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Name: Ratih Ayu Kusumanegara

Address: jl colombo samirono baru, depok, Sleman Yogyakarta

Phone: 082242517594 Mobile:


Proposed business: Bisnis tour and travel Online

Planning is essential in the establishment of a new business. This guide will help you to start planning your
business. If you are proposing to apply for NEIS the information recorded in this guide will form the basis of
the assessment of your readiness to enter the NEIS program.
For best results take sufficient time to find out the information needed to complete the guide. Do not just make
it up or write what you think other people want to hear.
Throughout this guide there are prompts on the type of background information required to support the
development of your business idea. We encourage you to explore all possible avenues to gather information
relevant to your business area. Attach any additional information you think may be useful. This document is a
planning guide only, it is designed to assist you to start the process of developing your business idea.


The following questions are designed to assist you in the development of your business idea, your vision for the
future of the business and to detail the expertise that you bring to your new business venture.
What are your reasons for wanting to start your own small business?

Alasan saya ingin memulai bisnis ini adalah untuk mempermudah bagi yang ingin berpergian
ataupun liburan dengan mudah yaitu dengan online.

What are your objectives for your business over the next twelve months?

Tujuan saya adalah membuat web serta aplikasi online yang dapat diakses semua orang
baik lewat handphone ataupun PC. Dari mulai pesan tiket transportasi, hotel serta destinasi
What are your objectives for your business over the following two years?

Tujuan saya adalah bisnis saya dapat dikenali oleh orang banyak dan dapat memudahkan
orang untuk mecari bisnis tour dan travel secara online. Sehingga orang dapat secara
mudah untuk mencari mulai dari tiket kereta, pewawat ataupun bus serta dapat memilih
destinasi wisata yang dinginkan.
List all the products and/ or services that you plan to provide at the commencement of the business.

1. Website
2. Aplikasi di handphone
3. Kerjasama dengan PT. KAI
4. Kerjasama dengan Bus dan travel
5. Kerjasama dengan hotel-hotel di kota-kota besar di Indonesia
6. Kerjasama dengan destinasi wisata di kota-kota besar di Indonesia

List all the products and/ or services that you plan to provide in the future.

1. Website dan aplikasi bisnis tour and travel online yang mencakup rekomendasi tempat destinasi
2. Pemesanan tiket kereta, bus, serta pewat secara online
3. Pemesanan hotel secara online

Who will operate the business?

Yang mengoperasikan bisnis ini adalah saya sendiri

Who else will be employed by the business immediately?

Pekerja part time untuk mengurusi web dan aplikasi

Who else will be employed by the business in the future?

Seorang desain grafis yang dapat mendesain aplikasi dan website secara lebih manarik.

This section will help you to calculate the amount of money you need to get your business underway.
It also looks at your ability to gain finances and whom you will approach if finance is necessary.

List all the equipment that you will need for the business, eg: Plant and equipment, fittings, tools,
office furniture, computer equipment.

Already Own Approximate value

Total Rp. 15.000.000

Need to acquire Approximate value

Total Rp. 15.000.000


What are your Start Up Expenses?

Complete the following checklist of Business start up expenses.

Business Name
Registration 100.000

Licences and Permits 200.000

Advertising and Promotion 1.500.000

Printing and Stationery 50.000

TOTAL Rp. 1.850.000

What finance do you need to raise now?

Keuangan modal yang harus saya tingkatkan

How do you intend to raise the Finance?

 Personal Income
 Bank Loan
 Family

Explain how you calculated the cost of producing your product/service

Pembuatan website aplikasi memang cukup terjangkau dan murah. Di samping itu, dengan menggunakan jasa
pembuatan website ada berbagai keuntungan yang bisa didapatkan.

Untuk membuat website, standarnya terdapat beberapa halaman yang terdiri atas halaman profil, halaman
depan, halaman kontak, dan halaman layanan atau jasa. Website standar tersebut umumnya hanya
mempunyai halaman statis dan biasanya tidak diubah untuk jangka waktu yang lama, dan cocok untuk website
company profile. Di samping itu, web standar ini tak mempunyai interaktivitas, jadi pengunjung tak bisa
berinteraksi dengan pihak pemilik website. Pengunjung web hanya bisa browsing. Adapun harga pembuatan
website aplikasi standar ini berkisar antara Rp. 400 ribu-Rp. 800 ribuan.

Expected turnover in the 1st year – How did you calculate this?

Setelah 1 tahun, saya mengharapkan perputaran uang yaitu balik modal sebesar 15.000.000


Complete the following checklists of projected business expenses for the first 12 months of operation of your
business. .

Advertising 3.000.000
Bank Charges 300.000
Interest 450.000
Internet Service Provider 1.000.000
Telephone - Landline 2.000.000
- Mobile
TOTAL 4.050.000

What are your current monthly financial commitments?

Pekerja part time 400.000

Internet dan telepon 460.000
Biaya promosi 500.000
Biaya overhead 300.000

TOTAL 1.660.000

List any current mortgages, personal loans, hire purchase, leasing other commitments you hold.

Financial Type of loan Repayment Period of loan

Institution per month

Bank hutang 450.000 2 th

Market research involves collecting information about your market segment – where they live, what their income
is, what they spend their income on – anything about them that will help you ensure your product is attractive to
Market research will involve:
 Talking to people who are in similar fields jewellery
 Talking to your “target market” (i.e. people you believe will use/buy your product or service).
 Talking to people who have specialist knowledge of the industry you are entering.
 Sourcing written material specific to your area of interest.
 Gathering statistical data relevant to your area of interest.
Prepare your questions before you approach people.
To find out about your target market you must be prepared to ask “hard questions” or exploratory questions that
will give you a sound understanding of your target market, how they think and what will appeal to them.
To ensure that the information gathered is relevant, select people who have detailed knowledge and experience
in the industry sector you propose to enter.
Ask targeted questions, designed to provide realistic feedback on your business idea. Accordingly questions
should be framed to draw information on the positives and negatives of the industry sector you propose entering.
For a business to be successful there must be enough people who want to buy your product or service. You also
need to ensure your product or service is accessible to the people who may want to buy it. It has to be available
in the right places in the right quantities and presented in a way that will be attractive to your customer. The
people you are aiming your product at are your “target market” or “market segment”.
In the space below, write down the questions you will ask to identify your market segment eg
1. Why would you choose this product/service?
2. How would describe most people who buy this product/service?
3. Where would you look to find this product/service?
4. What would you expect to pay for this product/service?
5. How often would you buy this product?
6. If you would like more information about this product, contact ……
Number of questionnaires 10 Results Tertarik dengan bisnis plan saya

Person consulted 35 Date 11 September 2019

Summarize the information collected during this consultation.

Rata-rata orang ingin berpergian berlibur setidaknya 6 bulan sekali dalam setahun sehingga dibutuhkan sebuah
aplikasi dan website bisnis tour and travel yang memudahkan dalam mencari, reservasi dan untuk memberikan
rekomendasi wisata yang sesuai dengan budget yang tersedia.

Profile your prospective customer or “market segment”

(i.e.:- where do they live? how much do they earn? how old are they? are they men? women? etc.)

Target pasar saya adalah keluarga serta mahasiswa yang ingin berlibur
Why will your prospective clients use your product or service?

Dengan menggunakan bisnis tour and travel online ini, jelas pasti memudahkan dalam merencanakan, mencari,
reservasi liburan tanpa harus susah-susah memesan tiket secara terpisah-pisah. Sehingga akan hemat waktu
dan tenaga.

How will you sell your product or service? (eg: from home, production point, door to door, wholesale, retail,
mail order etc.).

Pertama dengan membuat website dan aplikasi. Untuk promosi saya menggunakan media sosial seperti
instagram, twitter dan facebook yang kebanyakan orang menggunakan aplikasi tersebut. Serta memberikan
promosi besar-besaran dalam 4 bulan pertama agar banyak orang tertarik dengan bisnis tour and travel kami.
Serta memberikan potongan harga untuk orang yang dapat mengajak teman lain untuk mengunduh aplikasi
bisnis tour and travel sehingga aplikasi ini dapat diketahui lebih banyak orang.

Will you sell locally, regionally, statewide, nationally or internationally?

Saya akan mempasarkan produk saya secara nasional.

How will you deliver your product to the point of sale?

Dengan kerjasama dengan pihak hotel, PT KAI, PT Dirgantara Indonesia serta tempat-tempat wisata di Indonesia
untuk memberikan pelayanan maksimal untuk pengguna bisnis tour and travel.

Find out if other businesses are providing the same or a similar product or service. To do this, look at ads in the
local paper, check the phone book and talk to people.

If there are other businesses providing your product or service, then you need to establish very clearly that there
is an unsatisfied demand in the marketplace which your business will target.

It is important that you know your competition. Learn from what they do well, identify what you can do better.

Competition does not just come from businesses that are the same or similar to yours, you are competing for the
dollars that people spend in that “market segment”.

Report your findings.

Who is your competition?

Website-website lain seperti,, dan lainnya.

What do they do well?

Mereka banyak memberikan diskon kepada pengguna website mereka, serta mereka gencar melakukan

What can you do better/differently?

Dengan bisnis tour and travel pengguna dapat melihat rekomendasi paket liburan seperti apa yang akan
direncanakan dari mulai transportasi, hotel serta destinasi wisata.

How does your business address unsatisfied market need?

Kami akan terus meng-upgrade kekurangan kami, serta mengembangkan web serta aplikasi agar lebih dapat
diterima di dalam masyarakat.
What Small Business experience do you have?

Saya memiliki pengalaman bisnis online shop yaitu jilba yang saya jual secara onine melalui instagram

List the skills you need to operate this business.

1. Desain website
2. Membuat aplikasi untuk handphone

What skills do you need to gain to further develop your product or provide your service?

Menjalin kerjasama dengan hotel, transportasi, destinasi wisata serta agen travel lain.

Tick areas that you currently hold business management skills in

1. Bookkeeping
2. Record Keeping
3. Marketing
4. Personnel Management
5. Time Management
6. Motivation
7. Communication skills
8. Planning and Goal Setting
9. Business Licensing and regulation
10. Customer Service

We recommend that you attach your current resume and relevant qualifications.

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