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Marine Tourism Ecotourism

Object  Rotiklot
 Aufuik Dam
Beach  Mother
 Octopus Marry
Gulf Statue

“ Create unforgettable experience in the border area “

Published by :
Jl. Raya Berluli Motaain – Atapupu
Hp : 082187610258
Atambua is the capital city of Belu Regency in the
province of East Nusa Tenggara, Indonesia. Atambua city is
located on the border between Indonesia and Timor Leste.
This city is the capital of Belu Regency in East Nusa
Tenggara with a population of approximately 80,000 in
habitants. Atambua City in Belu Regency has a lot of tourism
potential that can be explored and developed into an attractive
tourist destination. The city has 12 districts. One of the sub-
districts that has the greatest tourism potential is Kakuluk
Mesak Subdistrict.
Tourism is all activities, facilities and services
resulting from the temporary movement of a person out of his
place of residence, and staying for a short time at the
destination of the trip, for the purpose of having fun and
vacation. Tourism is often defined as a travel activity that is
more related to leisure activities and for fun. Another opinion
also says that tourism is a journey carried out for recreation or
vacation, and also preparations are made for this activity.
Tourism is one of the mainstay sectors that is able to
increase national economic activities, both as a foreign
exchange earner, a provider of employment, and as a driver of
increasing people's income. And to improve the tourism
sector, what is needed to support the improvement of the
tourism sector is the ease of tourists in obtaining information
on tourism places, especially marine tourism & ecotourism
objects located in the Kakuluk Mesak sub-district.
Therefore, it is necessary to have a tourist guide book
that can help and facilitate both local and foreign tourists in
finding marine tourism & ecotourism objects located in
Kakuluk Mesak subdistrict where from this tourist guide book
tourists can find out information related to tourism objects
such as the advantages of the tourist objects visited, the
supporting facilities in the tourist attraction and the activities
that can be done by tourists when visiting tourism objects
such as diving, surfing and so on.
With the creation of this travel guide book, it is hoped
that tourism actors such as tourism awareness groups and
other tourism communities as well as business people
engaged in the tourism business can take advantage of this
tourist guide book as a guide for visiting tourism objects and
introducing existing marine & ecotourism attractions. in the
district of Kakuluk Mesak. In addition, this travel guide book
is aimed at local and foreign tourists who like traveling,
photography, being up to date and happy to find new things.
This guide book is equipped with photos that are able
to visualize places that can be visited by tourists, it is hoped
that this guide book can help travel to Kakuluk Mesak sub
district and can attract tourists to come to this place.

Title Page ……………………………………… I

Tourist map ……………………………………… II
Introduction ……………………………………... III
Tourist Attractions in Kakuluk Mesak District
 Rotiklot Dam ……………
 Susuk Pound
 Afuik Beach
 Mother Marry Statue
 Octopus Gulf
 Sukaerlaran Beach
 White Sand Beach
Bendungan Rotiklot

Bendungan Rotiklot adalah sebuah Bendungan Yang

terletak di Desa Fatuketi,Kecamatan Kakuluk
Mesak,Kabupaten Belu,Nusa Tenggara Timur. Jarak tempuh
dari Kota Atambua menuju ke Bendungan Rotiklot sendiri
mencapai kurang lebih delapan kilometer. Aksesnya pun
sangat mudah. Biaya tarif masuknya adalah Rp. 10.000,-.
Keunggulan yang terdapat pada Bendungan ini yaitu
untuk memenuhi kebutuhan Masyarakat dalam Bidang
Pertanian dan Pertenakan,serta mendorong sektor Pariwisata.
Selain itu,Bendungan ini dapat mengurangi risiko Banjir di
Kabupaten Belu,Khususnya di Kecamatan Kakuluk Mesak.
Aktivitas yang di lakukan di Bendungan ini seperti
Memancing, Berfoto-foto serta menikmati pemandangan
Alam yang berada di sekitar Bendungan Rotiklot Tersebut.
Rotiklot Dam
(Man Made Tourist Object)

The Rotiklot Dam is a located in Fatuketi

Village,Kakuluk Mesak District,Belu Regency,East Nusa
Tenggara Province. The distance from the City of Atambua to
the Rotiklot Dam itself reaches approximately eight
kilometers. The acces is very easy. The entry rate fee is 10
thousand rupiah. The advantages contained in this Dam are to
meet the needs of the Community in the fields of Agriculture
and Livestock, and encourage the Tourism Sector. In
addition,this Dam can reduce the risk of flooding in Belu
District, espwcially in Kakuluk Mesak District. Activities
conducted in the Dam such as fishing, take Pictures and enjoy
the natural scenery around the Rotiklot Dam.

Kolam Susuk
Objek wisata Kolam Susuk ini berada di Kabupaten
Belu , Kecamatan Kakuluk Mesak tepatnya di Desa Dualaus
dengan jarak tempuh dari Kota Atambua menuju Kolam
Susuk sekitar 17 Km. Aksesnya pun sangat mudah. Biaya tarif
masuk :
 Untuk anak-anak Rp 2.500|orang
 Untuk orang dewasa Rp 10.000|orang.
Keunggulan yang terdapat di Kolam Susuk ini yaitu
dapat menginspirasikan masyarakat setempat untuk memulai
budidaya ikan Bandeng dan Udang . Ikan Bandeng yang
dipelihara di kolam susuk akan menjaga populasi nyamuk di
kolam itu dengan memakan larva nyamuk. Sampai saat ini di
kolam susuk para pengunjung dapat menikmati ikan Bandeng
bakar yang ditangkap dan tak kalah menariknya dengan
pemandangan Alam Manggrovenya serta pondok - pondoknya
yang begitu indah.

Susuk Pound
This implant Pool is Located in Belu District,
Kakuluk Mesak Sub-District, precisely in Dualaus Village.
The distance from Atambua City to the impland Pool is about
17 Km. Access is Very easy.
Entrance fee:
For Childrens IDR 2.500|Pax
 For Adulsts IDR 10.000|Pax
The advantage of this impland pound is that it can inspire
local people to start cultivating milkfish and shrimp. Milkfish
that is kept implant pond ,visitors can enjoy the caught grilled
milkfish and no less interesting is the natural scenery of the
mangroves and the beautiful cottages.


Pantai Aufuik terletak di Desa Dualaus, Kec Kakuluk

Mesak Nusa Tenggara Timur. Jarak dari kota atambua menuju
pantai Aufuik kurang lebih 22 km dengan waktu tempuh 35
menit menggunakan kendaraan beroda dua maupun beroda
Pantai aufuik termasuk salah satu pantai yang bersih
dengan fasilitas yang cukup memadai didalamnya seperti lopo
dan toilet. Selain itu juga pantai aufuik memiliki
pemandangan yang begitu indah dengan pesona batu karang
disepanjang pinggir pantai yang menambah eksotiknya pantai
ini. Banyak aktivitas yang dapat di lakukan di objek wisata
satu ini seperti berjemur di pinggir pantai, berenang dan
menyelam. Kita juga di suguhkan oleh pemandangan sunset
yang sangat menarik di sore hari sehingga cocok bagi
wisatawan yang memiliki hobi photography.
Harga tarif masuk ke pantai ini pun tergolong relative murah
dan cocok untuk semua kalangan. Hanya dengan Rp 5.000,-
untuk kendaraan beroda dua dan Rp 10.000,- untuk kendaraan
beroda empat, kita dapat menikmati keindahan pantai aufuik.
Pantai aufuik di buka setiap hari dan paling ramai
pengunjungnya pada akhir pekan.


Aufuik beach is located in Dualaus village, Kakuluk

Mesak Subdistrict, East Nusa Tenggara. The distance from
atambua city to aufuik beach is about 22 km with a travel
time of 35 minutes by a motorcycle or car.
Aufuik beach is one of the clean beaches with
adequate facilities in it such as lopo and toilets. In addition,
Aufuik beach has a very beautiful view with the charm of the
rocks along the beach which adds to the exoticism of this
beach. There are many activities that can be done in this
tourist attraction, such as sunbathing on the beach, swimming
and diving. We are also presented with a very interesting
sunset view in the afternoon so it is suitable for tourists who
have a hobby of photography.
The price of admission to this beach is also relatively
cheap and suitable for all walks of life. Only Rp. 5,000 for
two-wheeled vehicles and Rp. 10,000 for four-wheeled
vehicles, we can enjoy the beauty of Aufuik beach.
Aufuik beach is open every day and is the most
crowded on weekends.


Patung Bunda Maria Segala Bangsa atau Patung

Maria Bunda Segala Bangsa atau Patung Bunda Maria
Pelindung Segala Bangsa ini berlokasi di Bukit Fatuloko,
Dusun Gurita, Teluk Gurita, Desa Dualaus, Kecamatan
Kakuluk Mesak, Kabupaten Belu, Pulau Timor, Nusa
Tenggara Timur (NTT). Patung Bunda Maria memiliki 
tinggi 33 meter, yang dibangun diatas sebuah Gereja dengan
memiliki banyak keunikan di dalam area gereja tersebut. Dari
atas Patung Bunda Maria ini, kita disuguhkan keindahan
pantai Teluk Gurita. Patung Bunda Maria ini menjadi
salah satu ikon wisata ziarah tidak hanya di Kabupaten
Belu saja tetapi di Provinsi NTT.
Jarak dari kota atambua menuju patung bunda maria
kurang lebih 22,5 km dengan waktu tempuh kurang lebih 37
mnit. Akses menuju obyek wisata ini pun sangatlah mudah.
Traveller bisa menggunakan kendaraan beroda dua maupun
beroda empat. Salah satu aktivitas yang bisa dilakukan di
obyek wisata ini adalah berdoa/berziarah. Fasilitas pendukung
yang terdapat dalam obyek wisata ini pun terbilang cukup
lengkap yakni tempat sampah, toilet dan rumah singgah.


The Statue of Our Lady of

All Nations or the Statue of Mary Mother of All Nations or
the Statue of Our Lady of Protector of All Nations is located
on Fatuloko Hill, Gurita Hamlet, Gurita Bay, Dualaus Village,
Kakuluk Mesak District, Belu Regency, Timor Island, East
Nusa Tenggara (NTT). The statue of the Virgin Mary has a
height of 33 meters, which was built on top of a church with
many unique features in the church area. From the top of the
statue of the Virgin Mary, we are presented with the beauty of
the Octopus Bay beach. The statue of the Virgin Mary has
become one of the icons of pilgrimage tourism not only in
Belu Regency but in NTT Province.
The distance from the city of Atambua to the statue of
the Virgin Mary is approximately 22.5 km with a travel time
of approximately 37 minutes. Access to this tourist attraction
is also very easy. Travelers can use two-wheeled or four-
wheeled vehicles. One of the activities that can be done in this
tourist attraction is praying/pilgrimage. The supporting
facilities contained in this tourist attraction are also quite
complete, namely trash cans, toilets and shelters.


Teluk Gurita terletak di Desa Dualaus, Kecamatan

Kakuluk Mesak, Kab. Belu, Provinsi Nusa Tenggara Timur.
Jarak dari kota atambua ke Teluk Gurita kurang lebih 20 Km
dengan waktu tempuh sekitar 32 menit. Obyek wisata ini pun
mudah dijangkau dengan kendaraan beroda dua maupun
Teluk Gurita merupakan potensi wisata alam yang
menakjubkan. Pada jaman dahulu Teluk ini bernama Kuit
Namon. Teluk ini sudah dijadikan pelabuhan alam sesak
nenek moyang. Selain lautnya yang dalam juga tenang dan
dikelilingi bukit, obyek wisata yang satu ini sangat cocok bagi
traveller yang memiliki hobi memancing serta menyelam
karena keindahan alam bawah laut yang bisa langsung
terlihat dari atas permukaan air laut. Obyek wisata ini juga
sangat cocok bagi wisatawan yang memiliki hobi fotografi
khusunya saat sunset.
Tarif masuk obyek wisata ini pun terbilang relatif
murah. Hanya dengan Rp 5.000,- saja wisatawan sudah dapat
menikmati keindahan pantai teluk gurita.


Octopus Gulf is located in Dualaus Village, Kakuluk

Mesak District, Kab. Belu, East Nusa Tenggara Province. The
distance from the city of Atambua to Teluk Gurita is
approximately 20 Km with a travel time of about 32 minutes.
This tourist attraction is also easily accessible by two or four-
wheeled vehicles.
Octopus Bay is an amazing natural tourism potential.
In ancient times this bay was named Kuit Namon. This bay
has been used as a natural harbor crowded with ancestors.
Besides the deep sea is also calm and surrounded by hills, this
one tourist attraction is very suitable for travelers who have a
hobby of fishing and diving because of the underwater natural
beauty that can be directly seen from above sea level. This
tourist attraction is also very suitable for tourists who have a
hobby of photography, especially at sunset.
The entrance fee for this tourist attraction is also
relatively cheap. Only with IDR 5,000, tourists can enjoy the
beauty of the octopus bay beach.
Pantai sukaerlaran
Destinasi Wisata Bahari Belu Utara

Pantai sukaerlaran terletak di desa kenebibi kecamatan

kakuluk mesak kabupaten belu. Jarak dari kota atambua ke
pantai sukaerlaran sekitar 30 km dengan waktu tempuh ± 30
menit. Kita bisa menggunakan mobil atau motor dengan tiket
masuk hanya Rp. 5.000,- dan Rp 10.000,- saja.
Pantai sukaerlaran bersebelahan dengan pantai pasir putih.
Keduannya berada di desa yang sama. Tidak ada perbedaan
yang signifikan antara keduannya, sebab pantai ini juga
berpasir putih apalagi area pantainya cukup luas. Di tengah
daerah yang luas itu tumbuh pohon-pohon asam yang rindang.
Konon dari pohon-pohon inilah nama sukaerlaran muncul. Di
objek wisata tersebut tersedia fasilitas-fasilitas seperti
pondok-pondok, warung kopi, kamar mandi, WC, dan sumur
untuk bilas usai berenang. Disitu juga menyediakan sewa
perahu dengan harga Rp. 5.000 per orang. Objek wisata
sukaerlaran juga bisa di jadikan sebuah tempat untuk
membuat berbagai macam kegiatan misalnya syukuran ulang
tahun, konser, kegiatan penutupan bulan keluarga dan

Sukaerlaran beach
Marine Tourism of North Belu

Sukaerlaran beach is located in kenebibi village,

kakuluk mesak district, Belu regency. The distance from
Atambua city to sukaerlaran beach is about 30 km and takes ±
30 minutes. We can use a car or motorcycle with an entrance
ticket of only Rp. 5,000, - and Rp 10,000, - only.
Sukaerlaran beach is adjacent to white sand beach .
Both are in the same vilage . There is no significant difference
between both of them, because it is also has a white sand
beach. In the middle of a that area grow tamarin trees. It is
said that from this tree sukaerlaran name appears, because this
name mens ‘a collection of tamarin tree”. At the tourist
attraction facilities are available such as huts,coffe shops,
bathrooms, toilets, and wells to rinse after swimming. There
also provide boat rental at a price of Rp. 5.000 /person.
Sukaerlaran tourism object to make various kinds of activities
such as birthday celebrations, concerts, family closing
activities, and so on.

Pantai pasir putih

Pantai pasir putih berada di kecamatan kakuluk mesak ,

kabupaten belu. Dari pusat kota atambua, jaraknya sekitar 30
km. Kita bisa menggunakan mobil atau motor. Tiket masuk
dalam objek wisata tersebut:
 Anak- anak Rp 2.500
 Orang dewasa Rp 5.000
 Truck/Bus/mini bus Rp 15.000
 Sedan/jeep Rp. 10.000
 Sepeda motor Rp 5.000
 Sepeda/gerobak Rp.1.000

Pantai ini tepat berada di tepi jalan raya nasional trans

timor. Aksesnya pun sangat mudah. Seperti namanya,
berkunjung kesini, anda akan di suguhi hamparan pasir putih
di sepanjang pantai. Ombaknya tenang dengan angin semilir
yang akan membuat anda terbuai. Jajaran hutan bakau di
ujung kanan kiri menjadi pembatas pantai pasir
putih.Perpaduan gundukan pasir putih di padu dengan
pepohonan hijau membuat suasana di pantai pasir putih terasa
sejuk meski di siang hari,pantai pasir putih juga merupakan
tempat favorit menyaksikan panorama matahari terbenam di
sore hari.

Fasilitas yang akan kamu dapatkan disana selain toilet,

terdapat beberapa lopo dan tempat duduk disekitar pantai
yang dapat kamu gunakan untuk bersantai sejenak sambil
menikmati keindahan pantai.

The white sand beach is located in the Kakuluk

Mesak sub-district, Belu Regency. From downtown Atambua,
the distance is about 30 km. We can use a car or motorbike.
Entrance tickets to these attractions:
• Children IDR 2,500
• Adults IDR 5,000
• Truck/Bus/mini bus Rp 15.000
• Sedan/jeep Rp. 10,000
• Motorcycle IDR 5,000
• Bike/cart Rp.1,000
This beach is right on the edge of the trans timor
national highway. Access is also very easy. As the name
suggests, visiting here, you will be treated to a stretch of white
sand along the beach. The waves are calm with a gentle
breeze that will make you lulled. The range of mangrove
forests at the far right and left becomes a barrier to the white
sand beach. The combination of white sand dunes combined
with green trees makes the atmosphere on the white sand
beach feel cool even during the day, white sand beaches are
also a favorite place to watch the sunset panorama in the
The facilities that you will get there besides toilets,
there are several lopos and seats around the beach that you
can use to relax for a moment while enjoying the beauty of
the beach.
Arrange Guide Book Team

Ms. Bella Mr. Tony Ms. Tilde Ms. Rara

Ms. Febro Mr. Jonathan Mr. Leon Mr. Karlos

Ms. Eta Ms. Leny Ms. Tersi Ms. Rachel

Ms. Sara Ms. Ina Ms. Helmi Ms. Risty

Assisment Guide Book Team

Mr. Lourenco D. Gomes, SS

Leader Program Of Marine

Tourism & Ecotourism

Miss Prima N. M. Bere, Mr. Urbanus Leltakaeb,

SST Amd.Par, S.Pd

Productive Teacher Of Productive Teacher Of

Marine Tourism & Marine Tourism &
Ecotourism Department Ecotourism Department

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