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Compliance with workplace hygiene procedures; establishment and maintenance of a safe and secure

workplace; implementation of occupational health and safety procedures and performing basic First-Aid
procedures.The purpose of risk management is not to eliminate all risks. It is to minimize the potential
negative consequence of risks. By working with risk managers, employees can make smart risk decisions
to improve the chance of reward.No matter the department, risk managers can help employees succeed
with their projects. Just as they assess risks and develop strategies to maximize organizational success,
they can do the same for individual projects. Employees can reduce the likelihood and severity of
potential project risks by identifying them early. If something does go wrong, there will already be an
action plan in place to handle it. This helps employees prepare for the unexpected and maximize project
outcomes.Health and safety are critical parts of a risk manager’s role. They actively seek out problem
areas in the organization and look to address them. They use data analysis to identify loss and injury
trends and implement strategies to prevent them from reoccurring.. This clearly benefits employees in
physical work environments, such as construction, but can also help office employees and those in
similar positions through methods such as ergonomics. A safer workplace is better for everyone and is
dramatically impacted by risk management. I learn that Food safety is essential to human nutrition and
food security because poor nutrition and foodborne diseases frequently combine a vicious cycle of
deterioration of health. Consequently, food safety must be methodically incorporated into policies and
interventions to develop nutrition and food security. As the international community changes to the
post–Millennium Development Goal stage with an emphasis on sustainable development goals, food
safety is an essential element in improving global health and ensuring sustainable development. All
workplaces are faced with similar safety considerations, the main difference being the methods used to
complete the task at hand. The only way to guarantee the highest level of safe operation at work is
through the roles of each individual, backed up with a large helping of trust in a person's skills and
abilities. Ultimately this means everyone being responsible for their own actions with the emphasis
being on the completion of the task at hand safely and effectively. Easy to say, you may think, however,
also easy to do, with a bit of planning, education, and a solid set of standards and values, which are
instituted and repeated regularly for all situations. It would be unfair to ask anyone to carry out a task
effectively and safely if that person did not have all the tools to complete said task, and by tools I don't
just mean spanners etc. So, is it not fair then to expect a safe work ethic if proper preparation is
undertaken? There are so many clichés, adages, and proverbs about this situation that some of these
thoughts must be true, however mundane and simple they sound. After all, they were written based on
other peoples' actual workplace safety today is the behaviour or attitude of employees.
This can range from good, bad or indifferent behaviour caused by a number of factors and not limited to
such things as the working environment, the home environment and the people themselves. There is
more and more pressure placed on employees to produce more and compete to the highest level that
this can potentially cause stress and fatigue in some people.

They may have problems in their home environment and be experiencing trauma from marriage
breakdown, custody issues or loss of loved ones.

Others may see safety as someone else’s responsibility and will not participate unless there is
“something in it for them”.Employees need to be motivated to change and the culture of risk-taking
behaviour is influenced by the pressure of performance and an “it will never happen to me” attitude.

With all that has been said and done about attitude and behaviour, if the employee does not want to
change his/her behaviour, as soon as they are out of site they will revert back to their old ways. It has
been recorded where employees working long hours or nights have not intentionally done something
outside of their normal behaviour but, without thinking, have placed themselves in a position where
they have been injured.To overcome these inherent risk-taking behaviours, management need to
promote safety leadership by example, promote safety training and competencies of all employees and
actively seek participation by employees in safety management of their workplaces.

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