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Get Ahead with Gerard


A Skill-based Course for

Consecutive Interpretation
Designed for Advanced Interpretation Qualification Exam Shanghai


Everything is difficult before they are MADE easy!

Copyright Statement

Get Ahead with Gerard is a series of English course-books covering a wide range of
topics including spoken English, business English, translation and interpretation.
The contents of this series are mainly selected from a number of publications both
in print and electronic formats.

The author has conscientiously quoted sources of materials. However, there are also
texts found on the internet, whose sources are now proved untraceable.

This course-book is meant for teaching. It is not, however, for economic benefit now
or any time in the future. Nevertheless reproduction of any part of this book needs
prior consent from the author. Unauthorized use is not recommended.

This statement relives the author from copyright disputes resulting from
unauthorized use of any part of the above-mentioned course-books.

The author

沈 祎
March 30, 2012

About the Author

12 年英语培训教师

10 年国际财经记者,中级职称


目 录

Meeting One ........................................................................................ 1

Orientation Talk 首课 .........................................................................................................................
主题:Qualification Requirements of an Interpreter .........................................................................
Memory and Note-taking Skills ......................................................................................................... 3

Meeting Two ........................................................................................ 7

技巧: 修饰语的位置..........................................................................................................................
主题:礼仪接待 ...............................................................................................................................

Meeting Three ................................................................................... 10

主题: 大会发言..................................................................................................................................

Meeting Four ..................................................................................... 16

主题: 社会进步................................................................................................................................

Meeting Five ...................................................................................... 20

主题: 文化交流................................................................................................................................

Meeting Six ........................................................................................ 25

技巧: 分词短语和非限制性定语从句 ..............................................................................................
主题: 国际关系................................................................................................................................

Meeting Seven ................................................................................... 31

技巧: 长句处理................................................................................................................................
主题: 国家政策................................................................................................................................

Meeting Eight ........................................................................................ 36

Meeting Nine ..................................................................................... 44
技巧:合并/赘述 ...............................................................................................................................

Meeting Ten ....................................................................................... 52


Code of Conduct for ........................................................................... 60

Public Service Interpreters In Britain

Meeting One
Orientation Talk 首课
主题:Qualification Requirements of an Interpreter

Linguistic Competence
Phonetic Competence
What are the qualities required of a public speaker?
What should I do if I don’t speak like a native speaker?
Dealing with foreign accents

Try this
A new horizon is now in front of us, predicated on ever-widening possibilities for development in
all spheres of human endeavors, resulting from unparalleled advances in science and technology.

Acute Hearing
 Major Obstacle to many students who take Interpreters’ Certificate exam
 How to sharpen my ears?
 Intensive Listening v.s. Extensive Listening
 Get focused Dictation

English v.s. Chinese


系。英语注重形式(形合),因此句子之间大量使用各种关系词(When which, whose, why, where,
how, what)和连接词(and.but.or, as well as,so…that, unless, not only…but also)等等。




1. 考虑到您的舒适和方便,您可以住在公司的外宾专用别墅。别墅位于海滩,开车 10 分

2. 今年下半年开始,全国各地都积极的推进经济体制和经济增长方式的转变,实施科教兴

3. Failure to provide a credit card on arrival will incur a cancellation fee equivalent to the first
night's accommodation and the guest will not be permitted to check in.

An Exceptionally Large Vocabulary

Try these:
 劳动密集型产业
 森林覆盖率
 (food) sensual perception, ethical aspects
 安居乐业
 (人类的)生存权
 亭台楼阁,曲径回廊
 nuclear proliferation
 (Sydney Opera House) chronological category

From Pidgin to Precise English

 恢复健康
 恢复邦交正常化
 恢复镇静
 (建筑物)恢复 1920 年的原貌
 恢复名誉

Cultural Awareness
 约翰逊博士, 很久不见, 您又发福了
 介绍一下,这是我的爱人,
 我想发表一些我的粗浅的看法
 望子成龙,望女成凤

Encyclopaedic Knowledge
A knowledge-based profession

Good Memory
All interpreters have a photocopy-like memory? Some do, some don’t.
Short-term memory v.s. long term memory

Logical Analysis Practice:

repetition, retelling, rephrasing

Memory and Note-taking Skills

Note-taking in Interpreting
Necessity of Learning Note-taking
Note-taking is a basic skill that is of utmost importance to aspirant interpreters and
deserves our foremost attention. We know that it is easy for an interpreter to speak from
his/her memory when the speaker pauses after every one or two sentences. But if the speaker,
in his/her attempt to make his/her ideas complete and coherent, keeps speaking for five or even
ten minutes without any pause, which frequently happens on many occasions, the interpreter
can hardly expect to remember all the things that are mentioned. This is particularly true in
cases where the speaker abruptly refers to a long serious of figures or a long list of names and
places. It is obvious that, without the help of notes, one can hardly avoid misinterpreting or
leaving out important information. To supplement short-term memory and reduce the burden
of the brain, it is necessary to resort to notes. Nothing but notes can help an interpreter
overcome the limitation of human memory.
However, taking notes is by no means an easy job. The fact that taking notes diverts
attention and interferes with listening poses the first obstacle. The second problem is that
untrained interpreters are often at a loss what notes to take and how. Thus, to learn
note-taking well, we must, first of all, know some special features governing the acquisition of
this basic skill.

Distinct Features of Note-taking in Interpreting

Note-taking is essentially different from shorthand notes in that the latter employs a
completely different system of symbols which need to be deciphered themselves. In
interpretation, however, an interpreter can hardly afford the time to make the transference
between the symbols taken and the actual words or meaning they represent. Thus it is obvious
that shorthand is impractical for oral interpreters. Note-taking, on the other hand, provides the
best solution to the problem of speed and accuracy. In note-taking, interpreters try to jot down
the key words of a speech with simple characters, words or symbols at the fastest speed possible.
The purpose of taking notes is to enhance the short-term memory of an interpreter and to

remind him/her of the relevant content at the sight of the notes.
The notes taken are meant to be used immediately and exclusively by the interpreter
himself/herself. In other words, they are not intended for others to read or for the interpreter
himself/herself to use when the interpreting is over. So it is absolutely unnecessary as well as
impossible to write down every word. In fact, if an interpreter spends too much time taking
notes, he/she won’t be able to have sufficient time to ponder over the actual interpreting. In
this sense, the importance of note-taking should not be overemphasized. At any time and under
any circumstances, an interpreter should focus his/her attention on listening and comprehension,
trying to grasp the central ideas, sometimes from illogical or ill-organized speeches. He/She must
then reorganize the thoughts on the basis of correct understanding.
Interpreters differ in their ability to take notes. Some interpreters may have exceptionally
good memory, some maybe particularly familiar with the subject matter in a particular field, and
some others may have better skills in note-taking. Needless to say, the content and symbols
jotted down vary with individual interpreters. It is, therefore, not advisable for a beginner to
copy mechanically a system of notes used by other interpreters. Only through practice can
he/she expect to develop a system of notes of his/her own.

Suggested Language to Be Used in Note-taking

There is no absolute rule on whether the notes should be taken in the target language or
the source language. It depends on the preference of individual interpreters. While some
people prefer to take notes in the target language, others may find it much more convenient to
use the source language. In reality, however, interpreters tend to use both languages
interchangeably. Whatever an interpreter’s preference is, the only rule is “quick, clear and

Suggested Ways to Take Notes

An interpreter should not take notes indiscriminately. He/she should, first of all, make a
logical analysis of the original speech so as to follow the speaker’s flow of thoughts. Then
he/she should try to catch the key words which contain the message of the speech. He/she
should omit certain sentences or phrases which are not essential to the main ideas and
concentrate on the important sentences or phrases which give mot information. Special
attention should be given to personal names, places, figures, time, and the names of
Transitional words or phrases are of special importance in indicating the logical relationship
between different sense groups and helping interpreters remember what has been said.
Therefore, they should be jotted down carefully.

if conditional expressions so long as, on condition that, provided/providing that, in case

tho concessive expressions although, though, even though, while, in spite of, despite
to purposes so as to , in order to /that so that
due causes because, as, since, for, for this reason, now that, owing to, thanks to
so results thus, therefore, hence, as a result of , consequently
but transitional nevertheless, still, however, yet, even so, on the contrary, on

the other hand, double-edged sword
Suggested formats for Note-taking
It is advisable for an interpreter to take notes in columns so that each sense group
represented by a key word or symbol in the notes occupies half a line or even on line, and that
the next sense group is noted in another line. An interpreter can also divide the paper into two
halves by drawing a vertical line in the middle. Write on the left half first. When it is finished,
move on to the right half. In whichever case, he/she must make sure to draw two short slanting
lines to mark the end of a sentence, a long paragraph or a large chunk of speech.

: 表示信息来源 think, indicate, according to, statistics, survey, opinion poll, news agency
∵ 表示原因 because, due to, owing to, thanks to, be attributable to, result from, the
∴ 表示结果 so, therefore, as a result, consequently, lead to, result in, cause
Δ、but 表示转折 but, however, yet, on the contrary (灵活处理,可同样指代 though 等词)
表示肯定,同意,积极 agree, advantage, good, satisfactory
表示否定,消极,问题 disagree, disadvantage, bad, disaster, crisis, accident, dispute
>、<、 =、≈ 表示比较,大于,多于,高于,超过,小于,不相同,近似,同样重要
↑ 表示上升趋势 increase, develop, progress
↓ 表示下降趋势 decrease, loss
表示强调 very, extremely, important, the most, the largest{表示各类,不同
different, various, a wide range of, varieties of

表示省略,派生词,相关词 bz=business, cn=China, ec=economy, ev=environment
G=government, H=health, mgt=management, sci=science, tech=technology
〇表示国际,全球 international, global world 比如全球经济〇 ec
⊙表示会议 meeting, forum, conference, seminar, symposium
∞ 表示交流,沟通,友谊,关系, exchange, friendship, cooperation, relationship,
communication, link, trade, negotiation
□ 表示国家, □&□ 表示国与国或 2□
两国经贸往来发展 2□ ec ∞↑



分,考生开始讲 My name is… My registration number is…(考生不能看着准备过的材料发
格原因,如:漏译 1/3;重大错译;未译等


注意事项 1:在口试过程中,应保证(1)考试时间 (2)考试环境(尤其是口译考试过程
中)(3)放音清晰 (4)录音完整

注意事项 2:考官进入试场,请佩带主考证;请关闭手机等通讯工具;请保持试场的安静。

1. 优秀:内容完整、切题,语音语调正确,表达流利,语言基本错误。
2. 及格:内容较完整、基本切题,语音语调基本正确,表达尚流利,语言无重大错误。
3. 不及格:内容不切题或遗漏较多,语音语调错误较多,表达有困难,语言错误较多。
4. 考生正常发挥,口语仍不能达到及格标准者,原则上总评成绩给予不及格。


不及格:内容不完整或不准确、遗漏、错译较多(达三分之一或以上) ,语音语调错误很多,
4. 口译部分不及格的段落相加达三分之一或以上者(高级三段或以上、中级六段或以上
(备注:错译可指: (1)主要意思翻译错误 (2)数字翻译严重失误 (3)严重主体或
措辞错误 (4)大量随意加减 (5)影响理解的语法大错等)

Meeting Two
技巧: 修饰语的位置

I. 口译技巧陈述:
英语右方向分支(Right branching direction), 汉语以左方向分支( Left Branching
Direction),右方向分支语言最大特点,句子为线性结构(Linear structure),后置定语超长
(lengthy modifiers) 左方向分支语言因思维空间有限,则以短句为主。


 修饰语分为前置修饰语(pre-modifier)和后置修饰语(post-modifier)

 中文结构:
 出席会议的人都到齐了。(动宾结构)
 他写的小说很出名(主谓结构)
 松柏稀疏的远处,隐约中露出一座小渔村。(陈述词组)

 前置修饰语:代词、数词、形容词或形容词短语、名词或名词短语、现在分词或过去分
 后置修饰语:介词短语、非限定性关系从句,限定性关系从句,不定式、现在分词短语、


I. 句子翻译
1. 亲爱的朋友们,举办一届“有特色、高水平”的奥运会,是中国对国际社会的郑重承诺。
(0703 高口)

2. Governments, both at the city and national levels, obviously have a pivotal role to play in
implementing the principles of sustainable development. (0703)

3. The Australian Government recognizes both the current value of wine tourism and its
potential for growth; the sector has been identified as having considerable development
potential in the Government’s recent Tourism White Paper. (0709)

4. 希望本次大会在促进能源开发利用、扩大能源国际合作等方面发挥重要作用 (0709)

5. 欢迎您参观上海孙中山故居。您现在看到的这幢欧洲乡村式两层小洋房,是我国
民主革命的先行者孙中山先生和夫人宋庆龄在上海的寓所,1918 年他们人住于此。1961

6. In an era of globalization and high-speed communication, the relationship between

knowledge and progress has become even stronger. (0803)

7. 餐饮博览会是推动中外餐饮文化交流的重要窗口。此次餐饮博览会不仅是一次弘

8. One of the conclusions to be drawn from the Asian crisis is that development is
unsustainable where there is widespread corruption. (0809)

9. 长期以来,就业问题一直是各国政府面临的一个难题。(0809)

10. When talking about quality one must consider the factors that are actually used to
judge quality: appearance, sensual perception, nutritional value, origin, ethical aspects and
environmental considerations. (0903)

11. 各位来宾,我校素有“江南第一学府”之美誉,是一个含文、理、工、医等学科

12. I’d like to introduce briefly Australia's Sydney Opera House. It is a great architectural
work of the 20th century that brings together multiple strands of creativity and innovation in
both architectural form and structural design.(1003)

13. 为了实现这一目标,我们要继续认真贯彻落实以人为本,全面、协调、可持续的发展观。

14. It is a privilege to participate in this important conference, which takes place against the
background of an initial strengthening of the global economic outlook. (1009)

15. Ladies and gentlemen, I'm very glad to attend and address this conference on corporate
governance. (1009)

II. 段落翻译:
Passage One
Mr. Chairman, ladies and gentlemen, it is with great pleasure that I am here to attend this
annual conference. On the occasion of this opening ceremony, I’d like to express my deep
appreciation to Mr. Chairman for this opportunity to address the topic of world peace and
development. Hereby, I wish to pay my high respects for all the representatives present at the
conference. And I wish this conference will lead to a more peaceful and prosperous world//
I'm very positive that this annual conference will provide us with an ideal arena where we
can exchange views, clear up misunderstandings and reach common ground on matters of
common interest. I wish to take this opportunity to talk about the position of my government on
the formation of a new world order and the roles of regional and international organizations. I
believe that our exchanges and agreement on the new political and economic order will help
pave the way for a world of mutual benefits and common development. (2008 高口考题)

Passage Two
今天,我有机会同东盟九国的领导人首次会晤,讨论发展中国与东盟各国面向 21 世纪
处理双方关系,建立中国与东盟面向 21 世纪的睦邻互信伙伴关系。//

III. 回家作业
Passage One
Reference Translation
Distinguished guests, welcome to the Forum on world Civilization. The world is colorful and
the world civilization is many-fold and diversified. People of different countries have traversed
different roads of historical development. Each nation with its own cultural background, social
system and value, will continue to lead a life in its own way. This diversity is the very reason why
world is full of competition, vigor and innovation. //
Countries should enhance exchanges and understanding, and move ahead together on the

basis of mutual respect and equality. They should not allow the diversity to be a barrier to their
hand-in-hand / forward march, still less should they deliberately provoke confrontation and
conflict. To respect and develop the diversity of world civilization and identify common interests
are a great driving force propelling human society forward.

Passage Two
Ladies and Gentlemen. I am delighted to join you again at the World Economic Forum. This
is my third visit in just over two years as Secretary-General of the United Nations. On my previous
visits, I told you of my hopes for a creative partnership between the United Nations and the
private sector. This year, I want to challenge you to join me in taking our relationship to a still
higher level.//
This is a level that is conducive to economic globalization and the common prosperity. To
achieve our goal, we have been working hard for years, and yet for reason that we all know, the
results are far from satisfactory. I propose that you, the business leaders, and we, the United
Nations, initiate a global compact of shared values and principles, which will provide a fair global
market to all peoples in the world and offer everyone at least a chance of prosperity.//

Meeting Three
Topic: 大会发言 Conference

I. 口译技巧陈述
She smiled.
There is a smile on her face.
A smile warmed her face.

The matter asks immediate attention.

The minutes slipped by quickly.

The courage escaped from me at the moment.
Her name escaped me.
A lot of troubles visited the poor family.

The very sight of it makes me feel nervous.
Astonishment, apprehension, and even horror oppressed her.
Her heart did whisper that he had done it for her.

Anger choked his words.
Her eyes tell me that something must have happened.

His weariness and the increasing heat determined him to sit down in the first convenient shade.

This medicine will make you feel better.
The bitter weather had driven everyone indoors.
A second term would give the President more power than was safe for republican institution.
Investigation led us to the foregoing conclusion.

Dawn met him well along the way. It was a pleasant uneventful ride.

His illness left him weak.
Continuous rain prevented us from taking any outdoor exercise.

例:1997 年,中英通过和平谈判成功解决了香港问题,为两国关系发展创造了良好的条件。
In 1997, China and Britain successfully solved the Hongkong issue through peaceful negotiations.
This has created favorable conditions for further development of bilateral relations.
The successful solution of the Hongkong issue through peaceful negotiations between China and
Britain in 1997 has created favorable conditions for further development of bilateral relations.
In 1997, China and Britain successfully solved the Hongkong issue through peaceful negotiations,
creating favorable conditions for further development of bilateral relations.
In 1997, China and Britain successfully solved the Hongkong issue through peaceful negotiations,
which has created favorable conditions for further development of bilateral relations.

The efforts of China and Britain to solve the Hongkong issue successfully through peaceful
negotiations in 1997 have created favorable conditions for further development of bilateral

It is a moral and social responsibility to enable the poor to enjoy modern energy services and
opportunity for development.
Providing the poor with modern energy services and development opportunity is a moral and
social responsibility.
(该句还可译作:Access to modern energy services and development opportunity is a moral as
well as a social responsibility.)


A long-term and stable relationship and cooperation between China and Australia serve the
fundamental interests of both countries and peoples.

The practice in the last 20 years has eloquently proved that we are right in direction, firm in
conviction, steady in our steps and gradual in our approach when carrying out the reform and
opening up and have achieved tremendous successes.

II. 课内练习:
I. 句子翻译
1. Over the past 5 years, according to U. S. data, U.S. exports to China have grown from
$18 to $ 52 billion, while U. S. imports from China have grown from $100 billion to $ 290
billion. Moreover, the United States and China are shaping, and being shaped by, global
energy and environmental trends, which have strong economic consequences. (0803)

2. 威廉斯副总统的这次访问表明了阁下愿意继续推进我们两国之间友好合作关系的
制定了现行的外交政策和经贸政策,发展与各国平等互利的友好关系。(高口教材 p44)

3. Over the last decade, there has never been any place other than Pudong that holds so much
attraction for our people in the business community. It is with this awareness that we have
come here to seek better ways of promoting our economic and financial cooperation. (高口
教材 p47)

4. 中国大量价廉物美的商品出口到美国,缓解了美国的通胀压力,每年为美国消费
者节省近 200 亿美元。美国的资金、技术和管理经验为中国经济发展注入了活力。解决
而不是限制自华进口,才是解决贸易不平衡的正确途径。 (高口教材 p56)

5. The key to making “return on quality” work is marketing research. An inextricable link
exists between customer satisfaction and customer loyalty. Customer retention pays big
dividends for the organization. The ability to retain customers is based upon an intimate
understanding of their needs. (高口教材 p85)

6. 中国确保十三亿多人的生存权和发展权,是对世界人权事业的重大贡献。集体人

China has a population of over 1.3 billion, and to ensure our people the rights to
subsistence and development is in itself a major contribution to the progress of the world
human rights cause. Collective and individual human rights should be considered together
and their coordinated development should be pursued, and the same considerations should
be given to the development of economic and cultural rights on the one hand and of civil and
political rights on the other. This is dictated by China’s specific nation and therefore, is the
only way to progress in human rights cause in China.

7. 中国社会主义市场经济体制已经初步建立,全方位对外开放格局已经基本形成,经济持
续快速发展,人民生活总体上实现了由温饱到小康的历史性跨越。(高口教材 p119)

8. Acupuncture is widely employed in easing cravings and withdrawal pains of heroin

addicts. 40% of the drug courts in the United States use acupuncture as part of their therapy.
In the Miami system alone there are close to four hundred treatments per day.(高口教材

9. In light of the history and development of American values, diplomacy has been
regarded as the most important instrument to which all other instruments must be
subordinated. However, diplomacy, by its very nature, is often overshadowed by spectacular
international events, dramatic initiatives, and meetings among heads of state. (高口教材

10. American commitment to rebuilding war-torn countries came as early as its

commitment to the postwar international monetary structure. Enacting American foreign aid
constitutes part of the American foreign policy. (高口教材 p374)

11. A security mechanism conducive to world peace and stability and to peaceful
development of all countries should be established through the concerted efforts of the
international community. (高口教材 p411)

II. 段落翻译
Passage One
Reference Translation
Dear representatives, on this occasion of the opening of the International Energy
Conference, on behalf of the government and the people of China, I would like to extend my
heartfelt congratulations for the conference and my sincere gratitude for the organizers of this

conference. It is a global wish and common responsibility to take right action to cope with
challenges posed by environment and energy as well as to achieve sustainable development
through strengthening international cooperation.
Along with the global economic growth, energy shortage and environmental pollution have
become increasingly big problems. If they are not solved in a good and efficient manner, not
only will human society fail to achieve the goal of sustainable development, but it will also make
a serious impact on the living environment and quality of human lives. I sincerely hope that the
conference can play an important role in promoting the development and use of energy
worldwide as well as strengthening international cooperation in this field.

Passage Two
Now, let's turn to the problem of corruption. I think all countries should take a firm stance
on corruption, pursue a sensible macroeconomic policy, and are committed to poverty
elimination. One of the conclusions to be drawn from the Asian crisis is that development is
unsustainable where there is widespread corruption. Proper regulation and transparent
economic management will increasingly be a pre-requisite for investment--and not just for
foreign investors, but for domestic investment too. //
Of course, the causes of corruption do not only lie in developing countries. It is
extraordinary that only now the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development is
recommending that all countries make it a criminal offence to offer a bribe to a public official
overseas. We must intensify our efforts, and firmly and resolutely take any necessary measures in
our combat against corrupt government officials.(0809)

III. 回家作业
Passage One
I am very pleased to see that China has now emerged as major world trading nation due to
more than 20years of economic reform. It has gradually and successfully transformed from a
central planned economy to a market-oriented one. I am also very delighted to witness that
during nearly the same period, European integration had reached a significant high level and
profound changes have been taking place. Especially with the establishment of the European
single market, the EU has greatly increased its overall competitiveness.//
China has been one of the largest countries in the world in terms of foreign direct
investment inflow. Being the biggest developing country in the world, China has rich human
resources and enormous market, which has always been the attraction of investment not only to
Europe but also to the world as a whole. As a region with the largest number of developed
countries, the EU boasts abundant capital and advanced technology. Therefore, both the EU
countries and China enjoy a high degree of complementarities in economic, trade, scientific and
technological fields.//

Passage Two


Meeting Four
Topic: 社会进步

I. 口译技巧陈述


1. 他每天在教室努力学习
2. He studies hard in the classroom every day.
3. 在世纪之交,面对前所未有的挑战和机遇,我们对实现下个世纪的宏伟目标充满信心。
4. Faced with unprecedented challenges and opportunities at the threshold of a new century,
we're full of confidence to realize the grand objective set for the next century.
5. 汉语的状语“在世纪之交”一般应置于句首,而英语状语的位置是比较灵活的。译员将 at
the threshold of the century 安排在后,符合英语习惯;但在翻译中添加了一道变换语序
的工序,对中国学生来说可能是一种额外的负担。如将 at the threshold.. .移到句首,
6. 我们愿意在和平共处五项原则的基础上同世界上所有国家,特别是同周边的邻国,发展
7. China stands ready to develop friendly relations and cooperation with all countries in the

world,particularly our neighboring countries on the basis of the Five Principles of Peaceful
8. 汉语的状语在句子当中,英语的状语往往移到句末(或句首),但在口译中,如移至句中,
不妨改为 China stands ready to,on the basis of..., develop...
9. 但是只要(中美)双方从大局出发,从促进国际市场的繁荣和稳定出发,大家都做一点
10. As long as the two sides can make concessions out of the larger interest and out of the larger
interest of promoting prosperity and stability of the world market and trade,then I'm very
hopeful that we'll be able to reach an agreement.

II. 课内练习
1. 值得一提的是,自从我们两国总理互访以来,我们在近海石油勘探和汽车工业方
人民一起继续努力,将我们的合作关系推向一个新的高度。(高口教材 p44)

2. 中美双方着重就加强双边经贸合作、妥善解决经贸问题全面深入地交换了意见,
逐步加以解决。(高口教材 p56)

3. 在这个各国利益交融、休戚相依的时代,与世隔绝不可能实现真正的发展与繁荣,独善
其身不可能实现持久的和平与稳定。 (高口教材 p59)

4. New Zealand is an active trading nation, linked to its principal trade partners by regular
sea and air services. China is one of New Zealand’s principal trade partners. The two
countries have experienced increasing exchanges in many areas in recent years, including the
frequent exchanges in cultural, educational and public health fields. (高口教材 p168)

5. 我希望中英两国青年顺应时代的要求和世界发展的潮流,刻苦学习,知难而进,为建设
自己的国家,为维护世界和平、促进人类进步事业作出应有的贡献。(高口教材 p130)

6. Innovation is now driving the growth of the whole business and manufacturing
industry as companies realize they must innovate to remain competitive in today's global
market. The economic prosperity the United States enjoys today, despite the financial turmoil
in the global market, shows that we are reaping the benefits of innovation. (高口教材 p132)

7. 一个世纪以来,一代又一代的复旦人,以丰富的想像力、活跃的创造力和卓有成

教材 p183)

8. 中国人民把独立自主当作立国之本,在五千多年的不懈奋斗中创造了灿烂的中华
运。(高口教材 p239 2008 年 3 月考题)

9. The global community looks forward to China fully participating in all the institutions of the
global rules-based order, including in security, in the economy, in human rights, in the
environment. (高口教材 p245)

10. Australia is committed to strong action domestically and internationally on climate change,
because we know that climate change is the great moral, economic and environmental
challenge of our time. (高口教材 p246)

11. Information technology has opened up opportunities for new products with more
advanced capabilities and new processes with much higher level. The biggest unknown for
the individual in a knowledge-based economy of this information age is how to have a career
in a system where there are no permanent careers. (高口教材 p319-320)

12. With the right policy, they have huge scope to grow rapidly by importing capital, ideas
and techniques from developed economies and using rich countries’ markets as a
springboard for growth. (高口教材 p338)

II. 段落翻译
Passage One
信息化为经济增长和社会进步提供了珍贵的“数字机遇” 。世界各国都在积极采取措施,大
然导致"数字鸿沟"进一步拉大。 (1003 高口考题)(高口教材 p494)

Passage Two
Holiday resorts usually attract tourists because of their sunny beaches, snow-covered ski
slopes, or championship golf courses. At the ski resorts, it is often an atmosphere of informality
around a roaring fire after the day’s skiing is finished. At a more cosmopolitan resort like a Miami
Beach, it may be nightclubs and stage shows. Many of the resorts give instruction in scuba diving
combined with visits to underwater scenes.//

A cruise ship, such as the well-known Titanic, is a floating hotel where passengers can visit
a number of well-chosen international ports and meanwhile enjoy a party atmosphere
throughout the voyage. Games, dancing, costume parties, and whatever other activities are
devised within a rather limited space. Big-name entertainers are often hired for the entire trip.
Most cruise ships employ social director whose job includes involving all of the passengers in the
activities that are offered.//

III 回家作业
Passage One
荣。我们希望,发达国家应多承担责任,发展中国家要自强不息。(2005 年高口考题)
Reference Translation
China is the largest developing socialist country, and its future development will not only
directly affect the future of the Chinese people, but will also have an important impact on the
development and progress of the world. Looking ahead at the prospects for the next 50 years, we
are filled with confidence. The Chinese people will firmly and unswervingly follow the path of
reform and opening-up, keep pace with the times in the spirit of pioneering and innovation to
build a well-off society in an all-round way. //
China's development and that of other countries are all interlinked and complementary.
We should step up exchanges and cooperation on the basis of equality and mutual benefit. The
Chinese people hope to lead a peaceful and happy life, and also hope that the people of all
countries strive hand in hand to achieve common development and universal prosperity. We
hope that the developed countries should assume more responsibilities in this regard, and the
developing counties should constantly seek to work harder and better for themselves.

Passage Two
Our company’s success is attributable largely to the direct sales approach. Customers tell us
what they want and we build computers to meet their needs and ship them out. In many cases,
customers can purchase our “customized” computers for 10 to 15 percent less than the brands
sold in stores. Direct selling has also enabled us to reduce inventory costs and to stay in touch
with customers. Through toll-free telephone lines, we can find out what customers like and
dislike, and, as a result, incorporate numerous small improvements into our new products.//
We believe that a business must do two things to be successful. First, it must put the
customer first—by listening, understanding, and providing customer service. Second, a company
– both its managers and employees – must act with speed and flexibility. We do very well on both
counts. In just fourteen years, we have made our mark in the computer industry because of our
ability to see an opportunity that larger competitors like Compaq and IBM ignored. Now both
Compaq and IBM are trying to imitate our direct sales approach.//

Meeting Five
Topic: 文化交流

I. 口译技巧陈述
1. 黄浦江畔的东方明珠也是游人驻足之地,登上观光层,举目鸟瞰全市,无限风光,尽收
The Oriental Pearl Tower standing by the Huangpu River is another tourist destination. When
you stand on the observation floor of the tower and look around in the distance, you will
take delight in the charming skyline of the city and admire the endless vistas which you will
find hard to turn away from.

2. 泰山壮观的自然风光和历史名胜,激发了历代文人雅士,书法家为之舞文弄墨,创造了
无数经典佳作,他们留下了时刻碑文,令游客目不暇接,叹为观止。Mount Tai's natural
scenery and historical sites have inspired writers, scholars and calligraphers of various
dynasties to produce numerous great works of all time. The tourist will marvel at a dazzling
exhibition of their inscriptions carved in stones.

升级换代 upgrade 日新月异 develop with each passing day
千家万户 each and every household 五湖四海 all corners of the globe
鸡毛蒜皮 trifles 生龙活虎 bursting with energy
甜言蜜语 honeyed words 不慌不忙 unhurried
质疑问难 raise doubts 单枪匹马 single-handedly
暴风骤雨 a violent storm 唇枪舌战 battle of words
品头论足 be overcritical 高谈阔论 loud and empty talk
英文中也有同义重复(redundant twins )
safe and sound 安然无恙 vigor and vitality 生机活力
forgive and forget 不念旧恶 frank and outspoken 心直口快
stutter and stammer 口吃,结巴 carrot and stick 软硬兼施

indisputable 无可争辩 high-sounding 冠冕堂皇

argue on the basis of reason 据理力争 please the public with claptrap 哗众取宠
have a silver tongue 辩才无碍 argue/talk endlessly 喋喋不休
take the blame 饮咎自责 beyond or above reproach 无可非议
speak out from a sense of justice 仗义执言 meaning between the lines 言外之意
hold nothing back 和盘托出 an implied meaning 弦外之音
state one's views frankly 直抒己见 call a spade a spade 直言不讳
thriving and prosperous 繁荣昌盛 make oblique accusations 指桑骂槐
speak evasively 闪烁其辞 come straight to the point 单刀直入
it is no secret that 无可讳言 weather-beaten 饱经风霜
talk a lot of nonsense 大放厥词 stray from the point 不着边际
devoid of substance 言之无物 talk at random 东拉西扯
talk in generalities 泛泛而谈 be an armchair strategist 纸上谈兵
straying from the subject 漫无边际 reams of rubbish 废话连篇
harp on the same old tune 老调重谈 brag unblushingly 大言不惭
make a great fuss over a trifle 小题大做 taciturnity 沉默寡言

II 课内练习
I. 句子练习
1. 近代中国经历了一段积贫积弱、任人宰割的历史。落后就要挨打,这是中国人民
实现现代化而团结奋斗。(高口教材 p44)

2. Delivering a commencement address is a great responsibility. I have wracked my mind

and heart for what I ought to say to you today. I have come up with two answers. I have
decided to talk to you about the benefits of failure. As you stand on the threshold of what is
sometimes called “real life”, I want to extol the crucial importance of imagination. These may
seem quixotic or paradoxical choices,but bear with me.

3. Seven years after my graduation day, I had failed on an epic scale. An exceptionally
short-lived marriage had imploded, and I was jobless, a lone parent, and as poor as it is
possible to be in modern Britain, without being homeless. (高口教材 p61)

4. 泰山雄伟壮观,峻拔突兀,最高峰玉皇顶为峡谷和险峰所环绕。登临泰山需走九曲十八
盘的路程,沿途可饱览绚丽风光,观赏不同风格的古代建筑。(高口教材 p94) (2004 年考

5. The tourist will admire a wide array of unique and intriguing fauna and flora, a comfortable
and sunny climate, and an interesting, cosmopolitan and friendly people.(高口教材 p96)
6. 到了清朝乾隆、嘉庆年间,上海成了中国东南部的大都市和海运中心。那时,申

7. 自改革开放以来,尤其是自 20 世纪 90 年代初以来,上海开始了新的腾飞,城市
(高口教材 p154)

8. 复旦大学在其悠久的发展历程中,注重中华民族现代理性的开展与人文精神的养
引下共襄盛举,不断树丰功于民族复兴的伟业。(高口教材 p183)

9. At this time of the golden autumn season, Vancouver, like many other places of Canada,
is extremely beautiful. Back-grounded by the bright blue sky, the leaves on maple trees, with
brilliant hues of red, give a flaming tribute to the city. (高口教材 p186)

10. In the modern, globalized world, we are all connected; connected not only by politics
and economics, but also in the air we breathe. A true friendship is one which “offers
unflinching advice and counsels restraint” to engage in principled dialogue about matters of
contention. (高口教材 p246)

11. 首先,中医认为"万物人为贵"。中医将"救死扶伤"视为职业道德规范。第二,中医
境与自然环境相互作用、互为依存,人的身心也是一种相互作用、互为依存的关系。 (高
口教材 p260)

12. 中国有一句古话至今还广为流传,叫做"民以食为天"。几千年的推陈出新和不断累
装盘上桌这些微妙步骤的细心协调,才能取得。(高口教材 p285)

13. By 1950, after a century of anarchy, war-lordism, foreign suppression, civil war and the
war against Japanese invasion, its share of world output had fallen to less than 5 percent.
Now China is making up lost ground. Even if its economy slows sharply over the next couple
of years, its long-term prospects remain bright. As China's income per head catches up, its
economy will soon dwarf those of its Asian neighbors. (高口教材 p338)

14. In filmmaking, special effects do have the potential to enhance a story. But they also
have the potential to replace that story. Some critics say that many modern films rely too
much on special effects. They say filmmakers don’t spend enough time developing a good
story. Without doubt, digital effects are here to stay. And the technology will continue to
improve. Just remember that a good-looking movie isn’t necessarily a “good” movie. (2006

15. 近一时期,国际上发生了许多大事。伊拉克战争已经结束,但社会秩序持续动荡;
这上至政治家,下至老百姓,都无法视而不见,听而不闻。(2006 年考题)
Some major events have taken place in recent months. None of us, from politicians to people
in the street, can afford to overlook. The international situation, while moving in the
direction beneficial to people all over the world, is undergoing a complicated and profound
transformation. This gathering has given a good opportunity to pool our wisdoms in the
discussion of peace and development. I (sincerely) wish it a success.

Passage One

Passage Two
Ladies and gentlemen, please follow me to one of the most spectacular sights of the
Yellowstone Park: the Grand Canyon of the Yellowstone. It’s 37 km long and 366 meters deep.
You’ll see Yellowstone River winding through the colorful canyon. Stop on both the south and
north sides for different views, you may take pictures of Yellowstone’s magnificent Lower Falls. Or
if you‘re ready for some exercise, walk down the trail that leads to the bottom of the falls. Then
look up, up at the plunging water.//
South of the canyon lies Yellowstone Lake, one of the world’s largest freshwater lakes.
Don’t plan on going for a dip—the water is too cold! But from Fishing Bridge you can take a boat
excursion on the lake. Take your time exploring the park. Walk around the thermal areas. Look for
wildlife along rivers and streams. Have a picnic under a big tree. Listen to the wild roar and feel
the spray on your face. The park was created for the benefit and enjoyment of all. Have a good

III. 回家作业
Passage One
中医是我国的传统医学,起源于 6000 年前的神农氏时代。中医学在长期的发展过程中,
逐渐形成了一套医学原则和观点。中医认为“万物人为贵” 。中医师是通过了解人与自然、
同时也鼓励中西医结合诊断和治疗疾病。我相信,我国的中医研究前程似锦。 (2006 年高口

Passage Two
Like many old cities in the world, what Londoners do for a living has changed considerably.
The industry of Manufacturing has steadily declined and today accounts for less than 10 percent
of total employment. Its service industry is now a leading employer, which employs 85 percent of
London's workforce. Tourism is an important part of the services sector. Serving tourists from
home and abroad is thought to employ at least 300,000 Londoners. //
Although the old "Empire of the World" is gone, the "sun never sets" is history, London is
London. Although London has suffered some growing pains through its history, we have reasons
to be optimistic about its future. We're positive that this old city will continue to be one of the

world's great cities in a new spirit of youthful enthusiasm.(2003 年高口考题)

Meeting Six
技巧: 分词短语和非限制性定语从句
主题: 国际关系

I. 口译技巧描述
Hearing the news, they immediately set off for the railway station.

The visiting Minister expressed his satisfaction with the talks,adding that he had enjoyed his stay

I leave Beijing tonight, Mr. Premier, hearted with the agreements we have reached, cheered by
the frankness and fullness of our discussions, grateful for the hospitality you have accorded our
Not knowing the language, she failed to understand what they were talking about.

Lacking communications between generations, some families are upset by the widening
generation gap.(被动—主动)

Attracted by reports of great economic opportunities and religious and political freedom,
immigrants from any other countries flocked to the United States in increasing numbers,
reaching a peak in the years 1880-1914. (主语的选择)
纷移居美国,移民人数越来越多,1880 年至 1914 年达到了顶峰。

Given more attention,the accident could have been avoided.

Untied, we stand; divided, we fall.


Used economically, one bottle will last for at least two months.

Having brought about a lifestyle revolution, Internet use is threatened by hackers’ repeated
attacks of the computer systems of important organizations.(主动被动)

Granting the achievements to be great, we have no reason to be conceited.


Functioning like a magnet, Hollywood draws ambitious young people from all over the world.(词

Swallowing small companies, the big media corporations will be able to control what Americans
read and watch.

The population and the labor force have moved dramatically from farms to cities, from the fields
to the factories, and above all to services industries, thus providing more personal and public

Countries that are more open to foreign competition and investment receive growth-promoting
benefits in two ways: their firms become more competitive and efficient, raising productivity and
incomes; and they also are in a better position to absorb technology from abroad.


Sweeping across Asia, an information technology revolution is causing an acute shortage of
high-tech labor.

Long dominated by the Japanese, Asia’s auto market now lies in the sights of ambitious US and
European car manufacturers.

Extending 1,600 kilometers from the Appalachian Mountains in the east to the Rocky Mountains
in the west, the Mid western Region is the largest in the United States.
中西部地区东起阿巴拉契亚山脉,西止落基山脉,绵延 1600 公里,是美国最大的地区。


It is important that our two countries to search for areas of cooperation, which clearly will add to
our mutual benefit.

All commercial communication satellites, which began to be launched in1965, are now designed
for use in geosynchronous orbits(地球同步轨道)。
所有商业性通讯卫星(1965 年开始发射)现在都设计用于地球同步轨道。

Rockets perform best in space, where there is no atmosphere to impede their motion.

II. 课内练习
I. 句子翻译
1. Our friendly and cooperative ties have become extensive, affecting all aspects of our
national lives: commerce, culture, education, and scientific exchange. We must always be
realistic about our friendship, frankly acknowledging the fundamental differences in ideology
and institutions between our two societies. (中口教材三版 p133)

2. The whole world is watching with great interest the remarkable changes that are taking
place in China, particularly in Shanghai, a thriving and robust megalopolis. To our great
amazement, this country boasts a three-decade persistent economic growth with its
consequent immense contributions to the world economy, which is unequalled elsewhere in
the world. (高口教材 p47)

3. 在新一轮中美战略与经济对话中,双方围绕共同关心的全局性、战略性、长期性
给两国人民带来了巨大的实惠,也促进了世界经济增长。(高口教材 p56)

4. The vast movement of the earth’s crust created a vast land of Australia, isolated it and
positioned it across the tropical and temperate climatic zones. The land has a small
population, which left enormous areas unspoiled. Tourism is a major industry in Australia,
representing about six per cent of the gross domestic product and providing, directly or
indirectly, around 440,000 jobs. More than two million tourists visit Australia each year,
spending about $ 4,000 million. (高口教材 p97)

5. 现时代中国强调的以人为本、与时俱进、社会和谐、和平发展,既有中华文明的
力,正是这种自强不息精神的生动写照。(高口教材 p229)

6. 今天,中国提出构建和谐社会,就是要建设一个民主法治,公平正义,诚信友爱,充满
活力,安定有序,人与自然和谐相处的社会。(高口教材 p230)

7. 今天的中国是一个有 13 亿人口的发展中大国,必须首先保障最广大人民的生存权和发
展权,不然一切其他权利都无从谈起。(高口教材 p239)

8. The idea of a “harmonious world” depends on China being a participant in the world
order, and along with others, acting in accordance with the rules of that order. Failing this,
“harmony” is impossible to achieve. (高口教材 p245)

9. Most of China’s growth over the past 30 years can be explained by high rates of
investment and the movement of workers from subsistence farming, where their marginal
productivity close to zero, to more productive use in industry. China has welcomed foreign
direct investment, which has bolstered growth by increasing the stock of fixed capital and by
providing new technology and management know-how. (高口教材 p338)

10. 15 世纪中国明代初期,航海家郑和率领 2 万多人的船队七下西洋,到达 30 多个国


(高口教材 p335)

11. In recent years, with the growing position of China and some other countries in international
diplomacy, the United States can no longer control U.N. decisions as it did before. (高口教材

12. 我们应该充分尊重各国文明的多样性,而不应人为歧视或贬低他国文明,应该鼓

13. Electronic commerce is booming, creating a marketplace of at least a trillion dollars, most of
which comes from business to business transactions. (高口教材 p349)

14. 面对气候变暖、环境恶化、资源紧缺、疾病和自然灾害频发、恐怖主义蔓延等一
接挑战。(高口教材 p387)

15. Last year, the nations of the world spent over $1 trillion on armaments and weaponry.
But we contributed less than 10 per cent of that amount as official development assistance
to the developing parts of the world, where 860 million people suffer from hunger. My friend
James Morris heads the World Food Program, whose task is to feed the hungry. He recently
told me, "If I could have just 1 per cent of the money spent on global armaments, no one in
this world would go to bed hungry." (2006 年高口考题)

II. 段落翻译
Passage One
It is a privilege to participate in this important conference, which takes place against the
background of an initial strengthening o~ the global economic outlook. Led by China, the world
economy now has the potential for a return to solid growth. The recovery is broadening and
deepening, with all major regions showing improvement. Obviously, Asia is in the vanguard of the
global recovery. This rising tide will also lift our country, and we expect growth in this country to
accelerate in the coming year. //
But we know that the recovery is still uneven, with growth relatively rapid in China, India,
and the United States, but with the euro area lagging behind. Ensuring that the recovery is robust
and sustained requires cooperation. And such cooperation should ensure that no region bears a
disproportionate burden of adjustment. This requires major economic powers in the world to
accelerate their pace of effective structural financial reform. (1009 考题)

Passage Two

际贸易投资更加活跃,但国际竞争加剧,能源、资源问题突出。(2006 年考题)
Reference Translation
The international situation this year remains stable as a whole, but uncertain factors are on
the increase. The world situation this year has more or less the following characteristics: Firstly,
the multi-polarity trend is gathering momentum. After the Iraq war, the international community
realized that the settlement of major world issues requires international cooperation and cannot
be achieved without multilateralism or without a multilateral system centered on the United
Secondly, international security has become more complicated, and regional hotspot issues,
in particular, have cropped up one after another, terrorist activity have gone rampant,
non-traditional security issues have become more prominent. Thirdly, the world economic
situation looks promising as a whole, economic globalization and regional cooperation are
developing in-depth, international trade investment has become more active, but international
competition has intensified, and the contrast between energy and resource is more salient.

III. 回家作业
Passage One
The United Nations has had no more consistent supporter than this country for its charter
and the work of its specialized agencies. We take part in many UN activities. We accept the
jurisdiction of the International Court of Justice and are active in development of the
international law. Our country has been a member of the Organization for Economic Cooperation
and Development for almost 30 years. Global economic issues are among the core elements of
international relations and we give priority attention to these issues.//
Our diplomatic policy has been greatly influenced by our increasing dependence on
international trade and the effects of the world economy. Our economic and political future is
linked closely with those of our neighbors. We take the view that peace and prosperity in the
Asia-Pacific region depends on the ability of the region's countries to cooperate to maintain
economic growth and political stability. We are keen to ensure the stability and security of this
region and to develop mutually profitable trade, technological exchanges and cooperation.(2006

Passage Two
群力,共同探讨新形势下企业的成长与发展模式,寻求亚太经济的振兴之路。(2006 年高口

Reference Translation:
Today, the economic situation in the Asia-Pacific region has undergone multiple changes,
requesting from us new ways to deal with them. There is no denying that economic globalization
has triggered more fierce market competition worldwide. As major players in economic activities
and technological innovation, enterprises are obviously under pressure from competition.
However a wider range of competition implies a wider range of cooperation at the same time.//
We stand for cooperation amidst competition, common development through cooperation
and economic prosperity from common development, which will eventually lead to a better life
for all people together. I am confident that this Summit will help the entrepreneurs from various
economies to unite as one, pool their wisdom and efforts, and together explore modalities for
the growth and development of enterprises in the new situation, look for ways to (economically)
rejuvenate the Asia-Pacific.

Meeting Seven
技巧: 长句处理
主题: 国家政策

I. 口译技巧描述
The fact that the average Englishman's home has become his workshop is partly because he is
keen on working with his hands and partly because he feels, for one reason or another that he
must do for himself many household jobs for which, some years ago, he would have hired
professional help.
I wondered (1)how she would feel(2)if she learned that the Negro(3)before whom she had
behaved in such an unladylike manner(4)was habitually a white man(3).
我心中思衬(1) ,在一个黑人面前表现得如此有失女士风度(4) ,倘若得知这个黑人其实是
白人时(3) ,不知她作何感想(2) 。

American schools, both public and private, consist of 12 years of grades(1)--basically 8 years of
elementary school and 4 years of secondary or high school(2), although grades 7 and 8, or 7, 8
and 9 may be housed together in a middle school or junior high school(3).
美国的公立学校和私立学校都是由 12 个年级组成的(1) ,基本上是 8 年小学加 4 年中学(2) ,
虽然 7、8 两个年级或 7、8、9 三个年级有可能都在初级中学里就读(3) 。

Its beginning obscured by unemployment caused by the world economic slowdown(1), the new
technological unemployment(2)may emerge as the great socio-economic challenge of the end
of the 20th century(3).
新技术出现带来的失业问题(2) ,尽管起初被全球性经济衰退所引起的失业现象所掩盖(1) ,
但有可能成为 20 世纪末社会经济的重大难题(3) 。

When the "energy crisis" first came in 1973 - 1974(1), I was living with my family in a cabin on
the edge of an area(2)where deer spend the winter(3)in northern Minnesota(2), observing
the deer as their behavior changed from more activity in summer and fall to less as winter
progressed(4), followed by an increase again in the spring as the snow melted(5).
1973-1974 年间第一次出现“能源危机”的时候(1),我正和家人住在明尼苏达北部一处
鹿群过冬的边缘地带。我们住在一个小屋里(2) (3),观察鹿的生活习性,观察它们如何随
着冬季来临从夏秋的活动频繁变得少动的(4) ,而到春暖雪融时,它们的活动又是如何增加
起来的(5) 。

Now there is in America a curious combination(1)of pride in having risen to a position where it
is no longer necessary to depend on manual labor for a living(2)and genuine delight in what one
is able to accomplish with one's own hands(3).

One of the most heartwarming aspects(1)of people who are born with a facial disfigurement
(2), whether minor or major(3), is the number of them(1) who do not allow it to upset their
lives(4), even reaching out to help others with the same problem(5).
有些人生来面部就有残缺(2) ,残缺有大有小(3) ,但令人欣慰的是这些人中很多人(1)
并没有因此而生活得不愉快(4) ,相反,他们倒去主动帮助其他有同样问题的人(5) 。

Students in these state schools, however, as well as those in private colleges, must pay tuition(1),
but the state schools are much less expensive than private ones(2), particularly for students who
are residents of the state(3).
但是,这些州立学校的学生以及私立学院的学生都须缴纳学费(1) ,不过州立学校的学费比
私立学校的学费便宜得多(2) ,对常住本州的学生来说尤为便宜(3) 。

II. 课内练习
I. 句子翻译
1. A tradition of scientific agricultural research and development, the use of modern
machinery including aerial topdressing of pasture, and efficient pasture and soil management
enables full advantage to be taken of a temperate climate and ample rainfall to obtain high
yields from the land. (2003 年 7 月高口考题高口教材 p169)

2. 我们将认真实施人才政策。坚持德才兼备的原则,加快培养和选拔适应改革开放
才。 。(0703 考题)
We will earnestly implement the strategy of tapping human resources and adhere to the
principle of having both political integrity and professional ability. We will accelerate the
training and selection of outstanding personnel, especially those who are well trained in
international finance, law or modern management in order to meet the new needs of reform
and opening up and the modernization drive. We will deepen the reform of the personnel
system related to cadres to improve their selection, appointment, evaluation, incentives and

3. 多年来,我们一直致力于控制空气污染、垃圾污染、噪音污染和人口爆炸。我们
试图减少城市供水、能源、住房、交通方面的问题,扩大绿化面积,提高环境质量。 (0909
For many years we have made great efforts to control air pollution, garbage pollution, noise
pollution and the population explosion. We have tried to reduce the problems of city water
supplies, energy, housing, traffic and to increase green areas and improve the quality of the
environment. Our achievements have been amazing. We will make constant efforts to
improve human living environments and to create a better future for human beings.

4. The information revolution is making obsolete old institutions and old modes of operation,
requiring the individual, the firm, and the nation to change. (高口教材 p321)

5. “康乾盛世”之后的 100 多年,中国的发展大大落后了,国际地位急剧衰弱,沦为半殖

民地,备受列强欺负。 (高级口译 p335)

6. A study by the IMF compares China’s rapid integration into the world economy with
similar developments in the past, for example, when growth first took off in post-war Japan,
and later in the East Asian newly industrializing economies, such as South Korea or Singapore,
China has grown a little faster during the past 30 years than Japan or the East Asian
newcomers during their first period of boom, but these economies then maintained rapid
growth for a long time. (高口教材 p339)

7. 部分国家主权债务风险持续上升,一些系统重要性金融机构的问题集中暴露,主

(高口教材 p118)

8. 中华之所以能在 5000 年历史进程中生生不息,发展壮大,历经挫折而不屈,屡遭

坎坷而不馁,靠的就是这样一种发愤图强、坚忍不拔、与时俱进的精神。 (高口教材 p229)

9. 我们要坚持加强和改善宏观调控,继续实施积极的财政政策和宽松的货币政策,
握好政策实施的力度、节奏和重点。(高口教材 p348)

10. Thanks to our open and flexible approach, and the investment that we are making in skills
and in innovation, Britain is now Europe’s most successful large economy, and experiencing
our longest unbroken period of economic growth on record. (高口教材 p385)

11. 我们将深化与发展中国家的互利合作,维护与发展中国家的共同利益,积极探索
达国家的关系,努力扩大共同利益的汇合点,妥善处理分歧。(高口教材 p384)

12. It is essential to transcend the differences in social system and ideology in handling
state-to-state relations, and work to seek convergence of common interests, rather than
model the world after one political system or development mode. (高口教材 p411)

13. 联合国作为最具普遍性、代表性和权威性的政府间国际组织,是实践多边主义最
代的重要作用。(高口教材 p418)

14. 科教兴市、人才强市、打造世界级现代服务业,这些不仅是全市人民的共识,而且都在
不断地落实之中。(高口教材 p153)

15. 中国坚持实施互利共赢的对外开放战略,真诚愿意同各国广泛开展合作,兼收并蓄,博
采各种文明之长。(高口教材 p230)

II. 段落翻译
Passage One
国际组织也必须设立机构将这种预测结果直接应用于决策过程。 (1009 考题)
Reference Translation:
In today’s world, people around the world are struggling to survive in the face of adverse
conditions that are worsening daily with, growing deserts, dwindling forests, tainted food, water

and air, as well as the frequent climatic extremes and weather events such as floods, droughts
and typhoons. Worse still, environmental scarcities contribute to violent conflicts in many parts
of the world.
The increasing environmental pressure seriously threatens the future benefits of
humankind. The international community must improve its ability to identify emerging
environmental problems and assess alternative responses. The governments of all countries
should possess the foresight capability to make accurate projections of world’s growing
population, decreasing natural resources, worsening environmental quality and other factors.
International institutions should also set up offices to link the results of such projections directly
to current decision making.

Passage Two
I am well aware of the challenges that we face. We will be up against those challenges;
climate change and hunger, extreme poverty and nuclear proliferation. But I am absolutely
convinced that we are up to the task. There is no problem we face here in America or around the
world that will not yield to human effort, to cooperation. Our challenges are ones that summon
the best of us, and we will make the world better tomorrow than it is today. //
We know that there is much yet ahead that none of us can predict. But I have every
confidence that you will not only succeed by the dint of your own hard work and effort, but you
will also contribute far beyond your own personal needs. This is your moment. Go out and give us
a future worthy of this great university, of this great city, of this great country, and of the world
we all wish to create together.(1003 高口考题)

III. 回家作业
Passage One
Reference Translation
China is the largest developing socialist country, and its future development will not only
directly affect the future of the Chinese people, but will also have an important impact on the
development and progress of the world. Looking ahead at the prospects for the next 50 years, we
are filled with confidence. The Chinese people will firmly and unswervingly follow the path of
reform and opening-up, keep pace with the times in the spirit of pioneering and innovation to
build a well-off society in an all-round way. //
China's development and that of other countries are all interlinked and complementary.
We should step up exchanges and cooperation on the basis of equality and mutual benefit. The
Chinese people hope to lead a peaceful and happy life, and also hope that the people of all
countries strive hand in hand to achieve common development and universal prosperity. We

hope that the developed countries should assume more responsibilities in this regard, and the
developing counties should constantly seek to work harder and better for themselves.

Passage Two
In this world, the dominant trend is still one of peace and progress, but there are a few
interest groups which always want to seek gains by creating tension here and there. This is
against the will of the majority of the people and against the trend of the time.//
In order to create an enormous market demand and promote economic prosperity, we
should make continued efforts to advance the cause of peace and development. We should also
ensure that people around the world live and work in peace and contentment and focus on
economic development and on scientific and technological innovation. (2004 年高口考题)

Meeting Eight

I. 口译技巧陈述
For an interpreter, one of the difficulties in transference of the message is figures. And for a
Chinese interpreter, the difficulties are greater. The reason is that the basic counting units are
different in Chinese and in English. The fundamental solution to the difficulties in figure
interpreting lies in practice, well informed by a good analysis of the linguistic features involved.
However in real-work condition, interpreters are not that much stressed with figures as visual
aids such as overhead projectors, slides are widely used on these occasions. Interpreters can just
explain the projects somewhere in the hall rather than toiling themselves on memorizing and
transferring them between different languages.

I. Interpreting Cardinal Numbers

227 two hundred and twenty seven (AmE) two hundred and seven (BrE)
2500 twenty-five hundred

What is billion in American English?

How does British people say when it comes to “十亿”?
II. Pronouncing Fractions and Decimals
五分之一 one-fifth
二分之一 a half
三分之一 a third

四分之一 a quarter
千分之三 three-thousandths
五十三分之七十九 seventy-nine over fifty-three
九十五分之二十六 twenty-six over ninety-five
III. Interpreting Questions Involving Ordinal Numbers
How many times have you been in China?
How many times have you visited China?
This isn’t your first visit to China, is it?
Is this your first visit to China

How did your team come out in the match?
Did you team win the match/championship?
Did you win/get the first place in the competition?
Is this your eldest/youngest child?

IV. Interpreting indefinite Numbers

Approximates: 大约
In Chinese we have expressions 约,大约, 大概 is put before a round number
来,左右, after a round number
In English we have “about, around, roughly, approximately, some, more or less in the
neighborhood of” before a round number
“or so, or thereabout, in the rough” after a round number

Smaller than Round Numbers 少于

In Chinese we have expressions like “少于,小于, 低于, 不到,不及,不足” before a round
Words like “以下, 以内, 以里”after a round number
In English we have “ fewer than, less than, under, below and within” before a round number

Interpreting Indefinite Numbers Which Mean “More than”

In Chinese we have words like “多于,大于,高于,超过” in front of a round number
Words like “多,几,以上”after a round number
In English we have words like “more than, over, above, upwards of” before a round number
“and more, odd, and odd” after a round number

Interpreting Numbers Which are Between Particular Numbers (介于)

Chinese: 介于„.之间
English: between….and….from to….

Interpreting indefinite Numbers which Are Adjacent (相邻数字)
两三个 two or three/ few/several
两个/两个以上 two or more

Interpreting Indefinite Numbers Like 数十,数百

数十, 几十,好几十,数十年 tens of, dozens of, scores of , decades of
数百,数以百计,几百,好几百,成百 hundreds of, several hundred, by the hundred
数万,数以万计,好几万 tens of thousands of
数十万,几十万,好几十万 hundreds of thousands of

V. Literal Translation of Figures

a drop in the ocean 沧海一粟
within a stone's throw 一箭之遥
ki11 two birds with one stone 一箭双雕
A fall into the pit, a gain in your wit..吃一堑,长一智。

at sixes and sevens 乱七八糟
on second thoughts 再三考虑
by ones and twos 两两地,零零落落地
Two heads are better than one.三个臭皮匠胜过诸葛亮。
Can you come down a little? --Sorry, it's one price for all. 你能便宜一点卖吗?对不起,不二价.
He had one over the eight after be drank only half bottle of the wine。

One man's meat is another man's poison.人各有所好。
I'll love you three score and ten.我会一辈子爱你的。
Ten to one he has forgotten it.很可能他已经忘了。
His mark in math is second to none in the class. 他的数学分数在班上是名列前茅的。
She is a second Lei Feng。她是雷锋式的人物。
I always believe my sixth sense。我总相信我的直觉。
He talks about you nine times out of ten when we have a chitchat.每次我们闲聊几乎都谈及你。
The parson official1y pronounced that they became one。牧师正式宣告他们成婚。
I used to study in France in the year one。我早年曾在法国学习。

VI. Translating Exact Figures (点三杠四,缺位补零)

十亿 亿 千万 百万 十万 万 千 百 十 个
100 10 100 10
billion million million million thousand thousand thousand

NB: Don’t forget the measures that comes after a figure

Fahrenheit, Celsius hectare, acre, centimeter, liter, milliliter
Japan was devastated by a massive earthquake measured 8 on Richter scale.
Japan was devastated by an 8-magnitude earthquake.

VII. Trends in Interpretation

Whenever you read figures in a newspaper or magazine—any type of text will do—take the
opportunity of practicing a quick interpretation of it. You can easily make quizzes with your

Totals can be expressed in English by a variety of verbs, such as “ total, come to, is”
The institutions of higher learning totaled/came to/was 1,075 in 1995 in China.
The total number of students at all British universities is over 250,000.
The number of students comes to 250,000.

Prepositions such as “ of, by, to, at” are often used with quantities to describe trends
There was a rise of 6%.
The figure rose by 3%.
The figure of the middle school students in China will rise to 127 million.
The inflation stood/stayed at 4%.
The sales of the company’s products fell/dropped by 5% last year.

To indicate upward movement:

to rise, a rise
to increase, an increase
to climb, a climb
to jump, a jump
ascend soar leap accrue mount escalate boost swell
an upturn 回升,好转趋势 an upward trend 上升,好转趋势,pick up/recover 好转/复苏 rise
slowly 慢慢地/逐渐上升 spiral upwards 陡升 sustain an increase 维持升幅

To indicate downward movement

to fall, a fall
to drop, a drop
to decline, a decline
to decrease, a decrease

shrink descend slump lessen diminish ebb abate ease
slump 萧条,暴跌, plunge /dive 急降 a significant reduction 显著的减幅

surge--subside rocket--dip-downward slope boom--plummet shoot up—curtail

Stability and fluctuation

When dealing with figures such as economic output, industrial productivity or international
interest rates, it is important to understand the distinctions between various words showing
stability or fluctuation. Some of the most common expressions used to describe stability and
fluctuation are as follows:
to level out/off 达到平衡 to remain stable 保持平衡 to fluctuate 波动 to stand/stay at
保持在 to reach a peak/to peak 达到高峰 stabilize 保持稳定

Intensifiers and softeners

When comparisons are made using words such as higher lower or more quickly the degree of
comparison might be intensified or softened, using words such as dramatically or marginally.
Here are some common words used as intensifiers and softeners in comparison. Note that here
are drawn on a scale, ranging from very intense to considerably soften. You should always have
a parallel set of words available to you in Chinese, so that you can quickly find the right
dramatically, considerably, sharply, steeply, significantly, tremendously, immensely, noticeably,
rapidly, substantially, maximally
slightly, gently, slowly, steadily, subtly, minimally
moderately, (in moderation ) respectively, gradually, regularly, continuously, progressively,
smoothly, correspondingly, proportionally

rise and fall evenly

rise correspondingly
a great deal (far/much/dramatically)higher
sharp drop
fractionally (marginally)lower
somewhat lower
slightly (a little lower)

Name of illustrations
扇形 wedge/slice 投影片 overhead transparencies 圆形百分比图 pie graph
柱状图 bar chart 曲线图 line chart 实线 solid line
虚线 broken line 点画线 dotted line
色调的搭配 color scheme 阴影部分 shaded area

Quantifying Intensifiers




Practice: Describe the stock performance of Budgens

I. 句子口译
1. Over the last five years, two-way merchandise trade between our countries has grown
steadily each year by an average of more than 14%. During this period, Canadian exports to China
have grown by more than 3 billion dollars. Our total two-way trade is now valued at over 53
billion dollars. ( 高口教材 p57)

2. Our success shows in earnings per share that have grown at an average compound annual
rate of 24 percent. Our operating margins have increased by more than 65 percent. We have
reduced working capital investments by about 56 percent, increased inventory turnover by nearly
43%, reduced outstanding receivables by over 15%, and saved $150 million in purchasing costs
via a corporate-wide strategic sourcing initiative. (高口教材 p122)

3. What Londoners do for a living has changed considerably since the city was a commercial
and industrial center in the 19th century. Manufacturing has steadily declined and today accounts
for less than 10 percent of total employment. The printing and publishing industry is now a
leading employer. Far more important is the services sector, which employs 85 percent of
London’s workforce. This is led by financial and business services. Tourism is another
important part of the services sector. London attracts more than 24 million visitors annually,
more than half of them from outside the country. Serving tourists is thought to employ at least
300,000 Londoners. (高口教材 p157)

4. Vancouver is predominantly a service center. Since the 1960s, employment in finance,

insurance, and real-estate-related activities has tripled, that in accommodation and food services
has quadrupled, that in health and welfare services has quintupled, and that in services for
business has increased eightfold. Employment in primary and secondary industries has declined
relative to population. (高口教材 p185)

5. 中国人均国内生产总值刚刚超过 3000 美元,居世界 104 位。发展不平衡问题还很突出,

还有 1.35 亿人每天生活费不足 1 美元。
(高口教材 p336)

6. 长期以来,就业问题一直是各国政府面临的一个难题。国际劳工组织最近发表全球就业
报告指出,全球失业人数已超过 2 亿,创历史新高,总失业率约为 8%。在我国,根据统计,
去年城镇失业人数为 2080 万人。
(0809 考题)

7. The U. S.-China economic relationship is entering a new phase. First, U. S.-China economic
interdependence is deepening. We need each other more and on a broader number of economic
issues. Over the past 5 years, according to U. S. data, U.S. exports to China have grown from$18
to $ 52 billion, while U. S. imports from China have grown from $100 billion to $ 290billion.
Moreover, the United States and China are shaping, and being shaped by, global energy and
environmental trends, which have strong economic consequences. (0803 考题)

8. 中国提出到 2010 年单位国内生产总值能耗在 2005 年的基础上降低 20%、可再生能源

比重提高到 lo%、森林覆盖率提高到 20%等目标。目前,各项目标的实现正在稳步进行,
并取得初步成效,今后中方将继续朝着上述目标做出不懈努力。 (0903 考题)

9. 30 年来,中国经济年平均增长 9.4%,国内生产总值增长至今年的 18000 多亿美元。

但是,要使全体人民都过上富裕生活,我们还需要进行长期不懈的艰苦奋斗。 (1003 考题)

10. 谈到中美贸易问题,首先要看到一个最基本的事实,这就是 25 年以来,我们两国之间

的贸易有了巨大的发展。从 1979 年的不足 25 亿美元,发展到今天的 1000 多亿美元,增长
了几十倍,这种巨额增长,是不是只对一方有力而对另一方不利? 或者说只是中国赚了美
国亏了?不是,事实上,两国都从迅速发展的中美贸易中获得了巨大的利益。 (国家翻译证

II 段落翻译
Passage One
With the European integration, in particular, the launch of the euro, the European Union
has fundamentally changed the world economic pattern and successfully brought new
co-operation opportunities to EU-China economic relations. The two-way trade has increased
more than forty-fold since 1978 when China began to carry out its economic reform policy, and
reached US $125 billion last year. It's expected that European Union will increase its trade volume
with China by 20% this year.
China is now the EU's second largest non-European trading partner, after the United States,
and the EU was China' third largest trade partner last year. At the same time, the EU is the biggest
supplier for China in terms of technology and equipment. It's not surprising that although EU and
China have differences in social systems, development skills, cultural traditions and values and
divergent views on some issues, all these will not become elements impairing the EU-China
relationship.(2006 高口考题)

Passage Two
据统计数字显示,今年上半年上海二手车交易市场成交超过 6 万 6 千辆,同比增长
22..5%。现在上海的购车一族中每 2 人就有一个选择了二手车。在众多二手车品牌中,产量
据统计,桑塔纳在二手轿车的交易量占到了 60%以上。桑塔纳的低维修成本和车内宽
较便宜,而且耐用。(2006 高口考题)

III, 回家作业
Passage One
In a recent television interview the Malaysian Prime Minister expressed his deep concern
about economic situation in his country. Malaysia has undergone financial difficulties from the
combined impact of the world financial crisis, decline in world oil prices and its own prolonged
recession. The direct reason for those difficulties was that investors lacked confidence in the
Malaysian economy.
Due to reform of the currency system, high inflation and major financial frauds, most
people had little confidence in domestic commercial banks and even doubted the financial
policies of the Central Bank and the government. The government and the rubber industrial
companies are in severe dispute over settlement of the latter’s tax bill. As a result, many foreign
companies intended to stay away from further involvement in the country’s development of
economy. (2003 高口考题)

Passage Two

最大的国际机场,距市中心 30 公里。现有 2 条跑道,2 个候机楼,21 个机位,年吞吐量高
达 3500 万人次,航线连接世界上多数主要城市以及国内 142 个机场。(2007 高口考题)
Reference Translation:
Beijing, an energetic city with a long history, is now becoming/ rising to become one of the
world’s modern metropolises. Traffic is vital for the development of the modern city. In Beijing, a
modern, all-encompassing transportation network has been established. The network features a
complete system of free-moving traffic, perfectly functioning and appropriate facilities.//
The airplane is the fastest and most convenient means in a modern all-encompassing
transportation network. There are three airports in Beijing. The Capital International Airport is
the largest international airport in China. Located 30 km from the center of Beijing, the airport,
which annually handles 35 million passengers, is equipped with two runways, two terminal
buildings and 21 berths. The airport has direct links to many of the world’s large cities as well
airports in the country.//

Meeting Nine

I. 口译技巧陈述

a) Increased cooperation with China is in the interests of the United States. (考题)
b) I wish to thank you for the incomparable hospitality for which the Chinese people are
justly famous throughout the world. (中级口译教材)
c) This is particularly true of the countries of the commonwealth, who see Britain’s
membership of the Community a guarantee that the policies of the community will

take their interests into account.
们的利益。 (定语从句前拆译)
d) And we need China to play this role /and support the efforts to put the Round back on
track,/ by helping to build a bridge/ that will serve the ambitions of both the
developing and developed world. (综合)
5.(Barriers to trade tend to be concentrated in agriculture,/ food products, textiles and
clothing and other manufactured goods/ in which developing countries have
comparative advantage. ) In agriculture, these impediments are also severely
compounded/ by the fact/ that developing countries also have to compete in markets/
where huge subsidies abound—to the tune of 1 billion dollars a day in OECD countries.
由于市场上有着大量的补贴,OECD 国家现在的补贴每天达到10亿美元,而补贴
6. Failure to advance the Doha Round would certainly be a lost opportunity for China, as
well as for other countries, to benefit from the economic growth that further
liberalization can generate.

1. 基于中东目前社会动荡和纷扰不安的局面,很多中国公司已撤回工作人员。
Many Chinese companies have withdrawn their employees in the Middle East due to
the social unrest and upheaval in the region.
2. 我想谈一下,外国企业在华投资的相关事宜。
I want to talk about foreign direct investment in China.

II 段落翻译
1. 世界是丰富多彩的。各国人民走过了不同的历史发展道路,有着不同的^:化背景、
会向前发展的伟大动力。 (2004 年高口考题) (高口教材 p130)

2. 复旦大学是一所含哲学、经济学、法学、教育学、文学、历史学、理学、工学、
医学、管理学 10 个学科门类的综合性研究大学。目前拥有 21 个全日制学院、69 个系、
73 个学士学位点、229 个硕士学位点,24 个一级学科和 154 个二级学科可授予博士学位。
复旦大学还有 7 个教育部国家级重点社科研究基地、9 个国家级基础科学研究基地、29
个博士后科学研究流动站。复旦大学拥有国家级重点学科多达 40 个,在全国排名第三。
复旦大学还设有 77 个研究所、112 个跨学科研究所和 5 个国家级重点实验室。
复旦大学拥有高水准的全职教学科研人员 2 700 多名,其中包括 1 650 名教授和副
教授、36 名两院院士,以及 680 名博士生导师。目前学校的在校生已达 45 000 名,包
括全日制学生以及接受继续教育和网络教育的学生。此外,还有 3760 名外国留学生,
在全囯排名第二。(高口教材 p182)

3. In America, many of the society’s most cherished values, such as equal treatment for
fellow citizens and respect for the law, depend in practice on individual character. The
development of character and citizenship has always been a primary goal of America’s
schools. Today, it is more important than ever that we educate our young people to be
knowledgeable, compassionate, and involved citizens of a free society.//
Since 2002, 47 State education agencies and local school districts have received grants
to implement character education programs. These grants help schools work with students,
parents, and community organizations to effectively teach universal values such as respect,
honesty, and tolerance. By teaching these values to our children, and living by them in our
own lives, we can build a future of hope, compassion, and opportunity for all.// (2006 及
2007 考题)

4. 上海博物馆新馆建筑总面积 38 000 平方米,由地下两层、地上 5 层构成,建筑高

度 29.5 米。这座壮观的新馆将方体基座和巨型圆顶及 4 个拱形出挑结合起来,象征着
汉代铜镜。从远处眺望,新馆建筑犹如一尊青铜古鼎,默默承载着 5 000 年历史和文明
上海博物馆南面大门的两侧,耸立着 8 尊汉白玉雕塑。这是从 300 多件汉、唐雕塑
文物中遴选出 8 件作品加以仿制放大,每件高近 3 米,重约 20 吨,极具庄严雄浑之气。

5 欢迎参观由上海博物馆同纽约艺术与历史博物馆合办的“华夏之光:来自上海博物
馆的五千年艺术展” 。中国历史上的许多辉煌成就令西方人士心驰神往;其内容广袤无
我们从上海博物馆的十三万件异乎寻常的文物收藏中精选了 96 件极品,其年代跨

Reference Translation:
Welcome to “Chinese Splendor: 5000years of art from the Shanghai Museum” jointly
held by the Shanghai Museum and the New York Museum of Art and History. Much of China’s
historical splendor strains the imagination of Western people with its expanse, its cultural
diversity, the length of its history will feast your eyes on some of the marvels in the
2-month-long exhibition(tour).//
Ninety-six pieces spanning the whole gamut of the Chinese cultural enterprise have
been selected from the Shanghai Museum’s extraordinary collection of 130,000 cultural relics,
such as robust bronze vessels, pieces of trio-colored pottery and celadon, and . There are also
fine examples of painted lacquer ware which appeared in China as early as the Neolithic
period. I hope this exhibition tour will allow / foster in our visitors a better understanding of
the ancient Chinese civilization.

6. I am very happy to meet with so many scholars at this annual astrobiology conference
in the beautiful city of Boston, Massachusetts. Here I’d like to share with you some of our
recent discoveries. As regards the origin of life on earth, we used to believe that when life
began on earth, the atmosphere contained nitrogen, hydrogen and other gases but no
oxygen. Consequently, the sun’s rays prevented life from developing on land. That explained
why the first living organisms developed only under the sea.//
Our current hypothesis is that there was a seeding from elsewhere, for example, a
meteor from Mars. The meteor contained evidence of life and it landed on our planet. We
often ask why we are here, how life started, and if we are alone in the universe. These
fundamental questions are often addressed in terms of religion, philosophy, art and literature.
But I think science can contribute to the best answers to these questions. In general,
scientists are responsible to inform the public, to answer the questions that the public wants
to know about the nature.//(2005 年高口考题)

7. 中医是我国的传统医学,起源于 6000 年前的神农氏时代。中医学在长期的发展过

(0703 考题)

8. Many changes are taking place in Americans’ food styles. Comparatively speaking, we
have now many different alternatives to choose from: various ethnic foods,
nutrition-balanced health food, and convenient and delicious fast food, in addition to the
traditional home-cooked meal. Ethnic restaurants are commonplace in the United States.
Because the United States is a country of immigrants, there is an immense variety in its
catering cultures. Any large American city is filled with restaurants serving international
Fast food restaurants can be seen all over the country. Speed is a very important factor

in the life of an American. People usually have a short lunch break or they just do not want to
waste their time eating. On the other hand, dinner with family or friends is again becoming a
very special way of enjoying and sharing. Like so many people in other countries, many
Americans are taking time to relax and enjoy the finer tastes at dinner, even if they still rush
through lunch at fast food restaurants such as KFC or McDonald’s.//(2006 年高口考题)

9. 我很高兴有机会向各位朋友介绍中国的烹调。中国人非常重视“吃”。“民以食为
中国的烹饪文化源远流长;中国的烹饪文化起始于商周朝,距今约 3500 年。//
中国现有的菜肴品种有 11000 种这多。烹调方法有也有 50 多种。在漫长的发展过
细致。而北方菜由于天气寒冷而油重一些,菜中常加醋和大蒜。(2006 年高口考题)
Reference Translation:
I am very glad to have this opportunity to introduce Chinese cuisine to you. Chinese
people value their way of dinning very much.. There is an old saying still widely quoted today
“food is the first necessity of the people.” Delicious and nutritious food has been regarded as
the basics of ordinary / everyday life. The Chinese culinary culture has a distant source / long
history. China initiated the culinary art as early as the Shang and Zhou dynasties about 3500
years ago.//
Up to now, there are as many as 11000 kinds of dishes and more than 50 ways of
cooking. In the course of the historical development the Chinese dishes gradually developed
into Southern and Northern tasters. In general, the southern dishes emphasize freshness and
tenderness, and are cooked with choice materials and fine craftsmanship. Due to the cold
weather, northern dishes are relatively oily, and the use of vinegar and garlic tends to be
quite popular.

10. 毒品祸国殃民。开展禁毒斗争,扫除毒品祸害,是中国政府的历史责任。面对毒
到良好效果。许多戒毒人员成功戒断毒瘾,重返社会,走向新生。//(2006 及 2008 年
考题) (高口教材 p493-494)

11. I’d like to introduce briefly Australia's Sydney Opera House. It is a great architectural
work of the 20th century that brings together multiple strands of creativity and innovation in
both architectural form and structural design. The opera house has come to define not only a
city, but also an entire nation and continent. Beyond that, it is a global expression of cultural
modernity. Everyone in the world with media access knows what the Sydney Opera House
looks like. //
First designed in 1957 and finally declared complete in 1973, the opera house was the
single best-known modern building in the world. At the tip of a peninsula projecting into
Sydney Harbor, the building has had an enduring influence on architecture. The Sydney

Opera House comprises three groups of interlocking vaulted "shells" which roof two main
performance halls and a restaurant. The Sydney Opera House is remarkable for another
reason: it is a complete one-off. It does not fit into any stylistic or chronological category.
(1003 考题)

12. 我曾付给我的随从 100 元钱,作为帮我找回不慎丢失 2 枚 1 元硬币的酬谢。我的

中国传统社会是一个“不患寡而患不均”的社会。 “不患寡”
必削弱国力。//(2005 年高口考题) (高口教材 p490)

13. To a large degree, the measure of our peace of mind is determined by how much we
are able to live in the present moment. No matter what happened yesterday or last year, and
what may or may not happen tomorrow, the present moment is where you are-always! It
goes without saying that many of us have mastered a mysterious art of spending much of our
lives worrying about a variety of things-all at once. We allow past problems and future
concerns to dominate our present moments.//
That’s why we end up anxious, frustrated, depressed, and desperate. On the other
hand, we also postpone our happiness, and often convince ourselves that “someday” will be
better than today. Unfortunately, the same mental dynamics that tell us to look toward the
future will only repeat themselves. Therefore, “someday” never actually arrives.And life is
what’s happening while we’re busy making other plans, our children are busy growing up,
the people we love are moving away and dying, and our dreams are slipping away. In short,
we miss out on life.(2006 年高口考题)

III. Food for Thought 补充阅读

Cultural Reference in Interpretation
Culture is very complex. It manifests itself both in patterns of language and thought and
in forms of activity and behavior. These patterns become models for common adaptive acts and
styles of expressive behavior, which enable people to live in a society within a given geographical
environment. Culture is a communication problem, because it is not constant, it is a variable.
And as cultural variance increases, so do the problems of communication. Richard E. Porter
observes in his article An Overview of Intercultural communication, “if we think of cultural
differences varying along a minimal-maximal dimension, the amount of differences between two
cultural groups depends on the social uniqueness of the two groups. He also believes that
differences between Asia and Western cultures are the greatest among all these groups. Here
we find the greatest number of cultural factors subject to variation. Physical appearance,
religion, philosophy, social attitudes, language, heritage, and basic conceptualizations of self and
the universe are among the cultural factors that differ sharply.
The mistakes most of us make is to assume that our problem in communication stems only

from language differences. Many people think that the problems can be resolved by completing
a language course and by learning how to translate our Chinese thoughts into English. As
communication involves ideas, images, and symbolic meaning, communication problem arises in
any situation in which the life experiences of the communicator are not the same.
Do you think that 粽子 should be translated into simply zongzi, or “ a kind of glutinous
rice dumplings wrapped up in bamboo leaves” as we have in our course-book? The reaction from
a first-time visitor to China is similar to yours when someone asks you if you’d like to eat some
bagel or clam chowder in an American restaurant. Even if you understand these words perfectly,
but since you are brought up in different cultures, food is different too. You won’t be able to
understand what kind of food they are talking about.
Miscommunication can occur in all aspects of life. When it comes to the amount of
emotional expression permission permitted by a culture also varies according to the emotion
involved. We Chinese feel that affection should be shown in privacy, yet insist upon a public
manifestation of sorrow. One of the Chinese classics of The Book of Rite 《礼记》 ,which
elaborates a set of rules and regulations that ensures the grief be properly expressed.
The major difficulties in intercultural communication between Western culture and the
Orient are “patterns of thought”. For example: 保守 or conservative are both negative in
meaning? In Chinese, yes, but conservative is not negative at all. Otherwise why some western
parties, such as Conservative Party in Britain or Progressive Conservative Party in Canada, will use
a derogative in their party name? How to do translate 你这个个人主义者,真是无耻? Do
you think it is “ a shameless individualist” or “egoist’?
The interpreter provides the bridge, facilitating understanding. You must therefore be
aware of the cultural factors affecting communication in both our own culture and the culture of
the other party. We need to understand not only cultural differences, but also cultural
similarities. While understanding difference will help us know where the problem lies,
understanding familiarity may help us come closer.

Here are some other examples:

These are best dishes we’re able to prepare. Please make yourself at home. Now, to everyone,

Suggestions and comments for improvement will be gratefully received.

比较: 西安碑林艺术博物馆“昭陵六骏”展柜中中文解释有这么一段不同的翻译
昭陵六骏„.中的“飒露紫”和“拳毛剐”二匹骏马 1914 年被美国人毕士博盗走,现存费城宾
A: Two of the six stones, known as “Saluzi” and “Quanmaogua” were stolen by an American in
1914. They are now kept at the University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia.
B: These stone chargers are considered to be masterpieces of sculpture from the Tang Period.
Two of the original stone horses are on display in a museum in the United States, and the four
that are on display in the museum here were damaged during an attempt by a private collector to

have them shipped to the United States. This was during the period before 1949 when some art
treasures were stolen from China.

POLITICAL correctness 关于翻译中的政治正确性问题:

I am not talking about euphemism as someone might have expected, but political
awareness, which should draw attention for us interpreters especially those who work with
high-ranking government officials on very formal occasions. For example how to translate “中国
大陆”, mainland China or Chinese mainland? Don’s you think it’s too nationalistic if we translate
抗日战争 into Anti-Japanese War instead of Resistance War Against Japanese Aggression?
Choice of words may well reveal political stance of the speaker. You might still remember a
political standoff between China and U.S. when a US spy plane rammed into a Chinese
surveillance plane over the Hainan Province in 2000. After that, Chinese military authorities,
together with the 24 crewmembers aboard the spy plane, investigated the tragedy, which had
caused the death of one Chinese pilot who was later named as a national hero. However, this is
quite another story on the American side. The US plane is called a surveillance plane and the
tragedy is termed as mid-air collision, whereas the 24 crewmembers were “held hostage” by
Chinese authorities. Why is the difference? The answer is quite obvious.
Lots of translators, eager to achieve the so-called “native-like” standard of English, read
only foreign publications. Coupled with a lack of political awareness, they are very likely to make
mistakes that are not linguistically but political perspective. Therefore, besides working on your
languages, some political education is also necessary, which can be achieved by reading political
journals such as “Beijing Review”.
Some might argue that for beginner translators/interpreters will never have an opportunity
to work with our nation’s leaders. Well, you never know. Even if you are holding corporate jobs,
let’s say, you are a publicity officer of a renowned multinational company, how would you
respond to the media about your company’s recent decision to make hefty redundancies? Will
you speak to the media that your company will “cut off payroll” or “lay off workers” at the risk of
your companies’ reputation as a responsible organization?

Try these:
 现在以美元为主导的世界经济金融体系是历史的体制。
 随着老龄化的进一步发展,老人和高龄老人的数量增加迅速。
 prudent monetary policy
 mentally/physically challenged person

Meeting Ten

I. 口译技巧陈述



例 1:THE TIMES is read by the people who run the country; THE GARDIAN is read by the people
who would like to run the country; THE FINANCIAL TIMES is read by the people who own the
country and THE DAILY TELEGRAPH is read by the people who remember the country as it used to
在位掌权的人读《泰晤士报》 ,渴望掌权的人读《卫报》,大老板们读《金融时报》,怀念大
英帝国曾经了不起的人读《每日电讯报》 。
例 2: Modern scientists have discovered that energy may be created from matter and that matter,
in turn, may be created from energy. 现代科学家发现.物质可以产生能,能可以产生物质。

2. 增译主语,泛指"有人"
例 3:With the rapid development of modern science and technology, information can be sent to
every part of the world.随着现代科学技术的迅速发展,我们能把各种各样的信息传到世界各

例 4:To explore the Moon's surface, rockets, satellites and airships were launched again and
again. 为了探测月球的表面,人们一次又一次地发射火箭、卫星和飞船。

3. 原文主语、"主"位坐稳
例 5:Gerald Ford was voted out of office after two years and now Jimmy Cater, after four.
例 6:New high-tech achievements have been applied to agricultural production.高新科技的成果
例 7:If the technology and techniques are really advanced, co-operation can be prolonged. 如果

例 8:To develop economy, different kinds of talented people should be organized. People of real
ability should be especially promoted and given raise. 要发展经济应当组织使用各种各样的人
例 9:For example, a computer was once used to design a brewery. 例如曾经利用一台计算机来

英语的一些动词成语含有名词,如 make use of, pan attention to, take care of, make
reference to, take account of 等等,变成被动语态时成了名词作主语的特殊被动语态。汉译的
例 10:Care should be taken at all times to protect the computers and other instruments in the
lab from dust and damp. 要始终注意保护实验室中的电脑和其他仪器, 勿使其沾上灰尘,勿使
例 11:Use can be made of these materials to write a report on the delegation's visit to South
Africa. 可以利用这些资料写一份该代表团访问南非的报告。

例 12:These stone processing machines have been introduced from Italy for the newly
established factory. 这些石材加工机器是为新建工厂而从意大利引进的。
例 13:The Secondary School is named after a donator who made a contribution of 50 million
RMB yuan.这所中学是以一名出资五千万元人民币的捐赠人的名字命名的。
例 14:Although the dreams of seeing and hearing things from far, far away was made by human
beings several thousand years ago, such dreams came into reality in modern times. 虽然"千里眼

例 15:This five star hotel was built in 1997 for Hong Kong's return to the motherland.这家五星
级酒店是为迎接香港回归祖国而于 1997 年建成的。

例 16:Much of the energy is absorbed as the Sun's rays pass through the atmosphere.太阳光线
例 17:Imagine that one or other continent is left out, forgotten, reduced to its poverty and its
disorder;what will happen to the others?想象一下,假如这块或那块大陆被遗漏或忘记,变

其前面加上“把” 、“被” 、“由” 、“受”、 “遭”、 “给” 、“为„„所”等字来突显原文句中的被
例 18:I am now writing you, on behalf of the City Delegation, to express our appreciation for the
hospitality which was accorded to us during our visit to your city.我现在代表本市代表团给您写
信, 对我们在贵市访问期间受到的热情款待表示感谢。
例 19:The proposal on the improvement of the investment environment is accepted by all the
members of the committee.这条关于改善投资环境的建设为该委员会全体委员所接受。
例 20:Some achievements in scientific research are limited by their cost in practical use. 一些科
例 21:The Moon, the stars and the Sun are made use of by the seamen to find their latitude and
longitude at sea. 月亮、星星和太阳常被海员们用来确定海上的经纬度。
例 22:Jimmy felt uneasy for the whole day as he was aroused from deep sleep by the ringing of
the doorbell early in the morning.一大清等的大门铃声把吉米从沉睡中吵醒后,他整天都无精

例 23:The conflict was intensified by the different way in which the countries set out after they
achieved independence between the two World Wars.这一矛盾由于这些国家在两次世界大战
例 24:This co-operation is rendered without calculation, without ulterior motive and without

mercantile interest.进行合作时没有其他考虑,没有不可告人的用心,也不惟利是图。
例 25:Not to be served,But to serve

英语有不少被动句子,以 it 为形式主语、即"it+ be+that"结构,汉译时通常使用主动语
It is found that„„据发现„„
It is said that„„据说„„
It is hope that„„希望„„
It is reported that„„据报道„„
It may be safely said that„„可以有把握地说„„
It has been illustrated that„„据(图示)说明„„
It has been viewed that„„讨论了
It was first intended that„„最初就有这样的想法„„
It is enumerated that„„列举了„„
It is weighted that„„权衡了„„
It may be without fear of exaggeration that„„可以毫不夸张地说„„
It must be pointed out that„„必须承认„„
It must be pointed out that„„必须指出„„
It is well known that„„众所周知„„
It is taken that„„有人认为„„
It is noted that„„人们注意到„„

II 段落翻译
1. Innovation not only is driving growth at Merck, but also is benefiting millions of people
worldwide. For patients, innovation by Merck has meant new medicines for HIV/AIDS,
osteoporosis, asthma, migraine and cardiovascular disease. (高口教材 p133)

2. The challenge of fusing past and present is real for media companies, and for China.
Our aim must be to enhance the lives of our customers and citizens, and yet we find
ourselves in the midst of an information revolution that is both exciting and unsettling. It is
a digital revolution turning traditional business models upside down, traversing geographic,
industrial, and media boundaries, and creating a new source of wealth, material and social,
around the world. But the digital is a means, not an end. It is a mechanism by which
people can transform their lives, to improve the education of their children, to reform health
care, and, as we all know, to access news and information and entertainment on an
unprecedented scale.

3. The digital renaissance offers China an excellent opportunity to exercise leadership,
especially as it continues to transform one of the world’s oldest cultures into a dynamic and
competitive economy. (高口教材 p203)

4. Almost all the major media of the 20th century such as radio, motion pictures, and
television were and are like newspapers and books: one-way media. The telephone, which
was invented in 1876, is a two-way personal medium. There is nothing public about a
telephone conversation. In contrast, now in the new millennium, when people communicate
on the web, and through the Internet, they are not only doing and hearing and seeing the
same thing, they are also participating, communicating among each other.//
The Internet is really a magnification of human life. So unsurprisingly, there are some
nut cases on the Internet. There are hackers and other types of criminals and we do have to
work hard to be aware of those problems and do what we can to keep them in check.
Meanwhile, we have to resist the temptation of turning the Internet into a police state or
into an arena where the rights and freedoms that we enjoy off line are curtailed online in
the interest of keeping it safe. We want to be safe, but we also want it to be free.// (2006 年
高口考题) (高口教材 p215)

5. 在这个数字化、网络化的时代,世界传媒业的环境与格局正在发生深刻的变化。
强与用户的互动,鼓励受众的参与,将有助于推动世界传媒业的变革和进步。 (高口教
材 p305)

6. 科教兴国战略是我国的一项基本国策。科技进步是经济发展的决定性因素,发展
革命和全球经济竞争新形势的需要。(高口教材 p490) (2008 年考题)

7. It’s been almost fifteen years since we launched the very first White House website.
During that time, advances in computer technology and the Internet have changed the way
America works,learns, and communicates. With the Vice President’s leadership, our
Administration has helped keep America at the cutting edge of the Information Revolution.
During the past seven years, we have worked to increase citizen access to government by
making a wide range of valuable resources available on-line through government websites.//
Americans are now using government websites to apply for student loans, and find
good jobs. They’re tapping into the latest health research, browsing through collections in
the Library of Congress, and following NASA's missions in outer space. As one of the most
popular websites on the Internet, the White House website provides its millions of visitors
with an array of useful information, including facts about the Presidency, the history of the
White House, a record of our nation’s progress, and access to agencies and services
throughout the federal government. (2006 年考题)

8. 信息基础设施是建设信息社会的物质基础。信息基础设施应能满足人们对智能化、
信息通信网络安全意义重大,特别是"9 • 11 事件"以后,备受各国政府高度关注。
息受到保护,并通过法律法规手段,加强对网络安全的监管,保护通信和网络安全。 (高
口教材 p315)

9. Since the early 1990’s, information technologies have fundamentally changed and will
continue to change the world in which we live, work, study and communicate. Today, on the
threshold of the 21st century, the global Information Revolution has become a reality. The
accelerated development of information technologies is having an increasing impact on the
global economic activity and social structures. //
More significantly, the nature of information technologies is undergoing a profound
revolution. The multimedia information exchange has become digital, wireless, mobile, and
interactive. Advanced electronic networks, particularly in the field of electronic commerce,
are now allowing people to make the best use of business opportunities that are never
before imagined. (2004 年高口考题) (请联系第七段中的第一小段) (无音频)

10. I am very happy to meet with so many scholars at this annual astrobiology conference
in the beautiful city of Boston, Massachusetts. Here I’d like to share with you some of our
recent discoveries. As regards the origin of life on earth, we used to believe that when life
began on earth, the atmosphere contained nitrogen, hydrogen and other gases but no
oxygen. Consequently, the sun’s rays prevented life from developing on land. That explained
why the first living organisms developed only under the sea.//
Our current hypothesis is that there was a seeding from elsewhere, for example, a
meteor from Mars. The meteor contained evidence of life and it landed on our planet. We
often ask why we are here, how life started, and if we are alone in the universe. These
fundamental questions are often addressed in terms of religion, philosophy, art and literature.
But I think science can contribute to the best answers to these questions. In general,
scientists are responsible to inform the public, to answer the questions that the public wants
to know about the nature.// (2008 高口考题)

11. Information technology has opened up opportunities for new products with more
advanced capabilities and new processes with much higher levels of productivity. This was
true for John Rockefeller as it is for Bill Gates. For both of them lifetime savings constituted a
small fraction of total wealth. Saving money can make one comfortable in old age but never
really wealthy. In what has come to be seen as the information revolution, one of the best
ways of creating wealth is to invest in education, especially one’s life –long education.//
The biggest unknown for the individual in a knowledge-based economy is how to have
a career in a system where there are no permanent careers. Education has been a
high-return as well as a high-risk investment. When new knowledge makes old skills obsolete,
firms and companies want to employ workers who already have that knowledge. In this
fast-changing world, there are always young potential employees who believe that
opportunities arising from new and high technology can create fortunes faster than ever
before.// (2006 高口考题)

12. The 21st century is an age of electronic networks that will bind us all together.
Whether we like it or not, we’re bound tightly together in our social and economic life. We
realize that advanced electronic networks enable us to overcome the barriers of time and
distance and take advantage of business opportunities that are never before imagined. //
The world of networks has opened up an entirely new field of possibility and progress,
and it has brought us into an unprecedented age of networked intelligence, which grows out
of telecommunications and electronic communications. This new age of networked
intelligence promises that we are able to combine our knowledge and creativity for
breakthroughs in social development and economic growth. (2005 年考题)

13. It is my great honor to participate in this year’s symposium on information and

technology. We are at the start of a digital revolution, and each and every one of us will be
affected. This revolution is taking place in the system of information, forwarding and
transmission all over the world. Information communication and information storage tend in
the direction toward multimedia systems, to say the least. //
The new century will bring many changes. In our business, it will mean that the tools
that we use to do our work will change. Our computers and other means of information
transmission will change. The traditional means of communication that people use to obtain
information will change. With digital technology, we have in our hands the ability to create a
better world. // (2005 年考题) (无音频)

III.Supplementary Reading
Coping Tactics
In spite of their preparations and skills, interpreters, even those with a solid reputation and
long professional experience, do encounter difficulties in their work. Many of these problems can
be said to be unavoidable and they affect both comprehension and production. When
interpreters are aware of these problems, they are expected to use some tactics to reduce their
impact. The following is a list of basic tactics for interpreters.

When interpreters have not heard or understood a technical term, name, number or other
types of information, they can try to reconstruct it in their mind using their knowledge of the
language, the subject and the situation.
Another possible solution is to reformulate the message in a less accurate manner by using
a superordinate or a more general segment: The Japanese Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi can
just be referred to as the Prime Minister, 23,342 万 can be interpreted as about two hundred and
thirty million, ABB Credit Lyonnais, IBM in Shanghai can be referred to as 上海的一些外资企业
There are some cases when interpreters may understand a term but not know the
appropriate equivalent in the target language. At this time, they can explain it. For instance,
fibre-optic cables as “光纤电缆”

Parrot repetition
When encountering a name or technical term which is not known or recognized, the
interpreter may try to reproduce the sound as heard, by parrot-like repetition. This is not an
‘intelligent” tactic, but it can be efficient; if they know the name or term, delegates may hear it as
it should have been pronounced, without even noticing that the interpreter has a problem. This
tactic is even more efficient in the case of specialized conferences, when the delegates are mostly
familiar with the term both in the source and the target language. If the interpreter can
reproduce the sound as heard, there will be no loss of information and no negative impact on the

Interpreters may miss out some information either because they have not got it or because
it disappears from memory. The omission tactic known as skipping refers to the case where an
interpreter deliberately decides not to reformulate a piece of information in the target-language
Not all the information omitted in the target-language speech is necessarily lost as far as
the delegates are concerned, since it may appear elsewhere or be known to the delegates anyway.
For instance, in specialized conferences, much of the information is given not only by the speaker,
but also in written handouts and on screens, via slides and overhead transparencies. So when
encountering comprehension or reformulation difficulties, the interpreter can either just omit the
information or refer delegates to another information source, such as the screen and the

In consecutive interpreting, as the speaker and interpreter do not speak at the same time,
it is generally possible for the interpreter to ask the speaker for clarification on the information
that has been missed.
But this tactic should not be used very often, and then with caution. One of the problems
is that it draws the delegates’ attention to the interpreter’s problems. This has two drawbacks.
First, delegates are interested in the speech, not the interpreters and their problems. Second,

by drawing the delegates’ attention to his problems, the interpreter may lose credibility, and
therefore also indirectly weaken the impact of the speaker’s message.
Clearly an interpreter who continually asks the client for explanations, alternatives or
further information is not performing the task very well. Nevertheless, there are many valid
reasons why asking is important. Even in our native languages, the flow of a dialogue may be
hindered through incomprehension. This might be caused by the topic referred to, the words
used, the logical link with preceding statements, the cultural implications of what has been said,
and many other reasons. If this occurs in interpreting then the interpreter should ask, just as
native speakers sometimes do among themselves for repetition, clarification or confirmation.
So our suggestion is that if important information is missed, interpreters should consider it
their ethical duty to inform the speaker and delegates rather than skip it. But if the information
is not significant, or if informing the speaker or the delegates may do more harm than good, they
should choose another tactic.

Code of Conduct for

Public Service Interpreters In Britain

Public Service Interpreters are expected to abide by the code of conduct to which they are
signatories. The standards in the Code set a framework for interpreting in the public services,
upheld if necessary by professional and impartial disciplinary procedures. The objective of the
Code of Conduct is to make sure that communication across language and culture is carried out
consistently, competently and impartially, and that all those involved in the process are clear
about what may be expected from it.

Interpreters admitted to the register are expected to:
2.1 have a written and spoken command of both languages, including any specialist terminology,
current idioms and dialects;
2.2 understand the relevant procedures of the particular discipline in which they are working;
2.3 maintain and develop their written and spoken command of English and the other language;
2.4 be familiar with the cultural backgrounds of both parties.

Interpreters will
3.1 interpret truly and faithfully what is said, without anything being added, omitted or changed;
in exceptional circumstances a summary may be given if requested, and consented to by both
3.2 disclose any difficulties encountered with dialects or technical terms, and if these cannot be
satisfactorily remedied, withdraw from the assignment;
3.3 not enter into the discussion, give advice or express opinions or reactions to any of the
3.4 intervene only
3.4.1 to ask for clarification
3.4.2 to point out that a part may not have understood something
3.4.3 to alert the parties to a possible missed cultural inference
3.4.4 to ask for accommodation for the interpreting process;
3.5 not delegate work, nor accept delegated work, without the consent of the client;
3.6 be reliable and punctual at all times;
3.7 must state ( in a criminal trial) if they have been involved in interpreting at the police station
on the same case.


Interpreters will
4.1 respect confidentiality at all times and not seek to take advantage of any information
disclosed during their work;
4.2 act in an impartial and professional manner;
4.3 not discriminate against parties, either directly or indirectly, on the grounds of race, color,
ethnic origin, age, nationality, religion, gender or disability;
4.4 disclose any information, including any criminal record, which may make them unsuitable in
any particular case;
4.5 disclose immediately if the interviewee or immediate family is known or related;
4.6 disclose any business, financial, family or other interest which they might have in the matter
being handled.
4.7 Not accept any form of reward, whether in cash or otherwise, for interpreting work other
than payment by the employer.


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