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All children have the right to go to school and -HISTORY OF CHILS RIGHTS The United Nations Convention on the

ited Nations Convention on the Rights

learn, regardless of who they are... of the Child is an important agreement by
It was originally created in 1946 as the
United Nations International Children's countries who have promised to protect
Emergency Fund (Unicef), to help the children’s rights.
children of Europe after World War II. In
1953, Unicef became a permanent agency 28. THE RIGHT TO EDUCATION
within the UN system, charged with helping
children and families and their rights.
-1959 The right to education is a fundamental right
The United Nations General Assembly of all children.
adopts the Declaration of the Rights of the Every child has the right to an education.
where they live or how much money their family Primary education should be free. Secondary
has. Quality learning requires a safe Child, which recognizes, among other rights,
children’s rights to education, play, a and higher education should be available to
environment, qualified teachers, and instruction
supportive environment and health care. every child. Children should be encouraged
-1966 to go to school to the highest level possible.
Discipline in schools should respect children’s
With the International Covenants on Civil
rights and never use violence.
and Political Rights and on Economic, Social
and Cultural Rights, United Nations Member
States promise to uphold equal rights - Daniela Cardenas
including education and protection - for all
Countries where children's rights are
not respected
In 2015, UNICEF identified 1,500 cases of serious Pakistan has over 80 million children and is
violations of children's rights in Syria,
suffering to fulfil their needs.
-SOMALIA, AFRICA In 2016, UNICEF reported that there were a total
With 23 million children unable to go to
Children of Somalia are constantly unable to of 80,000 children who were not attending school, only 71% of children attend primary
enjoy the fulfillment of their rights due to the school. school in Pakistan. The difficulties of public
extremely difficult context in wich they live. More than a quarter of the schools have been education are numerous, we can find
Education in Somalia is often informal, all damaged or destroyed. These targeted attacks economic limitations, buildings in ruins, lack
have a profound impact on children who may be
children living in rural areas have significantly of bathrooms, chairs, tables, etc.
afraid to travel to school, fearing attacks and
reduced access to public education. Teachers are poorly qualified and it is not
abductions. Additionally, the school system is
Many girls drop out of school when they also hampered by teachers fleeing the war. One uncommon for children to drop out of school.
have their first period or when they get third of the children among the 1,500 cases died Afghan refugees in Pakistan are invisible
married. UNICEF reported an enrollment rate while in school or when traveling to or from under Pakistani law and are therefore
of 30% in Somali schools. school. More than a quarter of the schools deprived of school and have to work to
We found a large disparity in the literacy rate have been damaged or destroyed. These survive.
between men and women. targeted attacks have a profound impact on
children who may be afraid to travel to
school, fearing attacks and abductions.
Additionally, the school system is also
hampered by teachers fleeing the war. One
third of the children among the 1,500 cases
Children during a lesson at the school in Barawe,
died while in school or when traveling to or A primary school in a village in the Sindh region
Somalia from school.

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