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Answering the following questions can help an entrepreneur determine if an idea can give
customers utility and then turn it into a potential opportunity: Who are my customers? Why
will customers buy my products? How can they benefit from the products/services I will
An idea can transform into a business opportunity when it has business potential—when
you can bring in cash by selling the item. Be that as it may, obviously, not all thoughts
create business opportunities. Being in business isn't about you—it's about the customers.
Successful businessman doesn’t ask themselves "What would I like to sell?" but instead
"What does the customers need to purchase?" Customers purchase items to fill neglected
necessities and in light of the fact that they hope to determine some worth or utility from
them. People don't accept food since they like the taste or even; the fact that the cost is
correct. They don't shop in a site due to amusement: they shop there in light of the fact that
they need their buys conveyed rapidly. The acknowledgment that this sort of service would
address customers issues made a shop a veritable business opportunity.

In terms of economic performance, which sectors serve as the strengths and the
weaknesses of the Philippine economy?

 Unemployment numbers decline, increase in speculations, and more positions for
the US people.
 GDP growth largely resilient to external developments. Regardless of global
demand, the Philippines has figured out how to keep up moderately solid
development rates in the greater part of the previous years, as settlements inflows
have upheld stable homegrown utilization development.
 Solid and improving external (liquidity) position. Huge and stable inflows of
settlements specifically have permitted the Philippines to keep an excess on the
current record since 2003 and have helped in the development of unfamiliar trade
holds (USD 73bn end-2012). In the meantime, outer obligation proportions are

 Taxes are higher, government spends less, and pay disparity. Duties used to gather
income to pay for state labor and products. State controls assets in supply of specific
labor and products.
 Low level of development. Establishments are powerless and administration stays
poor, while the country's framework is insufficient and markets are immature, which
harms the business environment. Moreover, destitution rates are high at 18%, as is
pay imbalance, given a Gini-list of 43.
 Weak Government Finances. Government incomes are moderately low (15% of
GDP in 2012) and public obligation is generally high (51% of GDP in 2012, of which
36% is outer). The public authority's capacity to execute truly necessary public
speculation is thwarted.

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