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Chapter 5

Intellectual Aspect: An Analysis

Mr. Rudy B. Necor Jr., MBA

Learning Objectives
• Determine the different techniques in gaining intellectual
growth and intellectual respect;
• Analyze how the different techniques can help an individual;
• Classify the different defense mechanism;
• Evaluate the different defense mechanism that are applicable
to certain situation; and
• Design a plan on how to incorporate these mechanisms and
techniques into one’s life.
Techniques in Gaining Intellectual Growth
• According to Frances M. May (2003), a member of Speaking
Out at the Y Club, “Becoming distinguished is not as difficult it
may see.” How true is the statement? People love to be
recognized by others but what they do not love is to work hard
to earn that recognition.
Acquiring Positive Thinking
As stated by Lowell Peacock (1997), “Attitude is the first
quality that marks the successful man. If he has a positive
attitude and is a positive thinker, who like challenges and difficult
situations, then he has half his success achieved.”
How can anyone acquire a positive attitude?
Here are some pointers:
• Act, walk, and think like the person you wish to become.
People usually work positively if they feel that everything
around them is on the positive side.
• Seize successful, positive thoughts in your way. Never stop
your mind from thinking of all the happy thoughts and
ambitions that you have for these thoughts will help you gain
what your heart desires.
• Exude an air of well-being, confidence, and purpose. People
love to be with people who exude positive aura for they think
they will be influenced by this positivism.
• Deal with everyone as the most important person on earth.
The Holy Bible says, “what you show is what you reap.”
• Let others feel needed, important, and appreciated. If we just
study the needs of people deeply, you will see that they have
needs for recognition, acceptance, appreciation, and feeling of
• Think that everyone is the best. As sung by Regine Velasquez,
there’s a little good in everyone and sometimes it takes a little
work to see the sun…”
• Don’t brag about your bad health. Continuous blabbing about your bad
health to others will only produce negative feelings resulting not
• Look everywhere for best new ideas. St. Paul once said, “Forget the
past and look forward to what lies ahead.”
• Avoid pettiness. What do you really want in life? A big house, car, and
stable career? Then, do not focus on petty things because there are
better things to use your energy, time, and effort.
• Cultivate a spirit of giving. As stated in the Bible under Ecclesiastes 4:4,
“I observed that the basic motive for success is the driving force of envy
and jealousy.” People try to hold on to everything they have for fear that
others will make them a loser.
Outlining a Better Vision
• Identify your vision. This is the most basic rule in outlining one’s
vision. Although seemingly very elementary, people have
difficulty defining their vision.
• Analyze your present life condition. Achieving whatever you
dream of having is not as easy as it seems. You need a lot of
effort, time and money.
• Substitute all little options for the big vision. According to Jim
Dorman (1997), “All dreams have price.”
• Modify your personal growth to vision. If you are determind in
fulfilling your dreams, you have to sacrifice improving yourself
• Expose yourself to successful people. After you modify
yourself, you have to start mingling with successful people to
feel you belong.
• Frequently express your belief in your vision. If you are so
determined in realizing your vision, you will be more
persevering and patient in fulfilling it.
• Expect resistance to your vision. It is very natural that people
will think you are nuts if you keep on telling them that you
want something.
• Eliminate negative thinkers as close friends. Negative aura can
influence people and the more you get close to people who
radiate this kind of aura, the more you will give in.
• Discover every possible opportunity to fulfill your vision. In
order for you to achieve your vision, you have to be aware of
all possible courses to success.
• Surpass normal expectations. According to Jim Dornan (1997),
“No one achieves his dreams with average energy and effort.”
• Assist others who have a similar vision. “No man is an island.”
you cannot work and achieve your vision alone.
Outlining a Better Goal
• Crystalize your mindset.
• Create a plan for acting your goal and a deadline for its
• Cultivate sincere desire for that things you want in life.
• Produce supreme confidence in yourself and your own
• Build a dogged determination to follow through on your plan.
Time Management
• At present, the world is at haste that every single minute must
be accounted for. Nothing has to be taken for granted because
if you waste even a second of it, you will be gaining an ounce
of regret soon enough to miss half of your life’s happiness.
So, how will you manage your time correctly? Here are some
pointers: You have to….
1. Learn to work in blocks of time
2. Avoid daydreaming, procrastinating, and laziness.
3. Determine your priorities.
4. Maintain your priorities
5. Act on priorities
Overcoming Stress, Frustrations, and Conflict
What is stress?
People have to go with the speed of society where they
belong or they will left behind.
Stress factors
1. Physical factor. This is a type factor that involves strain on
the biological or external attributes resulting to hindrance in
attaining one’s goal.
2. Mental Factor. This is a type of factor that involves
apprehension of a person in intellectual ability to complete
one’s tasks.
3. Social factor. This is a type of factor that involves incapability
of a person to harmoniously relate or interact with other
What is conflict?
As people go along with the changes in their society, they
have to undergo several conflicts in life. If things are taken for
granted, everything will all fall apart resulting to stress that will
eventually lead to frustration.
Types of conflicts
1. Double-approach conflict. This type of conflict is also known
as approach-approach conflict. In this kind of conflict, people
are faced with both choices that appear to them as mutually
2. Double-avoidance conflict. This type of conflict is also known
as avoidance-avoidance conflict. When it comes to this type
of conflict, people will have to think harder or else they will
come up with the worst effect because the choice that
appear are both incompatible or negative.
3. Approach-avoidance conflict. This type of conflict is also
known as negative-positive conflict. People who experience this
type of conflict have to choose between negative or positive
valences of choice or get stuck with choice that results to bad
4. Multiple conflicts. This type of conflict is also known as
double approach-avoidance conflict. This type of conflict is the
most difficult amongst all the type of conflict.
Here are some pointers to overcome stress, frustrations, and conflict.
1. Cultivate a proper outlook
2. Stop running from risks
3. Succeed in your areas of strength
4. Prevent the rat race
5. Dismount from the path of overwork
6. Produce strong conviction
7. Give up your rights
8. Reprogram your mind
9. Turn your focus outward
10. Unload stressful event to someone
11. Find a fun way to release stress
Defense Mechanism
Defense mechanisms. These are unconscious attempts of an
individual to guard himself against the risk of breaking down of
the ego and to alleviate the tension and anxiety resulting from
unsolved frustration and conflict.
Types of Defense Mechanisms
1. Compensation. This is a type of defense mechanism where the
individual concentrates on a certain activity within an
increased vigor in an attempt to make up for some feeling of
real or imagined inadequacy.
a. Direct Compensation. This is a type of compensation where
the individual conceives vigorous yearning to succeed in an
area within which he experienced failure or inferiority.
b. This is a type of compensation where the individual tries to
excel in a different field when there has been a failure in
2. Fantasy. This is a type of defense mechanism that is otherwise
known as daydreaming.
3. Identification. This is a type of defense mechanism where an
individual relates or associate himself closely with the behavior of
another individual or groups.
4. Projection. This is a type of defense mechanism where an individual
characterizes his own unfavorable traits or impulse to another.
5. Repression. This is a type of defense mechanism where an
individual unconsciously eliminates an undesirable memory or
excludes disturbing sexual and aggressive impulses from
6. Regression. This is a type of defense mechanism where an
individual’s action or behavior is like a trait of an early stage.
7. Procrastination. This is a type of defense mechanism where an
individual delays or puts off an unpleasant tasks.
8. Displaced Aggression. This is a type of defense mechanism
where the individual switches a less intimidating object for the
original object of impulse.
9. Rationalization. This is a type of defense mechanism where an
individual uses logical reason whenever an action or event hurts
them. This mechanism has three types, namely: sweet-lemon, sour
grape, and escape goat.
a. Sweet-lemon. This is a type of rationalization process
where the individual says what he/she has (which is not
really what he/she wants) is just what he/she wants.
b. Sour-grape. This is a type of rationalization process
where the individual says something bad to object that
he/she cannot have but actually like.
c. Escape goat. This is a type of rationalization process
where the individual tries toa void the problem which
unendingly bug him/her.
10. Denial. This is a type of defense mechanism where an
individual refuses to recognize the presence of danger or
threatening condition.
11. Reaction Formation. This is the type of defense mechanism
where the individual expresses overstated ideas and emotion.
12. Sublimation. This is a type of defense mechanism where the
individual re-channels sexual and aggressive energy into pursuit
that society considers acceptable and even admirable.
Techniques in Gaining Intellectual Respect
Communication Skills
people do not live for themselves. People live for others for
No man is an island. People, no matter how they try to stay away
from others, we still reach a pointy that they will be the one to
look for HELP from other.
Classification of Communication
1. Intrapersonal communication. Cooley, one of the famous
sociologists and the one who presented the idea of “Looking
Glass Self,” suggest that people get to know themselves
through the eyes of the others.
2. Interpersonal communication. This classification of
communication is the opposite of intrapersonal
communication since in this type of communication a person
needs to have significant others to learn and converse with.
People Involved in the Communication Process
1. Sender. This person is also known as the speaker, transmitter,
lecturer, etc. this is the person that initiates the
2. Receiver. This person is otherwise known as the listener,
audience, crowd etc. this is the person that responds and
gives feedback to the person who initiates the conversation.
Symbols in the Communication Process
1. Verbal. Words and language primarily presented this type of
2. Non-verbal. This type of symbol is presented by all types of
expression, gestures, sign language, writing, drawing, and
body language.
Aspect of Communication Process
Speaking. “Language is the Rubicon that divides man from beast,”
declared by Philologist Max Muller (2002).

How can you speak confidently? Here are some pointers: You have to…..
a. Identify what you want to say
b. Control fear
c. Stop talking and listen
d. Think before you talk
e. Believe in your message
f. Repeat major points
g. Find out what your listener wants
Listening. The hardest part one has to achieve is the art of listening.
According to Ferguson’s (1998) Webster Illustrated Contemporary
Dictionary, an Encyclopedic Edition, “ to make an effort to hear, to pay
attention, as to warning or device.”

So, how will you listen emphatically? Here are some pointers. You have to…
a. Prepare to listen
b. Focus on speaker
c. Screen-out distraction
d. Concentrate on the message
e. Listen to tapes while you communicate
Writing. As stated by Patricia L. Fry (2003), “Keeping a journal is
like having a heart-to-heart talk with yourself.

So, how will you write professionally? Here are some pointers:
You have to….
a. Keep journal
b. Use an outline
c. Write personal notes
d. Write more effectively
Reading. If you want to be respected by others, you must be well
read. You must be fully equipped with information.

So, how can you read effectively? Here are some pointers: You
have to…
a. Read
b. Keep up with current events
c. Read something inspirational
d. Use the internet
The Power of Motivation
At present, people are bombarded with myriad of choices
and information to sort through; choices with which people have
to choose in response to what they thought they need.
According to Ferguson’s (1998) Webster Illustrated
Contemporary Dictionary an Encyclopedic Edition, it is “to
provide with a motive; instigate; induce.”
Classification of Motives
1. Lower order need. Physiological need is the other name for
this type of need. It is known as the lower order need since it
represents the primordial need of people which satisfies all
the basic needs of human, such as food, shelter, clothing, air,
warmth and cold rest and sleep, sex, and waste secretion.
2. Higher order need. This is otherwise known as the
psychosocial need where the need for satisfaction does not
focus on the survival needs of human, it is called as such since
it focuses itself in gratifying the needs of human for love and
belongingness, accomplishment, recognition and acceptance,
self-realization, and actualization.
Hierarchy of Needs
1. Physiological needs. This need is the most basic and
common need among all other needs because this type of
need focuses on the survival needs of human, such as food,
shelter, and clothing, that is why it is also known as the basic
biological need.
2. Safety and Security needs. This type of need concerns itself
with all the needs of human to harmoniously cope with the
society, such as medicine, education, insurance, and other
needs that satisfy human needs to become sociable,
peaceful, and harmless.
3. Love and belongingness needs. This type of need is also known as
the social need since it concerns itself with the need of humans to
be part of a certain group with which they will feel belong and loved.
4. self-esteem needs. This type of need can only be achieved if an
individual has successfully passed the lower order needs of human
and has experienced to love and be loved. In addition, it is a need
where human beings boost their ego for greater achievement in life.
5. Self-actualization needs. This is the highest and the longest to
achieve kind of need since it focuses on one’s need to realize
everything that he/she have gone and achieved in life.
Leadership Abilities
If you ask kids the meaning of leadership, they answer you “a
person leading a ship.” Funny as it is but the kids have a point.

Steps in Becoming a Leader

1. Know thyself
2. Develop a model of leadership you can strive to achieve
3. Learn from everything
4. Create a feedback-rich environment
5. Find a mentor
Leadership Factors
1. Consideration. The attitude of a leader who shows concern
for his/her constituent.
2. Structure. The ability of a leader in setting goals and
identifying work schedules and methods.
3. Production emphasis. This is the leaders’ ability in
accomplishing the specified work correctly and on time.
4. Sensitivity. This is the ability of a leader in keeping all of his
team happy and working harmoniously.
Leadership Style
1. Dominant leader. This is a style of leadership where the
person leading the team focuses his attention on getting
things done according to his plan by giving orders.
2. Negotiating leader. This is a style of leadership where the
person that leads a specific group tries to negotiate with
3. Persuading leader. This is a style of leadership where a
person leading the team must possess vision, good
communication, and powerful motivating skills since he has
to produce feelings that can be convincing to others.
4. Modeling leader. Modeling has an enormous impact on
people. Parents can attest to that. In fact, even to adults,
modeling is influential.
5. Empowering leader. According to Jim Dorman (1997), this is
the best and highest form of leadership style.” the leader builds
relationship with his people, communicates his positive version
to them, motivates them to believe they can achieve it, and
equips them to accomplish it. He partners with his people in
Characteristics of a Leader
1. Leaders enlist the support of others
2. Leaders walk their talk
3. Leaders put their people first
4. Leader leverage their resources
5. Leaders know their follower
6. Leaders lead.
Decision-making is like the air we breathe. Its invisible,
inescapable, and indispensable and never should be taken for

Steps in Decision-Making
1. Relax. Think things over.
2. Acknowledge the obvious
3. Evaluate the consequences

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