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NAME: _____________________________________

DATE PERFORMED: ________________________


A student of microbiology should be able to stretch his imagination ot encompass the

world of the very small living organisms. THese organisms appropriately called
microorganism or microbes, include the viruses, bacteria, alage, protozoa, and some
fungi,. Because they are invisible to the naked eye microorganisms are best studied
using the microscope.

A compound microscope is an optical instrument consisting of a two lens system that

magnifies an object using the objective lens and the ocular lens.The total magnification
is therefore derives by multiplying the magnifying power of the objective used and the
magnifying power of the ocular.

Aside from magnification. A good microscope must have a good resolving power
(resolution) which is the ability to distinguish line detail and structure. Resolution refers
to the ability of the lenses to distinguish between tow points, a specified clearance
apart. A compound microscope has a resolution of 0.2um. 1000 times better that the
human eye

At the end of the exercise, the students shall have
1. Identified the different parts of the compound microscope
2. Described briefly the functions of each part
3. Focused the different bacterial slides and
4. Observed the different types of bacteria according to morphology/

Compound microscope

1V, Illustrations
A. Draw and label the parts of the microscope.
B. Draw the bacterias as seen under Microbes with this DIY Phone Microscope
and indicate their color, shape and other morphological characteristics

C. Bacteria that can be seen under the microscope and indicate their color, shape and
other microscopic characteristics.

V. Results and Discussion

1. What are the mechanical magnifying and illuminating parts of the microscope?
What are the uses of each?
2. When are the plain and concave surfaces of the mirror used?

3. What objective is used when observing fresh specimens? Fixed specimens?

4. Name the different types of microscope and the principles involved with their

5. What are the different shapes of bacteria observed?

Draw and label the bacteria

V1. Conclusion

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