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Disusun oleh:
Angela Eugenia (1810103042)

Dosen Pembimbing:
Irfal, S.E., M.M.

Pradita University
Tangerang, Banten
Explain about trend and issue about impresariat today

All impresario businesses aim for entertainment, impresario services include music concerts,
exhibitions, cinemas, festivals, and many more. Even though impresario services are in a
slump due to the pandemic, impresario services in Indonesia can still survive, there are many
ways to keep the tourism business alive. The pandemic has not stopped the creativity of the
nation's children from continuing to work even though it is carried out virtually. For example
is student activities on campus, even though it still pandemic, students throughout Indonesia
are even aggressively creating positive programs, content, and events to fill their free time.
Many talk shows, webinars, and workshops are held by students. Students want to contribute
in advancing Indonesian education by presenting events that can increase their knowledge. It
is very easy to find information about webinars, talk shows, and workshops. Students can
simply access social media such as Instagram and Telegram then they will easily find the

For events such as music concerts, there are many concerts that are held virtually. Although
the audience will not feel the atmosphere of the live concert, the virtual concert is no less fun.
But there are many positive things that can be felt, they can still watch their idols sing and
they don't have to jostle with other audiences. Ticket prices will also not be as expensive as
live concerts, so virtual concerts can be enjoyed by more people. Another positive thing is
that because virtual concerts don't require a large venue, virtual concerts can be attended by
hundreds to thousands of spectators, so audiences don't have to scramble to buy tickets.
Because before the pandemic happened, buying concert tickets was not always easy. We have
to scramble and hurry before it sold out because the seats are very limited.

Event exhibitions can also be carried out well even though they are held online, exhibitions
can be done by inviting tenants or vendors in Zoom Meetings, tenants can present the
products they market to the audience. This of course will not be a problem because buying
and selling are now done by online. Not only food and beverage exhibitions, educational
exhibitions or job fairs can also be held. Job recruiters or universities can make a
presentations in Zoom Meetings or Google Meet, at the end of the event a question and
answer session can be held so that the audience can ask them when they have a questions. A
giveaway can also be held so that the audience does not get bored while participating in the
The cinema business is in a slump, cinemas are still closed today. However, viewers have
another alternative, namely by subscribing to Netflix, WeTV or Disney+. During this
pandemic, Netflix is very widely used and very popular among teenagers to adults because
most people feel bored when working from home, one of the activities that can be done is
watching. Shows and movies on netflix are also very varied so they can treat the boredom
during the pandemic. Moreover, some applications create features so that viewers can interact
with each other while watching the same movie. For example is WeTV, where viewers can
give a comment on each other while watching. This is certainly very interesting, the audience
will not feel lonely. This is also a good strategy, because if viewers like the feature they will
subscribe again.

The current trend and issue of impresario is the entertainment activities are still being carried
out even though they are not carried out directly, all activities are carried out virtually.
However, the event was still fun and success. It is hoped that the pandemic will end soon so
that the impresario business can be carried out directly again.

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