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Development studies

Development study is a discipline that gives particular skills on solving various problems and assembles
people of different backgrounds.

1. To make students understand and explain the concept and theories of social development in
developing countries and make you are the factors that influence social development.
2. To understand the current issues of the world, meaning the contemporary issues that are
happening at the local level, continental level and global level.
3. To make us able to discuss, analyze and participate in the issues of social development, meaning
be part of that discussion as well.

Concept and theories of social development

Development: this is the concern of everyone because the process of development affects

People define development different because of their backgrounds, example a lawyer will define
development in a different way then a doctor will define development.

There are two group when defining development.

-there are those who say that development is an economic growth.

Some people say that development includes totality and comprehensive process that includes all issues
and sectors of the economy.

Development: this terms is defined differently by many people from different professions
example a lawyer would define different from a doctor, but in actual sense it means moving from a lower
stage to a better stage.

Marxists theory of social development: he says that this is the theory that is based on social change, by
changing the inequalities and injustices that are created by the capitalists.
Factors that hinder development in tanzania

1. Lack of direct market

2. Poor participation in agricultural sectors
3. Corruption
4. Unemployment
5. Diseases
6. Ignorance
7. Exploitation
8. Poor leadership

Factors hindering economic development

➢ Poor infrastructures
➢ Corruption
➢ Exploitation of resources
➢ Lack of adequate education
➢ Poor leadership

Factors affecting social development

➢ School programs
➢ Participation in social organizations : helps a child to increase his social understanding and
cooperation with other people.
➢ Love and affection.
➢ Social-economic status of the family.
➢ Home environment

Foundation of faith and ethics

We could say that ethics are principals that governs a person’s behavior.

Faith: this is the complete trust or confidence in someone or in something, interns of religion this is
a strong belief in god or in the doctrines of a religion. Every person believe in something

Religion: means a belief in super natural power which a person believes in.
Artributes of most religion

A collection of cultural system, belief systems and world views ( rex) means king, all the religion have its
own culture, when we talk belief system it means the beliefs inside a person according to his religion.
Incase of world views

Existence of system of symbols: the system relates the actual being to spirituality, example the crescent
and a star it shows the islamic religion which means something to the muslims, while a cross shows

Possession of narratives, symbols and traditions

Possession of sacred histories

Relation between pholosophy science and religion

This discussion has been a bit tough because each one of them claim superiority over the other.

Philosophy; it has to do with the exercise of intellectual ability such reasoning. Meaning that it
basis on reasoning

Science: science wants proof of everything meaning that anything that can not be proven can not
fall under science. Basis material facts.
Religion; this is all about something you can not see and can not be proven you can not prove if
god exists or not. Therefore, each discipline has got its own rules.

Value of religion in human life

1. Religion cultivates the whole person

2. Religion provides people a view of the world.
3. Religion answers some questions which nothing else can answer example life after death
4. Religion provides mankind with moral values
5. Religion gives food to people with spiritual hunger
6. Religion has inspiring great ideas such cultural achievement.
7. Religion as the means of communication, it helps them to communicate in 2 ways horizontal this
is communication among people and vertical involves communication with god.
8. Religion pays attention to key moments in the life of the individual, its there from cradle to
9. Religion shows people their limitations, meaning that it teaches people to be depend on the

Judaism: it originated from israel from the book of torah, they believed in god

Articles of faith in judaism

1. God exists, that the creator is there.
2. God is one and unique
3. God is incorporeal
4. God is eternal
5. Prayer is to god only
6. The prophets spoke truth
7. Moses was the greatest of prophets
8. The written and oral torah were given to moses.
9. They believed there will be no other torah
10. God God will reward the good and punish the weakling.
11. Messiah will come.
12. The dead will be resurrected.
13. knows the thoughts and deeds of men.

Is a monotheistic religion that believe in one god which is based in the teaching and life of jesus christ as
explained in the holy bible.

God is one in three persons, father, son and holy spirit. And jesus is the son of god. Good people will be
rewarded and eveil people will be punished. Use bible as their holy book, there is also baptism

Is a monotheistic religion which is articulated in the qur an which is the holy book for islam, meaning
these are verbative words, which is written in arabic, qur an is the highest revelation. There is only one
allah and he is unique. Islam means total submission to the will and command of allah.

Pillars of islam
i. Shahad declaration of faith
ii. Salat prayers
iii. Zakat arms giving
iv. Saum fast
v. Hajj pilgrimage
Politics and religion in tanzania
Hinduism: this term is more western but the hindu themselves would prefer to call their religion
sanatana dharma meaning the eternal order for them hinduism does not explain their religion. It meas
for them hinduism was never created or founded by any historical figure who is associated with their
religion because it has been there ages and ages. The hindu believe in god but to them god is brahman
who is the holly power meaning the basis of the universe and all life he is indescribable and immaterial.
Atman meaning soul for them the soul does not perish with the body. One gets salvation(moksha) or
mukti is attained when the soul is totally united with brahman to understand all this you have to know
the reincarnation. Incarnation involves a life cycle meaning that it is a chain of existences. The chain of
existences of this life cycle is called (samsara) and it is dependent upon (karma) this is a result of actions
one performed in his or her life time meaning there is bad karma and good karma therefore samsara
depend on karma, your next existence depends on your karma now the concept of karma explains why
people are suffering now.

-african religion only involves with ancestors meaning african traditional religions.

Politics: an act of running governmental affairs which also invlve collective decisions. The
relationship btn politics and religion

Reasons to separate religion and states google it

a) -all religions are not strong to influence culture of tanzania it does not practice the culture of one
b) -biased media
c) -corruption
d) -unfair rights
e) -politics intimidation
f) -election management authorities

Religious leaders will be leading with religious things and state leaders to deal with matter of state

so that the government can not meddle into religious matters

So that there will not be laws that favors one religion

It promotes human rights

Religion can be practiced anywhere by anyone without interference or disturbing others

Poverty: when we talk of poverty at individual level it means that a person is unable to attain or
acquire basic human needs which are food, shelter, clothing and education. But when we talk about
national wise poverty is when a nation lacks human necessities such as health, freedom and food
therefore they are not dependent on themselves they get aid from other states

Effects or impacts of poverty:

a) It brings about increase of crime rate

b) Causes corruption
c) Division in the society
d) Political instability
e) Increase of diseases
f) Increase of deaths

Causes of poverty

a) Corruption
b) Poor infrastructure
c) Natural disasters like famine
d) Diseases
e) Illiteracy
f) Ignorance
Ways of eradicating poverty

- Creation of job opportunities

- Improvement of science and technology
- Better family planning
- Provision of better education
- Governmental support


This is the transfer of power, responsibility and authority from the central government to the local

It aims at bringing services closer to the poor people.

Types or forms of decentralization

Deconcentration: this means handing over some amount of responsibility or authority to

the lower level of central government.

Delegation: this is the transfer of authority or responsibility for a specific defined function.
Devolution: this is the transfer of responsibility and authority by deciding which services they
think are valued to them.

Gender : this is the social difference between men and women

Socialization: this is not necessarily a gender term but it is a general term. This is the
inculcation instilling of values, norms and traditions as well as behaviors and attitude. These are given
from the day a person is born and we continue with them until adult hood.

Through this boys and girls learn a number of things such as to become acceptable man and woman. It
includes how to behave, as well as roles and your position in the society. All this is given by the society

Through socialization we have something called gender stereotypes, these are characters or acceptable
ideas in the society and are transmitted from one generation to the next. Example a woman cooks in the
kitchen, takes care of the man or the husband. Woman have responsibility to take care of the family.

Stages of socialization or gender socialization

Primary socialization: these takes place immediately when someone is born and takes
place at the house hold level, you find your parents behaving in a certain manner and you follow their
behaviors. Example in village young girls are taught to cook at early age and young boys would be playing
football or fighting.

Seconadary stage of socializtion: this takes place outside the house hold
such as through religion in religious institutions, also school how you behave at school is different from
how you behave at home, there are also clubs where they socialize differently from other places. Also in
movies such as cinemas.

Adult socialization: this is the top level where by it requires some kind of
professionalism, meaning it is the stage of decision making who do you want to be, what do you want to
do in the future. Sometimes it may make you behave or believe in a way that you have never expected.
Social construction of gender: this is a process where by a society socializes its
people by giving them their responsibility, obligations and role right from the beginning. We construct
gender to realize his or her position from gender.

Gender identity: you can identify someone and understand that person example on the
way they dress. You realize your roles as a woman or as a man, knowing what you are supposed to do as
a man or as a woman.

Things that the society do to make sure that we are


The society assigns or gives roles, responsibility and rights as well as functions and behaviors as well as
attitudes to its people but on the basis of sex (male/female) , meaning there are different roles for men
and women.

They guide people to follow those activities which go according to their sex, so they will adapt and adopt
attitudes roles, values and activities which only go with their biological sexes. Women and men will be
performing different functions within the society although these functions could be interchanged
although the society will not allow that. Also women and men have different access and control of
resources example women would stay home and get married man would study their way up . Example
we have fewer women on the top positions of the government

Agents or institutions of socialization or social

construction of gender

- House hold: it socially constructs you

- Community: it expands things that you get from home and also sometimes changes.
- Religious institutions: they construct the people spiritually.
- Army: example women were not allowed but we have women
- Political parties:

Functions of these agents

- They provide unwritten policies, guidelines, frame work and setups for guiding socialization.
Example the masai
- They are strict on how men and women should behave.

- They provide a code of conduct. Example the army they have their own dressing code
- They make people to base in culture. But it can also change according to the situation.
Gender equality and gender equity

Equality: this is the principal that all people irrespective of their sexes, ethnicity or tribe or race,
culture , economic and political position and class are considered equally before the law. All people are
equal before the law. This is important because we should not say that men and women are the same
but they are considered equal before the law as well as they are considered to have equal rights. M

Gender equality: principal that both men and women have equal opportunity equal rights
to access resources, ownership and control of resources. Example they have equal opportunity

(1) In decision making

(2) Participate in meetings
(3) Participate in different opportunity

There is no discrimination on the basis of sex in the allocation of roles, resources, rights, privileges and
services all are given equal chances.

NB: but this is an ideal situation, there is no society in the world where there is concrete gender

Therefore gender equality aims at bringing equality on the basis of economic and social progress or
development, also does not mean that we have equal number of men and women in different positions
here we are talking about life chances and opportunity. It includes the rights of men and women to be

Gender equity: this is the principal of being fair, just and of being right in the allocation and distribution
of resources, benefits, roles and privileges and different responsibility and obligations as well as
opportunities in all spheres and at all stages and to all people.

This concept is a step towards gender equality , by giving them some kind of chances or opportunities to
come in.

a) More women will be in different positions in decision making and access resources

b) The women will be heard

c) Women may even become better

Gender mainstreaming

This is a process and a strategy of making the concerns of both men and women a central part (integral
part) of the design, implementation and evaluation of policies at all levels of development so that both
men and women get advantage and are not exploited. Meaning when you are designing any program or
project then the interest of both men and women should be taken into consideration. You institutionalize
the interest of both men and women in the projects that we design. Example in colleges or different

Requirements for gender mainstreaming to be success

Political will: there should be support from political leaders so as to succeed in different
projects and plans

Institutional gender policy: so that even if there is no leadership and another

leader comes in you will still have the mandate so the project continues because the policies are still
. Gender knowledge: mainstreaming particularly for those people who will be
running the program of the gender

Gender frame work should be there so that you can know here will this gender stand on, and are the
people of the institution ready to have it.

Gender unit: or coordinating unit that will over see or regulate all the gender activities within
the institution.

Research unit: this unit will be able to track down ways of finding out the progress that you
have made and how to change whenever there is a problem

Disaggregated data on gender and sex: knowing biologically how many

women you have and how many men.

Gender sensitive monitoring and evaluation indicators:

these will give you how much progress you have made and how much you will make.
Environment and development

Environment includes physical and biological elements of the society which when put together with
socio-economic, political, cultural factors form the eco system of the nation’s production exchange and
consumption processes. This means that the environment consists of a number of things one is the
elements which are found in the land meaning mineral resources, air, water but as well as human beings
and their activities are apart of the environment. It can help in development or under development this is
what we call dialectical relationship we can gain and loose from the environment and vice versa.

Degradation of the environment meaning it has been destroyed

Aspects that indicate that the environment is being

destroyed or is degraded

a) Serious soil erosion

b) Water and air pollution taking place
c) Lost of soil fertility
d) Increase of desertification example in mountain kilimanjaro the ice is going away.

NB;45 % of the land in tanzania has been almost or completely degraded example in bukoba
the forest have been cut down. This crisis is almost in all africa that areas areas becoming

Why is there this threat or crisis of the environment

There is a serious increasing of pressure on the land by both human population and livestock population.
It means that there is over cultivation. You are decreasing forests which are both natural and also those
which are planted.

Bad family practices, due this there is over grazing and as well as over cultivation. There is intensive
grazing when they graze in one area so the soil itself dies because it is over grazed.

Because of bush fires people burn bushes which is a cause of serious destruction of the environment

There is deforestation, people cut down trees for either domestic or commercial purposes. Trees are cut
down and exported abroad. This is because people are greedy for money in the part of the traders but
there is also corruption of different leaders in different levels. Annually there is 0.5mil acres of areas are
cut down for different purposes.

Industrialization , science and technology has also been a cause for destruction of
environment. People who live close to areas where there is an industry they tend to suffer of air pollution
and as well dirty water which is toxic and will cause diseases.

The fact that we do not have policies or the fact that we have policies are also a cause of destruction of
the environment. Such as problem of sanitations people live close with each other and the toilets are
near by. This is because those areas were not planned.

What impact does it have on the people, society and

animals?Or what are the impacts of the environment?

Soil erosion. The top soil is being peeled off while that is the rich soil and leaves the soil very
dry. Therefore, the area becomes infertile. It will lack nutrients

The countries becoming deserts (desertification). In the past when you travel to other regions you see a
lot of trees and forests every where but today we do not see them at all and even those which are still
present are actually being destroyed now.

Scarcity of wood fuel (fire wood)

As well as shortage of water

The problem of soil fertility, if the soil is not fertile anymore eit means that we do not get enough crops
like we use to get means that the production of crops declines, which will indicate clearly that there will
be poverty because of such thing.

Conflicts that arises btn the farmers and the pastoralists.

Corruption, there are some rules which say that people should not cut down trees but the
cutting down of trees continues why is that there must be a reason behind that.

NB; impacts of women fetching water long distance

Social impact (marriage problems such divorce)

Health in the part of women (caring those logs is very bad for women especially when carrying a baby.
Also respiratory diseases because of the fumes that comes out of the fire that women observe while
cooking, people will be getting water born diseases such as typhoid.

Environmental refugees, this involves mostly the pastoralists where by they move form place to place for
their animals to get food.

What are the solution for the degradation of the

How can we conserve our environment?

Colonial governments and the independence government have put programs concerning the
environment at the global level, there are a number of agreements that have been signed that the
environment should be kept safe.

Putting special projects such as by laws at the local level and laws at the national level.
Forming policies that will show how to redirect the chemicals and water that comes out from the
industries and recycling them.

We need to look at the local system knowledge, if we had an environment that was rich in terms of trees
and soil how did the past people preserve the environment meaning we need to go back from the past
and learn how it was done by the local level in the past.

What is religion:

We have african tradition religion

a) Christianity
b) Islamic
c) Buddhism
d) Catholics

important parts of a religion

a) Beliefs (in god, magic, science, spirits for traditional people)

b) practices ceremonies and festivals (muslims pray 5 times a day) weddings ceremonies, burial
ceremonies, birthday ceremony. Mauled for the muslims.
c) Morals and values ( example asking forgiveness, some tribes you are not allowed to sit with your
moter in law, and also women and men eat in different places
d) Objects (cross or crescent) and holly places: this includes relate to the religion.
e) Official leaders: example leader of churches bishops and in muslims we have sheikh.

Major religions on the world

Judaisim: the believers are jews or people from israel, and abraham was the fore father of the
jewish people, the teachings are in the torah(this means instructions or laws of the people) (taurat) 1st 5
books of the old testament. Moses was the one who led the people to the promise land.
Christianity: the believers are christians, they use a holly book which is the bible and they
believe in one god. Who is in trinity god father god son god the holly spirit. Jesus christ in the central
figure for christians regardless of our differences. Catholics have 72 books

Islam: the believe in 1 god who is allah, they have a certain language which is arabic language.

Pillars of islam

Shahad declaration of faith: this is the central pillar in islamic faith. There is no god except god and
muhammad is the prophet. They believe allah is the al migthty god.

Salat prayers: this is the performance of prayers done by muslims 5 times a day.

Zakat alms giving: this may be in terms of money or even buildings to those who are in need.

Saum fast:

Hajj pilgrimage: going at makkah for only those who are financially fit.



African tradition: some tribes when they go back to their place they can go visit their great grandfather to
visit their the tombs, and you have to tell them anything why are you there.
What is the importance of religion?

a) Religion is part of your life, that is why people before doing anything they pray..
b) Religion provides people of the view of the world. Example if you are in a islamic community
your understanding of the world will follow the teachings of the islam.
c) Religion answers question which nothing else can answer.
d) It provides morals values for each beliefs.
e) It gives people limitations in their doings regardless of the high technology you have, whether
you like it or not you will die and whether you like it or not you will get older.
f) It gives food for the spiritual hungers, you always get the right answers when you go to the
mosque or churches.
g) It pays attention to key moments in the life of the individual. When a person gives birth that
same day and dies the same day what shall you do.
h) Religion as a means of communication. It involves people communicating example special
Dialogue for peaceful co-existence between christians
and muslims:
Reason why we need co-existence btn these 2 religions

- Social needs such as school and hospitals

- Social problems such as floods, cholera
- Strong relationship
- Business needs
- A lot of things in common

What challenges will we face in building a relationship

btn the 2 religions

Lack of professional experts: we lack people with sound knowledge of the faith,
meaning that the leaders will eventually fail to educate the people about another religion because he will
not be in the proper position.
Forms of diologue

Dialogue of life: this involves participating in weddings and several events.

Dialogue of action or deeds: coming together in different programs or project

example social needs taking care of widows or orphans.

Dialogue of theological exchange: we need competent people who will

educate us on theological matters , example there are muslims that are good in theology.

Dialogue of religious experience: people who believe on other things and

they have their own meaning on what they believe, but they still have a good cooperation with the
christians and as well as the muslims.

Obstacles to dialogue

a) Insufficient ground in ones’ own faith: the believer does not know the real meaning of his or her
b) Insufficient knowledge and lack of understanding of other people’s religion.
c) Cultural differences: in some places a man marrying a lady can not hug his mother in law.
d) Self sufficiency: meaning that everyone is superior according to his faith. Creates defensive and
aggressive attitudes.
e) Suspicious about the other’s motives in dialogue: may be a person is establishing a dialogue for
another purpose.

Impacts of the dialogue

Knowing each others faith very well

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