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Name: Anne Gwyneth L. Japon Section: ABM 1201

What is/are new?

Activity 5.1 My True Feelings
1. Am I alive? Yes, I am alive because I enhances my ability to empathize. It allows me
to connect and support others because of my good and bad experiences and how other
people, family, and friends stood for me in difficult situations and circumstances.
2. Why am I happy? I am grateful to be alive. Everyone has a cause to be cheerful.
You're still alive. It can be difficult to be glad about being alive at times, but it means you
have the power to change your life's trajectory. While there are numerous aspects to
living a meaningful life, I've discovered that happiness is at the heart of feeling fulfilled.
Science, it appears, agrees with us.
However, happiness is a permanent feeling or emotion that is part of the human
3. Why do I love my family? I adore my family because they assist me in achieving my
goals and they encourage me to pursue them. I love them very much because they love
me and care for me like any other kid. The most important reason I love my family is
because they know and love Jesus and helped me to know him as my personal Savior.
Having your family in your life and establishing a close link with them can help you live a
better life. Many people do their best to make their family a priority in their lives. Having
a loving family is going to prove to be very important for many people.
4. What is true friendship? A true friendship is one that is not based on utility or
pleasure, but rather mutual respect, admiration, and gratitude of the other person. This
type of friendship is one that must grow over time.
A true friend is someone who will always have your back. They keep an eye on you and
make sure you're safe. They would never purposefully lead you to make decisions that
are detrimental to your health. True friendship will always look out for your best
5. What is the meaning of true love? True love is an intense and long-lasting bond
between spouses or lovers in a pleasant, passionate, and rewarding relationship.
Money loses its value when it is not accompanied by love. Money isn't as vital as love.
You work to support yourself and your loved ones. Having the love of someone is very
important, because humans are very sociable, and it is very important to have close
relationships with people you can always turn to.
6. How do you know if you love someone enough to marry them? If we overcame
hardships together; when we have the same future goals and aspirations; when we
share a strong sense of trust and when my life is more peaceful with them.

What’s More?
Activity 5.4: Asking 3Cs
1. What are you CONCERNED about? My concern is my grades in today’s school year
because I’m graduating I need to study hard so that in my college I will find a
scholarship. Good study skills can increase my confidence, competence, and self-
esteem. It can also reduce anxiety about tests and deadlines. I may be able to reduce
the number of hours I spend studying by improving my good study skills, allowing me to
devote more time to other aspects of my life.
2. What are you CURIOUS about? I’m curious about what happens in the future. Also,
in my learnings, I believe that encouraging students to embrace their curiosity is an
important part of education. Curiosity is key to learning. In fact, studies show that, when
we're curious about a subject, we are much more likely to remember the information we
learned about that subject.

What I can do?

Activity 5.4 Come to think of it
1, .What is your purpose in this world? My purpose in life is to live a long and happy life.
Everything that I do is a result of my purpose in life. There are a lot of other things that I
feel are part of my purpose in life, like making others happy, making the world a better
place, spending as much time as possible with the people I love, and challenging myself
intellectually and physically.
2. Is love really blind? Blind love can be real, but there are a lot of people who are in
love with the idea of falling in love and often let their emotions get the best of them.
Converging evidence suggests that our perceptions of romantic partners are often not
based on objective reality, but are rather positive illusions. Thus, for example, we may
perceive our partners as more physically attractive than ourselves, a phenomenon that
has been called the 'love-is-blind bias'.
I believe in this saying “true love exists”, but it's not nearly as common as people like to
think it is. Love doesn't always equal compatibility, nor does it mean that people are
meant to stay together for a lifetime. I believe people can have more than one true love
in their lifetime.
3. How your religion save you from the of wrath of hell? The church teaches no one is
condemned to hell without freely deciding to reject God's love. Catholicism teaches that
God's mercy is such that a person can repent even at the point of death and be saved,
like the good thief who was crucified next to Jesus.
Catholics believe that love can arise from evil and suffering, and that love is an
important part of human life. The Catholic Church sees human suffering as a chance to
follow the example of Christ and believe that it is a part of God's plan.
4. What do you think your future self will remember about you now? My future self will
remember about me now is how I hardworking to be my future goal. Also, how I will be
thankful for people, throughout my journeys in life, it can be hard to focus on who has
gotten where we are. Everyone has someone to thank for giving them some insight into
life along the way. It is important to ask myself, “Is my future self being thankful to
people?” Being thankful keeps our connections with people strong!
5. Where do you think is the most worthwhile place to find meaning in life? Work, family,
hobby, religion, philosophy, helping others, all the small miracles, or something else
entirely? The most worthwhile place to find meaning in life is in the family. A family is
our source of strength. It teaches us what relationships mean. They help us create
meaningful relationships in the outside world. The love we inherit from our families, we
pass on to our independent relationships.
Family is the single most important influence in a child's life. From their first moments of
life, children depend on parents and family to protect them and provide for their needs.
They are a child's first teachers and act as role models in how to act and how to
experience the world around them.
People with open hearts and a willingness to accept you for the human that you are.
Even when things go wrong and a crisis faces you, you can always depend on family.
Family brings you back to your values and helps you make good decisions. Family isn't
just important, it's what is most important!
What other Enrichment activities can I engage in? (Additional Activities)
Activity 5.5 Frayer Model

Critical thinking is the intellectually

disciplined process of actively and skillfully The quality of having experience,
conceptualizing, applying, analyzing, knowledge, and good judgment; the
synthesizing, and/or evaluating quality of being wise.
information gathered from, or
generated by, observation,
experience, reflection,
reasoning, or communi-
cation, as a guide
to belief and action.

facts, information, and Truth is something that

skills acquired by a person has been proven by facts
through experience or education; or sincerity.
the theoretical or practical
understanding of a subject.

What I can do?

1. A.
2. C.
3. B.
4. D.
5. A.
II. Identify the following statement.
Philosophy 6. It is the various ways of knowing, the nature of truth and the relationship
between knowledge and belief
Socratic Method 7. It is known as the procedure of asking philosophical questions, and
is Socrates known for.
8. What is the meaning of ‘Philosophia’? It means ‘love of wisdom’. Philosophy, (from
Greek, by way of Latin, philosophia, “love of wisdom”) the systematic, reasonable, and
methodical examination of reality as a whole or of fundamental features of human life
and experience. Philosophers are frequently referred to solely by their surnames.
Truth 9. It is a conformity of fact.
Wisdom 10. Which aims to determine the nature, basis and extent of knowledge?

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