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. Session :202',-2022


Dear Students (Classes Vl to Vlll),

This is to inform you that lra International school is inviting all the Elite schools to
participate for the "Bird painting competition" Organised by them under the Hub
of learning, with the aim to develop Creativity and lmagination in students of
grade 6th to 8th, cause we all know.
"lmagination is more important than

Art has the role in education to help children become a better version of
themselves . Our task, regardrng creativity, is to help children climb their own
mountains, as high as possible

The sole purpose behind choosing Bird painting theme is that Birds highlight
freedom and inspire us all to fly high , bring out the true potential of our life and
also helps us to find our wings to conquer the sky.

Following are the details of the Competition

Topic-Explore the nature with bird painting

C/asses-6f h to $th
Paper used-1 14 size of white Drawing sheet.
Competition Criteria for students

Medium of painting-Water colour
Theme-Any Cute Cartoon colourtd bird

Class 7
Medium of painting-Poster colours
Theme-Any Enchanting Bird

Class 8
Medium of painting-Acrylic colours
Them e- Any, exoti c colo urtu I bi rd

Name of the Judge and details .

l.Dipak Panchang Sir

(MFA), Asst.Lecture, Sharad Pawar Chitrakala Mahavidhyalaya, Nagpur

2.Sanjay Maldhure
(M FA),Asst. Lecture, Sharad Pawar Chitrakala Mahavidhy alay a, Nag pur.
Judqement Griteria

l.Selection of the bird and information collected

2.Neatness and Beauty of the painting

3. Colour combination

4.Overall imPression of the ar1'

5. Uniqueness and Originality' , -a- .-.L^^^ arl
*Certiflcate will be *"iJuJ to tf.'u students whose ^A,,,arv,,
work will be selected as
"2nd Position
at the back side of their
are requested to write a rittre information of the bird serected
painting ex. Name of the bird , its habitat etc'


the border
Black bordering tape can be used to make

drawing sheet.
be used'
3.114 size of the drawing sheet should


Thank You
I ra lnternational School

20 09'2021
painting in school office on or before Monday'
lnterested students can submit their
between 08.30 a.m. to 01'30 P'm

ieiqddl /Telankhedi
atltgs-9 /Nagpur-f

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