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Nama : Edo Kurniafen

NIT. : 190803005
Prodi : D3 NAUTIKA

Passive Voice- Exercises

A. Complete these sentences. Use the passive form of the verbs in the lists.
Compose   Eat                  Use
Design        Grow              Wear
Discover     Make up
Invent         Manufacture
Paint           Speak
Write          Teach

1. The Bank of China building in Hong Kong was designed by I.M Pei in the 1980s.
2. The play Romeo and Juliet were written by William Shakespeare in the 1590s.
3. In 1876 the telephone was invented by Alexander Graham Bell.
4. Vincent van Gough was an artist. He made a lot of famous paintings. In 1888 the
Sunflowers picture was painted by him.
5. The Penicillin was discovered by Sir Alexander Fleming in 1929.
6. The music for the film West Side Story was composed by Leonard Bernstein in
7. Both French and English were spoken in Canada.
8. English was taught in Elementary school in Singapore.
9. A great deal of wheat was grown in Russia.
10. Both cars and computers were used in South Korea.
11. Mexico was manufactured of 31 states and a federal district.
12. Kimonos was made up sometimes was worn in Japan.
13. The Bath is the currency that is used in Thailand.
14. A lot of beef were eaten in Argentina. 

B. Change these active sentences into the passive.

1. Agatha Christie wrote many famous mysteries.
Answer : many famous mysteries were witten by Agatha Christie
2. Mary Shelley wrote the novel Frankenstein.
Answer : the novel Frankenstein was written by Mary Shelley
3. Frank Lloyd Wright designed the Guggenheim Museum in New York City.
Answer : the Guggenheim Museum in New York City was designed by Frank
Lloyd Wright
4. The Soviet Union launched the first space satellite in 1957.
Answer : The Soviet Union was launched the first space satellite in 1957.
5. Dr. Christiaan Barnard performed the first human heart transplant in 1967.
Answer : Dr. Christiaan Barnard was performed the first human heart transplant
in 1967.
C. Look at the answers. Write the Wh-questions.
1. Who wrote the Color Purple?
The Color Purple was written by Alice Walker.
2. What is produced in Thailand ?
Rice is produced in Thailand.
3. Where is Acapulo located?
Acapulco is located in Mexico.
4. When were Santiago, Chile founded?
Santiago, Chile, was founded in 1541.

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