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Assignment of :

-Research method VS methodology

- Research problem VS question

Name\ Hassan Ali Al-Qarni

ID\ 439803285
Research Method VS Methodology:
Any researchers fall for the confusion between both wards and that’s understandable since
methodology refer to method+ logy which means the study of methods. One of the primary
differences between them is that research methods are the methods by which you conduct research
into a subject or a topic. On the other hand research methodology explains the methods by which
you may proceed with your research On the other hand research methodology explains the methods
by which you may proceed with your research (Goundar2012).

- methods consist of all techniques, strategies, and tools employed by a researcher to complete the
experiment and find solution to the research problem.

- Where's, methodology is a systematic and theoretical approach to collect and evaluate data
throughout the research process. It allows researchers to validate a study’s rigor to acquire new
information. The purpose of research methodology is to prove the credibility, validity, and
reliability of a chosen research method. (Manjahi 2021)

- The main objective of method is to discover solutions to research problems. And the main
objective of methodology is to use the correct procedures to discover solutions to research

- the method narrow scope of practice (i.e., consists of various research strategies, methods,
techniques, tools, etc.). While methodology has much wider scope of practice, which includes the
research methods

- Methods used in later stages of research. And methodology used in the beginning stages of

Methodology seeks consideration of the following aspects:( Rahman n.d)

.finding the suitable research method for the chosen problem -

-discovering the accuracy of the results of a chosen method, and

ensuring the efficiency of the research method -

-As method has the consideration of three groups: ( Rahman n.d)

Group one: which includes all methods involved with data collection -

Group tow: which includes all statistical techniques employed to create relationships between -

.Group three: which includes those methods used to evaluate accuracy of results -
when to use “method” and “methodology” (Brookshier 2018)
If you work in industry, it’s likely that you will mostly be talking about methods. Here are some
ways you can use “methods” in context:

 I’m trying to decide between doing a contextual inquiry, or bringing in participants

for interviews. Which method would you choose while balancing cost, research time, and
usefulness of the data?

 We want to have hard data with a large number of participants to answer this question, so
we should choose a quantitative method, such as a survey that collects data with Likert

If you are working in academia and writing research papers, you want to consider including a
description of your methodology. However, framing your approach in industry can have many
benefits as well. Here are several examples for using “methodology”:

 The phenomenological methodology was chosen for this study on the experience of people

residing in low income housing in California because the holistic lived experience
uncovered areas of opportunity for the state to implement for their next low income housing

 In order to create brand new party board game, we used the participatory methodological

approach in our design research process. This allowed us to consider the social atmosphere
and take input from our participants when developing game play and rules.

Research Problem VS Research Question

A research problem, or phenomenon as it might be called in many forms of qualitative research,
is the topic you would like to address, investigate, or study, whether descriptively or
experimentally. It is the focus or reason for engaging in your research. It is typically a topic,
phenomenon, or challenge that you are interested in and with which you are at least somewhat
familiar. (Who 2001) . A research problem does not state how to do something, offer a vague or
broad proposition, or present a value question.

At the beginning of the study we start demonstrating the research problem which we obtain from
daily observing situation then try to narrow it spectrum A research question aims to further narrow
down the scope of the study. It is a possibility you explore through your study aiming to solve the
problem of your study and is expressed in the form of a question. Note that you may need to come
up with several potential questions before deciding on a final question. For these, you will first need
to do a literature search for your topic. In your topic, to come up with research questions, you will
need to inspect aspects such as extent of ITN utilization among the study groups, factors among the
groups (both exposed and unexposed, as this is a case-control study) enabling ITN utilization, and
so on.
The final question becomes the hypothesis of the study. It is a tentative answer to the problem of the
study that you will seek to address in your study. The hypothesis is expressed in the form of a
statement rather than a question.
A research question is a way of expressing your interest in a problem or phenomenon. The
research problem can have more than one question and here comes the role of the researcher to
chose the question he desire to find the answer for it at the end of the research. The final question
becomes the hypothesis of the study. It is a tentative answer to the problem of the study that you
will seek to address in your study. The hypothesis is expressed in the form of a statement rather
than a question.

1- Sam Goundar. (march2012) Chapter 3 - Research Methodology and Research Method.

2- Uttkarsha Bhosale (aug 2021). Top 5 Key Differences Between Methods and Methodology.
Enago academy.

3- Sunil Manjhi (feb 2021), Difference between Research Method and Research Methodology.
Scriped .

4- Akidur Rahman (n,d). The Differences Between Research Methods and Research Methodology.

5- Kathryn Brookshier (jan 2018). Method vs. methodology: understanding the

difference .UX colllective. Available from

6- The Research Problem/Question (n.d), university of southern California. Retrieved from:

7- Health research methodology (2001). Who manila." Chapter two research strategy and design"

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