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When you are at the height of a mountain peak, of course seeing the sunrise is the thing you want to do
most. This is also the activity most often carried out by climbers of several mountains in Indonesia.
Likewise when they are on the hill Sikunir, Dieng, Wonosobo, Central Java. The appearance of the
sunrise and sunset at its peak is very beautiful. The shape is in the form of a small hill, making it easy for
anyone to climb. Even people who have never been destroyed before the mountain can enjoy the
beautiful scenery on Sikunir Hill.

The view of the sunrise and sunset is captivating, coupled with the charm of the presence of a viewing
post, making it similar to an area on the island of Bali. The view of the Sikunir hill is decorated with a
very charming expanse of ocean clouds. In addition, there is also a cebong lake which adds to the beauty
of its scenery. As well as the journey home from Sikunir hill, it will be decorated with the presence of
potato farmers who are farming traditionally. One of the most important and never forgotten things is
capturing the moment by taking pictures. sunrise or sunset is the best time to be used as a photo
background, with the beautiful orange or yellow light from the sun. In addition, to make it better, many
also immortalize it in video form.

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