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Tick Tock

He I sat in the dark room, a place to be with no reason. A place to sit calmly and to reflect on
the worlds promises that never came true. A place which you would canvas your world in
thoughts. He glimpsed through the room as he could hear the ambulance sirens cut through
the traffic. “Another person dead today” he whispered to himself. Shaking as the light from
the bright city pierced through his chest like a sharp knife. Tick tock tick tock the clock was
counting down the seconds as he wanted to rewind them back. Every tick brought back the
scene to his head. He gripped his sharp nails onto his hair as he screamed in his head. His
blood boiling through his veins as he clenched his fists. As he wondered around the room he
glanced through the night sky as he could only see the chaos in the stars. It was as if the
universe was commanding him to feel nothing less small inside and how he was against
something greater.

As he held the berretta in one hand he chucked it to the other and continued. The trigger
was cold smooth and satisfied him. But the thrill of pulling the trigger was better he
thought. He heard the police sirens as he was shaking like a leaf. His thoughts trembled as
took a breath in out in out in out. The police cars enlightened the room with red then blue,
just like danger and hope enlightened his heart. As his heart raced faster than ever. It was
time he thought, they wore here for him

He heard the tyres screech it was as if they wore scrapping his heart. The doors shut close as
the doors of hope did as well.
“Police” “Open up”. He didn’t move or flinch.
“Police open up” the man claimed. Warm Tears hopelessly rumbled and tossed through the
mountains of his cheeks.
“BANG” as the metal bar smashed through the door.
The darkness was soaked by his soul the room felt empty, dreadful. His life was flashing by
his eyes like unwanted paintings. He closed his eyes miserably and clenched tight onto the
berretta feeling his cold sweat tingle through his hands and cause him to shiver. He could
hear the dangling keys from the officers, the stomping on the stairs, every stomp was
another glance he took around the sorrowful room.
“OPEN UP” He heard from close. Now the wind from the cracked window had stopped
brushing through his hair and blooming his face with freedom. He uncomfortable moved in
his clenched-up position.
“BANG” as the metal bar broke through another rusted door again. That was it I thought, no
turning back. Four big muscly men fiercely stepped into the dreadful room as the floor
creaked loudly as if it were screaming at him for all he had done. Guilt was roaring in him
like a big demon stuck in his body as he tried to breathe it out. Life had bruised me he
thought that this was it no rewinding. As the clock had ticked the police officer came closer
towards him. Sitting on the couch ready to be taken the officer seemed surprised yet he

“Mr Pedro You have the right to remain silent, anything you say will be used against you in
the court of law”.
Pedro trembled down the path ways of the streets as flashing cameras wore piercing his
eyes. He held up his arms which had tight cuffs on them to cover his face as he didn’t want
to be embarrassed any more then he already was. He anxiously took a breath and stepped
into the car with fear of what’s to come. Unconsciously he started shaking and overthinking
he hadn’t realized the car had already started. The police officer claimed
“You will be taken to iron valley prison, after your court”.

……5 days later….

The prison cells felt as if they wore forcing him down underground burying him in deep
thoughts of regret. He sat there on the concrete floor as buckets of sweat ran down his
body, it was as if he was drowning in sweat.
“YARD TIME!” the officer screamed. All the gates had opened. I took a deep breath and
walked through the corridors trying not to make contact with anyone. I looked up to see a
man who seemed familiar who was young and had a devil tattoo from a gang he had known.
The gang which forced him to murder someone. He clenched his fist with anger as he
clattered his teeth brutally. He couldn’t hold himself any longer, he got closer. He couldn’t
hold any longer so he throw his first punch to the man’s stomach.
“AGHH” the man screamed
“you wanna be like that huh?” the man asked

Before he knew it, he was in the hospital lying down with dark bruises which wore covering
his body. He sat up with fear.
“Hey Hey ,its ok” said the nurse.
“Where am I” Pedro cried.
“You had a fight in the prison which caused you to come here as it was very severe. But you
don’t need to worry you are better now”. A sigh of relief covered his face as he was away
from that dirty prison.
“I’m just going to do a few tests and then you should be done”.
“Okay then” he claimed.
He stared through the window which was wide open, he had a plan. A plan to break out.
“Hahahaah” he smirked and laughed as he wondered why they would do such a dumb thing.
“Everything okay Mr”.
“Yes, everything is just perfect for me”
She had a scatter of thoughts as she squinted her brows, but she didn’t mind and continue
getting the needle ready. Once she took a few tests, she went away. Everything was as if it
was planned. The window was open then the door was locked.

He slowly grabbed the side of his blanket and removed it of himself, He stepped onto the
floor as it creaked loudly. He quickly stepped his foot onto the dusty window and jumped
out. He started laughing
“Haahahaahh yes this is ittt” with joy he grinned hard and started running as his head felt
heavy but he didn’t mind the pain. As he spread his arms running towards the forest letting
the wind brush through his clothes. As the crunching of leaves wore a music to his remedy.
Nothing could ruin his joy. He let himself go in the beauty of the wind as he was free.
I needed some sort of vehicle to go far away with so that no one could find me, he thought.
He could see a small vehicle beside the road. It seemed to be an old Ute or something. It
was grey and dull. But it sure did seem empty. Thoughts wore gushing through his head off
if he should take this risk. It could be just perfect for him to leave the area. He was
indecisive but he still continued walking in its direction. Hope and faith filled his heart as he
trembled into the Ute. As he was trying to get comfortable and lift the Ute sheets onto him.
He was proud of what he had achieved, he grinned and smiled happily. He could hear police
sirens he quickly tried to hide away as he lifted the sheets onto him. The once clear sky got
foggy all of a sudden. My heart pounded faster as the siren wouldn’t leave my ear side. The
Ute had started already and was moving but the sirens wouldn’t go. I lifted my head up
slightly to see where it was coming from as my hands wore shaking unconsciously. He
looked up to see it was coming from the Ute he was in. With shock his blood boiled through
his veins, he was in a police car.


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