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The Versatile U-Slot Patch Antenna

Fong Lee 1, Shing Lung Steven Yang 11, Ahmed A. Kishk11, and Kwai Man Lu~
Kai Fang
1 Department of Electrical Engineering
The University of Mississippi, University, MS 38677 USA

20epartment of Electronic Engineering
City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong

The U-slot patch antenna was originally developed as a single-layer, single-patch wideband antenna.antenna. It has recently been
number of other functions. In this paper, a comprehensive account is given
shown that it can also be designed to perform a number
on the development of this antenna. Emphasis is placed on experimental and simulation results for various U-slot topologies,
antenna's versatility
illustrating the antenna's versatility in several practical applications. These include wideband, dual- and triple-band operation
frequency ratios, as well as for circular-polarization
with small and large frequency circular-polarization applications.

Keywords: Microstrip antennas; multifrequency antennas; slot antennas; U-slot antennas; circular polarization; wideband

1. Introduction 2. Wideband Designs

T U-slot antenna is shown in Figure 1.
he basic geometry of the V-slot
This antenna was introduced in 1995 by Huynh and Lee [1] as
2.1 Basic Characteristics: Air Substrate
a single-layer, single-patch linearly polarized wideband patch
well as by
antenna. A number of studies by Lee and coworkers, as well In the original study of Huynh and Lee [1], the wide-band-
others, followed [2-6]. It was firmly established that the U'-slot
U-slot was demonstrated experimen-
width characteristic of the antenna was
patch antenna can provide impedance bandwidths in excess of 30% tally. It was
was pointed out in their paper that the factors contributing
to the wideband behavior were
were (1) the air substrate; (2) a relative
about 0.08..10,
for an air-substrate thickness of about 0.08Ao, and in excess of
thick substrate (- 0.08..10);
0.08-10); (3) the capacitance introduced by the
20% for material substrates of similar thickness [3].

There has recently been a renewed interest in this antenna.

that the V
The recent studies showed that U-slot can be
-slot patch antenna can
designed not only
only for wideband applications, but also for dual-band w
well as for circular polarization
and triple-band applications, as well
[7-10]. The
operation [7-10]. com-
The purpose of this article is to present a com-
with emphasis on the
prehensive account of this versatile antenna, with
recent developments.
L Patch

In Section 2, after
after reviewing the well-known characteristics
of the wideband Ll-slot
U-slot patch antenna, the less-well-known effects
This is followed by a discus-
of substrate thickness are presented. This
sion of size-reduction techniques. Section 3 describes the designs
/ ' plane
for dual- cases of large frequency
dual- and triple-band operation for the cases
ratios. The case of small
ratios. small frequency ratios
ratios is discussed in Section 4.
using the U-slot
Section 5 is concerned with using U-slot technique for circular- Probe feed
Probe feed
polarization applications. Concluding remarks are given given in Sec-
tion 6. U-slot patch antenna.
Figure 1. The geometry of the If-slot

IEEE Antennasand
Antennas and Propagation Magazine, Vol. 52, No.1,
No. 1, February 2010 ISSN 1045-9243/2010/$25 ©2010
©2010 IEEE 71

Authorized licensed use limited to: Universitas Indonesia. Downloaded on July 14,2021 at 13:59:50 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
V out the feed inductance;
-slot, which cancelled out inductance; and (4) the addi-
addi- 2.3 Thickness Study
tional resonance introduced by the U-slot, which combined with
the patch resonance to produce a broadband response. Subse- While the studies of Huynh and Lee [1], Lee et al. [2], and
quently, Lee et al. [2] produced experimental and numerical results have shown that
others [4, 5] have that more than
than 30%
30% impedance bandwidth
based on FDTD modeling of this antenna.antenna. Representative results can be
can be obtained when an air-substrate thickness of about 0.08~
0.08-10 is
for the VSWR response and radiation patterns are shown in Fig- Fig- used, it is less well
used, well known that a thinner antenna will also provide
ures 2 and 3. It can be seen
seen that the patterns were
were stable across
across the sufficient bandwidth for several applications. For example, in
impedance bandwidth of about 30%. The E-plane and H-plane Advanced Mobile Phone Service (AMPS), about an 8.1% 8.1 % band-
beamwidths were about 70° and 65°, respectively. The gain gain of the width is sufficient. Likewise, in Global System for Mobile Com- Com-
was around 7.5 dBi, about 2 dB higher than
antenna was than the traditional munications (GSM), only an 8.7% 8.7% bandwidth is needed. While
The cross
microstrip antenna. The cross polarization was negligible in the E such bandwidths cannot be realized by
such by the traditional patch
plane. It
It was about 12 dB below the co-polarization level in the H antenna, we have
have recently obtained results that show
show that these
these can
plane at the center of the band,
band, but
but it increased to about 8 dB at the be realized by a If-slot
U-slot patch antenna only
only 0.033Ao thick, which
0.033~ thick,
outer edges band.
edges of the band.
has a 12 % bandwidth.

have performed simulation and experimental studies on

We have on a
2.2 Basic Characteristics: U-slot antenna with an air substrate as a function of thickness.
thickness. The
dimensions of the antennas are listed in Table
Table 4a, and the results
Material Substrate

U-slot patch antenna

Although the first investigations of the If-slot 10---------------------,
10 .-------------------·------------~
used have
used an air or foam substrate, subsequent investigations [3, 5] have 9··
9 " ,. .
confirmed that this wideband design can also be implemented with with 8
material substrates. As expected, the bandwidth of an antenna on a 7 ." ".
than an antenna on an air or foam sub-
material substrate is smaller than sub- ~ 6
strate. ~ 5
~ 4
Tong et al. [3] presented both experimental and FDTD analy-
ses of two antennas on a substrate with relative permittivity
analy- 3
. .
"....~ .... ",,",..... . ' '........
'.:. :":-:'.~ ,;. . -
.'. :-":.:..,.;' ;......- :.;.:.
1 "'--'t....--L---&._.
c£rr == 2.33
2.33.. The dimensions of these
these antennas are shown in Table 1. ~~~~~~~~~~~~--~~~~
. a..--I---'-.-1--'--
4.3 4.7
_ _~-l

5.1 5.5
The operating frequencies and bandwidths of these
The these two antennas frequency . GHz
are shown in Tables 2 and 3. The 3 dB-gain bandwidths were were about
the same as the impedance bandwidths, and the average gains gains of Figure 2. The computed and measured VSWR (x: (x: measured,
the antennas were about 7 dBi across the matching line: computed). The values are for a V-slot patch antenna as in
Figure 1 with the following parameters: W == 35.5 mm,
In what follows, we shall discuss only the air-substrate case,
In L=26mm, F=15mm, W =12mm, LLss=19.5mm,
Wss=12mm, =19.5mm, a=4.3mm,
that the methods to be described are also appli-
with the realization that appli- b = 2.1 mm, and h == 5 mm (from [2],
[2J, ©1997 lET, reprinted with
cable to material substrates. permission).

Table 1. The dimensions of the antennas in millimeters.

Antenna Elr
£r W L W
Wss L
Lss a F b h
1 2.33 36.0
36.0 26.0
26.0 14.0 18.0 4.0 13.0 2.0
2.0 6.4
2 2.33 36.0
36.0 26.0 14.0 18.0 4.0 13.0 2.0 8.0

Table 2. The operating frequencies and bandwidths of Antenna 1.

fi 10 lu
lu BW %BW
(GHz) (GHz) (GHz)
(GHz) (GHz) (%)
I Computed 2.87 3.28 3.69
3.69 0.82 25.0
rI Measured 2.76 3.16
3.16 3.56
3.56 0.80
0.80 25 .3

Table 3. The operating frequencies and bandwidths of Antenna 2.

fi 10 lu
lu BW %BW
(GHz) (GHz)
(GHz) (GHz)
(GH& (GHz)
(GHz) (%)
I Computed 2.72 3.14
3.14 3.56 0.84 26.8
I Measured 2.68 3.09 3.50 0.82 26.5

72 IEEE Antennasand
Antennas and Propagation Magazine, Vol. 52, No.1, February 2010
No. 1, February

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-- ..






(c) (I)

Figures 3a-3e. The measured E-plane radiation patterns for the Figures 3d-3f. The measured H-plane radiation patterns for the
antenna of Figure 2 at (a) 3.72
3.72 GHz, (b) 4.28
4.28 GHz, and (c)
(c) 3.72 GHz, (b) 4.28 GHz, and (c)
antenna of Figure 2 at (a) 3.72 (c)
5.16 GHz. In (a) and (b), the cross polarization was soso small 5.16 GHz. The lines are the co-polarization; the dots are the
that it did not show up. The lines are the co-polarization; the [2], ©1997
cross-polarization (from [2], ©1997 lET, reprinted with
dots are the cross-polarization (from (2),
[2], ©1997
©1997 lET, reprinted permission).
with permission).

IEEE Antennas
and Propagation Magazine, Vol. 52,
52, No.1
No.1,, February
February 2010 73

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Measured H=2mm,4.8GHz
H=2mm, 4.8GHz H=3mm, 4.5GHz
Measured H=3mm.4.5GHz
o o


... ./

210 150 210 150

180 180

Measured H=4mm.4.5GHz
H=4mm , 4.5GHz Measured H=5mm,4.3GHz
H=5mm, 4.3GHz
o o

270 270 1--+--\

210 150 210

210 150
180 180

Measured H=6mm.4.2GHz
Measured H=6mm, 4.2GHz

//~</ .'x'//
. ,/}.~ .. / :\ ,:"lI~ : " ' / / / ,/
\ -F,\,>l~:~,:.~ . '.".',\.I \/
270 I , , :.~".~~~~;~~~~L _10) so
--..~ '. /1'XJ
210 150

Figure 4. The measured radiation patterns of probe-fed If-slot

U-slot microstrip patch antennas with different air substrate thicknesses.

74 IEEE Antennas and Propagation Magazine,

IEEE Magazine, Vol. 52,
52, No.1, February 2010

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Table 4a. The dimensions of the
the If-slot
V-slot patch antenna
with different air-substrate thicknesses (in mm),

h W L W
Wss L
Lss a b F
1 35.5 26 12 10.7 0.1 0.6 15
2 35.5 26 11
11 12.3 0.6 0.8 15
3 35.5 26 11
11 14.2 0.9 1 15
4 35.5 26 11
11 16.2 1.8
l.8 1.6
l.6 15
5 35.5 26 11
11 20 3.8 2.1
2.1 15
6 35.5 26 11
11 21 4.3 2.1 15

Table 4b. The simulated and measured impedance-matching bandwidths

of probe-fed If-slot
V-slot patch antennas with
with different air-substrate thicknesses.
The dimensions of the antennas were
were slightly different for the
the different
thicknesses. In all cases, the
the inner radii of the
the coaxial feeds were
were 0.4 mm,

Simulation Measurement
h Matching Matching
(mm) Thickness %BW
Frequency %BW Frequency
(2 )
(GHz) (GHz)
1 0.018 5.13-5.41 5.31
2 0.033 4.73-5.23
4.73-5 .23 10.04 4.44-5.01 12.1
3 0.048 4.45-5.2 15.54 4.19-4.95 16.6
4 0.063 4.2-5.28
4.2-5 .28 22.78 4.05-5.1 23.0
5 0.078 3.98-5.32 28.81
28.81 3.8-4.94 26.1
6 0.089 3.8-5.14 29.97 3.74-4.98 28.4

are summarized in Table 4b. As can be seen, a 12.112.1 % impedance 2.5 Small-Size Wideband Designs
bandwidth (measured) was achieved with a thickness of only
0 . 033~ . The measured radiation patterns are shown in Figure 4.
Miniature antennas with wideband performance are in high
The shape of the co-polarization level was not sensitive to the demand for modem wireless communications. Portable devices,
thickness, while the H-plane cross-polarization level increased such as mobile phones or notebook computers, communicate
when the thickness increased. The simulated and measured return- through different wireless media, including the cellular network,
loss responses for the h == 6 mm case are shown in Figure 5. The Wi-Fi links, GPS, Zigbee, and/or UWB. These multifunctional
discrepancy between the simulated and measured return losses gadgets require small wideband antennas to accommodate all the
could be due to the tolerance in the antenna-prototype fabrication. channels. Moreover, diversity or MIMO techniques are employed
For brevity, the return-loss responses for other thicknesses are not for enhancing the quality of reception. Several antennas thus need

o ~----~------~----~------~
2.4 Attempts at Arriving at
Empirical Formulas for Design
-10 -,L--

While the wideband characteristic of the U-slot patch antenna in

has been established by a number of experimental and simulation ~
studies, attempts at establishing formulas for its design have been II)

rare. In [5], based on the analysis of the resonances associated with

ofthe .Q -20
the structure, the authors provided empirical formulas for its ....cE
design. They defined a resonant frequency as the frequency when -a;

the input impedance locus crossed the reactance line (X = 0) on 0::

tl: -30 I :

the Smith chart. However, since this does not happen frequently for ': f
thick substrates [6], the empirical formulas in [5] are limited to "


electrically thin substrates, which translates into low bandwidth.

Since the U-slot patch is significantly enhanced as the substrate -40
3.5 4 4.5 5 5.5
thickness increases, methods for the initial design ofof wideband U-
Frequency (GHz)
slot patches (25% bandwidth or more) are still not available,
because electrically thick substrates need
nc~ed to be used, for which the Figure 5. The measured and simulated return loss values of
formulas in [5] appear to be limited. Design formulas useful for probe-fed If-slot micros trip patch antennas with
V-slot micros with an h = 6 mm
thick substrates are thus still wanting. thick air substrate.

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i Line of symmetry 3.1
3.1 Dual-Band
Dual-Band Design
For the
the case
case when
when the
the frequency
frequency ratio
ratio is
is larger
larger than
than 1.5,
1.5, the
approach is is to
to use
use aa coaxial
coaxial feed,
feed, and
and to
to adjust the V-slot
adjust the V-slot dimen-
Patch sions so
sions so that
that the
the patch'
patch'ss resonance
resonance and
and the
the slot's
slot's resonance
resonance do
do not
merge to
to yield
yield aa broadband
broadband response.

Figure 7 shows
shows aa V-slot
U-slot patch
patch antenna that operates
operates in aa band
Ground centered at
at 2.0 GHz,
GHz, and in another
another band
band centered
centered at
at 4.8
4.8 GHz.
GHz. The
z dimension, L (54
patch's dimension, (54 mm), determines the lower
lower resonance.
/ plane
x The simulated return loss as a function of frequency is shown
shown in
SMA Figure 8.
8. The impedance bandwidths at the lower and upper bands
connector 1i Probe
Probe feed
feed were 3.5% and 18.2%, respectively. The radiation patterns were
similar to those ofthe
of the broadband V-slot
U-slot patch antenna.
V-slot patch antenna with a full
Figure 6a. The geometry of the U-slot

3.2 Triple-Band Design

Two slots are necessary to achieve triple-band operation.

While it is possible to use two V-slots,
U-slots, we have found that making
the second slot in the form of an H-slot offers better flexibility.
Figure 9 shows a V-slot in combination with an H-slot to produce

Figure 6b.
6b. The geometry of the If-slot
U-slot patch antenna with a
half If-slot,

to be installed for each
each communication link, requiring the antennas plane
size. ItIt has
to be small in size. has been shown that the antenna's size
size can
can be
reduced byby removing half of the V -slot patch along
V-slot along the line of
symmetry, as shown in Figure 6. The The resultant half-If-slot
half-V-slot patch Probefeed
Probe feed
antenna was
was found
found to maintain a similar impedance bandwidth as
the full U-slot
V-slot patch antenna [11, 12]. This This is due
due to the fact that
that U-slot patch antenna
Figure 7. The geometry of a dual-band V-slot
the current distribution is symmetrical along along the line of symmetry
the line (W = 64 mm,
(W=64mm, L = 54 mm,
L=54mm, F = 28.4 mm,
F=28.4mm, Ws ==34mm,
~ 34 mm,
of the
the full V-slot patch. Removing half of the the patch does
does not
not Ls ==22 mm, aa ==8.4 mm, b = 11mm,
11 mm, and h == 6 mm),
appreciably affect the the current paths and,and, hence, thethe resonant
behavior of the
the structure [12].
[12). Moreover, shorting-wall and and short-
ing-pin techniques cancan be be applied to reduce the the full V-
size of the
the size
slot [13-15] or
or the
the half-If-slot
half-V-slot patch antenna [16,[16, 12].
12). These small-
size wide-bandwidth designs are are particularly
particUlarly suitable for the
the appli-
cations mentioned above.

3. Dual/Triple-Band Designs: ~ -10

~ -10
Large Frequency Ratios en
o -15
Most of of the
the studies
studies of
of the V-slot patch
the V-slot patch antenna
antenna were
were con-
con- :::J

cerned with
with itsits broadband
broadband capabilities.
capabilities. However,
However, sincesince the
the If-slot
V-slot a> -20
di -20
introduces another
another resonance,
resonance, aa dual-band
dual-band antenna
antenna can can be
be obtained
by appropriately
appropriately choosing
choosing the
the parameters.
parameters. This
This was
was pointed
pointed outout in
in -25
[2], but
but not
not elaborated
elaborated on.
on. To
To obtain
obtain triple-band
triple-band operation,
operation, aa sec-
ond slot
slot is
is needed.
needed. Recent
Recent studies
studies have
have shown
shown that
that there
there are
are two
approaches, -301L---~---~--~~--~--~--~7
approaches, depending
depending on on whether
whether thethe frequency
frequency ratios
ratios are
are larger
than oror less
less than
than about
about 1.5.
1.5. The
The two
two cases
cases will
will bebe referred
referred toto as
22 3 4
3 4 56
5 6 7
Frequency (GHz)
Frequency (GHz)
large frequency
frequency ratioratio and
and small
small frequency
frequency ratio,
ratio, respectively.
respectively. ThisThis
section isis concerned
concerned withwith the
the former,
former, while
while the
the latter
latter will
will bebe dis-
dis- Figure 8.
Figure 8. The
The simulated
simulated return
return loss
loss of
of the
the dual-band
dual-band V-slot
cussed inin the
the next
next section.
section. patch antenna.
patch antenna.

76 IEEE Antennas and Propagation
IEEEAntennasand Propagation Magazine,
Vol. 52,
52, No.1,
No.1, February
February 2010

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W antenna, shown in Figure 12a. When properly designed,
designed, this con-

figuration can yield impedance bandwidths in excess of 40% [17). [17].
a U-slot is cut into the patch (Figure 12b), a notch is intro-
When aU-slot
duced within the matching band, and a dual-band antenna
antenna results.
U-slots (Figure 12c), two notches
With two If-slots notches are introduced, and a

L triple-band antenna results.

We have fabricated prototypes of the broadband, dual-band,

and triple-band patch antennas of Figure 12. An air substrate was
used, and the dimensions are shown in Table S.
5. Simulation results
Patch were obtained using Zeland IE3D software version 14, as well as
measured results. The simulated and measured return losses are
Ground shown in Figure 13, and the impedance bandwidths (return loss
// ' plane < -iOdB)
-10dB) are summarized in Table 6.

Probe feed Reasonable agreement was obtained between the simulated

and measured results.
results. The discrepancies between the results were
Figure 9. The geometry of the tri-band If-slot
U-slot patch antenna due to the fabrication tolerances of the fabricated antenna proto-
(W = 64mm,
(W=64mm, L = 54mm,
L=S4mm, F =28.4mm,
F=28.4mm, u =34mm,
W types. Figures 14-16 show the measured radiation patterns for the
three antennas. The patterns were broadside and the polarization
Luu = 22mm,
L WHH = 28mm, L
LH = 13.Smm,
H =13.5mm, a=8.4mm,
was linear. Figure 17 shows the photos
photos of the antenna prototypes.
b = 11 mm, cC = 1.5
11mm, 1.S mm,
mm, d = 2 mm,
mm, and h = 6 mm),

(a) o

~ -10

o -15
Q) -20
Q) 2701--f---

(b) o
' - - - - . - - L . . - - - - - ' - -_ _~ _ _L . . . . . . __ _ _ L ._ _ ____l

1 2 3
3 44 556 6 7
Frequency (GHz)
Figure 10. The simulated VSWR of the tri-band If-slot
U-slot patch 60

resonances at 1.94 GHz, 4.16 GHz, and S.44 5.44 GHz. Figure 10
GHz. Figure
shows the return-loss response curve. The impedance bandwidths 270 1---+->---+ 90
at the three bands
bands were 2.6% for the lower band, 9.8% for the mid-
dle band, and 10.4% for the upper
upper band.
band. The radiation patterns in
the three bands are shown in Figure 11. 11 . The co-polarization pat- (c)
(c) o
stable. The cross-polarization levels were 20 dB below
terns were stable.
band. At the center
the co-polarization at the lower band. center frequencies
frequencies of
the middle band (4.2 GHz) and the high band (S.4(5.4 GHz), the cross-
oblique angles, as the
polarization levels become very high at oblique
antenna is electrically thick (> 0.08Ao),
0.08-10), and radiation from the
vertical coaxial feed becomes significant.

4. Dual/Triple
DuallTriple Band Designs:
Small Frequency Ratios
Figure 11. The simulated radiation patterns of the tri-band V- U-
For small frequency ratios, one simple approach
approach is to start slot antenna at
slot at (a) 1.94 GHz, (b) 4.16 GHz, and (c) 5.44 GHz
with a broadband antenna in the form of an L-probe-
feed patch (solid line: H-Co, dashed line: H-x, dash-dotted line: E-Co).
line: H-x,

IEEE Antennasand
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Magazine, Vol. 52,
52, No.1, February 2010 77

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L Patch

~~ t Ground
• +
~xH ....-plane
.............. SMA ;tf C Probe (Hd
Figure 12a. The geometry of the proposed broadband antenna. Figure 12b. The geometry of the
the proposed dual-band antenna.

w ~


;;::: ::::':i;:m:::;:;.;;:[,.

t. -

• + H

Figure 12c. The geometry of

.........- - - -
the proposed triple-band antenna.

Table 5. The dimensions of the proposed antennas (mm).


Antenna W
Ual U
U dl
dl v;
U xl U
U yl
yl U
U aa22 U
U dd22 U xx22 Uyy22

a 22 18 5 3.5 8.5
b 22 18 5 3.5 8.5 0.8 2 7.5 10.8
c 22 18 5 3.5 8.5 0.8 2 7.5 10.8 0.8 3.5 4.5 10.8

Table 6. The simulated and measured impedance bandwidths.

Antenna Simulation (GHz) Measurement (GHz)

a 5.26-7.25 (31.8%) 5.00-6.80 (30.5%)
b (4.9%), 5.94-7.26 (20%)
4.97-5.22 (4.9%), 4.80-5.18 (7.6%), 5.80-6.80(15.9%)
c 4.95-5.20J4.9%),
4.95-5.20 (4.9%), 5.74-6.00 (4.4%),
(4.4%), 6.41-7.24 (12.2%)
(12.2%) 4.80-5 .18 (7.6%),
4.80-5.18 (7.6%), 5.63-5.95 (5.5%),6.25-6.83 (8.9%)

78 IEEE Antennas and Propagation Magazine, Vol. 52,
52, No.1, February 2010

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(a) 0 - -, -- ' "
~ o0
, ,,- 330
........ -10
-10 ---- +---- -

"-'" :
I/) '- , ~
o -20
.Q -20 "

270 90
a::: -30
~ -30
- - Measured
······· Simulated
44 5
5 6 6 77 88
Frequency (GHz)
Frequency (GHz)
210 150

Figure 14. The

The measured radiation patterns of of the broadband
(b) 0 ~......-:"T':'-:------r---..,.----~--_----.
F==::--- - , - - -- , - - - - - . - - - - - . - - - , antenna a of Table 5 at 5.9 GHz
GHz (solid line: H-Co, dashed line:
H-x, dash-dotted line: E-Co, dotted line: E-x).

-10 -r---- For antenna b, the If-slot
U-slot introduced a notch at around
OJ 5.5 GHz. The relationship between the band-notch frequency and
the total V-slot
U-slot length is shown in Table 7. The total length of the
(f) slot is approximately a half wavelength for the two proposed V-slot
..Q -20
o -20 antennas. The resulting dual-band antenna had a frequency ratio
:J 12 / fi = 1.30, where 12 and fi were the center frequencies of the
Q.) ., ,,,
upper and lower bands, respectively. For antenna c, the two U-slots
, I

a::: -30
~ -30

, ,
, , introduced a notch at around 5.5 GHz and another notch at around
, ,,
, I

- - Measured ,, 6.2 GHz. The resulting triple-band antenna had frequency ratios of
.' /3/ fi =1.34 and 12/fi =1.16, where 13'
13/ h, 12'
h, and fi were the
....... Simulated
-40 ~:::c:::::===:::;::==~L__--.!i.."', : --'--_---'----.J " center frequencies of the upper, middle, and lower frequency
44 56
5 67 7 8 bands. The simulated current distribution of antenna c is shown in
Frequency (GHz) Figure 18. At the matched frequency (e.g., 5 GHz), the patch was
excited with the interaction of the two Ll-slots
U-slots on the patch. At the
first band-notch frequency (5 (5.5
.5 GHz), we could observe that strong
current was flowing along the edge of the longer slot, and the
excitation of the patch was inhibited. Similarly, at the second band-
notch frequency (6.2 GHz), strong current was flowing along the
(c) 0 r::::::.-:-:--~-
_~-----r----r------r------.-----. shorter slot. This demonstrated that the length of each U-slot
frequency. A patch antenna with quad-
determines the band-notch frequency.
ruple-band characteristics has also been studied. It was obtained by
If-slots on the patch. For brev-
cutting three half-wavelength-long U-slots
_L-- _

ity, the results are not included here. It should be noted that the fre-
quency ratios were determined by the bandwidth of antenna a,
which was 30% for our case. If one starts with an antenna with
o -20
.Q , '
broader bandwidth, e.g., 40%, the frequency ratios of the dual- and
triple-band antenna will be larger.

a::: -30
0::: 5. Circular Polarization
....... Simulated
------- Simulated
-40 5.1 Use of a U-Slot to Increase the Axial-
4 ---=------'---===:::::;======-~
-40 L...L.
~-.J.-_ _-----L. ...L.-_ _--l------J
L...-_ _

4 567 8 Ratio Bandwidth of a Circularly Polarized

Frequency (GHz) Patch with Truncated Corners
Figure 13.
13. The simulated and measured return losses
losses of the
proposed antennas: (a) broadband, (b) dual band, and (c) (c) A circularly polarized antenna can be designed using a square
triple band. for the cir-
patch with truncated comers. One of the requirements for

IEEE Antennas and Propagation Magazine, Vol.
Antennasand Vol. 52, No.1, February 2010 79

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(a) o (b)
(b) oo

270 I··· \'r· d

i·".ji· ..·········•·························· >/ , "' t' ,....... ··;~··················I 90 270 t··················,·····················...·

210 150
150 210
210 150
180 180

Figure 15a. The

The measured radiation patterns of the dual-band
antenna b of Table 5 at (a) 5.0 GHz and
and (b) 6.3 GHz (solid line:
H-Co, dashed line: H-x, dash-dotted line: E-Co, dotted line:

(a) o (b)
(b) oo

270 270
270 1- - 4 --;·


210 150 210

210 150
180 180

(e) o
<, _ 30

r 7;;I~--~ 60

( /'\"-tl -. -. " ' \

. ,.~ . . . \.\r·1:~ . . . .
' ...
\ ......,).............
, ~
i····.. ..•
., • '~;":"''''../ 1

. . / / ,~~... . \/ I

\\ . .:> . It
. <\\ ·/'r>;~::~, f •..

'~ ~

-;: . . /\ .-/ /120

:~#/: 1t1, ' \ / .~ •
\ -, . . . -_.' ....<. -•. . . .... •..., (.l~} -.;.A0
' .•. •' \ 'I:~--' . .•. • •.•. . . . . .-30 1:'<
. . . . •. .•. .•. .•. . . .-.•.2.•,.. . . • .• .• .•,.. .• .•-.•. •1. •,. 0 )
~ .., . . .~../:. -tY ... , /1

Figure 16. The measured radiation patterns of the triple-band
antenna c of Table 5: (a) 5.0 GHz, (b) 5.8 GHz, and and (c)
6.55 GHz (solid line:
line: H-Co, dashed line: H-x, dash-dotted line: 210 150
E-Co, dotted line: E-x). 180

80 IEEE Antennasand
IEEE Antennes and Propagation Magazine, Vol. 52,
52, No.
1, February 2010

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Figure 17a. A photo of the broadband antenna prototype. Figure 17b. A photo of the dual-band antenna prototype.

Figure 17cb. A photo of the triple-band antenna prototype.

Table 7. The relationship between the band notch frequency and the total If-slot length.

Antenna Frequency of Band Notch Total V-Slot Length

b 5.5 GHz 27.5 mm (O.504Ao )
c 5.5 GHz 6.2 GHz 27.5 mm (O.504Ao ) 24.5 mm (O.506Ao)

IEEE Antennas and Propagation Magazine, Vol. 52, No.1, February 2010 81

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Figure 18a. The simulated current distribution of antenna c at Figure ISb. The simulated current distribution of antenna c at
5GHz. 5.5 GHz.

Figure 18c. The simulated current distribution of antenna c at

6.2 GHz.

82 IEEE Antennasand Propagation Magazine, Vol. 52, No.1, February 2010

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cularly polarized antenna is that the axial-ratio bandwidth (ARBW)
should be within the return-loss bandwidth (RLBW) or, equiva-
lently, the impedance bandwidth. This overlapping bandwidth is
very narrow for the square patch with truncated comers. Typically,
it is about 0.8% for an air-substrate thickness of around 0.02Ao.
Yang et al. [9] have shown that while increasing the substrate
thickness can individually increase the axial-ratio bandwidth and
the impedance bandwidth, this increase is very limited if the axial-
ratio bandwidth is to be within the return-loss bandwidth. On the L
other hand, by using a If-slot patch with truncated comers and
using substrates of thickness around O.lAo, the axial-ratio band- •
width can be as wide as 6.1 % and still stay within the impedance

5.1.1 Effect of Substrate Thickness

Consider the antenna geometry shown in Figure 19. The

patch had dimensions of 28.6 mm (fV) x 28.6 mm (L), and the
ground plane was 100 mm x 100 mm. It was fed by a coaxial
probe, and the substrate was air. Using the IE3D simulation soft- Figure 19. The geometry of the single-probe-feed perturbed
ware, the return-loss bandwidth and the axial-ratio bandwidth were patch antenna.
studied for five thicknesses. For each case, the truncation parame-
ter, a, and the feed position, d, were adjusted for best performance,
and are shown in Table 8. The simulation results are shown in
Table 9.

It was seen that as the substrate thickness increased from

1 mm (0.016Ao) to 3 mm (0.046Ao), the return-loss bandwidth
increased from 4.0% to 7.4% while the axial-ratio bandwidth Table 8. The parameters of the antenna as shown
increased from 0.82% to 3.1 %. When the thickness increased fur- in Figure 18 (from [9], reproduced courtesy of
ther to 4 mm (0.06Ao), the return-loss bandwidth dropped to 4.0% EMW Publishing).
while the axial-ratio bandwidth continued to increase to 3.6%. The
important point to note is that beginning with case 2, the two fre- Case Substrate Thickness (H) a d
quency bands did not overlap. Thus, only in case 1 did the axial- 1 1 mm 0.016Ao 3.3 8.2
ratio bandwidth lie within the return-loss bandwidth. The useful 2 1.5mm 0.024.110 4.5 7.2
frequency band was determined by the axial-ratio bandwidth, from
3 2mm 0.032~ 4.9 5.5
4.90 GHz to 4.94 GHz, corresponding to 0.820/0.
4 3mm 0.046~ 5.9 5.1
5 4mm 0.06Ao 6.9 4.3
5.1.2 Broad-Banding Using aU-slot [9]

Figure 20 shows the geometry when a If-slot was added to

the square patch with truncated comers. Three thicknesses were
studied. The dimensions of the antenna are shown in Table 10, and
the simulation and measurement results are shown in Table 11.

The following was observed:

Table 9. The simulation results for different cases as shown in
1. When the 0 -slot was added onto the patch, the resonant Table 8 (from [9], reproduced courtesy of EMW Publishing).
frequency was lowered compared to the case without
the V-slot. Simulation (GHz)
Case Substrate Thickness (H)
2. By adjusting the dimensions of the If-slot, the return- 4.86-5.06 4.90-4.94
1 1mm 0.016~
loss and axial-ratio bandwidths could be tuned to over- (4.0%) (0.82%)
lap. 4.88-5.08 4.79-4.86
2 1.5mm 0.024~
(4.0%) (1.45%)
3. The measured overlapping bandwidth was 5.23% for 4.85-5.11 4.68-4.78
3 2mm 0.032Ao
H=6mm (0.08.110), and 5.84% for H=7.5mm (5.2%) (2.1%)
( O.lAo)· This is to be compared to 0.82%, achievable 4.81-5.18 4.52-4.66
4 3mm 0.046Ao
for the case of no If-slot, Of course, this was achieved (7.4%) (3.1 %)
at the expense of significantly increasing the thickness 4.89-5.09 4.40-4.57
5 4mm 0.06Ao
of the antenna. (4.0%) (3.8%)

IEEE Antennasand Propagation Magazine, Vol. 52, No.1, February 2010 83

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Table 10. The parameters of the antenna as shown in Figure 19
(from [9], reproduced courtesy of EMW Publishing).

Case Substrate Thickness (H) a d Ua Ud Ux Uy

6 4mm 0.05~ 5.7 12.6 1 9.8 12 14
7 6mm 0.08~ 7.7 9.6 1 9.8 12 14
8 7.5mm 0.1~ 8.2 5.6 1 9.8 11 14

Table 11. The results of the different cases as shown in Table 10 (from [9],
reproduced courtesy of EMW Publishing).

Simulation (GHz) Measurement (GHz)

Case Substrate Thickness (H)
3.83-4.18 3.96-4.05
6 4mm 0.05~ - -
(8.7%) (2.2%)
3.73-4.2 3.96-4.12 3.66-4.16 3.91-4.12
7 6mm 0.08~
(11.9%) (4.0%) (12.8%) (5.23%)
3.84-4.08 3.84-4.09 3.88-4.08 3.82-4.05
8 7.5mm 0.1~
(6.1%) (6.3%) (5.0%) (5.84%)


/ ! \ I
.'" A I \ I
,: I \ f
it \\ ) ~I 6 i
/ /
\' \/
5 i
....---_ _ ~,14

\ .I
\ , /;.

~•. I.. • -50 -+...----+-------+----+-..........................-+-~--====F======:::::+_

3.15 4.25 45 4.75
Ua d
Frequency (GHz)

Figure 21a. The simulated and measured performance of

case 7 (from [9], reproduced courtesy of EMW Publishing).

L o
Figure 20. The geometry of the single-feed If-slot perturbed
patch antenna (from [9], reproduced courtesy of EMW

270 t ·· ··, ·· ". ..p' i J: :, ::...... :..:;.,::, ~.~ :.i.::.:.: , -;JL! ~: .::;;:;;:. . "'1 90)

Figure 21b. The simulated and measured performance of

case 7: the radiation patterns were at 3.95 GHz (from [9],
reproduced courtesy of EMW Publishing). 180

84 IEEEAntennasand Propagation Magazine, Vol. 52, No.1, February 2010

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r············l········································ - ~_ , ~::.:::;.;=~~~.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.;;;;;;;.;;;;;;;.;;;:r 10





~ ~,
--1;- I-+- Lf

T ,.. .•»c

:~ j

·50 +-~-+----+----+-----+---~=F==::::::::=::=4.
3.5 ~

3.75 4.25 4.5 4.1$
Frcquen¢y (6Hz) LuI !I :Lu.r

Figure 22a. The simulated and measured performance of
case 8 (from [9], reproduced courtesy of EMW Publishing). ,

'Ii u
1 , LUb I

903 Figure 23. The geometry of the unequal-arm If-slot patch

antenna: L p = 44.7 mm, Wp = 44.7 mm, h = 11.0 mm,
Lui = 27.8mm, L ur =21.8mm, L ub =8.3mm, Wu =16.9mm,
Ws =2.3mm, Lf =13.9mm, L gd =102mm, Wgd =102mm,
hgd =3mm.


Figure 22b. The simulated and measured performance of

case 8: the radiation patterns were at 4 GHz (from [9],
reproduced courtesy of EMW Publishing).

4.. 0 -r--------:--..----rt'--t-'~----___.,
o 3.5 •

.... ,

"' , $' 3.0 ----------- ...., I

••••.••.• M .••• M •.•••.••'M • • • • • • w . • • • • • • •· • . • • • • • • • • • • • . • . M •

\ ,//
.-0 I
,/ ~ 2.. 5 t
•• - • - - - • - - - - • - - - - - •• - _. ...._,- - - - - - - - - - - • - -1*1 _•• _• • _ I

.... I

" , I I



-20 --------------------.------------- - measured S 11 - < 1.0 ------------ ,--- -measured

- - - simulated S11 0.5 ----- simulated,
-25 -t----r----,..---,---,--..,..---r_.----.,.--....,.--~~_..,.___r_~
0.0 +--...-...,.........---.----..---..---.---,---.---.,..---...--...,.---..---1
2.. 0 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7 20 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 27
Frequency (GHz) Frequency (GHz)
Figure 24a. The return loss of the unequal-arm V-slot patch Figure 24b. The axial ratio of the unequal-arm If-slot patch
antenna. antenna.

IEEE Antennas and Propagation Magazine, Vol. 52, No.1, February 2010 85

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The simulation and measurement results for return loss, axial ratio, 4. M. Clenet and L. Shafai, "Multiple Resonances and Polarization
and radiation patterns at one frequency for the cases of H = 6 mm of Ll-Slot Patch Antenna," Electronics Letters, 35, 2, 1999, pp.
and H = 7.5 mm are shown in Figures 21 and 22. 101-102.

5. S. Weigand, G. H. Huff, K. H. Pan, and J. T. Bernhard, "Analy-

sis and Design of Broad-Band Single-Layer Rectangular If-Slot
5.2 Circularly Polarized U-Slot Microstrip Patch Antenna," IEEE Transactions on Antennas and
Patch Antenna [10] Propagation, AP-51, 3, 2003, pp. 457-468.

6. D. H. Schaubert, D. M. Pozar and A. Adrian, "Effect of Micro-

Tong and Wong [10] have shown that by cutting a If-slot strip Antenna Substrate Thickness and Permittivity: Comparison of
with unequal arms in a rectangular patch, two degenerate orthogo- Theories and Experiment," IEEE Transactions on Antennas and
nal modes with equal amplitudes and 90° out of phase are excited, Propagation, AP-37, 6, June 1989, pp. 677-682.
resulting in circular polarization. The geometry is shown in Fig-
ure 23. The performance characteristics of one such antenna are 7. Y. X. Guo, K. M. Luk, K. F. Lee and Y. L. Chow, "Double V-
shown in Figure 24. The thickness of the substrate was about Slot Rectangular Patch Antenna," Electronics Letters, 34, 1998,
0.085Ao, and the axial-ratio bandwidth obtained was 4%. This pp. 1805-1806.
result was similar to that of a truncated square patch with a U-slot,
presented in Section 5.1. 8. K. F. Lee, S. L. Steven Yang, A. A. Kishk, "Dual and Multi
Band U-Slot Patch Antennas," IEEE Antenna and Wireless Propa-
gation Letters, 7, 2008, pp. 645-647.

6. Concluding Remarks 9. S. L. Steven Yang, K. F. Lee, A. A. Kishk, K. M. Luk, "Design

and Study of Wideband Single Feed Circularly Polarized Micro-
In this paper, a comprehensive review has been given of the strip Antennas," Progress in Electromagnetic Research, 80, 2008,
U'-slot patch antenna. Although this antenna is best known for its pp.45-61.
wideband characteristics, it can be designed to perform other
important functions. These include dual- and triple-band operation 10. K. F. Tong and T. P. Wong, "Circularly Polarized V-Slot
with small and wide frequency ratios, as well as circular polariza- Antenna," IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, AP-
tion. It is an antenna simple in structure, but versatile in applica- 55, 8, August 2007, pp. 2382-2385.
11. A. A. Deshmukh and G. Kumar, "Half If-Slot Loaded Rectan-
Several authors have demonstrated that patch antennas with gular Microstrip Antenna," IEEE International Symposium on
other slot shapes, such as the V-slot and two parallel slots, can Antennas and Propagation Digest, 2, 2003, pp. 876-879.
attain wideband characteristics similar to the If-slot patch [18-25].
It is anticipated that these variations of the V -slot technique can 12. R. Chair, K. F. Lee, C. L. Mak, K. M. Luk and A. A. Kishk,
also be used to achieve the other functions mentioned above. "Miniature Wideband Half V-Slot and Half E-Shaped Patch
Antennas," IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, AP-
Finally, while it is outside the scope of this paper to discuss 53, 8, August 2005, pp. 2645-2652.
the array applications of the Ll-slot patch antenna, we would like to
point out that this topic has been discussed in a number of papers 13. Y. X. Guo, A. Shackelford, K. F. Lee, and K. M. Luk, "Broad-
[26-29]. As in other patch-antenna arrays, feeding by a coaxial line band Quarter-Patch Antenna with a U-Shaped Slot," Microwave
requires a feed network that is not so easy to form. Instead, the and Optical Technology Letters, 28, 2001, pp. 328-330.
edge-fed or coupled-fed methods have been found to be better
solutions. 14. A. K. Shackelford, K. F. Lee, K. M. Luk and R. Chair, "V-Slot
Patch Antenna with Shorting Pin," Electronics Letters, 37, 12,
June 2001, pp. 729-730.

7. References 15. A. Shackelford, K. F. Lee and K. M. Luk, "Design of Small-

Size Wide-Bandwidth Microstrip Patch Antennas," IEEE Antennas
1. T. Huynh and K. F. Lee, "Single-Layer Single-Patch Wideband and Propagation Magazine, 45, 1, February 2003, pp. 75-83.
Microstrip Antenna," Electronics Letters, 31, 16, 1995, pp. 1310-
1312. 16. C. L. Mak, R. Chair, K. F. Lee, K. M. Luk and A. A. Kishk,
"Half V-Slot Patch Antenna with Shorting Wall," Electronics Let-
2. K. F. Lee, K. M. Luk, K. F. Tong, S. M. Shum, T. Huynh and R. ters, 39, 25, December 2003, pp. 1779-1780.
Q. Lee, "Experimental and Simulation Studies of the Coaxially-
Fed Ll-Slot Rectangular Patch Antenna," lEE Proceedings - 17. C. L. Mak, K. M. Luk, K. F. Lee, Y. L. Chow, "Experimental
Microwave Antennas and Propagation, 144, 5, 1997, pp. 354-358. Study of a Microstrip Patch Antenna with an L-Shaped Probe,"
IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, AP-48, 5, May
3. K. F. Tong, K. M. Luk, K. F. Lee, and R. Q. Lee, "A Broadband 2000, pp. 777-783.
V-Slot Rectangular Patch Antenna on a Microwave Substrate,"
IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, AP-48, 6, 2000, 18. K. M. Luk, Y. W. Lee, K. F. Tong and K. F. Lee, "Experimen-
pp. 954-960. tal Studies of Circular Patch with Slots," lEE Proceedings -
Microwave Antennas and Propagation, 144, 6, 1997, pp. 421-424.

86 IEEE Antennasand Propagation Magazine, Vol. 52, No.1, February 2010

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19. R. Bhalla and L. Shafai, "Broadband Patch Antenna with a Cir- (summers 1986, 1987). He held faculty appointments at the Catho-
cular Arc Shaped Slot," IEEE International Symposium on Anten- lic University of America (1967-72), the Chinese University of
nas and Propagation Digest, 1, June 2002, pp. 394-397. Hong Kong (1973-84), and the University of Akron (1985-88). He
held academic administrative appointments as the founding Head
20. G. H. Rafi and L. Shafai, "V-Slot Antennas for Wideband of the Department of Electronic Engineering at the City University
Applications," Symposium on Antenna Technology and Applied of Hong Kong (1984-1985), Chair and Professor of the Department
Electromagnetics, ANTEM 2002, pp. 463-466. of Electrical Engineering at the University of Toledo (1988-1995),
and Chair and LaPierre Professor of the Department of Electrical
21. G. H. Rafi and L. Shafai, "Broadband Microstrip Patch Engineering at the University of Missouri-Columbia (1996-2000).
Antenna with V-Slot," lEE Proceedings - Microwave Antennas Since January 2001, he has been Dean of Engineering and Profes-
and Propagation, 151, 3, 2004, pp. 435-440. sor of Electrical Engineering at the University of Mississippi.

22. W. H. Hsu, G. Y. Lee, and K. L. Wong, "A Wideband Prof. Lee worked on plasma waves and instabilities from
Capacitively Fed Circular-E Patch Antenna," Microwave and Opti- 1965-1980, and has worked on antennas since 1981. His publica-
cal Technology Letters, 27, 2000, pp. 134-135. tions include a textbook (Principles ofAntenna Theory, 1984), an
edited book (Advances in Microstrip and Printed Antennas, 1997),
23. B. L. Ooi and Q. Shen, "A Novel E-Shaped Broadband Micro- 11 invited book chapters on microstrip antennas, 192 journal arti-
strip Patch Antenna," Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, cles, and 146 conference papers. He is a Fellow of the IEEE and a
27,2000,pp.348-352. Fellow of the lEE. He was awarded the 2009 John Kraus Antenna
Award of the IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society for the
24. K. L. Wong and W. H. Hsu, "A Broadband Rectangular Patch development of the wideband U-slot patch antenna.
Antenna with a Pair of Wide Slits," IEEE Transactions on Anten-
nas and Propagation, AP-49, 2001, pp. 1345-1347.

25. F. Yang, Z. Z. Zhang, Z. Ye and Y. Ramat-Samii, "Wide-Band

E-Shaped Patch Antennas for Wireless Communications," IEEE
Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, AP-49, 7, 2001, pp.

26. K. F. Lee, K. M. Luk, K. F. Tong, Y. L. Yung and T. Huynh,

"Experimental Study of a Two-Element Array ofU-Slot Patches,"
Electronics Letters, 32, 1996, pp. 418-420.

27. M. Clenet and L. Shafai, "Wideband Single Layer Microstrip

Antenna for Array Applications," Electronics Letters, 35, 16,
1999,pp.1292-1293. Shing-lung Steven Yang received the PhD degree in Elec-
tronic Engineering and the BEng (Hons) degree in Electronic and
28. K. L. Lau, K. M. Luk and K. F. Lee, "Wideband U-Slot Micro- Communication Engineering (first class honor) from the City Uni-
strip Patch Antenna Array," lEE Proceedings - Microwave Anten- versity of Hong Kong in 2007 and 2003, respectively.
nas and Propagation, 148,1,2001, pp. 41-44.
In the summer of 2005, he was with the Department of
29. H. Wang, X. B. Huang and D. G. Fang, "A Single Layer Wide- Electrical Engineering, University of Mississippi, as a Visiting
band U-Slot Microstrip Patch Antenna Array," IEEE Antennas and Scholar. After he received his PhD degree in 2007, he worked at
Wireless Propagation Letters, 7, 2008, pp. 9-12. the Department of Electrical Engineering, University of Missis-
sippi, as a Post-Doc Research Associate. This paper presented the
research findings while he was at Ole Miss. In February 2009, he
joined Research in Motion Ltd. as an Antenna Designer. He is the
Introducing the Feature Article Authors author/coauthor of over 30 technical papers in international jour-
nals and conferences. His research interests include the design and
analysis of microstrip patch antennas, reconfigurable antennas,
microwave passive and active circuits, and electromagnetic band-
gap (EBG) structures.

Dr. Yang is the recipient of 13 scholarships or fellowships,

including the Sir Edward Youde Memorial Fellowships in 2004
and 2006, the Sir Edward Youde Memorial Scholarship 2003, the
Chiap Hua Cheng's Foundation Scholarship in 2003, the IEE prize
in 2003, the Simatelex Charitable Foundation Scholarships in 2003
and 2002, and the Dean's Scholarship in 2002. He was granted the
Gold Award in the Smartapps-to-go Competition, which was
Kai-Fong Lee received his BSc and MSc degrees from organized by Ericsson and Smartone (Vodafone) in 2002. He also
Queen's University, Canada, and his PhD degree from Cornell received the Champion Award in the lEE (HK) Young Member
University, all in Electrical Engineering. He held research Section (YMS) Paper Contest, and Third Prize in the IEEE (HK)
appointments at the University of California San Diego (1966-67), Student Paper Contest in 2003. He was a Youth Fellow represent-
National Center for Atmospheric Research (1968-69), National ing Hong Kong in the ITU World 2003 Youth Forum held in
Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (1972-73), and NASA Geneva. In 2004, he received the first runner-up in the 8th Chal-

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lenger Cup National Competition in China, and received a certifi- Propagation Magazine in 2001. He also received the Valued Con-
cate of merit in the IEE (HK) VMS Student Paper Contest. He tribution Award for Outstanding Invited Presentation, "EM Mod-
received the first runner-up award in the 5th IEEE (HKlMacau) eling of Surfaces with STOP or GO Characteristics - Artificial
AP/MTT Postgraduate Conference Best Student Paper Competi- Magnetic Conductors and Soft and Hard Surfaces" from the
tion in 2005. In 2006, he received the second runner-up in the lET Applied Computational Electromagnetics Society. He received the
(HK) YM Exhibition/Conference Student Paper Contest. In 2008, Microwave Theory and Techniques Society Microwave Prize in
he received the Young Scientist Award for the 2008 DRSI General 2004. Dr. Kishk is a Fellow of the IEEE, a member of the IEEE
Assembly. Antennas and Propagation Society and Microwave Theory and
Techniques Society, a member of Sigma Xi, a member of the US
National Committee of the International Union of Radio Science
(DRSI) Commission B, a member of the Applied Computational
Electromagnetics Society, a Fellow of the Electromagnetics Acad-
emy, and a member of Phi Kappa Phi.

Ahmed A. Kishk received the BS degree in Electronic and

Communication Engineering from Cairo University, Cairo, Egypt,
in 1977, and in Applied Mathematics from Ain-Shams University,
Cairo, Egypt, in 1980. In 1981, he joined the Department of Elec-
trical Engineering, University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Canada,
where he obtained his MEng and PhD degrees in 1983 and 1986, Kwai-Man Luk was born and educated in Hong Kong. He
respectively. received the BSc(Eng) and PhD degrees in Electrical Engineering
from the University of Hong Kong in 1981 and 1985, respectively.
From 1977 to 1981, he was a research assistant and an
instructor in the Faculty of Engineering, Cairo University. From He joined the Department of Electronic Engineering at City
1981 to 1985, he was a research assistant at the Department of University of Hong Kong in 1985 as a Lecturer. Two years later, he
Electrical Engineering, University of Manitoba. From December moved to the Department of Electronic Engineering at the Chinese
1985 to August 1986, he was a research associate fellow in the University of Hong Kong, where he spent four years. Prof. Luk
same department. In 1986, he joined the Department of Electrical returned to the City University of Hong Kong in 1992, and he is
Engineering, University of Mississippi, as an Assistant Professor. currently Head and Chair Professor of the Department of Elec-
He was on sabbatical leave at Chalmers University of Technology, tronic Engineering and Director of State Key Laboratory in Milli-
Sweden, during the 1994-1995 academic years. He is now a Pro- meter Waves. His recent research interests include wireless com-
fessor at the University of Mississippi (since 1995). He was an munications antenna design and millimeter-wave technologies. He
Associate Editor of the IEEE Antennas and Propagation Magazine is the author of two edited books, nine research book chapters, over
from 1990 to 1993, and he is now an Editor of the Magazine. He 250 journal papers, and 180 conference papers. He was awarded
was a co-editor of the special issue on Advances in the Application two US patents and over 10 PRC patents on the designs of various
of the Method of Moments to Electromagnetic Scattering Problems printed antennas.
in the ACES Journal. He was also an editor of the ACES Journal
during 1997. He was Editor-in-Chief of the ACES Journal from Prof. Luk was the General Chair of the 2006 IEEE Region
1998 to 2001. He was the Chair of the Physics and Engineering Ten Conference, held in Hong Kong in October 2006. He was the
division of the Mississippi Academy of Science (2001-2002). He Technical Program Chair of the Progress in Electromagnetics
was a guest editor of the special issue on artificial magnetic con- Research Symposium (PIERS 1997), held in Hong Kong in Janu-
ductors, soft/hard surfaces, and other complex surfaces for the ary 1997, and the General Vice Chair of the 1997 Asia-Pacific
IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, January 2005. Microwave Conference, held in Hong Kong in December 1997. He
was a member of the Scientific Board, EC Network of Excellence
His research interests include the areas of design of millime- in Antennas, Europe. Currently, he is a Deputy Editor-in-Chief of
ter-wave antennas, feeds for parabolic reflectors, dielectric-reso- JENWA. He has successfully supervised over 15 PhD students.
nator antennas, microstrip antennas, EBG, artificial magnetic con- Most of them have achieved distinguished careers in Hong Kong,
ductors, soft and hard surfaces, phased-array antennas, and com- Singapore, the UK, and the USA.
puter-aided design for antennas. He has published over 200 refe-
reed journal articles and 27 book chapters. He is a coauthor of Prof. Luk received the Japan Microwave Prize at the 1994
Microwave Horns and Feeds (1994) and a coauthor of Chapter 2 in Asia Pacific Microwave Conference held in Chiba, Japan, in
the Handbook of Microstrip Antennas (1989). Dr. Kishk received December 1994. He was awarded the Croucher Foundation Senior
the 1995 and 2006 outstanding paper awards for papers published Research Fellow in Hong Kong in 2000. He received the Applied
in the Applied Computational Electromagnetics Society Journal. Research Excellence Award from the City University of Hong
He received the 1997 Outstanding Engineering Educator Award Kong in 2001. He also received a Best Paper Award at the Interna-
from the Memphis Section of the IEEE. He received the Out- tional Symposium on Antennas and Propagation held in Taipei in
standing Engineering Faculty Member of the Year in 1998 and November 2008. Professor Luk is a Fellow of the IEEE, a Fellow
2009, and the faculty research award for outstanding performance of the Chinese Institute of Electronics, a Fellow of the IEE, a Fel-
in research in 2001 and 2005. He received the STC Distinguished low of the Hong Kong Institution of Engineers, and a Fellow of the
Technical Communication Award for the IEEE Antennas and Electromagnetics Academy. ~~

88 IEEE Antennas and Propagation Magazine, Vol. 52, No.1, February 2010

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