is
5 succeeding in the well in the well in the succeeding in the
points classroom. classroom. classroom. classroom.

Total points_____/20____
*If under 15 points an alternative action needs to take place.

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