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Drogi uczniu,

przed Tobą egzamin ósmoklasisty z j. angielskiego – 27 maja 2021 roku.

Każdego dnia (przez 268 dni) masz do wykonania 5 zadań:

1/ uzupełnij zdanie JEDNYM brakującym słowem;

2/uzupełnij zdanie wykorzystując w odpowiedniej formie wyrazy podane

w nawiasach. Nie zmieniaj kolejności podanych wyrazów, natomiast – jeśli jest to
konieczne – dodaj inne wyrazy, tak aby otrzymać zdania logiczne i gramatycznie
poprawne; w lukę możesz wpisać maksymalnie CZTERY wyrazy, wliczając w to
wyrazy już podane;

3/ przetłumacz fragment zdania w nawiasie na j. angielski;

4/ wykorzystując wyraz podany drukowanymi literami, uzupełnij zdanie z luką,

tak aby zachować sens zdania wyjściowego; w każdą lukę możesz wpisać
maksymalnie TRZY wyrazy, wliczając wyraz już podany; nie zmieniaj formy
podanego wyrazu;

5/ przetłumacz zdanie na j. angielski.

Wszystkie zadania w niniejszym kalendarzu są ułożone w kolejności podanej

powyżej, więc polecenia NIE są już powielane na następnych stronach.

Zaczynamy odliczanie!
September 1 268 dni
1/ Kim passed all her exams with flying .............................. .

2/ I (always / have / lunch) ............................................................................. at noon.

3/ Susan (nie lubi) .......................................................... hanging out with her friends.

4/ Kate is more intelligent than Susan. (AS)

Susan isn’t ...................................................................................................... Kate. 3

5/ Co robiłaś wczoraj o 12.00?


September 2 267 dni

1/ Tom and John are as different as chalk and .............................. .

2/ We (fly) ........................ to London next week. We‘ve already bought the tickets.

3/ Susan (zapomniała nakarmić) ...................................................... the cat yesterday.

4/ This coffee is too weak. (ENOUGH)

This coffee is .............................................................

5/ Kiedy masz urodziny?


September 3 266 dni

1/ What does your dad do ..................................... a living?

2/ Who (be) ...................................................................................... your best friend?

3/ The teacher (powiedział, abyśmy zamknęli) ........................................... our books.

4/ I’m still waiting for the bus to arrive. (NOT)

The bus has ................................................................................. yet.

5/ Ile lat ma twoja młodsza siostra?

September 4 265 dni
1/ I feel ................... the weather today .

2/ Lisa (fly / Paris) ................................................................................ two days ago.

3/ Where (zazwyczaj kupujesz) ...................................................................... clothes?

4/ Jane has gone to Egypt. (IN)

Jane is ...................................................................................................... now. 4

5/ O której godzinie zazwyczaj wracasz do domu?


September 5 264 dni

1/ What are you keen .............................. ?

2/ My parents (never / be) ............................................................................... abroad.

3/ How often (podlewasz kwiaty) ......................................................... in the garden?

4/ I’m sure Tom is busy. (MUST)

Tom .............................................................

5/ Gdzie mieszkają Twoi dziadkowie?


September 6 263 dni

1/ We have a lot ..................................... common.

2/ When (you / last / fly) .............................................................................. by plane?

3/ (Czy umiałeś pływać) ................................................................. when you were 5?

4/ I do the shopping on Tuesday and Saturday (TWICE)

I do the shopping ..................................................................................

5/ Poczęstuj się kanapkami.

September 7 262 dni
1/ Are you good .......................................... biology?

2/ (you / ever / be) .......................................................................................... to Asia?

3/ Where (mieszkasz) ..................................................................................................?

4/ I haven’t seen John for two weeks. (LAST)

I . ............................................................................................ John two weeks ago. 5

5/ Ile kosztują te zielone spodnie?


September 8 261 dni

1/ What are you fond .............................. ?

2/ My friend (never / get up) ........................................................................... at 6.00.

3/ What (zazwyczaj robicie) ................................................................... at weekends?

4/ Shall we go to the theatre tonight? (DON’T)

Why ............................................................. to the theatre tonight?

5/ Jaki jest Twój numer telefonu?


September 9 260 dni

1/ What are you interested ..................................... ?

2/ The house I live in (build) ........................................................ in the 19th century.

3/ (Nie wolno) ................................................................. park here.

4/ There are no eggs in the fridge. (NOT)

There ......................................................................................... eggs in the fridge.

5/ Przepraszam, gdzie jest najbliższa stacja benzynowa?

September 10 259 dni
1/ Who are you waiting ......................?

2/ My aunt (be / like) ............................................................................. mother to me.

3/ I’ll call you as soon as I (wyjdę z biura) ..................................................................

4/ I think you should go to the dentist. (YOU)

If . ..........................................................................................., I’d go to the dentist. 6

5/ Czy mógłby Pan podpisać ten dokument?


September 11 258 dni

1/ Take ........................ your coat. It’s warm in here.

2/ Jack (be / not / keen) ............................................. swimming. He prefers jogging.

3/ (Nie musisz) ................................................................... take off your shoes.

4/ I have never met a frendlier person than Tom. (THE)

Tom ............................................................. person I’ve ever met.

5/ Przepraszam, gdzie są przymierzalnie?


September 12 257 dni

1/ Can you explain ............................. me how to use this printer ?

2/ (you / wash) .................................................................................... the dishes yet?

3/ Dad (właśnie wrócił) ............................................................................. from work.

4/ Do you live here? (IF)

He wants to know .................................................................................. here.

5/ Czy możesz mi pomóc w zadaniu domowym z historii?

September 13 256 dni
1/ My sister works ................................. a nurse.

2/ (there / be) .................................................................... two bathrooms downstairs.

3/ My bike (jest lepszy) .............................................................. than yours.

4/ As a child Jack enjoyed skating, but now he hates it. (TO)

Jack ............................................................ skating, but now he hates it.

5/ Boli mnie głowa.


September 14 255 dni

1/ Put ........................ your coat. It’s cold outside.

2/ (you / use) ................................................ the computer now?

3/ This pencil is not (mój) ................................................................ I think it’s yours.

4/ How much is this dress? (COST)

How much does .....................................................................................................?

5/ Czy jesteś uczulona na orzechy?


September 15 254 dni

1/ Tom was born ............................. 3 May.

2/ Tom and Kate (cook / lunch) .......................................................................... now.

3/ Do you like learning poems (na pamięć) .............................................................. ?

4/ How much were these trousers? (PAY)

How much .................................................................................. for these trousers?

5/ O której godzinie odjeżdża pociąg do Warszawy?

September 16 253 dni
1/ What is this person famous .............................?

2/ My dad (have / shower) .................................................................................. now.

3/ (Czy rozumiesz) .......................................................................... the problem now?

4/ I heard the news while I was having lunch. (DURING)

I heard the news ........................................................................................................

5/ Czy mógłbyś mi pożyczyć swoje nożyczki?


September 17 252 dni

1/ I felt like a fish out of ....................

2/ What (the weather / be) ................................................................................ today?

3/ I think you drink (za dużo kawy) .............................................................................

4/ Hugh’s hobby is collecting bookmarks. (IN)

Hugh is ............................................................... collecting bookmarks.

5/ Jaki jest Twój nowy nauczyciel?


September 18 251 dni

1/ How ............................. money do you need?

2/ (she / ever / see) ................................................ a ghost?

3/ (Ile krzeseł jest) .................................................................................... in the room?

4/ I have a friend in England. Her mother is a singer. (WHOSE)

I have a friend in England ....................................................................... is a singer.

5/ Mam nadzieję, że zdasz ten egzamin.

September 19 250 dni
1/ Have you ever been ............................. Norway?

2/ The sky is dark. It (be going / rain) ...........................................................................

3/ I’m afraid you aren’t (wystarczająco wysoki) ............................ to reach the shelf.

4/ My brother can play football very well. (AT)

My brother is very ............................................................................ football.

5/ Jaka była wczoraj pogoda?


September 20 249 dni

1/ Thomas is married ............................ Joanna.

2/ Sam said he (never run) .................................................................... the marathon.

3/ My car (zepsuł się) ............................................................................... last Sunday.

4/ I really don’t think you should go skiing without a helmet. (NOT)

If I were you, I .............................................................. skiing without a helmet.

5/ Jak oni wyglądają?


September 21 248 dni

1/ How ............................. apples do you need to bake the cake?

2/ The car (be / repair) ................................................................................. tomorrow.

3/ My car (został już naprawiony) ................................................................................

4/ I will go for a walk if it doesn’t snow. (UNLESS)

I will go for a walk ............................................................................

5/ Myślę, że on będzie sławnym politykiem.

September 22 247 dni
1/ Kate saw a mouse while she was ................................... on the phone.

2/ At 8:00 p.m. yesterday I (watch) ....................................................................... TV.

3/ I’m afraid you are (za niski) ...................................................... to play basketball.

4/ I can’t tolerate all this noise. (PUT)

I can’t .......................................... all this noise.

5/ Kiedy masz zamiar kupić nowe mieszkanie?


September 23 246 dni

1/ It happens once in a .................... moon.

2/ Monica (be late) .......................................................................... school yesterday.

3/ Jane asked if (jestem z Londynu) ............................................................................

4/ I often help my best friend. He also helps me. (OTHER)

We often help ............................................................................

5/ Z którego peronu odjeżdża pociąg do Glasgow?


September 24 245 dni

1/ ............................. is your new friend like?

2/ (be / there / restaurant) ........................................................ near here?

3/ I (mam katar) ....................................................................................... for two days.

4/ We want to watch this film. It begins at 10.00. (THAT)

The film ............................................................................ to watch begins at 10.00.

5/ Jakiej jesteś narodowości?

September 25 244 dni
1/ America was .................................. in 1492.

2/ At 8:00 a.m. yesterday Joanna (have) ...................................................... breakfast.

3/ What (twoja siostra kupiła) ..................................................................... yesterday?

4/ Paul plays tennis for relaxation. (TO)

Paul plays tennis ............................................................................

5/ Jak długo znasz Carol?


September 26 243 dni

1/ Do you enjoy ........................ to the cinema?

2/ This is (long) ................................................................................ street in the city.

3/ Do you like (robić zdjęcia) .....................................................................................?

4/ It’s possible that Tom will not come to the party. (MAY)

Tom ............................................................................ to the party.

5/ Ile kosztują banany?


September 27 242 dni

1/ Do you listen ............................... the radio every day?

2/ I (be / not / fond) ........................................................ fishing?

3/ Do you know (kogoś) ................................................. who works in this company?

4/ The question was so difficult that Linda couldn’t answer it. (SUCH)

It was ......................................................... question that Linda couldn’t answer it.

5/ Chciałabym wiedzieć kto pracuje w tym biurze.

September 28 241 dni
1/ This flower is one .................................. my favourites.

2/ If I were you, I (not / go) ............................ to the mountains in such bad weather.
3/ My father (pracuje jako kucharz) ..............................................................................

4/ Paul plays tennis so well. (SUCH)

Paul is ............................................................................ tennis player.

5/ Jaka szkoda!

September 29 240 dni

1/ Anna is .......................... caring person.

2/ I’d like to know what (she / read) ................................................................... now.

3/ Do you like (czytać kryminały) ...............................................................................?

4/ Mary is a careful driver. (CAREFULLY)

Mary ............................................................................

5/ Czy sądzisz, że powinnam zaprosić Annę na swoje przyjęcie urodzinowe?


September 30 239 dni

1/ Let’s go home. It’s ......................................... dark.

2/ Please hurry up. I (wait) ............................................................ for you.

3/ (Nie zapomnij) ............................................................ lock the door.

4/ Someone has stolen my bike. (BEEN)

My bike ........................................................................................

5/ Chciałabym znależć dobrze płatną pracę.

October 1 238 dni
1/ How much money do you ................................................... on snacks every week?

2/ Five years ago there (be / no parks) ....................................................... in my city.

3/ My mother (pracuje bardzo ciężko) ..........................................................................

4/ This belt is too long. (ENOUGH)

This belt is ............................................................................

5/ Czy mogę zapłacić kartą?


October 2 237 dni

1/ If you want to lose weight, you should cut down ................... sweets.

2/ Anna said that she (not / move out) .................................................................. yet.

3/ How often (twój tata kosi trawnik ) ........................................................................?

4/ Do you have any plans for Sunday? (GOING)

What ………………………………………… to do on Sunday?

5/ To miło z twojej strony.


October 3 236 dni

1/ What does your father look ........................?

2/ What (paper / make) ............................................................ from?

3/ (Nie krzycz na) ............................................................ me!

4/ This skirt is beautiful! (WHAT)

………………………………………………………………… skirt!

5/ Czy mogę to przymierzyć?

October 4 235 dni
1/ Could you take the rubbish .........................?

2/ How long (it / take) ................................................................ you to get to school?

3/ Tina (często je) .................................................................. cereal for breakfast.

4/ Would you like to go to the cinema tonight? (FANCY)

Do you …………………………………………… to the cinema tonight?

5/ Chciałbym zapłacić gotówką.


October 5 234 dni

1/ You play basketball on a basketball ..................................

2/ How many times (you / visit) ................................................................... London?

3/ (Czy świeciło słońce) ……………………………… when you arrived in Gdańsk.

4/ You can’t park here. (ALLOWED)

Parking ……………………………………………....……… here.

5/ Smacznego!

October 6 233 dni

1/ There are two mice ............... the kitchen.

2/ What (she / do) ........................................................................ this time yesterday?

3/ What (robiła Anna) .............................................................. at 7 o’clock last night?

4/ I advise you to take up jogging. (SHOULD)

You ……………………………………………………….…………… jogging.

5/ Czy w pobliżu jest bank?

October 7 232 dni
1/ ................................. you like to go to the cinema tomorrow?

2/ My mother (not mind / swim) .......................................................... in cold water.

3/ A. What are you doing? B. I (gotuję) ……………………………...……… lunch.

4/ John arrived home after his parents went to sleep. (WERE)

John’s parents ………………………………………………… he arrived home.

5/ Co znaczy słowo ‘deaf’?


October 8 231 dni

1/ Do you ................................. if I open the window?

2/ Are you (afraid / fly) ............................................................................ ?

3/ They decided (pojechać do Grecji)…………………....…………… this summer.

4/ How long is this string? (OF)

What is ……………………………………………………………… this string?

5/ Nie zgadzam się z tobą.


October 9 230 dni

1/ Do you have a room of your ........................?

2/ My grandfather (not wear) ............................................................ glasses.

3/ (Wszyscy wiedzą) ....................................................... where The Eiffel Tower is.

4/ How deep is this pond? (OF)

What is …………………………………………………………… this pond?

5/ Dobrze spałeś?

October 10 229 dni
1/ Excuse me, how long does it .......................................... to get to the nearest bank?

2/ Kate (be / Paris) .............................................................................. since Tuesday.

3/ Who taught you (grać na gitarze)............................................................................?

4/ It isn’t necessary for you to go on a strict diet. (HAVE)

You do ………………………..……………………………… go on a strict diet.

5/ Co robisz dziś wieczorem?


October 11 228 dni

1/ ........................ on winning first prize in the competition!

2/ I hope that my car (repair) .............................................................................. soon.

3/ What time (wystartował samolot) ...........................................................................?

4/ Nobody has told Kate the truth yet. (BEEN)

Kate has …………………………………………………………… the truth yet.

5/ Ile czasu zajmuje ci dojazd do szkoły?


October 12 227 dni

1/ Could you give me a ......................................... to the airport?

2/ We’ll go for a picnic unless (it / rain) ............................................................

3/ When did Tom arrive ……............………………………………. (do Londynu)?

4/ They made these cars in France. (ARE)

These cars ………………………………………………………… in France.

5/ Jaki jest twój ulubiony przedmiot szkolny?

October 13 226 dni
1/ I’m so sorry I’m late. I ............................. my train again.

2/ Can you switch off the light? I (try / sleep) ..............................................................

3/ Are you going (polecieć do Rzymu) ...................................................... next week?

4/ I’m sure Simon is very rich. (MUST)

Simon …………………………………………………………… very rich.

5/ Jakie książki lubisz czytać?


October 14 225 dni

1/ What ........................ to be the problem?

2/ Can you tell me (how / get) ........................................... to the nearest post office?

3/ (Musisz mieć przynajmniej) ...................................... 16 years old to join this gym.

4/ Please, don’t go. (WANT)

I don’t …………………………………………………… go.

5/ Mogłabyś mi powiedzieć dlaczego oni nie tańczą.


October 15 224 dni

1/ Stop beating about the .....................!

2/ I painted the room by (I) ............................................................

3/ (Miliony turystów) ………………….....……………… visit the city every month.

4/ Peter was having lunch when his aunt called. (WHILE)

Peter’s aunt called …………..............……………………………… having lunch.

5/ Myślę, że te spodnie są za długie i za ciasne.

October 16 223 dni
1/ Could you give me a ............................. with this printer?

2/ I was born on the (two) .............................................................................. of May.

3/ (Kto zaprojektował) …………….......................………………….....… this dress?

4/ I didn’t tell Adam the truth. (TO)

I ……………………………………………………………………………….

5/ Czy mogę prosić o rachunek?


October 17 222 dni

1/ I really apologise ........................ my behaviour.

2/ Tom (be born) ...................................................... in Wales.

3/ (Nie ma żadnych krzeseł) .......…………………………………… in my bedroom.

4/ I don’t ride a bike because I don’t like it. ( IF)

……………………………………………………… riding a bike, I would do it.

5/ Jakiego koloru są ściany w twoim pokoju?


October 18 221 dni

1/ Come .............. and make yourself at home.

2/ Kevin lives on the (one) ............................................................ floor.

3/ (Jak dotarłeś) ....................................................................... here?

4/ My mother hasn’t smoked for 10 years. (STOPPED)

My mother …………………….....………………………………… 10 years ago.

5/ Czy często spóźniasz się do szkoły?

October 19 220 dni
1/ I’d like to make a ................................. The computer I bought yesterday is faulty.

2/ My office is on the (three) ............................................................................. floor.

3/ Tom said that (kupił nowy rower) ................................................ the previous day.

4/ There are only a few girls in Tom’s class. (MANY)

There ……………………………………………………… girls in Tom’s class.

5/ Posłuchaj mnie!

October 20 219 dni

1/ I can’t ........................................... to buy such an expensive bike.

2/ What did you get for your (five) .............................................................. birthday?

3/ Do you enjoy (poznanawać nowych ludzi) .............................................................?

4/ My cousin came to live here in 2016. (LIVED)

My cousin ………………………………………………… since 2016.

5/ Nie mam ochoty grać dziś w szachy.


October 21 218 dni

1/ She’s the woman ..................................... husband is a famous actor.

2/ I visit my uncle (one) ............................................................ a week.

3/ I never watch TV (po południu) ............................................................

4/ The coffee machine I bought was very cheap. (NOT)

The coffee machine I bought …………………………..……………………….

5/ Jedźmy w góry!

October 22 217 dni
1/ I’m looking .......................................... to meeting my old friend.

2/ We see each other (two) ............................................................................ a week.

3/ (Tamte dziewczęta) ………………………………..........…… are really beautiful.

4/ Tom wasn’t at school yesterday. (ABSENT)

Tom ……………………………………………….......……… school yesterday.

5/ Czy mógłbyś mi podać cukier?


October 23 216 dni

1/ Who was America ............................................ by?

2/ We meet (we) ........................................................................ friends every Friday.

3/ My mother (nienawidzi prasować) .........................................................................

4/ Dad hasn’t prepared lunch yet. (STILL)

We ……………………………………………………………………… for lunch.

5/ Czy często jesz poza domem?


October 24 215 dni

1/ Do you ......................... your bed in the morning?

2/ Do you enjoy (dance) ............................................................?

3/ Can you dance (dobrze) …………………………?

4/ This sweater suits you. (LOOK)

You …………………………………………………………… in this sweater.

5/ Meble w moim pokoju są bardzo stare.

October 25 214 dni
1/ Could you ............................... the table, please?

2/ The yesterday’s trip (be / organize) ........................................ by our form teacher.

3/ (Czy byłeś w domu) …………………......………………………… last night?

4/ Tom always wears casual clothes. (NEVER)

Tom ………………………………………………………………… clothes.

5/ Będę trzymać za ciebie kciuki.


October 26 213 dni

1/ Do you ........................ on well with your younger sister?

2/ These trousers (not fit) ........................................................ me. They’re too loose.

3/ (Gdybym mówił) ………………………………… Spanish, I would go to Madrid.

4/ Can I borrow this book from you? (LEND)

Can ………………………………………………………………… this book?

5/ Czy mógłby pan powtórzyć swoje imię?


October 27 212 dni

1/ Tom and John aren’t a couple any more. The’ve just split .................

2/ Kim is (intelligent) ............................................................ person I know.

3/ Who (dał ci) …………………………………………… this bracelet?

4/ Excuse me, how much is it? (COST)

Excuse me, how much ……………………………………………………………?

5/ Czy mogłaby pani przeliterować swoje imię?

October 28 211 dni
1/ What does the word ‘honest’ ....................................?

2/ Nobody (be) ............................................................................... perfect.

3/ I’d rather (grać w szachy) ………………………………………………….

4/ Where does she come from? (IS)

Where ………………………………………………………………………?

5/ Czy mogę zaparkować przed twoim domem?


October 29 210 dni

1/ What do you ................... of my new skirt?

2/ You only care about (you) ............................................................................!

3/ Two days ago we (pojechaliśmy w góry) ……………………………………….

4/ Perhaps we will visit you next Friday. (MAY)

We …………………………………………………………………… next Friday.

5/ Co jest dziś wieczorem w telewizji?


October 30 209 dni

1/ The accident ......................... place two days ago.

2/ It’s (hard / explain) ............................................................

3/ What do you do (aby się zrelaksować) ............................................................ ?

4/ It would be good if you played tennis at least once a week. (SHOULD)

You ………………………………………..........………… at least once a week.

5/ Chciałabym mieszkać w wieżowcu.

October 31 208 dni
1/ Tomorrow I’m taking ....................................... in a school competition.

2/ I perform (good) ................................................................. when I’m under stress.

3/ (Padał śnieg) ….……………………………… while we were driving to Warsaw.

4/ When did she write this letter? (WROTE)

Do you know ………………………………………………………… this letter?

5/ Chciałabym zarezerwować pokój jednoosobowy na trzy noce.


November 1 207 dni

1/ This house used to ........................ to my granddad.

2/ The city (be famous) ................................................... for a summer street market.

3/ Do you often (prosisz rodziców o radę) ………………………………………......?

4/ Who invented cricket? (WAS)

Who ……………………………………………………………………… by?

5/ Czy chcesz, abym podwiozła cię na lotnisko?


November 2 206 dni

1/ Could I ......................... a dictionary from you?

2/ How far (be) ............................................................ from Warsaw to Cracow?

3/ I don’t know (nikogo, kto mieszka) ……………………………......…… in Wales.

4/ Most students have failed the exam. (ALL)

Nearly…………………………………………………… have failed the exam.

5/ Jesteście spragnieni czy głodni?

November 3 205 dni
1/ Have you ........................................ for a new job yet?

2/ Kate (use / smoke) ............................................................ when she was younger.

3/ My (starsza siostra) …………………..………………………… studies medicine.

4/ Remember to close the door. (NOT)

………………………………………………………………… to close the door.

5/ Czy mogę prosić o szklankę wody?


November 4 204 dni

1/ I prefer biology ........................ chemistry.

2/ I (cross) ........................................................... the street when I twisted my ankle.

3/ (Czy twój tata kiedykolwiek zasadził) ………………………......………… a tree?

4/ When you arrive in Warsaw, call me. (AFTER)

…………………………………………………………… in Warsaw, call me.

5/ Czy moglibyśmy się spotkać za dwa dni?


November 5 203 dni

1/ How many guests have you invited .............................. your birthday party?

2/ When I opened my eyes, I (see) ........................................ a big spider on the wall.

3/ Tom (prawie nigdy nie wstaje) ………………………………… early on Sundays.

4/ Don‘t talk in the library. (MUST)

You ……………………………………………………………….. in the library.

5/ Czy ten chleb jest bezglutenowy?

November 6 202 dni
1/ I can’t ............................... to see Fiona again. I haven’t seen her for ages.

2/ When I (read) .................................................................. the book, I went to sleep.

3/ Brush your teeth (zanim pójdziesz do szkoły) ……............……………………….

4/ We haven’t won any matches yet. (LOST)

We ………………………………………………………… the matches so far.

5/ Jeżeli boli cię ząb, powinnaś pójść do dentysty.


November 7 201 dni

1/ I wish you the ........................ of luck!

2/ Snakes (should not / keep) .......................................................................... as pets.

3/ (Kto jest) ……………………………………………………… in the kitchen?

4/ What’s your opinion of our new car? (OF)

What do …………………………………………………………… our new car?

5/ Jest tu gorąco.

November 8 200 dni

1/ Would you like to pay ......................... cash or by card?

2/ Excuse me, I (look for) ………………………………………… a pharmacy.

3/ (Kto mieszka) ………………………………………………………….. next door?

4/ Who does this scooter belong to? (OWNER)

Who’s ……………………………………………………………… this scooter?

5/ Zakwaterowanie jest wliczone w cenę.

November 9 199 dni
1/ I’ll ............................... you up at 6.00. Be ready!

2/ What type (books / you) ………...…………………............……… like reading?

3/ I would like to buy (bilet w jedną stronę) ……………….........………. to London.

4/ My mother and my father are teachers. (BOTH)

……………………………………………………………………… are teachers.

5/ Czy już umeblowałeś mieszkanie?


November 10 198 dni

1/ I’d like to ............................... an appointment with Dr Brown, please.

2/ Tom and George (already / eat) .................................................................... dinner.

3/ You can only (dostać się do centrum miasta ) ……………......…………… by bus.

4/ Sam hasn’t come yet. (STILL)

We ................................................... for Sam.

5/ Czy śniadanie jest wliczone w cenę?


November 11 197 dni

1/ Have you ever ......................... lost in a forest?

2/ This house isn’t mine, it’s (she) ........................................................................

3/ My father (jest) .......................... a chef for 25 years. He works in a big restaurant.

4/ Kate, what is your sister’s hobby? (IN)

Kate, what is your ……………………………....………………………………..?

5/ Jaka jest twoja ulubiona pora roku?

November 12 196 dni
1/ My sister has taken ...................... judo recently.

2/ Kate thanked me (help / she) ………………………………………...…………….

3/ (Jakie piękne) ……………………………………………………………. flowers!

4/ Who does this pencil belong to? (IS)

Whose pencil ……………………………………………………………?

5/ Liz uprawia gimnastykę trzy razy w tygodniu.


November 13 195 dni

1/ When did you arrive ............................... London?

2/ We had a great time (dance) ………………………….……………… at the party.

3/ I always go to school (pieszo) ………………………………………...........……..

4/ Tom, remember to buy milk! (FORGET)

Tom, …………………………………………………………… to buy milk!

5/ Czy jesteś dobra z matematyki?


November 14 194 dni

1/ Joanna .................................... fit by exercising every day.

2/ Last Sunday I (go / see) ………………………...............…… a basketball match.

3/ Tom (nie ma wystarczająco pieniędzy) ………………………… to buy a new car.

4/ Dave lives far from the city centre. (SUBURBS)

Dave lives ……………………………………………………………………….

5/ Kiedy byłam dzieckiem, bałam się ciemności.

November 15 193 dni
1/ Tom, we’ve ....................... out of flour. I’m afraid I won’t be able to bake a cake.

2/ Tom (graduate / university) …………............…………………… two years ago.

3/ These trousers are (za ciasne) …………………………………………......……….

4/ Jane often reacts angrily. (GETS)

Jane often …………………………………………………………….

5/ Moi rodzice mieszkali w Warszawie przez 10 lat.


November 16 192 dni

1/ If you ........................ a crime, you are punished.

2/ You (not / have) .............................................................. do it if you don’t want to.

3/ (Czy chciałby pan złożyć) ……………………….........…….....……. a complaint?

4/ This laptop is too expensive. (AFFORD)

I ………………………………………………………………… this laptop.

5/ Czy jazda na łyżwach sprawia ci przyjemność?


November 17 191 dni

1/ The phone is ringing. Can you ......................... it?

2/ Are these animals (danger / extinction) ……………………………......………....?

3/ What do you usually do (w sobotnie popołudnia) ………………………......……?

4/ My father’s job is very hard. (WORKS)

My father …………………………………………………………………….

5/ Ile kieszonkowego dostajesz?

November 18 190 dni
1/ I didn’t ............................... to drink coffee, but now I do.

2/ Jane (not apply)……………………………………………………. a new job yet.

3/ What is your (najmniej ulubiony) ……………….....………….. subject at school?

4/ They are both very clever. (AS)

Susan is ………………………………………………………………… Kate.

5/ O której zazwyczaj jesz śniadanie?


November 19 189 dni

1/ Help yourself ........................ these cookies.

2/ (she / ever / ride) …………….....………………………………………… a horse?

3/ This cake is for (przyjęcie urodzinowe mojej młodszej siostry) …...........………..

4/ My sister doesn’t ride a horse any more. (STOPPED)

My sister ……………………………………...…………… a horse tow years ago.

5/ Nie znam swoich sąsiadów.


November 20 188 dni

1/ The competition will take ................... on Friday.

2/ (you / be able) ……………………………………. ride a bike when you were 5?

3/ Who (chciałbyś odwiedzić) …………………………………..……… in Warsaw?

4/ Shall I open the window? (ME)

Would you ………………………………………………… open the window?

5/ Czy mógłbyś polecić dobrego prawnika?

November 21 187 dni
1/ Do you often ............................... mistakes in German?

2/ (Swim) …………………………………......…………………… is Peter’s hobby.

3/ Could you (nakryć do stołu) ………………......…………………………., please?

4/ You’ll miss the train if you don’t hurry up. (UNLESS)

You’ll miss the train …………………………………………………………… up.

5/ Baw się dobrze!


November 22 186 dni

1/ Have you ever been ........................ India?

2/ Unless Susan (cook) …………………………......……… lunch today, I will do it.

3/ Could you (podać mi sól) …………………………………………………, please?

4/ What’s your opinion about my new curtains? (THINK)

What ……………………………………………………….. of my new curtains?

5/ W naszym ogrodzie nie ma żadnych kwiatów.


November 23 185 dni

1/ Alice is a very funny person. She often ......................... me laugh.

2/ Do you (fancy / go) ……………....………………....………… for a walk tonight?

3/ I would like to (schudnąć przynajmniej) ………………………......……… 3 kilos.

4/ My dad is still washing the car. (FINISHED)

My dad …………………………………………………….. washing the car yet.

5/ Ile książek jest na półce?

November 24 184 dni
1/ Henry behaved so badly that I lost my ...............................

2/ Are students in Wales (teach) ......................................................... English?

3/ You don’t work in a bank, (prawda) ………………………………………….?

4/ Let’s drink coffee. (ABOUT)

…………………………………………………………………… coffee?

5/ Czy już zmieniłeś zdanie?


November 25 183 dni

1/ When did you graduate ........................ university?

2/ He (be / one) ........................................................ most popular actors in the world.

3/ (Napijmy się) …………………………………………. some water. I’m so thirsty.

4/ What colour are your gloves? (OF)

What is the …………………………………………………………… gloves?

5/ Skąd są ci chłopcy?

November 26 182 dni

1/ I hate learning poems by .........................

2/ Kate’s father (die) ...................................................................... in 2018.

3/ Are you (jedynakiem) ……………………………………………...………?

4/ David came to London two years ago. (BEEN)

David ……………………………………………………. London for two years.

5/ Tamte dziewczęta są z Niemiec.

November 27 181 dni
1/ Who’s in ............................... of this project?

2/ Martha (be / pretty / than) ........................................................................ Lisa.

3/ (Siostra mojego taty) ………….......…………………………… lives in Australia.

4/ When Jane was young she swam a lot. (USED)

When Jane was young she ……………………………………………… a lot.

5/ Nie byliśmy nad morzem od trzech lat.


November 28 180 dni

1/ Are they twins? The ........................ alike.

2/ How many (country / you / be) ................................................................. to so far?

3/ (Czy kiedykolwiek miałeś) …………………………………………………. a pet?

4/ Kim never gets up early. (ALWAYS)

Kim ………………………………………………………………………… late.

5/ Tom wyjechał do Londynu.


November 29 179 dni

1/ You’ve ......................... on some weight recently. I think you should go on a diet.

2/ Susan (like / find) ........................................................ a better job.

3/ My brother (kiedyś był) …………………………………………………. shy.

4/ ‘Where does Kate work?’ (WHERE)

He wants to know ………………………………………………………………

5/ Nie poszłam wczoraj na zakupy.

November 30 178 dni
1/ I have no money. I ............................... broke.

2/ The game (start) ……….........…………………………………… before we came.

3/ She wants (abym kupiła jej tabliczkę czekolady) ………………................………

4/ Can I borrow your bike? (LEND)

Will ……………………………………………………………… your bike?

5/ Kiedy macie zamiar się wyprowadzić?


December 1 177 dni

1/ What are you addicted ........................ ?

2/ There’s a nice beach (south) ...................................................................... England.

3/ Do you often (jesz poza domem) …………………………………………………?

4/ James can’t draw. (ABLE)

James is …………………………………………………………… draw.

5/ Gdybym był tobą, zatańczyłbym z Anną


December 2 176 dni

1/ The election is next week. Who are you going to ............................. for?

2/ Look out! The train (come) .......................................................................

3/ (Czy mógłbyś mnie podrzucić) ................................................... to the city centre?

4/ Peter is interested in history. (INTO)

Peter ……………………………………………………… history.

5/ W którym kraju mężczyźni noszą spódniczki?

December 3 175 dni
1/ Gina behaved badly so her father ............................... her off.

2/ The teacher told the students (not / cheat) ............................................... in the test.
3/ (Nie wziąłem udziału) ................…………………… in the competition last week.

4/ Kim wrote the poem. (BY)

The poem ……………………………………………………… Kim.

5/ Wszyscy moi koledzy mówią po hiszpańsku.


December 4 174 dni

1/ Do you find it easy to .................................... new friends?

2/ (you / be going) ......................................................................... look for a new job?

3/ My parents (są dumni z) …......………………….. my achievements at school.

4/ Let’s go jogging, shall we? (ABOUT)

What ……………………………………………………………………. jogging?

5/ Czy Laura mówi po japońsku?


December 5 173 dni

1/ When you fall out with someone, do you find it difficult to .............................. up?

2/ Peter, do you miss (live) ............................................................ in the countryside?

3/ (Czy używasz) …………………………………...……………… the printer now?

4/ Could you open the door, please? (MIND)

Would ……………………………………………………………. the door?

5/ Nie jesteś z Warszawy, prawda?

December 6 172 dni
1/ Do you know how to ............................... up a tent?

2/ My brother refused (lend / I) ................................................................... his laptop.

3/ (Czy często spóźniasz się) ...................................................................... for school?

4/ We don’t often watch comedies. (SOMETIMES)

We …………………………………………………………………………….

5/ Wszyscy są szczęśliwi, prawda?


December 7 171 dni

1/ Could you explain it ........................ me?

2/ Let (I / climb) .................................................................................... the ladder.

3/ (Powiadomię cię) ........................................., as soon as I come back from Greece.

4/ Kim is a good violinist. (VIOLIN)

Kim plays …………………………………………………………………………

5/ Czyje to są buty?

December 8 170 dni

1/ Excuse me, how much ......................... these jeans?

2/ I want to watch a film. (Gdzie jest pilot?) ………........................……………….

3/ (Wprowadzam się) ………………………………......……………….. next month.

4/ My friend doesn’t like dancing. (ENJOY)

My friend does …………………………………………………………...............

5/ Nie lubię nosić skarpetek.

December 9 169 dni
1/ Have you ever ............................... truant?

2/ The radio (not / seem) …………....…………………………………… work at all.

3/ (Nie jedź) ……………………………………………………………… so fast!

4/ I’m sure George isn’t a thief. (CAN‘T)

George .............................................................................. a thief.

5/ Czy ta książka jest twoja?


December 10 168 dni

1/ This is the best pizza ........................ the world.

2/ If you want to lose weight, you should (go / diet) .......…………………………….

3/ The bank is (obok) ………………………...…………………………. the hospital.

4/ I’m sure this man is famous. (MUST)

This man .............................................................................. famous.

5/ W czym mogę pani pomóc?


December 11 167 dni

1/ No news .............. good news.

2/ How many lessons (you / miss) …......………………………………… last week?

3/ (Jeden z moich kolegów z klasy) ………………………..…….. isn’t into football.

4/ Perhaps Mike is upstairs. (MAY)

Mike .............................................................................. upstairs.

5/ Spójrz na siebie!

December 12 166 dni
1/ I don’t go to the gym............................... more.

2/ Tom (fall) ................................ off the ladder while he was painting the room.
3/ (Czy ten szal pasuje do) ……………………………........……………….. this hat?

4/ Nobody helped John paint the flat. (BY)

John painted the flat ............................................................................

5/ Dlaczego tak na mnie patrzysz?


December 13 165 dni

1/ The tent is ........................ of ants!

2/ What (be / you / responsible) …………………………………………..........……?

3/ (Zdejmij płaszcz) …………………………………………. and put it on the chair.

4/ My sister is at work now. (GONE)

My sister ………………………………………………………….. work.

5/ Nie krzycz na mnie, dobrze?


December 14 164 dni

1/ Are you angry ......................... me?

2/ After (arrive) …………………………………....……………… home, call me.

3/ Are you (punktualny) …………......………………………………?

4/ Did you sleep well last night?‘ (IF)

Anna wants to know ............................................................................ last night.

5/ Życzę ci powodzenia!

December 15 163 dni
1/ We might go on a trip. It depends ............................... the weather.

2/ Who (steal) ……………………………………...…………… your car yesterday?

3/ Is it important for you (aby dobrze wyglądać) ……………………………………?

4/ My hair is longer than his hair. (THAN)

His hair .............................................................. mine.

5/ Mike i Tom często sobie pomagają.


December 16 162 dni

1/ You can always count ........................ me.

2/ If I (have) ................................................. more money, I would go to the USA.

3/ My mother (nie jest uzależniona od) …….......………………………….. caffeine.

4/ You don’t have to wait for me. (NECESSARY)

It isn’t ....................................................................... to wait for me.

5/ Chciałabym wiedzieć, gdzie mieszka Brian.


December 17 161 dni

1/ Please, don’t laugh ......................... her.

2/ I’m looking forward (visit) .................................................................. my cousins.

3/ High heels (nie są w modzie) ……………………………………………….. now.

4/ ‘Does Tom study?‘ (IF)

Susan wants to know ......................................................................................

5/ Nie wiem, ile Anna ma psów.

December 18 160 dni
1/ Can you teach me ............................... to ride a bike?

2/ What (happen) ............................................................................. yesterday?

3/ Can I (przymierzyć tę spódniczkę) ……………………………………………….?

4/ What‘s your father’s job? (A)

What does your father do .........................................................................?

5/ Czy wiesz, ile mamy czasu?


December 19 159 dni

1/ Please, go to the shop and buy two ........................ of bread.

2/ I think it’s too cold (swim) ............................................................. in the sea today.

3/ Tom plays football (raz w tygodniu) ……....………………………………………

4/ Are jeans fashionable now? (FASHION)

Are jeans ......................................................................... now?

5/ W pokoju są dwa krzesła i biurko.


December 20 158 dni

1/ My grandad gave me two ......................... of chocolate.

2/ Mike (revise) ................................................................................ for an exam now.

3/ My father (nie jest niski) ………………………………………………………….

4/ Susan failed the exam. (NOT)

Susan ......................................................................... the exam.

5/ Czy w łazience jest dywanik?

December 21 157 dni
1/ We’ve got nowhere to stay. Could you put us ............................... ?

2/ One of (he / friend) ............................................................... is a famous architect.

3/ France (zremisowała) ………………………………… 3-3 against England.

4/ Their garden is so big that you can get lost in it. (SUCH)

They have ............................................................. garden that you can get lost in it.

5/ Łazienka jest na górze.


December 22 156 dni

1/ Our teacher was in a good ........................ yesterday.

2/ Everyone (like) .................................................. Tom. He’s very friendly.

3/ (Jeteś uczulony na) ……………………………………………………… nuts?

4/ Mike’s car is newer than mine. (AS)

My car isn’t ....................................................................... Mike’s car.

5/ Sypialnia moich rodziców jest naprzeciwko mojego pokoju.


December 23 155 dni

1/ I was scared to ......................... when I saw a boar in front of me.

2/ Let’s (put / armchair) .............................................................. next to the fireplace.

3/ Could you (włączyć światło) ................................................................?

4/ The book was too long for me to read. (SUCH)

It was ......................................................................... book that I couldn’t read it.

5/ Pod łóżkiem jest mysz.

December 24 154 dni
1/ I’ve had a pet ............................... I was 5.

2/ (you / be worried) ..................................................................................... your son?

3/ I don’t remember (kiedy są urodziny mojego taty) ..................................................

4/ He hasn’t drunk coffee for two weeks. (TIME)

The last ......................................................................... coffee was two weeks ago.

5/ Kto uczy cię biologii?


December 25 153 dni

1/ We’ve been married ........................ 10 years.

2/ What colour (be / your hair) ....................................................................................?

3/ He wants to know (czy umiesz pływać) ...................................................................

4/ Michael is a professional dancer. (PROFESSIONALLY)

Michael .........................................................................

5/ Jaki jest twój numer telefonu?


December 26 152 dni

1/ Alice was brought ......................... by her aunt.

2/ Don’t forget (feed) ............................................................................. the dog.

3/ You should drink (mniej herbaty) ........................................................................

4/ Tom and I have the same number of pencils. (MANY)

I have ......................................................................... as Tom.

5/ Ilu masz przyjaciół?

December 27 151 dni
1/ When my son is nervous, he tends to ............................... his nails.

2/ Did you remember (close) .................................................................... the door?

3/ (Czy byłeś) .............................................................. in London in 2010?

4/ He’ll try as hard as he can to finish the race. (BEST)

He’ll ......................................................................... to finish the race.

5/ Jest deszczowo i wietrznie.


December 28 150 dni

1/ These trousers are ........................ of fashion.

2/ Stop (shout / she) .............................................................................!

3/ (Boli mnie głowa) ................................................................. for two days.

4/ How much are the apples? (COST)

How much do ....................................................................... ?

5/ Nie padał deszcz od dwóch miesięcy.


December 29 149 dni

1/ What’s ......................... fashion now?

2/ Don’t ask (I) ....................................................................... such stupid questions!

3/ I didn’t meet (nikogo) ..................................................... at the cinema.

4/ Riding a bike here isn’t allowed. (NOT)

You ......................................................................... a bike here.

5/ O której godzinie chodzisz spać?

December 30 148 dni
1/ I don’t think this dress ............................... me. It’s too tight.

2/ Alice looked at (she) .................................................... in the mirror and screamed.

3/ I liked the book (którą mi pożyczyłeś) .....................................................................

4/ Jack didn’t tell anybody about his wedding. (NOBODY)

Jack ....................................................................... about his wedding.

5/ Czy umiałeś pływać, gdy miałeś 5 lat?


December 31 147 dni

1/ I love this scarf. It ........................ my hat.

2/ I (can / ride) ............................................................................ a bike when I was 5.

3/ (Czy granie w szachy) ................................................. relaxing?

4/ Shall we have lunch together today? (ABOUT)

What ......................................................................... lunch together today?

5/ Czy dobrze dogadujesz się ze swoją młodszą sisostrą?


January 1 146 dni

1/ Do I look good in this suit? Does it ......................... me?

2/ Jane (not / sell) ............................................................................. her car yet.

3/ I borrowed (samochód moich rodziców) ............................... without asking them.

4/ Susan goes to a restaurant twice a week. (OUT)

Susan ....................................................................... twice a week.

5/ Jaki jest twój nauczyciel historii?

January 2 145 dni
1/ I can’t walk because I have a ............................... in my knee.

2/ (you / ever / eat) ............................................................................. snails?

3/ (Czy to jest) ..................................................................... your book?

4/ The coffee machine is broken. (ORDER)

The coffee machine is ..........................................................................

5/ Jak wygląda twój młodszy brat?


January 3 144 dni

1/ I couldn’t solve the puzzle so I gave .............

2/ When (be / your aunt) ............................................................................... in China?

3/ When I woke up (padał deszcz) ................................................................................

4/ I gave my mother a book. (TO)

I gave ............................................................. my mother.

5/ Czy jesteś dobrym tancerzem?


January 4 143 dni

1/ Come in and ......................... yourself at home.

2/ Who (visit) ............................................................................. you yesterday?

3/ My mobile phone (zepsuł się) ............................................................ two days ago.

4/ Unless you study harder, you won’t pass the exam. (DO)

If ................................................................. study harder, you won’t pass the exam.

5/ Gotowanie sprawia mi przyjemność.

January 5 142 dni
1/ My father ............ grown a beard.

2/ Kate (go / cinema) ............................................................................. every Sunday.

3/ (Ile czasu) ................................................. do you spend surfing the net every day?

4/ Do they produce cheese in Sweden? (IS)

......................................................................................... in Sweden?

5/ Mike jest zawodowym piłkarzem.


January 6 141 dni

1/ My sister’s hair ........................ red.

2/ Help (you) .............................................................. the biscuits!

3/ I’d like to (schudnąć) ................................................ but I don’tknow how to do it.

4/ I think you should work less. (WOULD)

If I were you, I ......................................................................... less.

5/ Czy musimy jutro tak wcześnie wstać?


January 7 140 dni

1/ Congratulations ......................... passing your final exams!

2/ Do you know how (skate) ..............................................................?

3/ When (ona się zaręczyła) ............................................................ ?

4/ Is this bike yours? BELONG

Does this bike .........................................................................?

5/ Adam zapytał, gdzie jest Anna.

January 8 139 dni
1/ Tom ank Kate have ............................... friends for 10 years.

2/ If all (go / good) .......................................... ..........., I will go to France next year.

3/ He (jest bezdomny) .................................................................... for two years.

4/ Jane’s hobby is knitting. (KEEN)

Jane ......................................................................... knitting.

5/ Moja kawa jest za mocna.


January 9 138 dni

1/ Let’s meet ........................ Wednesday.

2/ A. How is your headache? B. It (not get / good) ....................................................

3/ (Wolałabym pojechać) .......................................................... to the seaside.

4/ We’ve got no more flour. (RUN)

We’ve ......................................................................... flour.

5/ Jaka piękna sukienka!


January 10 137 dni

1/ Look at that building ......................... there.

2/ While Jack was fixing the car, his wife (clean) ................................. the bathroom.

3/ Do you have to (dojeżdżać o pracy) .................................................................?

4/ Everybody admires John. (LOOKS)

Everybody ......................................................................... John.

5/ Jesteś taka wysoka!

January 11 136 dni
1/ Our house ............................... built in 2000.

2/ Did Susan apologise (she) ...................................................................... behaviour?

3/ This is a very nice scarf. How much (kosztował) ..................................................?

4/ The film is better than the book. (NOT)

The book is ............................................................................. as the film.

5/ Nie jestem taka niska jak moja siostra.


January 12 135 dni

1/ I go to school ........................ bike.

2/ I’m very sorry (be) ....................................................................... late.

3/ (Gdybym miał) ................................................ money, I would lend it to you.

4/ We never stay at home on Sunday. (OUT)

We ................................................................................ on Sunday.

5/ Moja babcia nie używa okularów do czytania.


January 13 134 dni

1/ I’d ......................... stay at home today.

2/ What about (go) ............................................................ for a walk?

3/ Could you (wytłumaczyć mi to) .................................................................., please?

4/ You should focus on what he says. (ATTENTION)

You should ......................................................................... what he says.

5/ Chcę, abyś został w domu.

January 14 133 dni
1/ London is bigger ............................... Warsaw.

2/ You can read a lot of interesting articles (Internet) ..................................................

3/ Brian (nigdy mnie nie okłamał) ................................................................................

4/ I have no intention of swimming here. (AM)

I ......................................................................... to swim here.

5/ Moim zdaniem nie powinnaś czuć się winna.


January 15 132 dni

1/ She asked ........................ I lived there.

2/ I can’t (afford / buy) ....................................................................... a new flat.

3/ Five years ago (nie było) .................................................... any theatres in my city.

4/ He repairs pipes. (AS)

He works ................................................................................

5/ Czy muszę stać w kolejce, aby kupić bilet?


January 16 131 dni

1/ This author has written two books ......................... far.

2/ The computer (should / switch) .......................................................... off after use.

3/ (Czy podoba ci się) .......................................................... my new skirt?

4/ It’s Sunday today. We‘re flying to London on Tuesday. (TWO)

We’re flying to London ................................................................................

5/ Dlaczego zadajesz tak dużo pytań?

January 17 130 dni
1/ Your hat is really nice. I like ...............................

2/ You (not allow) .................................................................... smoke here.

3/ (Co byś zrobił) .......................................................................... if you were me?

4/ This shop isn’t open on Saturday and Sunday. (CLOSED)

This shop ....................................................................... on Saturday and Sunday.

5/ Kiedy został namalowany ten obraz?


January 18 129 dni

1/ You always ........................ me laugh.

2/ I spent two days (redecorate) .............................................................. my bedroom.

3/ You won’t miss the train if you (pośpieszysz się) ...................................................

4/ He can’t drive a car because he’s only fourteen. (YOUNG)

He is ................................................................................. drive a car.

5/ Nie chcę się przeprowadzać.


January 19 128 dni

1/ Everyone is happy, aren’t ......................... ?

2/ We went to Moscow (end) ............................................................................... May.

3/ She wants to know (ile masz lat) ..............................................................................

4/ There are no chairs in Kate’s room. (NOT)

There ................................................................................. chairs in Kate’s room.

5/ Czy znasz tych mężczyzn?

January 20 127 dni
1/ I’m used ............................... living on the outskirts.

2/ Who (you / borrow) ....................................................................... this book from?

3/ She asked me (czy do niej zadzwonię) .....................................................................

4/ Was England a republic in the past? (BE)

Did England .......................................................................... a republic in the past?

5/ Kiedy mogę cię odwiedzić?


January 21 126 dni

1/ When ........................ your birthday?

2/ Tom (fall / love) ...................................................................... Lisa three years ago.

3/ Who (nauczył Cię) .................................................................. to ride a bike?

4/ You mustn’t enter this room! (ALLOWED)

It’s not ................................................................................. this room.

5/ Czy może Pan powtórzyć swoje imię?


January 22 125 dni

1/ How old ......................... Kate and Jim?

2/ Could you buy two (box / chocolates) ........................................................, please?

3/ I (nie zrobiłam żadnych błędów) ................................................... in my last essay.

4/ Tom never comes on time. (NOT)

Tom .................................................................................

5/ Radzę ci tutaj zaczekać.

January 23 124 dni
1/ It took us an hour ............................... get to the top of the mountain.

2/ How long (you /married) ...................................................................................... ?

3/ Kate suggested (żebyśmy poszli popływać) .............................................................

4/ Healthy diet is very important. (EAT)

It’s very important .................................................................................

5/ Nie powinnaś się tak bardzo martwić.


January 24 123 dni

1/ ........................ a beautiful bracelet!

2/ Mike (not propose) .................................................................... Mary yet.

3/ What’s the name of your aunt (która mieszka) .................................... in the USA?

4/ This is my cousin’s house. IN

This is the house ................................................................................. cousin lives.

5/ Powinnaś ją przeprosić.

January 25 122 dni

1/ Do you often help ......................... other?

2/ The coffee table is (front) .................................................................... the fireplace.

3/ I stayed in a hotel (który został wybudowany) ................................. 200 years ago.

4/ Who ate the cake? BY

Who was the .................................................................................

5/ Kto rozmawiał przez telefon, kiedy przyszedł nauczyciel?

January 26 121 dni
1/ Let’s meet ............................... front of the theatre.

2/ She lives (north) .................................................................... Poland.

3/ (Pieniądze są) ……………....…………………………………… important in life.

4/ Somebody has stolen my money. (BEEN)

My money .................................................................................

5/ Moja siostra grała kiedyś na pianinie dwa razy w tygodniu.


January 27 120 dni

1/ She’s the woman ........................ son is a famous writer.

2/ (you / be proud) ............................................................................ me?

3/ Mike and Kate (bardzo się lubią) ............................................................................

4/ How much water do you need? (BOTTLES)

How ................................................................................. water do you need?

5/ Ostatni raz widzieliśmy się dwa miesiące temu.


January 28 119 dni

1/ Is the entrance free ......................... charge?

2/ If Susan (not / come) ................................................................ soon, I will call her.

3/ This is the boy (którego mama) .............................................................. is a doctor.

4/ The chair is behind the bed. (FRONT)

The bed is ................................................................................. the chair.

5/ Kupiłem ten stół, ponieważ był tani.

January 29 118 dni
1/ This exercise is a ............................... of cake.

2/ Kate (prefer / tea / coffee) ...............................................................................

3/ Tom works (jako) ...................................................... a journalist.

4/ They never drive to Spain. (PLANE)

They always go to Spain .................................................................................

5/ Wyglądasz na zmęczonego i śpiącego.


January 30 117 dni

1/ When did Tom and Kim fall ........................ love?

2/ I often get up (ten / Sunday) ....................................................................

3/ There are two (myszy) ..................................................... in the kitchen.

4/ Where do you live? (IS)

................................................................................. address?

5/ Wieczorem jestem zawsze zmęczona.


January 31 116 dni

1/ Have you ......................... your homework yet?

2/ My bedroom is opposite (my parents) ...................................................... bedroom.

3/ (Czyj) .................................................. bike is this?

4/ Sandra is German. (FROM)

Sandra ..........................................................................

5/ Byłam rozczarowana, że nie zadzwoniłaś do mnie.

February 1 115 dni
1/ What sports do you do to ............................... fit?

2/ Tom wants to know (you / go) ............................ to the mountains every summer.
3/ The teacher (powiedział nam, abyśmy nie) .................................................... shout.

4/ ‘Don’t talk!‘ our teacher said. (NOT)

Our teacher told ................................................................... talk.

5/ Zakopane jest zimową stolicą Polski.


February 2 114 dni

1/ Do you ........................ your teeth in the morning?

2/ Do you know what time Susan (come) ................................... to school yesterday?

3/ Tom decided (wyjechać za granicę) ........................................................

4/ My father wasn‘t able to unlock the door. (MANAGE)

My father didn’t ................................................................................ the door.

5/ Kto karmi twojego chomika, kiedy jesteś w pracy?


February 3 113 dni

1/ What do you spend your pocket money ......................... ?

2/ I hope you (visit / we) .................................................................... soon.

3/ Is this house (wasz) ...................................................................?

4/ Kate has got short hair. (KATE’S)

................................................................. short.

5/ Czy ściągasz muzykę z internetu?

February 4 112 dni
1/ It’s raining ............... and dogs.

2/ Unless (it / rain) ................................................................, we will go to the beach.

3/ These books (należą do) ....................................................... my mother.

4/ Diana is Welsh. FROM

Diana .................................................................

5/ Od trzech dni mam katar.


February 5 111 dni

1/ Do you watch the news ........................ TV?

2/ (you / have) ................................................................. a shower when I called you?

3/ Jim (z pewnością nie jest) ................................................................... at home.

4/ Jim is Swiss. (FROM)

Jim ............................................................................

5/ Czy stres cię motywuje?


February 6 110 dni

1/ Do you prefer team or ......................... sports?

2/ I‘m not (good / play) .................................................................... chess.

3/ (Czy wiadomości są dobre) ........................................................................... today?

4/ Karen is from Scotland. (IS)

Karen ........................................................................................

5/ Nie lubię spędzać wakacji nad morzem.

February 7 109 dni
1/ I’m fed up ............................... this job.

2/ My sister (be keen / ride ) .......................................................... a bike, but I’m not.

3/ (Ile pieniędzy) .................................................................. do you need?

4/ Jack came here by train. (BUS)

Jack didn’t come here .................................................................

5/ O której godzinie rozpoczyna się mecz?


February 8 108 dni

1/ What are you angry .......................?

2/ I (have) ......................................................... this piano for ages, but I don’t play it.

3/ Kate (nie czułaby się) ......................................... so lonely if she had more friends.

4/ This flower is beautiful! (WHAT)

................................................................. flower!

5/ Jesteś taką miłą dziewczyną.


February 9 107 dni

1/ Tom has got a ......................... of humour.

2/ What is (you / brother) .................................................................... hobby?

3/ You must study harder (aby zdać) ............................................................ the exam.

4/ I don’t like his voice. (STAND)

I ................................................................. voice.

5/ Jaka ładna pogoda!

February 10 106 dni
1/ I promise I will ............................... my best.

2/ There (not be) ............................................... many people at the cinema last night.
3/ I (ostatni raz widziałem) ........................................................... Kate two years ago.

4/ How long were you in China? (STAY)

How long ................................................................. in China?

5/ Który kraj chcielibyście odwiedzić?


February 11 105 dni

1/ You get a ........................ when you retire.

2/ Nel (be / beautiful) ......................................................................... woman I know.

3/ I haven’t been to the cinema (od trzech tygodni) .....................................................

4/ Paul has gone to school. (AT)

Paul ................................................................. now.

5/ Czy znacie swoich sąsiadów?


February 12 104 dni

1/ He ........... born in 1986.

2/ This delicious meal (be / cook) ................................................ by Susan yesterday.

3/ The box (było tak ciężkie) ....................................................... that I couldn’t lift it.

4/ I’ve never eaten such a delicious meal. (EVER)

It’s the most delicious meal I ............................................................................

5/ Ile lat ma twój dziadek?

February 13 103 dni
1/ Your sister’s son is your ...............................

2/ It isn’t (worth / wait) ........................................ any more. I’m sure he won’t come.
3/ I don’t go to bed (tak wcześnie jak) ...................................................... you.

4/ It’s three weeks since she called me. (NOT)

She ............................................................................ me for three weeks.

5/ Czy chcesz, abym otworzył okno?


February 14 102 dni

1/ Your sister’s daughter is your ........................

2/ This is (bad) ............................................................................ book I’ve ever read.

3/ Susan is (taką bystrą) ...................................................................... girl.

4/ I don’t know where my pencil is. (FIND)

I ............................................................................ my pencil.

5/ Tina jest taka nieśmiała.


February 15 101 dni

1/ Please, speak ......................... I can’t hear you.

2/ He (not have to) ..................................................................... work yesterday.

3/ I wouldn’t lie to her if I (znał ją) .............................................................

4/ Can you lend me your bike? (TO)

I would ............................................................................ your bike.

5/ Nigdy nie puszczałam latawca.

February 16 100 dni
1/ Tom bought a ................. of honey.

2/ I don’t know her. I (never / meet) .......................................................... her before.

3/ If you (nie zwolnisz) ..................................., I will call the police.

4/ This skirt was expensive. (NOT)

This skirt ...........................................................................

5/ Jedźmy do Szkocji.

February 17 99 dni
1/ Do you leave a ........................ when you go to a restaurant?

2/ (you / be interested) .......................................... history when you were a teenager?

3/ All the students (z pewnością są) ............................................ in the school library.

4/ Kate didn’t do anything yesterday. (NOTHING)

Kate ............................................................................ yesterday.

5/ Gdzie się poznaliście?


February 18 98 dni
1/ You’ll miss the bus if you don’t ......................... up.

2/ I wonder what (they / do) .................................................................... now.

3/ I’d like to know (jak ona ma na imię) .........................................................

4/ You can rely on Ben. (IS)

Ben ........................................................................... person.

5/ Kto mówi po niemiecku?

February 19 97 dni
1/ This machine is out of ................................

2/ He (not afraid) .................................................................... spiders.

3/ (W niektórych częściach świata) ................................................ people eat insects.

4/ Kate is Mike’s wife. (MARRIED)

Kate ............................................................................ Mike.

5/ Myślę, że masz rację.


February 20 96 dni
1/ These animals are in ........................ of extinction.

2/ Stop (look) .................................................................... my new haircut!

3/ Do you believe (w duchy) ...............................................................................?

4/ I like sweets. (OF)

I am ............................................................................ sweets.

5/ Nie idź za mną!


February 21 95 dni
1/ I disagree ......................... you.

2/ I would buy these trousers if they (not be) ......................................... so expensive.

3/ (Nie otwieraj) ............................................................ the window, please.

4/ Swimming isn’t as exciting as skiing. (MORE)

Skiing is ............................................................................ swimming.

5/ Kiedy mogę cię odwiedzić?

February 22 94 dni
1/ How ............................... going to the cinema?

2/ What about (go) ....................................................... to the mountains on Saturday?

3/ (Kiedy masz) .......................................................................... birthday?

4/ I’m afraid there are too few glasses on the table. (ENOUGH)

I’m afraid there ...................................................................... glasses on the table.

5/ Czego chciałbyś się napić?


February 23 93 dni
1/ Go down the street and ........................ left.

2/ If I (have) ...................................................... more time, I would read more books.

3/ My parents (są we Francji) ................................................ for three days.

4/ Lisa felt lonely and she cried. (SO)

Lisa felt ............................................................................ she cried.

5/ Czy masz ołówek?


February 24 92 dni
1/ That’s very nice ......................... you.

2/ If I had more time, I ................................................................................ (visit) you.

3/ (Który autobus) ............................................................ goes to the city centre?

4/ I haven’t got enough time to write a book. (BUSY)

I’m ....................................................................... write a book .

5/ Ten mężczyzna mieszka na drugim piętrze.

February 25 91 dni
1/ Let me think ............................... it.

2/ Susan asked me where I (be) ........................................................... the day before.

3/ Would you like (jeszcze jedną filiżankę) ................................................. of coffee?

4/ I’ve got such a lot of work that I can’t go to the cinema with my friends. (SO)

I’ve got ............................................. that I can’t go to the cinema with my friends.

5/ Wczoraj było pochmurno.


February 26 90 dni
1/ I suggest ........................ for a walk.

2/ Mike (never / be late) .................................................................... school.

3/ You can (polegać na mnie) ...............................................................................

4/ I don’t have any brothers or sisters. (ONLY)


5/ Co piszesz?

February 27 89 dni
1/ Tina cut her finger ......................... a knife.

2/ Do you often (argue / you) .................................................................... sister?

3/ Dinner (jest gotowy) ............................................................ .

4/ Smoking in restaurants is not allowed. (NOT)

You are ........................................................................................ in restaurants.

5/ Obawiam się, że te buty nie są wygodne.

February 28 88 dni
1/ I ............................... ever eat meat.

2/ How long (it / take) ................................. you to prepare breakfast in the morning?
3/ Can you tell me (co grają) .................................................................. at he cinema?

4/ Shall I take the rubbish out? (ME)

Would you ........................................................................... take the rubbish out?

5/ Mój dom jest najwyższym budynkiem we wsi.


March 1 87 dni
1/ The rich should help ........................ poor.

2/ Do you mind (I / use) .................................................................... your computer?

3/ I remember (go dobrze) ...............................................................................

4/ Paul has more books than Peter. (FEWER)

Peter ............................................................................ than Paul.

5/ Może pani zatrzymać resztę.


March 2 86 dni
1/ A new machine has ......................... invented recently.

2/ I (be) .................................................................... in the mountains last winter.

3/ Please, (przypomnij mi) ........................................................... to buy some apples.

4/ ‘Do you know where they are going?’ (WHERE)

She asked me if I knew ............................................................................... going.

5/ Jestem na diecie od dwóch tygodni.

March 3 85 dni
1/ Please, ............................... your hand if you know the answer.

2/ (be / Mike) .............................................................................. in London last year?

3/ My mother (cierpi na) .............................................................. frequent headaches.

4/ I am too old to apply for the job. (WERE)

If ............................................................................, I would apply for the job.

5/ Kiedy się pobraliście?


March 4 84 dni
1/ I was so tired ........................ I went to bed immediately.

2/ This is (good) .......................................................................... book I’ve ever read.

3/ I have a room (z widokiem na) ............................................................. the park.

4/ We have prepared a room for you. (PREPARED)

A room ............................................................................ for you.

5/ Ile zarabia Jack?


March 5 83 dni
1/ I bought two skirts, instead ......................... one.

2/ Alice isn’t at home. She ............................................................ (go) shopping.

3/ (Moim zdaniem) ................................. Paris is the most beautiful city in the world.

4/ Someone has broken the vase. (BEEN)

The vase ........................................................................................

5/ Gdzie jest moja walizka?

March 6 82 dni
1/ The firefighters found it difficult to put ............................... the fire.

2/ Ben (feel / good) .................................................................... home than at school.

3/ It all (zależy od) .................................................................................... the weather.

4/ These jeans are too tight. (ENOUGH)

These jeans are ............................................................................

5/ W parku jest dużo ludzi.


March 7 81 dni
1/ Open the dictionary and check the ........................ of this word.

2/ I can’t use my mobile. The battery (just / die) ........................................................

3/ You are very (inny niż) .......................................................................... your sister.

4/ We’ve run out of salt. (ANY)

There ............................................................................ salt left.

5/ Czy w parku są jakieś ławki?


March 8 80 dni
1/ I haven’t got as ......................... books as you have got.

2/ (play / violin) .................................................................................... is my hobby.

3/ Is this (torba Kate) ............................................................ or is it yours?

4/ I’ve arranged to meet my old friend after school. (GOING)

I ............................................................................ meet my old friend after school.

5/ Czy znasz dziewczynę, która siedzi na tamtej ławce?

March 9 79 dni
1/ John gave the toy............................... his sister.

2/ Can you (give / hand) ................................................................... with this project?

3/ I want to be a teacher when (dorosnę) ......................................................................

4/ I last swam in the sea five years ago. (NOT)

I ............................................................................ in the sea for five years.

5/ Dzisiaj są urodziny mojej siostry.


March 10 78 dni
1/ I think you drink ........................ much coffee.

2/ We (go / school trip) ................................................................................ yesterday.

3/ I prefer (pić kawę niż) ........................................................................................ tea.

4/ Kate wrapped the gift in lovely paper. (WAS)

The gift ............................................................................ in lovely paper by Kate.

5/ W moim mieście nie ma co robić.


March 11 77 dni
1/ These shoes don’t ......................... your outfit.

2/ Do you (feel / drink) ....................................................................... coffee?

3/ (Czy widziałeś) ............................................................ this woman before?

4/ We had a good time at the party. (ENJOYED)

We ........................................................................................ at the party.

5/ Mój wujek jest bezrobotny od 2018 roku.

March 12 76 dni
1/ Excuse me, could I try ............................... this skirt?

2/ The game (finish) .......................................................................... before we came.

3/ Liam has only (kilku przyjaciół) ..............................................................................

4/ I don’t speak French, so I can’t explain it to her. (ABLE)

If I spoke French, I would ............................................................ explain it to her.

5/ Czy na niebie są jakieś chmury?


March 13 75 dni
1/ When someone has just come of ........................ , they’ve turned 18.

2/ Why (not / you) .............................................................................. take up a sport?

3/ (Ile razyw roku) .......................................................................... do you go abroad?

4/ The weather was so cold that we had to stay at home. (SUCH)

It was .................................................................. day that we had to stay at home.

5/ Anna prawdopodobnie jest w domu.


March 14 74 dni
1/ My brother is a couch ..................... He spends all his free time in front of the TV.

2/ (be / there) ....................................................................... a poster gon the wall?

3/ (Czy jesteście gotowi) ............................................................ to order?

4/ I’m sure she is the richest man in the village. (MUST)

He .............................................................................. the richest man in the village.

5/ Na twoim miejscu nie wydawałbym tak dużo pieniędzy.

March 15 73 dni
1/ When did your sister ............................... engaged?

2/ Tom (prefer / cycle / play) .......................................................................... football.

3/ I (nie znalazłem żadnyh informacji) ....................... about the town on the Internet.

4/ My dad repairs cars. (CAR)

My dad is ..................................................

5/ Chciałabym umówić się na wizytę.

.......................................... .......................................... ..........................................


March 16 72 dni
1/ Let me introduce you ........................ my friends.

2/ What (be / you) ....................................................................... sister like?

3/ See you (w sobotę rano) ...............................................................................!

4/ I have never met anyone as generous as he is. (MOST)

He is ............................................................................ person I have ever met.

5/ Co za miła niespodzianka!

March 17 71 dni
1/ What time did you ......................... asleep last night?

2/ When (you / get) ................................................................. know him?

3/ (Czy są sprzedawane rowery) .............................................................. in that shop?

4/ There are no tomatoes in the kitchen. (ANY)

There are ........................................................................................ in the kitchen.

5/ Co za bałagan!

March 18 70 dni
1/ ................. you clean your bedroom yourself?

2/ Sam (hardly ever / have / lunch) ..............................................................................

3/ What do you think (powinnam zrobić) ...................................................................?

4/ What did you have on at the party? (WERE)

What ............................................................................ at the party?

5/ Nie zapraszaj Toma na przyjęcie.


March 19 69 dni
1/ Have you ........................ any progress in English this year?

2/ Jim and Tom (play) ........................................................ tennis this time yesterday.

3/ (Nie wolno grać) ................................................... football in front of the building!

4/ The film has only finished two minutes ago. (JUST)

The film ............................................................................

5/ Masz całkowitą rację!


March 20 68 dni
1/ Mark hardly ever plays with his children because he works ........................ hours.

2/ (she / enjoy) .............................................................................. the party last night?

3/ The train (był opóźniony) .................................................... so I came here by taxi.

4/ James likes to listen to rock music. (INTO)

James ........................................................................................ rock music.

5/ Chciałabym umieć mówić po japońsku.

March 21 67 dni
1/ Is it easy to ............................... business abroad?

2/ (you / use) ........................................................................ smoke?

3/ Do you remember the day (kiedy się zgubiłeś) ..................................... in London?

4/ How long have your parents been married? (MARRIED)

When did your parents............................................................................ ?

5/ Czy zanieczyszczenie powietrza jest problemem w twoim kraju?


March 22 66 dni
1/ My sister works as a ........................ guide in Kraków.

2/ (your children / brush) ................................................... their teeth in the morning?

3/ If you don’t visit me, (będę rozczarowany) ..............................................................

4/ This is my first game of golf. (NOT)

I ............................................................................ golf before.

5/ Czy bogaci powinni pomagać biednym?


March 23 65 dni
1/ You put too much salt in the soup, now it’s very ..........................

2/ Everybody (be) ............................................................ happy, weren’t they?

3/ Playing golf (jest relaksujące) ............................................................

4/ My sister doesn’t like horses very much. (KEEN)

My sister is ........................................................................................ horses.

5/ Zapomniałam zrobić zakupy.

March 24 64 dni
1/ Have you got a first ............................... kit in your car?

2/ Kate (never / iron) ............................................................................. at weekends.

3/ You wear a helmet (aby chronić głowę) .................................................................

4/ ‘Did you eat the cake?’ Maria asked Paul. (EATEN)

Maria asked Paul if ................................................................................. the cake.

5/ Nie wierzysz w duchy, prawda?


March 25 63 dni
1/ How do you cope ........................ stress?

2/ What (be / long) ......................................................................... river in the world?

3/ I usually (spędzam pół godziny) ........................ in front of a computer every day.

4/ Travelling by plane is faster than travelling by car. (AS)

Travelling by car is ................................................................... travelling by plane.

5/ Papier został wynaleziony w Chinach.


March 26 62 dni
1/ Do you sometimes buy ......................... impulse?

2/ Who (she / see) .................................................................. in her garden last night?

3/ My father (odmówił przejścia na) ................................................................. a diet.

4/ Our house is too small. (ENOUGH)

Our house is ........................................................................................

5/ Kiedy zostanie wybudowana nowa siłownia?

March 27 61 dni
1/ This film is full of ............................... effects.

2/ Kate said she (help) ............................. me with my homework the following day.
3/ (Czy brałaś pod uwagę zakup) ............................................................... a new flat?

4/ The teacher has asked me a question. (BEEN)

I ........................................................................................ a question by the teacher.

5/ Czy twój brat często je poza domem?


March 28 60 dni
1/ Do you like watching ........................ operas?

2/ This mirror is so dirty that I can’t see (I) ..................................................................

3/ Do you know (kto wynalazł) ................................................................ a light bulb?

4/ I want to go to the seaside. (FORWARD)

I’m........................................................................... going to the seaside.

5/ Tom powiedział, abym chwilę poczekał.


March 29 59 dni
1/ Do I have to pay ......................... advance?

2/ My mother prepared some sandwiches for (we) ………………….................…….

3/ Do you know (czy Anna umie grać w szachy) ………….................……..............?

4/ How much does this bike cost? (PRICE)

What ....................................................................................... of this bike?

5/ Obejrzyjmy komedię!

March 30 58 dni
1/ There are no clouds in the sky and it’s boiling ...............................

2/ Susan (always / go / shop) ............................................................. with her mother.

3/ The doctor asked me (kiedy miałem wypadek samochodowy) ...............................

4/ This fruit is too sour. (ENOUGH)

This fruit is ............................................................................

5/ Zanieniam się w słuch.


March 31 57 dni
1/ Are there any nuclear ........................ stations in Poland?

2/ I would like (lose) ........................................................................... some weight.

3/ If I had more money, (byłbym w stanie kupić) ...................................... a bigger


4/ Tom damaged his friend’s book by accident. (MEAN)

Tom............................................................................ to damage his friend’s book.

5/ Właśnie wypiliśmy kawę.


April 1 56 dni
1/ Can you be expelled ......................... school for playing truant?

2/ Yesterday Ben (stop) the police.

3/ (Było tak wietrznie) .......................................................... that it was hard to cycle.

4/ I will only play chess if you play with me. (UNLESS)

I won’t play chess .................................................................................... with me.

5/ Czy już jadłeś lunch?

April 2 55 dni
1/ What foreign ............................... do you speak?

2/ Kate (never / surf) ............................................................................... the Internet.

3/ What is your (ulubiona pora roku) ........................................................................?

4/ ‘Let’s eat out!’ said Henry. (SUGGESTED)

Henry .............................................................................

5/ Nie znam nikogo, kto umie nurkować.


April 3 54 dni
1/ The theft was sentenced ........................ three months in prison.

2/ When (you / last / sleep) ........................................................................... in a tent?

3/ The phone is ringing. Could you (odebrać go) .......................................................?

4/ Tim was so tired that he couldn’t drive. (TOO)

Tim was ............................................................................ drive.

5/ Tom wyjeżdża dziś wieczorem.


April 4 53 dni
1/ The bank is ......................... to the police station.

2/ He said that he (visit) ............................................................ me the following day.

3/ (Wyglądasz na zmęczoną) ........................................... What have you been doing?

4/ I get to school in 10 minutes. (TAKES)

...................................................................................... 10 minutes to get to school.

5/ Ile pieniędzy potrzebujesz?

April 5 52 dni
1/ Susan ............................... shopping every day.

2/ What time (you / get up) ........................................................................ yesterday?

3/ My sister (złamała rękę) ................................................ when she fell off her bike.

4/ Susan was very sad. She couldn’t stop crying. (THAT)

Susan was ......................................................................... she couldn’t stop crying.

5/ Wiadomości nie są dobre.


April 6 51 dni
1/ These are the photos ........................ I took in Spain.

2/ This is (narrow) ............................................................................ street in the city.

3/ (Co robisz) .................................................................................. tonight?

4/ I think you should give up smoking. (YOU)

If I ............................................................................, I would give up smoking.

5/ Czy te meble zosatły już sprzedane?


April 7 50 dni
1/ She doesn’t smoke now, but she ......................... to smoke a lot.

2/ Susan will phone me as soon as she (come) ................................................. home.

3/ (Przedstwiłem się) .................................................................. to the old lady.

4/ Coffee used to be expensive. (NOT)

Coffee did ........................................................................................ be cheap.

5/ Boli mnie gardło.

April 8 49 dni
1/ Cracow ............................... visited by lots of tourists.

2/ I don’t know how (explain) ................................................................................ it.

3/ (Z pewnością jesteście) ......................................... very tired after such a long trip.

4/ I don’t want to disappoint you. (LET)

I don’t want to ............................................................................

5/ Jest mi niedobrze.

April 9 48 dni
1/ How about ....................... a weekend in the mountains?

2/ Gina (buy) ............................................................................ a flat last month.

3/ Are horses (podobne do osłów) ...............................................................................?

4/ Imagine your glasses are stolen. (DO)

What ............................................................................ if your glasses were stolen.

5/ Wczorajszy mecz zakończył się remisem.


April 10 47 dni
1/ You won’t catch the bus ......................... you leave home now.

2/ Who (they / invite) ............................................................ the party?

3/ I (not drink) .................................. anything since I had a cup of coffee in the pub.

4/ I often went skiing when I was a child. (USED)

I ....................................................................................... skiing when I was a child.

5/ Której drużynie kibicujesz?

April 11 46 dni
1/ Will you look ............................... my dog while I’m on holiday?

2/ I’m dead tired. I (run) ..................................................................... 10 kilometres.

3/ (Czy będziesz w stanie) ............................................ finish this project on time?

4/ Kate speaks German. Susan speaks Italian. (DIFFERENT)

Kate and Susan ..................................................

5/ Która drużyna wygrała wczorajszy mecz?


April 12 45 dni
1/ Could I ........................ to Jane, please?

2/ A new pub (open) ................................................................. in my city last week.

3/ My father (kiedyś pracował jako) ..................................................... a waiter.

4/ It’s necessary to inform them about the accident. (HAVE)

We ............................................................................ them about the accident.

5/ Kiedy ten aktor stał się sławny?


April 13 44 dni
1/ I get ........... at 9:00 on Sundays.

2/ A new cinema (open) ........................................................... in my city next month.

3/ (Są dwie łazienki) ............................................................ in the house.

4/ These are the flowers. I bought them yesterday. (THAT)

These are the flowers ....................................................... yesterday.

5/ Z czego słynie Nowy Jork?

April 14 43 dni
1/ I’m not ............................... fit as my brother.

2/ Simon (never / drive) ............................................................................... a car.

3/ (Czy są jakieś) ............................................................... strawberries in the basket?

4/ It’s a long time since Tom visited Kate. (NOT)

Tom ............................................................................ Kate for a long time.

5/ Nasz nauczyciel płynnie mówi po hiszpańsku.


April 15 42 dni
1/ Who was the first man ........................ space?

2/ Who (America / discover) .............................................................................. by?

3/ There are (trzy noże) ......................................................................... on the table.

4/ Driving fast is dangerous. (TO)

It is dangerous ............................................................................

5/ Weź kanapkę na wypadek, gdybyś był głodny.


April 16 41 dni
1/ What is your city famous ......................... ?

2/ My boss (expect / I / work) ................................................................. at weekends.

3/ (Czy piszesz) ................................................................... an email now?

4/ Lisa couldn’t start her car so I helped her. (TO)

I helped Lisa ................................................................... her car.

5/ Ile kosztuje ten dywan?

April 17 40 dni
1/ Would you buy these shoes if they ............................... cheaper?

2/ Kate (take) ............................................................ a photo when she saw a mouse.

3/ (Czego szukasz) ................................................................? Your coat is in the hall.

4/ My house is small. Your house is big. (THAN)

Your house is ............................................................................

5/ Nie mogę ci powiedzieć prawdy.


April 18 39 dni
1/ The ........................ Minister’s official residence is 10 Downing Street.

2/ (your son / make) .............................................................. his bed in the morning?

3/ My father (pracuje na pół etatu) .............................................................................

4/ Peter is more intelligent than Paul. (INTELLIGENT)

Paul ............................................................................ than Peter.

5/ Samolot właśnie wylądował.


April 19 38 dni
1/ ......................... Day is the day after Christmas Day.

2/ There (be / no chocolates) ...................................................................... in the box.

3/ I looked (wszędzie) .................................................... but I didn’t find my glasses.

4/ They haven’t caught the thief yet. (BEEN)

The thief ........................................................................................ caught yet.

5/ Ile dni spędziłeś w Londynie w ubiegłym roku?

April 20 37 dni
1/ I would .................. to be able to speak French.

2/ It often (rain) ............................................................ here.

3/ Who (chce wiedzieć) ....................................................... where Tom lives?

4/ The flowers will die unless you water them. (NOT)

If you ............................................................................ the flowers, they will die.

5/ Jestem wysoka, prawda?


April 21 36 dni
1/ Let’s go to London, ................. we?

2/ (your sister / cook) ............................................................................... lunch yet?

3/ Tom (mówi o sobie) ...................................................................... all the time.

4/ Betty is taller than Jane. (THAN)

Jane ............................................................................ Betty.

5/ Myślę, że zarabiasz wystarczająco pieniędzy.


April 22 35 dni
1/ Would you like me to ................. you a joke?

2/ We started our journey early (avoid) .......................................................... traffic.

3/ I looked (na Annę) ............................................................... and she smiled at me.

4/ It’s possible that the Browns will visit us tomorrow. (MAY)

The Browns ........................................................................................ tomorrow.

5/ Ile dni spędziliście w Nowym Jorku ubiegłego lata?

April 23 34 dni
1/ Gina was brought ........................ by her aunt.

2/ I (not / want) ............................................................ go out tonight.

3/ I think you are too old (aby bawić się lalkami) ......................................................?

4/ I’m sure Lisa is at work. (MUST)

Lisa ............................................................................ at work.

5/ Nie stać mnie na wyjazd za granicę.


April 24 33 dni
1/ Do you always take ............. the rubbish?

2/ I don’t mind (help) .............................................................. you.

3/ The news (są bardzo złe) ............................................................................... today.

4/ My father hasn’t smoked for three months . (STOPPED)

My father ............................................................................... three months ago.

5/ Czy mogę prosić o jeszcze jedną filiżankę kawy?


April 25 32 dni
1/ Last night I broke a glass .................. mistake.

2/ They (hardly ever / come) .......................................................................... on time.

3/ Tina apologised (że się spóźniła) .............................................................................

4/ You must paint the fence as soon as possible. (BE)

The fence................................................................................... as soon as possible.

5/ Nigdy nie byłem w Anglii.

April 26 31 dni
1/ Look! The house is ............ fire!

2/ What (you / keep) ................................................................... in all these drawers?

3/ Whenever the postman comes,SEPTEMBER

(mój pies szczeka) .................................................

4/ You are tired because you work too much. (BE)

You ................................................................. tired if you didn’t work so much.

5/ Jaka szkoda, że nie możesz nas odwiedzić.


April 27 30 dni
1/ Who do these gloves belong ...........?

2/ My father (work / teacher) .............................................................................

3/ My brother (jest lepszy w) ................................................ playing chess than I am.

4/ Cooking is easy for me. (FIND)

I ............................................................................ easy.

5/ Dla kogo są te książki?


April 28 29 dni
1/ It was too late ................ go out.

2/ A lot of people (be afraid / fly) .............................................................................

3/ I forgot (zapłacić) .................................................................. the electricity bill.

4/ This is my book. (MINE)

This ........................................................................................

5/ Czy mogę pożyczyć twoje okulary?

April 29 28 dni
1/ My parents are proud ........... me.

2/ I (be surprised) ................................................................... his decision.

3/ I opened the door which (prowdziły do) ............................................. the bedroom.

4/ The museum is so big that you won’t have enough time to see everything today. (SUCH)

It is.................. museum that you won’t have enough time to see everything today.
5/ Czy możesz mi powiedzieć, co zrobić?


April 30 27 dni
1/ We’ll be late ........... school.

2/ I (not clean) ................................................... the house because I didn’t have time.

3/ Shall I (zagrać na skrzypach) ...............................................................................?

4/ It must be boring to live alone. (SURE)

I ............................................................................ is boring to live alone.

5/ Jaka jest twoja data urodzenia?


May 1 26 dni
1/ Is it OK .............. I borrow your book?

2/ Tom (not have) ................................................................. as many friends as John.

3/ We (znamy się) ................................................................. all our lives.

4/ ‘Did you like the film?’ she asked (LIKED)

She asked if ........................................................................................ the film.

5/ Tamte ołówki nie są moje.

May 2 25 dni
1/ I ................ where Fiona lives.

2/ How many people (come) .............................................. to the meeting yesterday?

3/ (Właśnie widziałam) ………………………………………….... Susan.

4/ Ben is in Russia now. (HAS)

Ben ............................................................................ Russia. 84

5/ Nie dano mi żadnej rady.


May 3 24 dni
1/ I lived in Poznań ........................ 20 years.

2/ Henry (be interested) ..................................................... horses since he was 10.

3/ My sister (skręciła kostkę) ....................................................................... last week.

4/ I last ate a banana three days ago. (NOT)

I ..................................... a banana for three days.

5/ Zdejmij kapelusz!

May 4 23 dni
1/ Could you do me ............... favour?

2/ James (be / hospital) .............................................................................. for a week.

3/ Don’t eat (tak dużo) ..................................................... cakes!

4/ My sister doesn’t like horror films very much. (FOND)

My sister is not .................................................................................... horror films

5/ Kiedy sprzedałeś swój samochód?

May 5 22 dni
1/ It was the worst book I have …………….. read.

2/ I (hate / dance) ...................................................................... but my sister loves it.

3/ (Kogo szukasz) .............................................................? Everybody’s in the office.

4/ Everyone sang except for Tim. (NOT)

The only person that did .................................................................................. Tim.

5/ Jaki jest tytuł tego filmu?


May 6 21 dni
1/ What date is …………. today?

2/ Gina (be / angry) ............................................................................ Tom yesterday.

3/ Where (byłeś ubiegłej nocy) ...................................................................................?

4/ My mother treats sick animals. (AS)

My mother works ............................................................................

5/ Miłego lotu!

May 7 20 dni
1/ Jane is not angry …………………… you.

2/ What (Fiona / think) ................................................................. of her new teacher?

3/ (Słuchaj uważne!) ....................................................... The news is very important.

4/ My sister can’t sleep with the lights on. (ARE)

My sister can’t sleep unless ............................................................................... off.

5/ Czy to miejsce jest zajęte?

May 8 19 dni
1/ I really disapprove ………. such stupid jokes.

2/ Do you know when (this castle / build) ................................................................ ?

SEPTEMBER If you’re bored, leave the room.

3/ (Przestań ziewać!) .................................................

4/ The thieves took the money. (BY)

The money ............................................................................ the thieves.

5/ Jak to działa?


May 9 18 dni
1/ We have ………….. get up at 7:00.

2/ Where (you / usually / spend) .................................................... summer holidays?

3/ If I (nie będę się uczył) ............................................. hard, I won’t pass my exams.

4/ Have you ever participated in a swimming competition? (PART)

Have you ever ................................................................. a swimming competition?

5/ Czy jesteś zajęty?


May 10 17 dni
1/ What happened ………. you?

2/ You (should / take) .................................................................. a few days off work.

3/ How much (zapłaciłeś) ………………………...........……………… for the hotel?

4/ I stayed at home because it was raining. (OF)

I stayed at home ........................................................................................ rain.

5/ Na zdrowie! (gdy ktoś kichnie)

May 11 16 dni
1/ How many mistakes have you …………… in your English test?

2/ (not shout) ............................................................ at me!

3/ Shall we go (na łyżwy w piątek) .............................................................................?

4/ This shop is closed at 9.00. (OPEN)

This shop ........................................................................... at 8.00.

5/ Proszę! (np. podając coś komuś)


May 12 15 dni
1/ Tell me what you are laughing …………

2/ (they / go) .............................................................. London yet?

3/ James lives (na dziewiątym piętrze) .....................................................................?

4/ I don’t remember your name. (HAVE)

I ............................................................................ your name.

5/ Czy chciałaby pani deser?


May 13 14 dni
1/ We are friends and we help each ………….

2/ It (be / beautiful) ................................................................ sunset I have ever seen.

3/ These shoes (mają za wysokie obcasy) ....................................................................

4/ My plan is to buy a new flat. (PLANNING)

I .................................................................................................... buy a new flat.

5/ Czy słodzisz herbatę?

May 14 13 dni
1/ To sum …….., you must read this book.

2/ Why (you / laugh) ............................................................? What’s so funny?

3/ Two hundred invitations (zostało wysłanych) ............................................... so far.

4/ ‘Do you drink coffee, Kate?’ (IF)

Tim asked Kate ............................................................................ coffee.

5/ Chciałabym złożyc reklamację.


May 15 12 dni
1/ …………….. example, you can visit the castle.

2/ My mother (learn / cook) ............................................................ when she was 30.

3/ (Nie ma żadnych pomników) ............................................................... in our town.

4/ Mary laughed when I told her the joke. (LAUGH)

The joke ............................................................................

5/ Kto jest na tym zdjęciu?


May 16 11 dni
1/ Joanna swims ............. a fish.

2/ Remember (buy) ........................................................................... a bottle of water.

3/ (Czy kiedykolwiek zgubiłeś ) .................................................................. your way?

4/ There is no toilet in the pub. (NO)

The pub ........................................................................................

5/ Do zobaczenia wkrótce!

May 17 10 dni
1/ I can recommend the book ……….. anyone.

2/ Kate (sit) ..................................................... in the garden when her friend arrived.

3/ If I were you, I (nie czekałbymSEPTEMBER

na niego) ...............................................................

4/ Monica wasn’t given a birthday present. (GAVE)

Nobody ............................................................................ birthday present.

5/ Czy mogę prosić o paragon?


May 18 9 dni
1/ ……….. conclusion, I want to thank you for your help.

2/ My parents (not / approve) ................................................. such unwise decisions.

3/ (Unikaj oglądania) ............................................ horror films before going to sleep.

4/ You should see this film. (WORTH)

This film ............................................................................

5/ O której godzinie jest następny pociąg do Oxfordu?


May 19 8 dni
1/ ………….. what! I’ve just passed my driving test!

2/ (Run) ....................................................................... is my hobby.

3/ You should (porozmawiać z kimś) ....................................... about your problems.

4/ ‘Don’t go to the mountains alone!’ (NOT)

He told us .......................................................................... to the mountains alone.

5/ Obwawiam się, że nie masz racji.

May 20 7 dni
1/ My favourite part …………. the city is the Main Square.

2/ You can always (rely / I) ............................................................

3/ I think (nie odżywiasz się zdrowo) .........................................................................

4/ It isn’t necessary for you to come so early. (NEED)

You do ............................................................................ come so early.

5/ Jakie wysokie jest to drzewo?

May 21 6 dni
1/ That’s the bank ....................... Tom works.

2/ What time (have / lunch) ..................................................................... yesterday?

3/ I don’t know (jak się przygotować) ............................................ for the first flight.

4/ In spite of being rich, Mike isn’t happy. (IS)

Although ............................................................................, he isn’t happy.

5/ Miło było z tobą porozmawiać.


May 22 5 dni
1/ Do you …………… lending me your dictionary?

2/ John (earn) ....................................................................... a lot of money lately.

3/ Last week Mike (zdobył dwa gole) ..................................................... for his team.

4/ Brian has little time to relax. (MUCH)

Brian does .......................................................................................... time to relax.

5/ Co się tutaj dzieje?

May 23 4 dni
1/ …………. first I felt a bit nervous.

2/ When I woke up this morning, the sun (shine) ........................................................

3/ All the trains are late (z powodu) …………..…………………. the bad weather.

4/ You won’t succeed if you don’t try. (UNLESS)

You won’t succeed ............................................................................

5/ Dziękuję, tylko się rozglądam. (w sklepie)


May 24 3 dni
1/ Are you careful ……… money?

2/ I promise I (help) .............................................................. you.

3/ My favourite group (dała świetny występ) ................………………… last night.

4/ We should protect the environment. (BE)

The environment ............................................................................

5/ Czy pracujesz na pełny etat?


May 25 2 dni
1/ My grandmother is ………………….. She gets a pension every month.

2/ I’d rather (go) ....................................................................... to Moscow.

3/ How many books (wydał twój ulubiony autor) ............................................ so far?

4/ Lisa has lived in London for two years. (MOVED)

Lisa ........................................................................................ two years ago.

5/ Nie wiem, co powiedzieć.

May 26 1 dzień
1/ The film is set …….. a little town north of Cardiff.

2/ I (leave) ............................................................ tomorrow at 10.00.

3/ What a delicious cake! Can you (dać mi przepis) ....................................................

4/ In my opinion you shouldn’t buy this dress. (NOT)

If I were you, I ......................................................................................... this dress.

5/ Czy kiedykolwiek byłaś na diecie?


Good luck!

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