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Name: Amilhasan, Ahmad S. Date: 11/5/2021

Year&Section: BSPh 1-C



1. What are the different learnings you gained after accomplishing the LABSTER

- After our group accomplished the LABSTER activity on microscopy, I can say
that I learned a lot of things regarding the said topic. The activity introduces
concepts and techniques in using three different types of microscopes,
namely the light microscope, the transmission electron microscope (TEM),
and the fluorescence microscope. During the simulation, me and my group
observed chicken intestines that were infected with a certain intestinal
disease. The simulation helped me learn more about the microscope and its
mechanisms, as well as useful techniques in microscopy like staining and
using immersion oil. Moreover, I also learned the importance of microscopy in
identifying various cellular structures. Examples of which are smooth muscle,
epithelial cells, nuclei, and many others. Personally, because of performing
this activity, I think that now I have a better grasp of what microscopy is and
the important concepts behind it. Hopefully I can use this newly gained
knowledge in my journey to be a successful pharmacist.

2. Give a reflection about your experience while doing the LABSTER activity?

- Microscopy, by definition, is the technical field of using microscopes to view

objects that cannot be seen with the naked human eye. In this field, students
are taught of the correct and proper usage of the microscope to observe
different samples of bacteria, cells, organelles and other microorganisms that
are too small for us humans to see. In our PBT Laboratory subject, our group
performed a virtual laboratory simulation via LABSTER, about the topic of
microscopy. While doing the lab activity. I learned various things regarding
microscopy and the techniques in using the different kinds of microscope.
Together with my groupmates, we gained a lot of useful information on the
topic by observing an intestinal disease, and understand how it can affect our
cellular structure in the small intestine. Additionally, we also answered
important questions about the topic. Fortunately, we all got the correct
answers to the questions, resulting in having a perfect score on the laboratory
simulation. Overall, I think that this is an essential experience for me as a
student, and it was an engaging, yet fun activity to perform with my

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