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Never in history problems towards climate change triggered the world like the present. Although
climate change is happening, many people still refuse despite being exposed to empirical evidence. We
notice that to convince those people, we need to answer the following questions:  What is climate
change? What is its empirical evidence? In scientific explanation, is climate change real? Why do people
try to deny it? And what could we do now?

II. Body
1. Definition
To have a general background about climate change, first, look at its definition according to the
United Nations. “Climate change refers to long-term shifts in temperatures and weather patterns.” 

2. CC under science eyes.

Scientists mainly depend on two factors to tell us about climate change. First, take a look at the
temperature anomalies - which is the departure from the average temperature - over a period of time.
Looking at the 2 graphs, one can see that the range of temperature anomaly shifted from -0.2 to 0.2 
between 1951 and 1980 to  -0.1 to 0.9 in the period from 1981 to 2010, which indicates the gradual
increase of the global temperature. 

Scientists mainly depend on two factors to tell us about climate change. First, take a look at the
temperature anomalies - which is the departure from the average temperature - over a period of time.
Looking at the 2 graphs, one can see the gradual increase of the global temperature. 

When consuming this information, many would ask “So what?”. For those who deny climate
change, they simply say that's just the natural cycle and not a big deal. In this case, let’s move to the
second factor - the heatwave. Here are 4 charts representing the heatwave characteristics in the United
States from 1961 to 2019. We clearly see they all have a significant upward trend, especially after the
1980s. Yes, climate change may be a part of nature, but it’s a thing that we SHOULD AND MUST
CARE ABOUT since it happens faster and more deadly when humans have emitted trillion tons of
greenhouse gas since Industrial Revolutions.

Right this time, you may take a few seconds to reflect on your carbon footprints towards the
Earth. Also, I invite you to join me on the trip to our team’s exhibition - where we provide you with
information and images, which may provoke your stubborn
3. Effect
The first is Health. The dirty fossil fuel emissions that contribute to the greenhouse effect cause
air pollution and lead to severe respiratory diseases – such as asthma – in children and adults. According
to WHO, air pollution kills an estimated 7 million people worldwide every year. Do you wanna be one of
, Extinction. Climate change poses risks to the overall ecosystem. Forest fires, invasive pests, and
diseases are among many threats. Few species will be able to relocate and survive, but the vast majority
will not. You might think this only affects animals and plants, not us.
 Well, sorry to let you down, remember that we are living in an ecosystem where the extinction of one
species can have such horrible repercussions on others, and HUMAN IS DEFINITELY NOT AN
EXCEPTION. Again, if some still don’t take climate change as serious and real, simply be ready to be
put on the Red List.
Besides Health and Extinction, there is still a bunch of other disasters caused by climate change,
such as poverty, food, and water insecurity, as well as extreme weather events.

4. Why do people deny? What can we do?

Now, let’s take a step back, close your eyes, and reflect on yourself. 
What are your feelings now?
 Are you afraid you are destroying your-self life and this world?
 If the answer is Yes (and I hope it is), then I believe you might deny climate change because we
all want to avoid criticism. We may not acknowledge that climate change is partly anthropogenic
although we all observe. 

We thirst for development and are obsessed with increasing possessions exploiting our nature. I
know you are, and I am too. 

But wait, What makes your life happy?

 Do you want to be a perpetrator? I bet you say no. So, small but good actions are needed right
And remember, the micro makes the macro. 
Your actions just make huge sense. Design your own ways to live. Changes are hard, but micro-
changes are much less. Practicing sustainable lifestyles, little per day, especially trying to reconnect to

III. Ending
To end this video, let’s take a look at the boiling frog metaphor. You may have heard about the
story of a frog that adapts to temperature in the gradually heating-up water pot to death as it is boiled.
Well, The Earth is the same as that water pot, it is getting hotter, and we are adapting and appreciating
this change without any reservations. So, Are you being a boiling frog? 

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